2015 Sep 10: version 1.3.2 * Added the messages feature, so that sets can have prolog/epilog texts attached to levels. * Added an init file (to the save directory) to save the user's volume level and last-played levelset. * Introduced a UI control to set the initial random-slide floor direction in a Lynx level. * Changed key count to wrap around, so that picking up 256 keys of one color resets its count to zero. (This used to be a documented difference between Tile World and the original Lynx, but the new release of CC1/CC2 follows the original's behavior, even though these are 32-bit programs. So I'm taking the hint and doing likewise.) 2015 Jul 24: version 1.3.1 * Fixed a couple of embarrassing bugs for 64-bit systems. * Improved the emulation (MS logic) of Chip turning a cloned block into a clone of himself while going through a teleport. * Fixed handling of blocks starting out on beartraps (MS logic). * Fixed bug (MS logic) reported by Evan Dummit of interaction of canmakemove(), pushblock(), and teleportcreature(). * Fixed bug (MS logic) with walkers and bugs detecting fire through teleports. * Fixed bug (MS logic) found by David Stolp in the timing of mouse-initiated moves. * Fixed bug (Lynx logic) with not initializing toggle wall state. * Fixed Lynx pedantic mode to allow creatures to rebound off the left and right edges of the map. (Touching the top or bottom boundaries of the map is still considered to be cause for failure.) * Tile World now stores the last level in the save file, and returns to it by default when the level set is revisited. * Added --long-options to the command-line option parser, just because. * The usual cleanups to avoid compiler warnings and minor improvements, and updates to the documentation. 2006 Apr 17: version 1.3.0 * Added mouse handling to the code. That includes modifying the SDL code to handle mouse activity, adding a large set of new commands, making it possible for Chip to move towards a goal over several ticks, and modifying the action struct (and the solution file) to permit storing the new moves in solutions. * Added the database of unsolvable levels, which warns users before they play a level known to be unsolvable, and automatically gives them the password to the next level. * Added the solution file display, allowing the user to manage multiple solution files for a single level set. * Changed code to accept a solution file as the sole cmdline argument, if the solution file contains the set name. Hopefully this, and the previous addition, will make it easier for people to share solution files. * Added the batch-mode verification feature, to check the existing solutions without initializing the GUI subsystem. * Fixed the old emulation bug (MS logic) involving Chip turning a cloned block into a clone of himself while going through a teleport. * Fixed the bug (MS logic) preventing Chip from pushing a slipping block parallel to its slipping direction when the push happens through a teleport. * Improved the emulation of several creatures teleporting simultaneously (Lynx logic), with assistance from ccexplore. * Minor improvements to the Lynx pedantic mode. * Fixed the password input routine. (It was completely broken; not sure when that happened.) * Rewrote the code so that level data and solutions are kept compressed in memory, and expanded only when needed, instead of decoding entire files when read. This change makes for a small reduction in memory usage, and reduces the overall level of useless work being done. * Added code to shutter the map view when MS gameplay is paused. * Numerous minor tweaks to the code, the display, and the documentation. 2006 Feb 24: version 1.2.2 * Finally got the handling of brown buttons (MS logic) working correctly. It's been a long time coming, and it's all so simple in hindsight. * Added code to grok the new solution file format. This version of Tile World will continue to use the old solution file format, but if it encounters a file in the new format, it will handle it correctly. * Added the ability to specify a solution file by name on the command-line. * Added -P option for Lynx pedantic mode. * Added the Shift-Ctrl-X feature to permanently delete solutions. * Fixed bugs in Shift-Tab feature, and formally documented this feature. * Fixed bug in the stepping UI. * Fixed bug reported by Thomas Harte, where an international keyboard generating a non-Latin-1 character could cause TW to segfault. * Fixed bug reported by Catatonic Porpoise, where SDL was being asked to blit to a locked surface. * Fixed a segfault in MS logic reported by Evan Dummit (occurring when a cloner's creature in the northwest corner is replaced by Chip). * Added casts to avoid new warnings in gcc 4. * Fixed a few other minor MS emulation bugs reported by Evan Dummit. * Added a number of unfixed MS emulation bugs to msbugs.txt, several of which were reported by Evan Dummit. * A handful of documentation errors were also found and fixed. 