====================================================================== FastCopy ver3.92 2020/08/02 SHIROUZU Hiroaki FastCopy Lab, LLC. ====================================================================== FastCopy is the Fastest Copy/Delete Software on Windows. It can copy/delete unicode and over MAX_PATH(260byte) pathname files. It always run by multi-threading. It don't use MFC, it is compact and don't requre mfcxx.dll. FastCopy is GPLv3 license, you can modify and use under GPLv3 License: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FastCopy ver3.x Copyright(C) 2004-2020 SHIROUZU Hiroaki All rights reserved. Copyright(C) 2018-2020 FastCopy Lab, LLC. All rights reserved. Due to various circumstances, distribution of the source code is temporarily suspended. Please use FastCopy as freeware with no guarantee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- xxHash library Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Mr.Yann Collet, All rights reserved. more details: doc/xxhash-LICENSE.txt Usage: Please see fastcopy_eng.htm Build: VS2019 or later