"lang" { "Language" "spanish" "Tokens" { "SFUI_On" "Activado" "[english]SFUI_On" "On" "SFUI_Off" "Desactivado" "[english]SFUI_Off" "Off" "SFUI_FriendlyFireColon" "Fuego amigo:" "[english]SFUI_FriendlyFireColon" "Friendly Fire:" "SFUI_ScenarioColon" "Escenario:" "[english]SFUI_ScenarioColon" "Scenario:" "SFUI_CashColon" "Dinero inicial:" "[english]SFUI_CashColon" "Starting Cash:" "SFUI_GameTimeColon" "Tiempo de juego:" "[english]SFUI_GameTimeColon" "Game Time:" "SFUI_TimePerRoundColon" "Tiempo por ronda:" "[english]SFUI_TimePerRoundColon" "Time Per Round:" "SFUI_BuyTimeColon" "Tiempo de compra:" "[english]SFUI_BuyTimeColon" "Buy Time:" "SFUI_WinMatchColon" "Duración de la partida:" "[english]SFUI_WinMatchColon" "Match Length:" "SFUI_SpectateColon" "Espectador:" "[english]SFUI_SpectateColon" "Spectate:" "SFUI_BotsColon" "Bots:" "[english]SFUI_BotsColon" "Bots:" "SFUI_AutoBuyColon" "Autocomprar equipamiento básico:" "[english]SFUI_AutoBuyColon" "Auto Buy Basic Equipment:" "SFUI_Minutes" "minutos" "[english]SFUI_Minutes" "minutes" "SFUI_Seconds" "segundos" "[english]SFUI_Seconds" "seconds" "SFUI_Rounds" "rondas" "[english]SFUI_Rounds" "rounds" "SFUI_Legend_Cancel" "${cancel} Cancelar" "[english]SFUI_Legend_Cancel" "${cancel} Cancel" "SFUI_Legend_Ok" "${confirm} Aceptar" "[english]SFUI_Legend_Ok" "${confirm} OK" "SFUI_Legend_OkCancel" "${cancel} Cancelar ${confirm} Aceptar" "[english]SFUI_Legend_OkCancel" "${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} OK" "SFUI_Play" "JUGAR" "[english]SFUI_Play" "PLAY" "SFUI_Back" "ATRÁS" "[english]SFUI_Back" "BACK" "SFUI_GameTypeFreestyle" "PRÁCTICA" "[english]SFUI_GameTypeFreestyle" "PRACTICE" "SFUI_GameMode" "MODO" "[english]SFUI_GameMode" "MODE" "SFUI_GameModeCasual" "CASUAL CLÁSICO" "[english]SFUI_GameModeCasual" "CLASSIC CASUAL" "SFUI_GameModeCompetitive" "COMPETITIVO CLÁSICO" "[english]SFUI_GameModeCompetitive" "CLASSIC COMPETITIVE" "SFUI_GameModeGGProgressive" "CARRERA DE ARMAMENTOS" "[english]SFUI_GameModeGGProgressive" "ARMS RACE" "SFUI_GameModeGGBomb" "DEMOLICIÓN" "[english]SFUI_GameModeGGBomb" "DEMOLITION" "SFUI_HalftimePrompt" "DESCANSO" "[english]SFUI_HalftimePrompt" "HALFTIME" "SFUI_GameModeCasualDesc" "Compra nuevas armas en cada ronda con el dinero ganado.\n\nGana la ronda eliminando al otro equipo o completando el objetivo.\n\n· Fuego amigo desactivado\n· Colisiones con compañeros desactivadas\n· 50% de recompensa por víctima\n· Gana el mejor de 10 rondas" "[english]SFUI_GameModeCasualDesc" "Buy new weapons each round with money earned.\n\nWin the round by eliminating the other team or completing the objective.\n\n· Friendly fire is off\n· Team collision is off\n· 50% kill reward amounts\n· Best out of 10 rounds" "SFUI_GameModeCompetitiveDesc" "Compra nuevas armas en cada ronda con el dinero ganado.\n\nGana la ronda eliminando al otro equipo o completando el objetivo.\n\n· Fuego amigo activado\n· Colisiones con compañeros activadas\n· Compra de blindaje y kits permitida\n· Gana el mejor de 30 rondas" "[english]SFUI_GameModeCompetitiveDesc" "Buy new weapons each round with money earned.\n\nWin the round by eliminating the other team or completing the objective.\n\n· Friendly fire is on\n· Team collision is on\n· Armor and defuse kits are purchasable\n· Best out of 30 rounds" "SFUI_GameModeFreestyleDesc" "∙ Mapas clásicos para un jugador\n∙ Dificultad de los bots ajustable" "[english]SFUI_GameModeFreestyleDesc" "· Single player classic maps\n· Customizable bot difficulty" "SFUI_GameModeGGProgressiveDesc" "Consigue nuevas armas eliminando a enemigos\n\nGana la partida siendo el primero en eliminar a un jugador con cada arma\n\n· Armas entregadas inmediatamente\n· Regeneración instantánea\n· Fuego amigo activado\n· Colisiones con compañeros desactivadas" "[english]SFUI_GameModeGGProgressiveDesc" "New weapons are awarded by getting kills.\n\nWin the match by being the first player to get a kill with every weapon.\n\n· Weapons are awarded immediately\n· Instant Respawn\n· Friendly fire is on\n· Team collision is off" "SFUI_GameModeGGBombDesc" "Consigue nuevas armas eliminando a enemigos.\n\nGana la ronda eliminando al otro equipo o completando el objetivo.\n\n· Armas entregadas al inicio de la ronda\n· Fuego amigo activado\n· Colisiones con compañeros desactivadas\n· Gana el mejor de 20 rondas" "[english]SFUI_GameModeGGBombDesc" "New weapons are awarded by getting kills.\n\nWin the round by eliminating the other team or completing the objective.\n\n· Weapons awarded on round start\n· Friendly fire is on\n· Team collision is off\n· Best out of 20 rounds" "SFUI_GameModeProgressDisclaimer" "No se están registrando las estadísticas." [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_GameModeProgressDisclaimer" "No stats tracking." "SFUI_GameModeProgressDisclaimer" "No se están registrando las estadísticas." [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_GameModeProgressDisclaimer" "No stats tracking." "SFUI_TrialTimeRemaining" "Modo de prueba (quedan %s1:%s2)" "[english]SFUI_TrialTimeRemaining" "Trial mode (%s1:%s2 remaining)" "SFUI_TrialTimeExpired" "Modo de prueba terminado" "[english]SFUI_TrialTimeExpired" "Trial mode expired" "SFUI_TrialWelcomeTitle" "Modo de Prueba" "[english]SFUI_TrialWelcomeTitle" "Trial Mode" "SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessage" "Bienvenido al modo de prueba de Counter Strike. Todas las funciones del juego están desbloqueadas durante el periodo de prueba." "[english]SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessage" "Welcome to the Counter Strike game trial. All game features are unlocked for the duration of the trial period" "SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessageExpired" "El periodo de prueba de Counter Strike ha terminado" "[english]SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessageExpired" "The Counter Strike game trial period has expired" "SFUI_TrialHudTextMinutes" "Modo de prueba activo (quedan %s1 minutos)" "[english]SFUI_TrialHudTextMinutes" "Trial Active (%s1 minutes left)" "SFUI_TrialHudTextMinute" "Modo de prueba activo (queda 1 minuto)" "[english]SFUI_TrialHudTextMinute" "Trial Active (1 minute left)" "SFUI_TrialSignOutTitle" "Perfil de prueba registrado" "[english]SFUI_TrialSignOutTitle" "Trial Signed In Profile" "SFUI_TrialSignOutMsg" "Se requiere un perfil registrado para el modo de prueba" "[english]SFUI_TrialSignOutMsg" "A signed in profile is required for trial mode" "SFUI_TrialMUPullTitle" "Almacenamiento de perfil de prueba" "[english]SFUI_TrialMUPullTitle" "Trial Profile Storage" "SFUI_TrialMUPullMsg" "El modo de prueba requiere un perfil registrado y editable" "[english]SFUI_TrialMUPullMsg" "Trial mode requires a writable signed in profile" "SFUI_BotDifficulty" "Dificultad de los bots" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty" "Bot Difficulty" "SFUI_BotDifficulty0" "Sin bots" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty0" "No Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty1" "Bots inofensivos" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty1" "Harmless Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty2" "Bots fáciles" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty2" "Easy Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty3" "Bots de nivel medio" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty3" "Medium Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty4" "Bots difíciles" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty4" "Hard Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty5" "Bots expertos" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty5" "Expert Bots" "SFUI_SpectateAnyone" "Cualquiera" "[english]SFUI_SpectateAnyone" "Anyone" "SFUI_SpectateTeamOnly" "Sólo equipo" "[english]SFUI_SpectateTeamOnly" "Team only" "SFUI_HostageMap" "Rehén" "[english]SFUI_HostageMap" "Hostage" "SFUI_BombMap" "Desactivación" "[english]SFUI_BombMap" "Defuse" "SFUI_GunGameProgressiveMap" "Carrera de Armamentos" "[english]SFUI_GunGameProgressiveMap" "Arms