2004 Oct 21: version 1.2.1 * Introduced a basic stepping-control UI, and added stepping information to the solution file format. * Fixed a bug (MS logic) reported by David Stolp, involving blocks going out and back into the slip list so quickly that they weren't sent to the end of the list. * Fixed a bug (MS logic) reported by David Stolp where block and creatures were not moving into key tiles if the bottom tile prevented it (e.g. a wall). * Fixed a bug in sdltext.c, reported by Dale Bryan caused a segfault in 16-bit color mode. * Added -r (read-only) cmdline option. 2004 Oct 04: version 1.2.0 * Fixed a bug (MS logic) preventing cloned tanks from turning around when they hadn't yet left the clone machine. * Fixed another longstanding bug (MS logic) involving a tank indirectly pushing a blue button. Again, the bug was fixed explicitly instead of trying to make the behavior arise naturally from the code. * Improved some of the behavior of blocks being pushed (Lynx logic). * Improved some of the behavior of blocked teleports (Lynx logic). * Altered animations to run for either 11 or 12 frames, depending on the parity of their initial frame, as discovered by ccexplore. (This finally killed the nine-lived clone-boosting bug in ICEHOUSE!) Also modified the point during the frame when animations get removed. * Changed the Lynx walker to use a PRNG equivalent to the original, as worked out by ccexplore. * Fixed bug (MS logic) in how a block is removed from the slip list when being pushed by Chip (reported by Shmuel Siegel). * Fixed bug (MS logic) with deferred button presses; TW was incorrectly deferring Chip's button presses and not just those caused by block pushing. * Fixed a horrid bug when encountering bogus values in a dat file. (The code was meant to gracefully ignore the broken level and continue reading the next level, but it failed to move the file position out of the broken level before doing so.) * Fixed keyboard routines so that they now understand characters as well as keystrokes (thus e.g. the program recognizes "?" when entered on a European keyboard). * Added a help screen for the initial file menu. * A few other minor bug fixes and miscellaneous improvements. 2003 Mar 15: version 1.1.3 * Put the display code through another significant rewrite. This time, the rewrite seems to have succeeded in improving speeds, at all pixel depths. Instead of hand-rolled arrays and functions, the new code uses SDL surfaces and blits throughout. Tiles are stored in the screen's pixel format whenever possible, and alpha channels are used to handle transparency. * Fixed longstanding bug (MS logic) involving Chip pushing a block off of another block via a teleport. (Wasn't hard to fix -- just required some nose-holding.) * Added new fractional time display (using -t) for MS. It's still imperfect, but it doesn't hurt to make the feature available. * Added -f switch to get fullscreen mode (change requested by Philippe Brochard). 2003 Mar 08: version 1.1.2 * Added frame-skipping code, so that gameplay doesn't slow down on slower hardware. * Blocks on beartraps were getting default initial direction of nil (Lynx logic). Default changed to north. (Reported by ccexplore.) * Fixed broken handling (Lynx logic) of creatures that start out on ice (reported by ccexplore). * Fixed bug where tanks could be turned around while sliding (Lynx logic). * It is now possible to finish a level with exactly zero seconds left (Lynx logic). * Improved fixlynx feature to also fix the maps for levels 121 and 127. * Reorganized logic code to use fewer static variables. 2003 Mar 01: version 1.1.1 * Fixed broken handling (MS logic) of tanks not stopping in traps, and the fact that tanks on clone machines can sometimes turn around (reported by ccexplore). * Attempted to fix controller bug, where a controller being added to the slip list sets the controller direction according to its slipping direction rather than its visible direction (reported by ccexplore). Hopefully fixing this hasn't broken anything else. 2003 Feb 22: version 1.1 * Fixed most of the broken handling of controllers (MS logic). * Added guards against bad data in encoded maps. * Added -a cmdline switch to help improve sound. * Removed unintentional trigraphs from source. * Added missing initialization of PRNGs. * New images for the chip and the socket -- and, finally, a real icon (courtesy of Anders Kaseorg). * Upgraded the Windows copy of SDL to 1.2.5a. 2002 May 06: version 1.0 * Added "(paused)" message when game is paused. * Minor bugfix in behavior when the creature count maxes out (Lynx). * Added intro-ms.dat and intro-lynx.dat. * Fleshed out the README file. * First official release to the general public. 