Panda Cloud Cleaner - END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT 1. LICENSE GRANT. Panda Security, S.L. grants this license for the Cloud Cleaner (hereinafter the tool) to the licensee provided he/she accepts all the terms and conditions herein. By using this tool, you are agreeing to become the licensee and you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this license agreement. Similarly, use of the product implies your acceptance to be bound by the terms and conditions of this license agreement. PANDA SECURITY grants the licensee the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the tool. This license gives the licensee the right to use the tool but does not give him/her any title of ownership over it. This agreement is binding for the licensee who is the only person authorized to use the tool. 2. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The tool is the property of PANDA SECURITY and is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, in Spanish intellectual property laws and by the provisions of applicable international treaties. 3. DATA COLLECTION TECHNOLOGY. PANDA SECURITY informs you that in certain cases it may use data collection technology (including suspect files) to collect technical information to support and improve the tool. 4. DISCLAIMER. PANDA SECURITY will not be held responsible by any person or entity regarding any damage or loss allegedly caused by the use or inability to use the tool, either directly or indirectly, including (but not limited to) business interruptions, monetary loss or loss of anticipated income as a result of the use of the tool. The tool is provided as is, and no claims will be accepted concerning failure to fulfill presumed functions. PANDA SECURITY does not guarantee that the tool is error free, nor that it will function without interruption. Due to its character of free tool PANDA SECURITY does not provide any type of support or maintenance service. However your suggestions towards the improvement of the tool will be welcome. The licensee accepts responsibility for any losses and/or damages and costs arising from any incompatibility between this tool and any third-party software that the licensee has installed on his/her computer as well as any other problems that may arise due to the interaction between both programs, or for code strings that coincide. 5. HIGH RISK ENVIRONMENTS.- This tool has not been designed for and is not intended for use in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe (fault-tolerant) performance such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, weapons or defense systems, life support systems or any other context in which the failure of any software could lead directly to death, personal injury or severe damage to property or the environment. PANDA SECURITY specifically disclaims any express or implicit guarantee of the tool’s suitability for these types of activities. 6. RESTRICTIONS. The licensee agrees not to lend, rent, lease, give away, donate or transfer the tool in any way. The licensee may not transfer the rights granted by means of this license agreement. It is not permitted to decompile, reverse-engineer or disassemble wholly or partially this tool unless such activity is expressly permitted by applicable legislation. 7. GENERAL The licensee knows and accepts that PANDA SECURITY may take legal proceedings should the licensee not adhere to this agreement. PANDA SECURITY reserves the right to terminate this license agreement automatically and without prior notification should the licensee fail to abide by any of the terms and conditions herein. The present agreement is governed by Spanish law and in the event of any doubt or disagreement about its interpretation or effects, the only competent authority will be the Bilbao Courts of Justice. Both parties expressly renounce any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them. This license agreement represents the entire agreement between the licensee and PANDA SECURITY. This license agreement supersedes any prior license agreements between the licensee and PANDA SECURITY. If any provision in this agreement is against the law, that provision will be considered void, without affecting the totality of the agreement or implying that the agreement is void. © Panda Security 2012. PANDA SECURITY Gran Vía Don Diego López de Haro 4 48001 Bilbao Spain Phone - +34 94 425 11 00 Fax - + 34 94 434 35 96