Race" "SFUI_GunGameTRMap" "Demolición" "[english]SFUI_GunGameTRMap" "Demolition" "SFUI_Map_de_dust" "Dust" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_dust" "Dust" "SFUI_Map_de_dust2" "Dust II" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_dust2" "Dust II" "SFUI_Map_de_train" "Train" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_train" "Train" "SFUI_Map_de_inferno" "Inferno" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_inferno" "Inferno" "SFUI_Map_de_nuke" "Nuke" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_nuke" "Nuke" "SFUI_Map_de_shorttrain" "Shorttrain" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_shorttrain" "Shorttrain" "SFUI_Map_random" "Aleatorio" "[english]SFUI_Map_random" "Random" "SFUI_Map_ar_baggage" "Baggage" "[english]SFUI_Map_ar_baggage" "Baggage" "SFUI_Map_ar_shoots" "Shoots" "[english]SFUI_Map_ar_shoots" "Shoots" "SFUI_Map_de_bank" "Bank" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_bank" "Bank" "SFUI_Map_de_lake" "Lake" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_lake" "Lake" "SFUI_Map_de_safehouse" "Safehouse" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_safehouse" "Safehouse" "SFUI_Map_de_sugarcane" "Sugarcane" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_sugarcane" "Sugarcane" "SFUI_Map_de_stmarc" "St. Marc" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_stmarc" "St. Marc" "SFUI_Map_training1" "Pista de entrenamiento" "[english]SFUI_Map_training1" "Weapons Course" "SFUI_CreateSinglePlayerTitle" "UN JUGADOR" "[english]SFUI_CreateSinglePlayerTitle" "SINGLE PLAYER" "SFUI_VariesByMap" "Varía según el mapa" "[english]SFUI_VariesByMap" "Varies by map" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_ModeSelect" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Seleccionar ${dpad} Moverse" "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_ModeSelect" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Select ${dpad} Navigate" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_MapSelect" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Iniciar ${dpad} Moverse" "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_MapSelect" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} GO ${dpad} Navigate" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_Bot_Difficulty" "Dificultad de los bots" "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_Bot_Difficulty" "Bot Difficulty" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_Number_Maps" "Número de mapas: " "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_Number_Maps" "Number of maps: " "SFUI_CreateMultiplayerTitle" "MATCHMAKING" "[english]SFUI_CreateMultiplayerTitle" "MATCHMAKING" "SFUI_SessionVisibilityPublic" "${north} HACER PRIVADA" "[english]SFUI_SessionVisibilityPublic" "${north} MAKE PRIVATE" "SFUI_SessionVisibilityPrivate" "${north} HACER PÚBLICA" "[english]SFUI_SessionVisibilityPrivate" "${north} MAKE PUBLIC" "SFUI_PublicMatch" "HACER PRIVADA" "[english]SFUI_PublicMatch" "MAKE PRIVATE" "SFUI_PrivateMatch" "HACER PÚBLICA" "[english]SFUI_PrivateMatch" "MAKE PUBLIC" "SFUI_MMStatus_Title" "BUSCANDO" "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Title" "SEARCHING" "SFUI_MMStatus_Searching" "Buscando..." "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Searching" "Searching..." "SFUI_MMStatus_Creating" "Creando partida..." "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Creating" "Creating game..." "SFUI_MMStatus_Joining" "Uniéndose a partida..." "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Joining" "Joining game..." "SFUI_MMStatus_Legend" "${cancel} Cancelar" "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Legend" "${cancel} Cancel" "SFUI_MMStatus_JoinFailed" "Error al unirse a la partida." "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_JoinFailed" "Failed to join game." "SFUI_PressStartPrompt" "Pulsa ${start} para comenzar" "[english]SFUI_PressStartPrompt" "Press ${start} to Start" "SFUI_MAINMENU" "MENÚ PRINCIPAL" "[english]SFUI_MAINMENU" "MAIN MENU" "SFUI_MainMenu_PlayButton" "JUGAR" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_PlayButton" "PLAY" "SFUI_MainMenu_LeaderboardsButton" "MARCADORES" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_LeaderboardsButton" "LEADERBOARDS" "SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton_sfui" "LOGROS" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton_sfui" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "LOGROS" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "LOGROS" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "GALARDONES" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "AWARDS" "SFUI_MainMenu_HelpButton" "AYUDA Y OPCIONES" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_HelpButton" "HELP & OPTIONS" "SFUI_MainMenu_DownloadButton" "DESCARGAR CONTENIDO" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_DownloadButton" "DOWNLOAD CONTENT" "SFUI_MainMenu_SplitscreenWithBots" "PANTALLA DIVIDIDA CON BOTS" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_SplitscreenWithBots" "SPLITSCREEN WITH BOTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_QuitGameButton" "SALIR DEL JUEGO" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_QuitGameButton" "EXIT GAME" "SFUI_MainMenu_Training" "PISTA DE ENTRENAMIENTO" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Training" "WEAPONS COURSE" "SFUI_MainMenu_TeamIcon_CT" "AT" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_TeamIcon_CT" "CT" "SFUI_MainMenu_TeamIcon_T" "T" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_TeamIcon_T" "T" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" " " [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" "" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" " " [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" "" "SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Title" "SALIR DEL JUEGO" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Title" "EXIT GAME" "SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Message" "¿Quieres salir del juego?" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Message" "Do you wish to exit the game now?" "SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Navigation" "${cancel} Cancelar ${confirm} Sí" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Navigation" "${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_MainMenu_Player2Join" "Jugador 2, pulsa ${start} para unirte" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Player2Join" "Player 2 press ${start} to join" "SFUI_MainMenu_Player2Leave" "%s1, pulsa ${start} para salir" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Player2Leave" "%s1 press ${start} to leave" "SFUI_PlayMenuTitle" "JUGAR" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenuTitle" "PLAY" "SFUI_PlayMenu_Online" "MATCHMAKING" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_Online" "MATCHMAKING" "SFUI_PlayMenu_Offline" "PARTIDA LOCAL" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_Offline" "LOCAL PLAY" "SFUI_PlayMenu_QuickMatchButton" "PARTIDA RÁPIDA" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_QuickMatchButton" "QUICK MATCH" "SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "BUSCAR UNA PARTIDA" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "FIND A GAME" "SFUI_PlayMenu_QuickMatchButton" "PARTIDA RÁPIDA" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_QuickMatchButton" "QUICK MATCH" "SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "BUSCAR UNA PARTIDA" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "FIND A GAME" "SFUI_PlayMenu_FriendsMatchButton" "UNIRSE A UNA PARTIDA XBOX LIVE PARTY" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_FriendsMatchButton" "JOIN XBOX LIVE PARTY GAME" "SFUI_PlayMenu_FriendsMatchButton" "JUGAR CON AMIGOS" [$WIN32||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_FriendsMatchButton" "PLAY WITH FRIENDS" "SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "CREAR PARTIDA" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "CREATE MATCH" "SFUI_ProfileMenu_PlayerControlsButton" "CONTROLES DE JUGADOR Y OPCIONES" "[english]SFUI_ProfileMenu_PlayerControlsButton" "PLAYER