2002 Apr 06: version 0.10.6 * Fixed off-by-one timing bug (MS logic) when last move of a level is involuntary (discovered by Anders Kaseorg). * Changed pause button to work as a toggle (i.e., no other keys will exit pause mode), as requested by Hallgeir Flø. 2002 Feb 25: version 0.10.5 * Amended the Lynx ruleset to follow the button-wiring lists in the dat file, instead of using the original Lynx method of implicit wiring. * Fixed uninitialized variable in password-entry function (reported by Ruben Spaans). * Fixed moving-block behavior so that they will always enter a square that Chip occupies, regardless of what Chip is standing on (MS). * Fixed force-floor behavior so that Chip gets to make a voluntary move immediately after stepping on a force floor if his forced move failed. (Hopefully this is an accurate coverage of the case that TW was getting wrong, and only of that.) 2002 Feb 04: version 0.10.4 * Separated out the two kinds of splashes. * Fixed changing level by password (broken in 0.10.3; reported by Hallgeir Flø). * Fixed a couple of bugs in handling invalid levels under Lynx (reported by Chuck Sommerville). * Fixed several minor bugs (including several reported by Anders Kaseorg). * Began a final code cleanup pass. Improved the comments in most of the source. * More documentation changes, including a new README. 2002 Jan 28: version 0.10.3 * Added "Melinda" feature. * Reformatted documentation, so man and html versions come from a single source. 2002 Jan 20: version 0.10.2 * Auto-deprecate saved games that are broken. * Added some more protection against Ctrl-Ms in text files. * Fix for die-if-no-soundcard bug (reported by Bill Darrah). * Added resources entries for changing the color scheme. * Added hackish "fixlynx" keyword. * New: first draft of some real documentation. 2002 Jan 13: version 0.10.1 * Fixed the bug in the lynx emulation where Chip survived when he shouldn't, using a gross little hack. I hate it. But I've been sitting on this bug for over a month now. It's time to give up and put it out of its misery. * Fixed the Lynx clock (it was off by one). * Added a simple end-screen to display when the player finishes the last level of a set. * Added a little more error-checking in the map decoding. * Added some basic documentation. 2002 Jan 03: version 0.10.0 * Vastly improved the Lynx emulation of "diagonal" moves. Had to change the save file format (again!!) so that diagonal moves could be properly stored. * Added a volume control. * Fixed bug in Lynx logic that prevented Chip from standing still on the very first frame when starting on a force floor. * Fixes for a few other random things. 2002 Jan 01: version 0.9.3 * Added a proper Chip-dies sequence to the Lynx emulation. Also removed redundant "dirt splash" sequence. * A rough attempt at handling "diagonal" moves in Lynx emulation has been put in place. 2001 Dec 27: version 0.9.2 * A couple more memory leaks fixed (these inside of SDL). * New tile bitmap format, which permits the use of animated tiles. * A couple of stupid crashes that slipped into the previous version have been repaired. * Miscellaneous other tweaks. 2001 Dec 07: version 0.9.1 * Added the ability to return to the initial file display. At last! * Full-scale assault on the code to weed out memory leaks. (In my defense, the majority of them technically weren't leaks before the prior change was implemented.) * Added -t option (unfortunately it's not as useful as I'd hoped it would be). * Fixed segfault when trying to play back solution on an unsolved level. * Improved the onomatopoeia display. * Reorganized the online help. 2001 Dec 03: version 0.9.0 * Found and fixed the obscure slide delay bug that was causing the discrepancy in Eric Schmidt's level 29 ("PARAMECIA")! * Threw out all the text-drawing code and replaced it with routines that deal in proportional fonts. Which naturally necessitated rewriting a bunch of the code that displayed text. Lots of changes. Created an abstract table "object", so that my tables could be realized either on the text console or in a proportional font equally well. * Implemented sound! Spent an entire weekend making 25 wave files -- and they still sound ridiculous. (But the fact that the game finally has sound is nice.) Onomatopoeia is still available via a cmdline switch. * Added password-checking code, plus functions to allow the user to jump to a level by entering a password. * Changed the save file format (again!) to store password information, and to be a little smaller. * Added the configuration file feature, with a few configuration options. This necessitated adding yet another directory, and once again moving the old one. * Various bug fixes that I've forgotten about while working on all the other things. 2001 Nov 14: version 0.8.4 * Rewrote a lot of the display code to avoid redundant drawing of areas of the screen. Didn't really make it faster, but I did make it more to my liking. Also rewrote all of the text display code. * Removed gamestate data that was only needed by one of the logic modules and made it private to that module. * Fixed bug found by Mike L. regarding the ordering of clones (MS). * Fixed bug regarding Chip trying to move on random force floors (MS). * Added code to indicate when Chip is pushing (Lynx). 