############################################################################## IMPORTANT NOTES FOR TRANSLATORS ############################################################################## To start a translation, you can use the English language file as a starting point. To do so, copy the English.lng file and rename it to the language you want to translate into. PLEASE USE ONLY ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAMES! LANGUAGE FILE FORMAT Language files have to be saved as UTF-8, including the UTF-8 BOM (Byte Order Mask). You can do this for example with the Windows Editor by saving the file with the encoding "UTF-8" in the save dialog. COMMENTS Comments must start with a sharp character ("#") in a new line. Syntax: # Comment STRINGS Each string starts with an identifier, followed by an equal sign ("=") and a text. Only the first equal sign is used as delimiter, so there is no problem, if there is an other one in the text. Syntax: Identifier=Text IMPORTANT: DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING IN FRONT OF THE EQUAL SIGN! FONT The font used for the user interface can be changed by editing the strings "General.Font.Name" and "General.Font.Size". IMPORTANT: CHANGE THIS ONLY IF IT'S REQUIRED TO DISPLAY THE LANGUAGE CORRECTLY. DO NOT "TRANSLATE" THE FONT NAME! PLACEHOLDERS Placeholders are numbers, enclosed with curly brackets ("{" and "}"). In the text can be one or more placeholders. These placeholders will be replaced by the application with a variable text. Example: Example.String=This is step {0} out of a total of {1} Example output: This is step 3 out of a total of 6 The placeholder "{0}" will be replaced with the current step number and the placeholder "{1}" with the total count. The grammar of a language can be different, so the text can be written in an other order too, like the following alternative: Example.String=Total steps: {1}, current step: {0} IMPORTANT: PLACEHOLDERS MUST NOT BE CHANGED! ESCAPE CHARACTERS Some applications print a text in multiple lines or use a tabulator character. To print control characters or special characters, a escape character is used. Supported escape characters: \s Space \r Carriage Return \n New Line \t Tabulator \w Windows line break (it's equal to "\r\n") The text "Headline:\r\n\tContent" prints the text "Headline:" in the first line. After a Windows line break follows a tabulator and then the text "Content". SPACE CHARACTERS Spaces in front of a text (after the equal sign) will not be trimmed. Spaces at the end of a text will be trimmed. To avoid trimming the space characters at the end of a text, the placeholder "{END}" can be used. The text "Spaces follows {END}" will result in "Spaces follows ". Escape characters can be used too, like: "Spaces follows\s\s\s". PLEASE USE PLACEHOLDERS, ESCAPE CHARACTERS AND SPACE CHARACTERS ONLY IF THEY ARE USED IN THE ORIGINAL TEXT OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE FILE TOO. ##############################################################################