CONTROLS & SETTINGS" "SFUI_ProfileMenu_StatsButton" "ESTADÍSTICAS" "[english]SFUI_ProfileMenu_StatsButton" "STATS" "SFUI_HelpTitle" "AYUDA Y OPCIONES" "[english]SFUI_HelpTitle" "HELP & OPTIONS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_HowToPlayButton" "CÓMO JUGAR" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_HowToPlayButton" "HOW TO PLAY" "SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "CONTROLES" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "CONTROLS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_MouseKeyboardButton" "TECLADO / RATÓN" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_MouseKeyboardButton" "KEYBOARD / MOUSE" "SFUI_HelpMenu_MotionController" "MANDO DE MOVIMIENTO" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_MotionController" "MOTION CONTROLLER" "SFUI_HelpMenu_VideoSettings" "OPCIONES DE VÍDEO" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_VideoSettings" "VIDEO SETTINGS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_AudioSettings" "OPCIONES DE AUDIO" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_AudioSettings" "AUDIO SETTINGS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_CreditsButton" "CRÉDITOS" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_CreditsButton" "CREDITS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_PCControlsSettingsButton" "CONTROLES Y OPCIONES DE PC" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_PCControlsSettingsButton" "PC CONTROLS & SETTINGS" "SFUI_PAUSE" "MENÚ" "[english]SFUI_PAUSE" "MENU" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ResumeGameButton" "REANUDAR PARTIDA" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ResumeGameButton" "RESUME GAME" "SFUI_PauseMenu_SwitchTeamsButton" "ELEGIR EQUIPO" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_SwitchTeamsButton" "CHOOSE TEAM" "SFUI_PauseMenu_CallVoteButton" "REALIZAR VOTACIÓN..." "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_CallVoteButton" "CALL VOTE..." "SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteButton" "INVITAR..." "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteButton" "INVITE..." "SFUI_PauseMenu_LeaderboardsButton" "MARCADORES" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_LeaderboardsButton" "LEADERBOARDS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton_sfui" "LOGROS" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton_sfui" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "LOGROS" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_MedalButton" "LOGROS Y ESTADÍSTICAS" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_MedalButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS & STATS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_MedalButton" "GALARDONES Y ESTADÍSTICAS" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_MedalButton" "AWARDS & STATS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_HelpButton" "AYUDA Y OPCIONES" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_HelpButton" "HELP & OPTIONS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameButton" "SALIR AL MENÚ" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameButton" "EXIT TO MAIN MENU" "SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteSubmenuTitle" "OPCIONES DE INVITACIÓN" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteSubmenuTitle" "INVITE OPTIONS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteXboxLiveButton" "INVITAR A XBOX LIVE PARTY" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteXboxLiveButton" "INVITE XBOX LIVE PARTY" "SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteFriendsButton" "INVITAR AMIGOS" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteFriendsButton" "INVITE FRIENDS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_MakeGamePublicButton" "CONVERTIR EN UNA PARTIDA PÚBLICA" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_MakeGamePublicButton" "MAKE GAME PUBLIC" "SFUI_PauseMenu_HelpAndOptionsTitle" "AYUDA Y OPCIONES" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_HelpAndOptionsTitle" "HELP & OPTIONS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_HowToPlayButton" "CÓMO JUGAR" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_HowToPlayButton" "HOW TO PLAY" "SFUI_PauseMenu_PlayerControlSettingsButton" "MANDO" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_PlayerControlSettingsButton" "CONTROLLER" "SFUI_PauseMenu_PlayerControlSettingsButton" "CONTROLES" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_PlayerControlSettingsButton" "CONTROLS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "AJUSTES" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "SETTINGS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "OPCIONES DE PARTIDA" [$WIN32||$OSX||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "GAME SETTINGS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_PCControlsSettingsButton" "CONTROLES Y OPCIONES DE PC" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_PCControlsSettingsButton" "PC CONTROLS & SETTINGS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Title" "ABANDONAR PARTIDA" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Title" "QUIT GAME" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Message" "¿Quieres abandonar la partida?" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Message" "Do you wish to stop playing now?" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Navigation" "${cancel} Cancelar ${confirm} Sí" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Navigation" "${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_PauseMenu_VoteSubmenuTitle" "REALIZAR VOTACIÓN" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_VoteSubmenuTitle" "CALL VOTE" "SFUI_PauseMenu_KickPlayer" "EXPULSAR JUGADOR..." "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_KickPlayer" "KICK PLAYER..." "SFUI_PauseMenu_TeamSwitch" "CAMBIAR EQUIPOS" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_TeamSwitch" "SWAP TEAMS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ScrambleTeams" "MEZCLAR EQUIPOS" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ScrambleTeams" "SCRAMBLE TEAMS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_Surrender" "RENDIRSE" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_Surrender" "SURRENDER" "SFUI_PauseMenu_RestartMatch" "REINICIAR PARTIDA" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_RestartMatch" "RESTART MATCH" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ChangeMap" "CAMBIAR MAPA" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ChangeMap" "CHANGE MAP" "SFUI_HOW TO PLAY" "CÓMO JUGAR" "[english]SFUI_HOW TO PLAY" "HOW TO PLAY" "SFUI_HOW_TO_PLAY" "Cómo jugar" "[english]SFUI_HOW_TO_PLAY" "How to Play" "SFUI_Medals_Title" "LOGROS" "[english]SFUI_Medals_Title" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_MedalsAndStatsTitle" "GALARDONES Y ESTADÍSTICAS" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_MedalsAndStatsTitle" "AWARDS & STATS" "SFUI_MedalsStats_OverallT" "Estadísticas generales" "[english]SFUI_MedalsStats_OverallT" "Overall Stats" "SFUI_MedalsStats_LastMatchT" "Estadísticas de última partida" "[english]SFUI_MedalsStats_LastMatchT" "Last Match Stats" "SFUI_MedalsStats_MedalT" "Galardones" "[english]SFUI_MedalsStats_MedalT" "Awards" "SFUI_MedalsStats_Help" "${cancel} Atrás" "[english]SFUI_MedalsStats_Help" "${cancel} Back" "SFUI_MedalsInfo_Invalid" "-- Galardón no válido --" "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_Invalid" "-- Invalid Award --" "SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedName" "Galardón bloqueado" "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedName" "Award Locked" "SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedDate" "Bloqueado" "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedDate" "Locked" "SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedDesc" "Esto es un galardón secreto. Debes desbloquearlo para poder verlo." "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedDesc" "This is a secret award. You