2001 Nov 10: version 0.8.3 * MS logic bug fix (clone machine would get stuck if clone died while exiting). * Mixed improvement of display code. (The really cool revamping of the display code wound out performing horribly on 24-bit displays, and so had to be tossed out.) 2001 Nov 08: version 0.8.2 * Found problem with teleports (MS): creatures provide their own teleport blockage! Fixed. * Careful investigation revealed more timing bugs with buttons, teleports, and maybe beartraps as well (MS). Rewrote the endmovement() function until everything was being done in the right order. * Added an "rc" file which can be edited to change the filenames of the external resources. * Discovered and fixed a discrepancy in the slide delay (MS). * The usual sundry tweaks. 2001 Oct 29: version 0.8.1 * Fixed bug introduced in 0.7.2, correctly this time. * Fixed intermittent memory corruption caused by an uninitialized stack variable. 2001 Oct 28: version 0.8.0 * Fixed bug introduced in 0.7.2 which caused Chip to "come to rest" when he couldn't make a forced move (MS). * Fixed buried beartrap behavior in MS game logic. * Altered the solution file format (been wanting to do that for a long time). * Gave the program an icon (a temporary one, until I can get someone to make me a real icon). 2001 Oct 23: version 0.7.2 * Fixed two bugs in MS game logic discovered by Anders Kaseorg (creatures entering random slide floors, and Chip causing slide delay). * Rewrote the clone machine code to better match the internals of the MS game (thanks to recent discoveries). Also fixed the red-button logic so that clones do not block their own clone machines. 2001 Oct 22: version 0.7.1 * Fixed bug in MS game logic found by Anders Kaseorg (button not recognized when hit by a block being pushed by Chip while on the slip list). 2001 Oct 21: version 0.7.0 * Altered handling of the slip list in the MS game logic. Creatures on the slip list now have their slip direction stored separately from their pointed direction, and the former is determined at the time they enter a tile, instead of just before moving off of it. * My first serious attempt at implementing slide delay! * Many little tweaks to the MS logic. I think it's getting close.... * The tile images are no longer compiled into the binary; instead they are loaded out of an external bitmap file. The rendering code was changed to use 32-bit images internally instead of 8-bit images, so that all types of bitmaps can be accepted. * Added a new shared subdirectory for holding the data files; the main shared directory is now used to hold images. * Altered the onomatopoeia code to ease future introduction of sound. * Fixed the Lynx bug regarding the bequeathing of a slide token, or rather the lack thereof, when Chip is at a force-floor dead end. 2001 Oct 05: version 0.6.0 * Rewrote several fundamentals of the MS game logic, in order to bring it more in line with MS's layered map, as well as its treatment of blocks as non-creatures. * Made some general changes to the game internals in order to accommodate the above changes. * Many tweaks and improvements to the MS game logic. * Added the Ctrl-X feature to permit replacement of saved games -- something I should have added a long time ago. 2001 Aug 27: version 0.5.1 * Made some changes in the game-saving code to avoid an infinite loop that was sometimes happening under Windows. * Fixed two bugs in MS game logic identified by Anders Kaseorg. (1. Chip can only attempt to move once per tick -- a failed move still counts. 2. Creatures moving onto the slide list make their first slide move in the same tick.) 2001 Aug 19: version 0.5 * First alpha version. * The SVGAlib layer has been replaced with a much more complete layer for SDL. The program can now be compiled for either X or MS Windows. (All hail SDL and gcc's cross-compiling capabilities!) SDL also works under SVGAlib, but it looks terrible on my hardware. * A version of the game logic implementing the MS ruleset (with lots of bugs) has been added. The program can now switch between the two rulesets. * I ripped the entire code base apart and put it back together again (except for the parts that were thrown out). The code is somewhat better organized now. * Code was added to select data files, display scores, and lots of little things all over the place. * Comments! They're still pretty skeletal, but they're better than what was there before. 2001 Jul 15: version 0.1 * The previous game logic has been replaced with a complete game logic module for the Lynx ruleset. * The SVGAlib layer has been heavily rewritten to do raw keyboard polling and smooth-scrolling. * Lots of other changes and bug fixes. 2001 May 19: version 0.0 * First limited public release. * Most of the basic infrastructure is in place, including a working draft of a game logic module.