Installing Tile World for Windows First of all, you'll want to store the files contained in this archive into its own separate directory. If you're using the automatic installer program, then you can do this during the installation. Otherwise, you'll need to create a new directory for this -- something like c:\tworld -- and extract the files there. If you have a copy of the original chips.dat data file, you can use it with Tile World by copying it to the data subdirectory. The shell commands would look like this: cd c:\wherever\my\copy\of\chips\challenge\is\at copy chips.dat c:\tworld\data If you have other data files that you would like to try out in the clone, copy those to the sets directory instead: cd c:\my\collection\of\dat\files copy *.dat c:\tworld\sets (The reason for using different directories is that chips.dat makes use of configuration files. Note that you don't need to know how configuration files work to use Tile World.) That's all that needs to be done to set it up. Run the program as c:\tworld\tworld, or create a shortcut for it. Note that Tile World's user interface does not use the mouse; everything is done with the keyboard. You can type "?" while a game is being displayed to see a description of what the keys do. Or, you can read the instructions found in the tworld.html.