must unlock it before you can see it." "SFUI_MedalsInfo_Unlocked" "Completado" "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_Unlocked" "Completed" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Recent" "Desbloqueados recientemente" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Recent" "Recently Unlocked" "SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective" "Tácticas en equipo" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective" "Team Tactics" "SFUI_MedalCategory_DominationAndRevenge" "Dominación y venganza" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_DominationAndRevenge" "Domination & Revenge" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat" "Habilidades de combate" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat" "Combat Skills" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon" "Especialista en armas" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon" "Weapon Specialist" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Special" "Especial" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Special" "Special" "SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame" "Carrera de Arm. y Demolición" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame" "Arms Race & Demolition" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Map" "Experiencia global" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Map" "Global Expertise" "SFUI_MedalCategory_No_Medals" "No hay garlardones desbloqueados" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_No_Medals" "No Awards Unlocked" "SFUI_TEAM" "Equipo" "[english]SFUI_TEAM" "Team" "SFUI_FAVORITEWEAPON" "Arma favorita" "[english]SFUI_FAVORITEWEAPON" "Favorite Weapon" "SFUI_PERFORMANCE" "Rendimiento" "[english]SFUI_PERFORMANCE" "Performance" "SFUI_MISCELLANEOUS" "Misceláneas" "[english]SFUI_MISCELLANEOUS" "Miscellaneous" "SFUI_FAVORITEMAP" "Mapa favorito" "[english]SFUI_FAVORITEMAP" "Favorite Map" "SFUI_LastMatch_TeamDesc" "Victorias de los terroristas \nVictorias de los antiterroristas \nVictorias de tu equipo \nNúmero máximo de jugadores" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_TeamDesc" "Terrorist Wins \nCounter-Terrorist Wins \nYour Team Wins \nMax Players" "SFUI_LastMatch_FaveWeapDesc" "Impactos \nVíctimas \nPrecisión" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_FaveWeapDesc" "Hits \nKills \nAccuracy" "SFUI_LastMatch_PerfDesc" "Estrellas \nVíctimas \nMuertes \nRatio víctimas/muertes\nPuntuación media del equipo" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_PerfDesc" "Stars \nKills \nDeaths \nKill/Death Ratio\nAvg. Squad Score" "SFUI_LastMatch_MiscDesc" "Daño \nCoste/Víctima \nDominaciones \nVenganzas" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_MiscDesc" "Damage \nCost/Kill \nDominations \nRevenges" "SFUI_LastMatch_NoFaveWeapon" "No hay arma favorita" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_NoFaveWeapon" "No favorite weapon" "SFUI_Overall_PlayerStats" "Rondas jugadas \nRondas ganadas \n% de victorias \nDisparos \nImpactos \nRatio impactos \n\nVíctimas \nMuertes \nRatio víctimas/muertes" "[english]SFUI_Overall_PlayerStats" "Rounds Played \nRounds Won \nWin % \nShots Fired \nShots Hit \nHit Ratio \n\nKills \nDeaths \nKill/Death Ratio" "SFUI_Overall_WeaponStats" "Disparos \nImpactos \nVíctimas \nVíctimas/Disparo" "[english]SFUI_Overall_WeaponStats" "Shots \nHits \nKills \nKills/Shot" "SFUI_Overall_MapStats" "%s \nVeces jugado: %d \nVictorias: %d \n%% de victorias: %.3f" "[english]SFUI_Overall_MapStats" "%s \nPlayed: %d \nWins: %d \nWin %%: %.3f" "SFUI_Overall_MapStats" "%ls \nVeces jugado: %d \nVictorias: %d \n%% de victorias: %.3f" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Overall_MapStats" "%ls \nPlayed: %d \nWins: %d \nWin %%: %.3f" "SFUI_Overall_Stars" "Estrellas al mejor jugador: %d" "[english]SFUI_Overall_Stars" "MVP Stars: %d" "SFUI_Overall_NoFavorite" "Nada" "[english]SFUI_Overall_NoFavorite" "No favorite" "SFUI_MBox_OKButton" "Aceptar" "[english]SFUI_MBox_OKButton" "OK" "SFUI_MBox_CancelButton" "Cancelar" "[english]SFUI_MBox_CancelButton" "Cancel" "SFUI_LOADING" "Cargando..." "[english]SFUI_LOADING" "Loading..." "SFUI_StartCT" "Inicio AT" "[english]SFUI_StartCT" "CT Start" "SFUI_StartT" "Inicio T" "[english]SFUI_StartT" "T Start" "SFUI_BuyZoneCT" "Zona de compra AT" "[english]SFUI_BuyZoneCT" "CT Buy Zone" "SFUI_BuyZoneT" "Zona de compra T" "[english]SFUI_BuyZoneT" "T Buy Zone" "SFUI_HostageZone" "Zona de rehenes" "[english]SFUI_HostageZone" "Hostage Zone" "SFUI_HostageRescueZone" "Zona de rescate de rehenes" "[english]SFUI_HostageRescueZone" "Hostage Rescue Zone" "SFUI_BombZoneA" "Emplazamiento de bomba A" "[english]SFUI_BombZoneA" "Bomb Site A" "SFUI_BombZoneB" "Emplazamiento de bomba B" "[english]SFUI_BombZoneB" "Bomb Site B" "SFUI_ScoreboardTitle" "Marcador" "[english]SFUI_ScoreboardTitle" "Scoreboard" "SFUI_Scoreboard_MapName" "Mapa: %s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_MapName" "Map: %s1" "SFUI_CT_Label" "ANTITERRORISTAS" "[english]SFUI_CT_Label" "COUNTER-TERRORISTS" "SFUI_CT_Player_Text" "JUGADOR" "[english]SFUI_CT_Player_Text" "PLAYER" "SFUI_CT_Clan_Text" "EQUIPO" "[english]SFUI_CT_Clan_Text" "TEAM" "SFUI_CT_Score_Text" "PUNTUACIÓN" "[english]SFUI_CT_Score_Text" "SCORE" "SFUI_CT_Death_Text" "MUERTES" "[english]SFUI_CT_Death_Text" "DEATHS" "SFUI_CT_Kills_Text" "VÍCTIMAS" "[english]SFUI_CT_Kills_Text" "KILLS" "SFUI_CT_KillPoints_Text" "PUNTOS POR VÍCTIMA" "[english]SFUI_CT_KillPoints_Text" "KILL POINTS" "SFUI_CT_Money_Text" "DINERO" "[english]SFUI_CT_Money_Text" "MONEY" "SFUI_CT_Status_Text" "ESTADO" "[english]SFUI_CT_Status_Text" "STATUS" "SFUI_CT_Vote_Text" "VOTO" "[english]SFUI_CT_Vote_Text" "VOTE" "SFUI_CT_Elo_Change_Text" "+/- Elo" "[english]SFUI_CT_Elo_Change_Text" "+/- Elo" "SFUI_T_Label" "TERRORISTAS" "[english]SFUI_T_Label" "TERRORISTS" "SFUI_T_Player_Text" "JUGADOR" "[english]SFUI_T_Player_Text" "PLAYER" "SFUI_T_Clan_Text" "EQUIPO" "[english]SFUI_T_Clan_Text" "TEAM" "SFUI_T_Score_Text" "PUNTUACIÓN" "[english]SFUI_T_Score_Text" "SCORE" "SFUI_T_Death_Text" "MUERTES" "[english]SFUI_T_Death_Text" "DEATHS" "SFUI_T_Kills_Text" "VÍCTIMAS" "[english]SFUI_T_Kills_Text" "KILLS" "SFUI_T_KillPoints_Text" "PUNTOS POR VÍCTIMA" "[english]SFUI_T_KillPoints_Text" "KILL POINTS" "SFUI_T_Money_Text" "DINERO" "[english]SFUI_T_Money_Text" "MONEY" "SFUI_T_Status_Text" "ESTADO" "[english]SFUI_T_Status_Text" "STATUS" "SFUI_T_Vote_Text" "VOTO" "[english]SFUI_T_Vote_Text" "VOTE" "SFUI_T_Elo_Change_Text" "+/- Elo" "[english]SFUI_T_Elo_Change_Text" "+/- Elo" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Spectator" "%s1 ESPECTADOR" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Spectator" "%s1 SPECTATOR" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Spectators" "%s1 ESPECTADORES" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Spectators" "%s1 SPECTATORS" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Player" "%s1 jugador" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Player" "%s1 Player" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Players" "%s1 jugadores" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Players" "%s1 Players" "SFUI_Scoreboard_TimeLeft" "Tiempo restante: %s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_TimeLeft" "Time Left: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_FightTime" "Tiempo de combate: %s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_FightTime" "Fight Time: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_RoundsLeft" "Rondas restantes: %s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_RoundsLeft" "Rounds Left: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Common" "${cancel} Atrás ${dpad} Moverse ${altstart} Cerrar" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Common" "${cancel} Back ${dpad} Navigate ${altstart} Close" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Common" "${cancel} Atrás ${dpad} Moverse" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Common" "${cancel} Back ${dpad} Navigate" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} Ver tarjeta de jugador" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} View Gamer Card " "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Left" "${lshoulder} Sí " "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Left" "${lshoulder} Yes " "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Kick" "${lshoulder} Votar para expulsar" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Kick" "${lshoulder} Vote to Kick " "SFUI_Player_Wants_Restart" "%s1 quiere reiniciar la partida." "[english]SFUI_Player_Wants_Restart" "%s1 wants to restart the match." "SFUI_bot_controlled_by" "BOT (%s1)" "[english]SFUI_bot_controlled_by" "BOT (%s1)" "SFUI_bot_decorated_name" "BOT %s1" "[english]SFUI_bot_decorated_name" "BOT %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_1st" "1º" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_1st" "1st" "SFUI_Scoreboard_2nd" "2º" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_2nd" "2nd" "SFUI_Scoreboard_1st_Half" "Primera mitad" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_1st_Half" "1st Half" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Halftime" "Descanso" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Halftime" "Halftime" "SFUI_Scoreboard_2nd_Half" "Segunda mitad" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_2nd_Half" "2nd Half" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Final" "Final" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Final" "Final" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Team_One" "Equipo Uno" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Team_One" "Team One" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Team_Two" "Equipo Dos" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Team_Two" "Team Two" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Switch_In" "Cambio de equipo en: %s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Switch_In" "Team Switch In: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Next_In" "La siguiente partida comienza en: %s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Next_In" "Next Match Starts In: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_VoteStatus" "Votos a favor %s1/%s2 : %s3" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_VoteStatus" "Yes Votes %s1/%s2 : %s3" "SFUI_Scoreboard_NormalPlayer" "%s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_NormalPlayer" "%s1" "SFUI_Vote_None" " " "[english]SFUI_Vote_None" "" "SFUI_Vote_KickPlayer" "Expulsar jugador..." "[english]SFUI_Vote_KickPlayer" "Kick Player..." "SFUI_Vote_TeamSwitch" "Cambiar equipos" "[english]SFUI_Vote_TeamSwitch" "Swap Teams" "SFUI_Vote_ScrambleTeams" "Mezclar equipos" "[english]SFUI_Vote_ScrambleTeams" "Scramble Teams" "SFUI_Vote_Surrender" "Rendirse" "[english]SFUI_Vote_Surrender" "Surrender" "SFUI_Vote_RestartMatch" "Reiniciar partida" "[english]SFUI_Vote_RestartMatch" "Restart Match" "SFUI_Vote_ChangeMap" "Cambiar mapa..." "[english]SFUI_Vote_ChangeMap" "Change Map..." "SFUI_Vote_VoteStatus" "%s4 votos para %s3. Votos a favor: %s1/%s2" "[english]SFUI_Vote_VoteStatus" "%s4 votes to %s3. Yes votes: %s1/%s2" "SFUI_Vote_PressToVote" "Abre el marcador para votar." "[english]SFUI_Vote_PressToVote" "Open scoreboard to vote." "SFUI_Choose_Team" "ELEGIR EQUIPO" "[english]SFUI_Choose_Team" "CHOOSE TEAM" "SFUI_TeamNavNoSpectate" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Aceptar ${dpad} Seleccionar ${west} Selección automática ${altstart} Marcador" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_TeamNavNoSpectate" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Accept ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${altstart} Scoreboard" "SFUI_TeamNavWithSpectate" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Aceptar ${dpad} Seleccionar ${west} Selección automática ${lshoulder} Espectador ${altstart} Marcador" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_TeamNavWithSpectate" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Accept ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${lshoulder} Spectate ${altstart} Scoreboard" "SFUI_TeamNavNoSpectate" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Aceptar ${dpad} Seleccionar ${west} Selección automática ${north} Marcador" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_TeamNavNoSpectate" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Accept ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${north} Scoreboard" "SFUI_TeamNavWithSpectate" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Aceptar ${dpad} Seleccionar ${west} Selección automática ${lshoulder} Espectador ${north} Marcador" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_TeamNavWithSpectate" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Accept ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${lshoulder} Spectate ${north} Scoreboard" "SFUI_TeamButtonAuto" "Selección automática" "[english]SFUI_TeamButtonAuto" "Auto select" "SFUI_TeamButtonCancel" "Cancelar" "[english]SFUI_TeamButtonCancel" "Cancel " "SFUI_TeamButtonSpectate" "Espectador" "[english]SFUI_TeamButtonSpectate" "Spectate" "SFUI_TeamConfirmTitle" "Confirmar cancelación" "[english]SFUI_TeamConfirmTitle" "Confirm Cancel" "SFUI_TeamConfirmMsg" "Si cancelas ahora volverás al menú principal. ¿Seguro que quieres cancelar?" "[english]SFUI_TeamConfirmMsg" "Cancelling now will return you to the main menu. Are you sure you want to cancel?" "SFUI_TeamConfirmNav" "${cancel} Cancelar ${confirm} Sí" "[english]SFUI_TeamConfirmNav" "${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_TeamHumans" "Humanos: " "[english]SFUI_TeamHumans" "Humans: " "SFUI_TeamBots" "Bots:" "[english]SFUI_TeamBots" "Bots: " "SFUI_TeamFull" "Equipo lleno" "[english]SFUI_TeamFull" "Team Full" "SFUI_TeamTimer" "Sel. automática en:" "[english]SFUI_TeamTimer" "Auto pick in:" "SFUIHUD_playerid_sameteam" "Amigo: %s1 Salud: %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_sameteam" "Friend: %s1 Health: %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_diffteam" "Enemigo: %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_diffteam" "Enemy: %s1" "SFUIHUD_playerid_specteam" "%s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_specteam" "%s1" "SFUIHUD_playerid_noteam" "%s1 Salud:%s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_noteam" "%s1 Health:%s2" "SFUIHUD_hostageid" "Rehén %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_hostageid" "Hostage %s1" "SFUIHUD_weaponid_pickup" "${use} cambiar por %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_weaponid_pickup" "${use} swap for %s1" "SFUIHUD_weaponid_c4defuse" "${use} desactivar C4" "[english]SFUIHUD_weaponid_c4defuse" "${use} defuse the C4" "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_HelpTitle" " " "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_HelpTitle" "" "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_PriorityMsgTitle" "Alerta" "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_PriorityMsgTitle" "Alert" "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseTitle" "T. de desact.:" "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseTitle" "Defuse Time:" "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseText" "Estás desactivando la bomba." "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseText" "You are defusing the bomb." "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Camera" "${confirm} Cámara " "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Camera" "${confirm} Camera " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot" "${use} Controlar bot " "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot" "${use} Control Bot " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard" "${altstart} Marcador" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard" "${altstart} Scoreboard " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard" "${dpaddown} Marcador" [$PS3] "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard" "${dpaddown} Scoreboard " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_You_Are_Dead" "Viendo a %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_You_Are_Dead" "Following %s2" "Choose_Class_Navigation" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Seleccionar ${dpad} Moverse ${west} Autoseleccionar ${north} Marcador" "[english]Choose_Class_Navigation" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Select ${dpad} Navigation ${west} Auto-Select ${north} Scoreboard" "ChooseClassHeader" "Elige unidad" "[english]ChooseClassHeader" "Choose Unit" "SFUI_Urban_Name" "EQUIPO SEAL 6" "[english]SFUI_Urban_Name" "SEAL TEAM 6" "SFUI_Urban_Label" "El ST-6 (más tarde conocido como DEVGRU) fue fundado en 1980 bajo el mando del Teniente Coronel Ricardo Marcincko. El ST-6 fue puesto en alerta permanente para responder a los ataques terroristas contra los objetivos de todo América." "[english]SFUI_Urban_Label" "ST-6 (to be known later as DEVGRU) was founded in 1980 under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Richard Marcincko. ST-6 was placed on permanent alert to respond to terrorist attacks against American targets worldwide." "SFUI_ST6_Male_Name" "Equipo Especial de Respuesta" "[english]SFUI_ST6_Male_Name" "Special Response Team" "SFUI_ST6_Male_Label" "Los SRT o SWAT son una unidad paramilitar táctica americana de operaciones especiales perteneciente a los organismos nacionales de la ley." "[english]SFUI_ST6_Male_Label" "SRT or SWAT is an American special operations paramilitary tactical unit operating within domestic law enforcement agencies." "SFUI_SAS_Male_Name" "Servicio Aéreo Especial Británico" "[english]SFUI_SAS_Male_Name" "British Special Air Service" "SFUI_SAS_Male_Label" "El mundialmente famoso SAS británico fue fundado en la Segunda Guerra Mundial por un hombre llamado David Stirling. Su papel durante la 2ª Guerra Mundial consistía en recopilar datos de inteligencia tras las líneas enemigas y sabotear y asesinar objetivos clave." "[english]SFUI_SAS_Male_Label" "The world-renowned British SAS was founded in the Second World War by a man named David Stirling. Their role during WW2 involved gathering intelligence behind enemy lines and executing sabotage strikes and assassinations against key targets." "SFUI_GSG9_Male_Name" "Grenzschutzgruppe-9" "[english]SFUI_GSG9_Male_Name" "Grenzschutzgruppe-9" "SFUI_GSG9_Male_Label" "El GSG-9 se creó a raíz de los trágicos acontecimientos que tuvieron como consecuencia la muerte de varios atletas israelíes durante los Juegos Olímpicos de 1972 en Munich, Alemania." "[english]SFUI_GSG9_Male_Label" "GSG-9 was born out of the tragic events that led to the death of several Israeli athletes during the 1972 Olympic games in Munich, Germany." "SFUI_Phoenix_Name" "La Conexión Phoenix" "[english]SFUI_Phoenix_Name" "The Phoenix Connexion" "SFUI_Phoenix_Label" "Tras haberse labrado una reputación por matar a cualquiera que se interponga en su camino, la Facción Phoenix es uno de los grupos terroristas más temidos en Europa del Este. Se formó poco después de la desintegración de la Unión Soviética." "[english]SFUI_Phoenix_Label" "Having established a reputation for killing anyone that gets in their way, the Phoenix Faction is one of the most feared terrorist groups in Eastern Europe. Formed shortly after the breakup of the USSR." "SFUI_Separatist_Male_Name" "Separatista" "[english]SFUI_Separatist_Male_Name" "Separatist" "SFUI_Separatist_Male_Label" "Persiguiendo un abrumador deseo por la autodeterminación, esta facción europea minoritaria se ha inclinado por los atroces actos de terror para lograr sus objetivos nacionalistas." "[english]SFUI_Separatist_Male_Label" "Claiming an overwhelming desire for self determination, this European minority faction has stooped to heinous acts of terror in order to achieve their nationalistic vision." "SFUI_Pirate_Male_Name" "PIRATA" "[english]SFUI_Pirate_Male_Name" "PIRATE" "SFUI_Pirate_Male_Label" "Los piratas modernos del Cuerno de África reivindican que sus acciones son en defensa propia de sus aguas territoriales, a pesar de que la extorsión y los asesinatos cometidos por los autoproclamados \"guardacostas\" desmientan estas afirmaciones." "[english]SFUI_Pirate_Male_Label" "The modern pirates of the Horn of Africa claim their actions denote self defense of their territorial waters although the extortion and murder committed by the self-proclaimed “coast guard” belie these claims." "SFUI_Professional_Male_Name" "Profesional" "[english]SFUI_Professional_Male_Name" "Professional" "SFUI_Professional_Male_Label" "Los Profesionales son ladrones bien equipados, tienen acceso a la última tecnología y carecen de compromisos políticos o religiosos." "[english]SFUI_Professional_Male_Label" "The Professionals are high tech, well equipped thieves with no political or religious agenda." "SFUI_WinPanel_CT_Win" "Ganan los antiterroristas" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_CT_Win" "Counter-Terrorists Win" "SFUI_WinPanel_T_Win" "Ganan los terroristas" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_T_Win" "Terrorists Win" "SFUI_WinPanel_Round_Draw" "Empate" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_Round_Draw" "Round Draw" "SFUI_WinPanel_Win" "VICTORIA" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_Win" "WIN" "SFUI_WinPanel_Draw" "EMPATE" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_Draw" "DRAW" "SFUI_WinPanel_Nav" "${confirm} Cerrar" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_Nav" "${confirm} Close" "SFUI_Notice_Got_Bomb" "Has recogido la bomba." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Got_Bomb" "You picked up the bomb." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Defuse_Must_Be_On_Ground" "Debes estár en el suelo para desactivar la bomba." "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Defuse_Must_Be_On_Ground" "You must be on the ground to defuse the bomb." "SFUI_Notice_Bomb_Already_Being_Defused" "La bomba ya está siendo desactivada." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Bomb_Already_Being_Defused" "The bomb is already being defused." "SFUI_Notice_Defusing_Bomb_With_Defuse_Kit" "Desactivando la bomba." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Defusing_Bomb_With_Defuse_Kit" "Defusing the bomb." "SFUI_Notice_Defusing_Bomb_Without_Defuse_Kit" "Desactivando SIN el kit de desactivación." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Defusing_Bomb_Without_Defuse_Kit" "Defusing WITHOUT a defuse kit." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Plant_At_Bomb_Spot" "El C4 debe colocarse en un emplazamiento de bomba." "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Plant_At_Bomb_Spot" "C4 must be planted at a bomb site." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Plant_Must_Be_On_Ground" "Debes estar en el suelo para plantar el C4." "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Plant_Must_Be_On_Ground" "You must be standing on the ground to plant the C4." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Arming_Cancelled" "Secuencia de activación cancelada. El C4 solo se puede colocar en los objetivos de bomba." "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Arming_Cancelled" "Arming sequence canceled. C4 can only be placed at a bomb target." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Activated_At_Bomb_Spot" "El C4 debe activarse en un objetivo de bomba." "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Activated_At_Bomb_Spot" "C4 must be activated at a bomb target" "SFUI_Notice_Killed_Teammate" "¡Has matado a un companero de equipo!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Killed_Teammate" "You killed a teammate!" "SFUI_Notice_Game_teammate_kills" "Compañeros muertos: %s1 de 3" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Game_teammate_kills" "Teammate kills: %s1 of 3" "SFUI_Notice_Banned_For_Killing_Teammates" "Se te prohíbe la entrada al servidor por haber matado demasiados compañeros de equipo." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Banned_For_Killing_Teammates" "You are being banned from the server for killing too many teammates." "SFUI_Notice_Hint_careful_around_teammates" "¡Cuidado! Disparar a tus compañeros disminuirá tu puntuación." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hint_careful_around_teammates" "Careful! Shooting at teammates will lower your score." "SFUI_Notice_Hint_reward_for_killing_vip" "¡Has ganado 2.500 $ por matar al VIP!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hint_reward_for_killing_vip" "You have been rewarded $2500 for killing the VIP!" "SFUI_Notice_Hint_win_round_by_killing_enemy" "¡Has matado a un enemigo! ¡Colabora con tu equipo para eliminarlos a todos!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hint_win_round_by_killing_enemy" "You killed an enemy! Work with your team to eliminate them all!" "SFUI_Notice_Game_scoring" "No se obtienen puntos hasta que ambos equipos tengan jugadores." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Game_scoring" "Scoring will not start until both teams have players." "SFUI_Notice_Auto_Team_Balance_Next_Round" "*** Autoequilibrio de equipos en la siguiente ronda ***" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Auto_Team_Balance_Next_Round" "*** Auto-Team Balance next round ***" "SFUI_Notice_Game_will_restart_in" "La partida se reiniciará en %s1 %s2" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Game_will_restart_in" "The game will restart in %s1 %s2" "SFUI_Notice_Player_Balanced" "Has sido trasladado al otro equipo para equilibrar el juego." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Player_Balanced" "You have been moved to the other team for game balance." "SFUI_Notice_Teams_Balanced" "Se han equilibrado los equipos." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Teams_Balanced" "The teams have been balanced." "SFUI_Notice_Target_Bombed" "¡Objetivo bombardeado con éxito!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Target_Bombed" "Target successfully bombed!" "SFUI_Notice_VIP_Assassinated" "¡Han asesinado al VIP!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_VIP_Assassinated" "VIP has been assassinated!" "SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Escaped" "¡Los terroristas han escapado!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Escaped" "The terrorists have escaped!" "SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Win" "¡Ganan los terroristas!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Win" "Terrorists Win!" "SFUI_Notice_Hostages_Not_Rescued" "¡Los rehenes no han sido rescatados!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hostages_Not_Rescued" "Hostages have not been rescued!" "SFUI_Notice_VIP_Not_Escaped" "El VIP no ha escapado." "[english]SFUI_Notice_VIP_Not_Escaped" "VIP has not escaped." "SFUI_Notice_VIP_Escaped" "¡El VIP ha escapado!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_VIP_Escaped" "The VIP has escaped!" "SFUI_Notice_CTs_PreventEscape" "Los antiterroristas han impedido que la mayoría de los terroristas escapen." "[english]SFUI_Notice_CTs_PreventEscape" "The CTs have prevented most of the terrorists from escaping." "SFUI_Notice_Escaping_Terrorists_Neutralized" "Todos los terroristas que escaparon han sido neutralizados." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Escaping_Terrorists_Neutralized" "Escaping terrorists have all been neutralized." "SFUI_Notice_Bomb_Defused" "La bomba ha sido desactivada." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Bomb_Defused" "The bomb has been defused." "SFUI_Notice_CTs_Win" "¡Ganan los antiterroristas!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_CTs_Win" "Counter-Terrorists Win!" "SFUI_Notice_All_Hostages_Rescued" "¡Todos los rehenes han sido rescatados!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_All_Hostages_Rescued" "All hostages have been rescued!" "SFUI_Notice_Target_Saved" "¡El objetivo esta a salvo!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Target_Saved" "Target has been saved!" "SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Not_Escaped" "Los terroristas no han escapado." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Not_Escaped" "Terrorists have not escaped." "SFUI_Notice_Game_Commencing" "¡El juego comienza!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Game_Commencing" "Game Commencing." "SFUI_Notice_Round_Draw" "¡Empate!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Round_Draw" "Round Draw!" "SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Surrender" "Los terroristas se han rendido" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Surrender" "Terrorists Surrender" "SFUI_Notice_CTs_Surrender" "Los antiterroristas se han rendido" "[english]SFUI_Notice_CTs_Surrender" "CTs Surrender" "SFUI_Notice_Knife_Level" "¡%s1 ha alcanzado el nivel del cuchillo de oro!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Knife_Level" "%s1 has reached gold knife level!" "SFUI_Notice_Gun_Game_Leader" "Eres el nuevo anfitrión." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Gun_Game_Leader" "You are the new leader." "Hint_you_have_the_defuser" "Tienes el kit de desactivación." "[english]Hint_you_have_the_defuser" "You have the defuse kit." "SFUI_Notice_Have_Bomb" "Tienes la bomba. Encuentra la zona objetivo o DEJA la bomba para otro terrorista." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Have_Bomb" "You have the bomb. Find the target zone or DROP the bomb for another Terrorist." "SFUI_Voice_Dead_Location" "MUERTO" "[english]SFUI_Voice_Dead_Location" "DEAD" "SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "MANDO" "[english]SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "CONTROLLER" "SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "Controles" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "CONTROLS" "SFUI_CONTROLLS_MOUSE_KEYBOARD" "TECLADO / RATÓN" "[english]SFUI_CONTROLLS_MOUSE_KEYBOARD" "KEYBOARD / MOUSE" "SFUI_Controls_Nav" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Modificar ${west} Borrar ${north} Predeterminados ${dpad} Activar/Modificar" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Nav" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Modify ${west} Clear ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Toggle/Modify" "SFUI_Controls_Nav_Limit" "${cancel} Atrás ${north} Predeterminados ${dpad} Activar/Modificar" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Nav_Limit" "${cancel} Back ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Toggle/Modify" "SFUI_Controls_Cancel" "${start} Cancelar" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Cancel" "${start} Cancel" "SFUI_Controls_Cancel" " " [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Controls_Cancel" "" "SFUI_Controls_Title" "%s1" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Title" "%s1" "SFUI_Controls_Modify" "Pulsa un botón..." "[english]SFUI_Controls_Modify" "Press a button..." "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Title" "PREDETERMINADOS" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Title" "RESTORE DEFAULTS" "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "¿Restablecer todas las opciones de mando de Xbox 360 a sus valores predeterminados?" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reset all Xbox 360 controller options to their defaults?" "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "¿Restablecer todas las opciones del mando a sus valores predeterminados?" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reset all controller options to their defaults?" "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "¿Restablecer todas las opciones de mando inalámbrico a sus valores predeterminados?" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reset all wireless controller options to their defaults?" "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Nav" "${cancel} Cancelar ${confirm} Sí" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Nav" "${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_Controls_Clear" "BORRAR" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Clear" "CLEAR" "SFUI_Controls_Edit" "EDITAR" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Edit" "EDIT" "SFUI_ReverseMouse" "Invertir ratón" "[english]SFUI_ReverseMouse" "Reverse Mouse" "SFUI_MouseSensitivity" "Sensibilidad del ratón" "[english]SFUI_MouseSensitivity" "Mouse Sensitivity" "SFUI_RawInput" "Entrada directa" "[english]SFUI_RawInput" "Raw Input" "SFUI_MouseAcceleration" "Aceleración del ratón" "[english]SFUI_MouseAcceleration" "Mouse Acceleration" "SFUI_AccelerationAmount" "Nivel de aceleración" "[english]SFUI_AccelerationAmount" "Acceleration Amount" "SFUI_Toggle_Always_Show_Inv" "Mostrar/Ocultar el inventario" "[english]SFUI_Toggle_Always_Show_Inv" "Toggle Inventory Display" "SFUI_Forward" "Avanzar" "[english]SFUI_Forward" "Move Forward" "SFUI_Backward" "Retroceder" "[english]SFUI_Backward" "Move Backward" "SFUI_MoveRight" "Desplazamiento lateral dcha." "[english]SFUI_MoveRight" "Move Right (strafe)" "SFUI_MoveLeft" "Desplazamiento lateral izq." "[english]SFUI_MoveLeft" "Move Left (strafe)" "SFUI_Previous" "Última arma usada" "[english]SFUI_Previous" "Last Weapon Used" "SFUI_Voice" "Usar micro" "[english]SFUI_Voice" "Use Mic" "SFUI_Buy" "Menú de compra" "[english]SFUI_Buy" "Buy Menu" "SFUI_StandardRadio" "Mensaje de radio estándar" "[english]SFUI_StandardRadio" "Standard Radio Message" "SFUI_GroupRadio" "Mensaje de radio a grupo" "[english]SFUI_GroupRadio" "Group Radio Message" "SFUI_ReportRadio" "Mensaje de radio de informe" "[english]SFUI_ReportRadio" "Report Radio Message" "SFUI_ChatMessage" "Mensaje de chat" "[english]SFUI_ChatMessage" "Chat Message" "SFUI_TeamMessage" "Mensaje de equipo" "[english]SFUI_TeamMessage" "Team Message" "SFUI_PreviousWeapon" "Seleccionar arma anterior" "[english]SFUI_PreviousWeapon" "Select Previous Weapon" "SFUI_NextWeapon" "Seleccionar arma siguiente" "[english]SFUI_NextWeapon" "Select Next Weapon" "SFUI_Autobuy" "Autocomprar" "[english]SFUI_Autobuy" "Autobuy" "SFUI_Rebuy" "Volver a comprar" "[english]SFUI_Rebuy" "Rebuy" "SFUI_JoystickSpeedMode" "Modo caminar" "[english]SFUI_JoystickSpeedMode" "Walk Mode" "SFUI_MouseZoomSensitivity" "Sensibilidad del zoom" "[english]SFUI_MouseZoomSensitivity" "Zoom Sensitivity" "SFUI_ControllerZoomSensitivity" "Sensibilidad del zoom" "[english]SFUI_ControllerZoomSensitivity" "Zoom Sensitivity" "SFUI_TaserSlot" "Zeus x27" "[english]SFUI_TaserSlot" "Zeus x27" "SFUI_MolotovSlot" "Cóctel Molotov" "[english]SFUI_MolotovSlot" "Molotov Cocktail" "SFUI_DecoySlot" "Granada señuelo" "[english]SFUI_DecoySlot" "Decoy Grenade" "SFUI_CycleWeapons" "Alternar primaria/secundaria" "[english]SFUI_CycleWeapons" "Swap Primary/Secondary" "SFUI_CycleGrenades" "Alternar granadas" "[english]SFUI_CycleGrenades" "Cycle Grenades" "SFUI_PrimaryWeapon" "Arma primaria" "[english]SFUI_PrimaryWeapon" "Primary Weapon" "SFUI_SecondaryWeapon" "Arma secundaria" "[english]SFUI_SecondaryWeapon" "Secondary Weapon" "SFUI_WeaponSpecial" "Función especial del arma" "[english]SFUI_WeaponSpecial" "Weapon Special Function" "SFUI_Silencer_Burst" "Silenciador / Ráfaga" "[english]SFUI_Silencer_Burst" "Silencer / Burst" "SFUI_Zoom_Slash" "Zoom / Cuchillada" "[english]SFUI_Zoom_Slash" "Zoom / Slash" "SFUI_KnifeSlot" "Cuchillo" "[english]SFUI_KnifeSlot" "Knife" "SFUI_BombSlot" "Bomba" "[english]SFUI_BombSlot" "Bomb" "SFUI_Left_Handed" "Zurdo" "[english]SFUI_Left_Handed" "Left-Handed" "SFUI_Right_Handed" "Diestro" "[english]SFUI_Right_Handed" "Right-Handed" "SFUI_JoystickLookType" "Tipo de vista" "[english]SFUI_JoystickLookType" "Look Type" "SFUI_JoystickNormal" "Normal" "[english]SFUI_JoystickNormal" "Normal" "SFUI_JoystickInverted" "Invertida" "[english]SFUI_JoystickInverted" "Inverted" "SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Joysticks mov./mirar" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Move/Look Sticks" "SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Sticks" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Sticks" "SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Stick Izquierdo / Stick Derecho" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Left Stick / Right Stick" "SFUI_JoystickDuckMode" "Modo agachado" "[english]SFUI_JoystickDuckMode" "Duck Mode" "SFUI_Toggle" "Activar/desactivar" "[english]SFUI_Toggle" "Toggle" "SFUI_Hold" "Mantener pulsado" "[english]SFUI_Hold" "Hold" "SFUI_JoystickLookSpeedPitch" "Sensibilidad vertical" "[english]SFUI_JoystickLookSpeedPitch" "Vertical Sensitivity" "SFUI_JoystickLookSpeedYaw" "Sensibilidad horizontal" "[english]SFUI_JoystickLookSpeedYaw" "Horizontal Sensitivity" "SFUI_Rumble" "Vibración" "[english]SFUI_Rumble" "Vibration" "SFUI_Fire" "Fuego" "[english]SFUI_Fire" "Fire" "SFUI_Reload_Weapon" "Recargar" "[english]SFUI_Reload_Weapon" "Reload" "SFUI_Jump" "Saltar" "[english]SFUI_Jump" "Jump" "SFUI_Duck" "Agacharse" "[english]SFUI_Duck" "Duck" "SFUI_CycleWeapons" "Alternar primaria/secundaria" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_CycleWeapons" "Swap Primary/Secondary" "SFUI_CycleGrenades" "Alternar granadas" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_CycleGrenades" "Cycle Grenades" "SFUI_Pickup_Use_Objects" "Usar" "[english]SFUI_Pickup_Use_Objects" "Use" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Menu_Scoreboard" "Marcador" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Menu_Scoreboard" "Scoreboard" "SFUI_Walk" "Caminar" "[english]SFUI_Walk" "Walk" "SFUI_Drop_Weapon" "Soltar arma" "[english]SFUI_Drop_Weapon" "Drop Weapon" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_HE_Grenade" "Granada HE" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_HE_Grenade" "HE Grenade" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Flashbang" "Granada aturdidora" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Flashbang" "Flashbang" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Smoke_Grenade" "Granada de humo" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Smoke_Grenade" "Smoke Grenade" "SFUI_Screenshot" "Captura de pantalla" "[english]SFUI_Screenshot" "Take Screenshot" "SFUI_PLAYER_SETTINGS" "OPCIONES DE PARTIDA" [$WIN32||$OSX||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PLAYER_SETTINGS" "GAME SETTINGS" "SFUI_Settings_General_nav" "${cancel} Atrás ${north} Predeterminados" "[english]SFUI_Settings_General_nav" "${cancel} Back ${north} Restore Defaults" "SFUI_Settings_mic_nav" "${west} Configurar micrófono" "[english]SFUI_Settings_mic_nav" " ${west} Setup Microphone" "SFUI_Settings_push_to_talk_nav" "${confirm} Editar tecla del micro" "[english]SFUI_Settings_push_to_talk_nav" " ${confirm} Edit Use Mic Key " "SFUI_Settings_Nav" "${cancel} Atrás ${west} Tamaño de HUD ${north} Predeterminados ${dpad} Modificar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Nav" "${cancel} Back ${west} HUD Size ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Modify" "SFUI_Settings_Nav_Video" "${cancel} Atrás ${west} Opciones avanzadas ${north} Predeterminados ${rshoulder} Aplicar ${dpad} Modificar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Nav_Video" "${cancel} Back ${west} Advanced ${north} Restore Defaults ${rshoulder} Apply ${dpad} Modify" "SFUI_Settings_Nav_Video_Advanced" "${cancel} Atrás ${west} Tamaño de HUD ${north} Predeterminados ${rshoulder} Aplicar ${dpad} Modificar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Nav_Video_Advanced" "${cancel} Back ${west} HUD Size ${north} Restore Defaults ${rshoulder} Apply ${dpad} Modify" "SFUI_Settings_Resize" "${cancel} Atrás ${dpad} Modificar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Resize" "${cancel} Back ${dpad} Modify" "SFUI_Settings_Screen_Resize" "TAM. DE HUD" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Screen_Resize" "HUD SIZE" "SFUI_Settings_Title" "Parámetros del jugador %s1" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Title" "Player: %s1 Settings" "SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Title" "RESTABLECER PREDETERMINADOS" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Title" "RESTORE DEFAULTS" "SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Msg" "¿Restablecer todos los ajustes a los valores recomendados para tu sistema?" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reset all settings to your system's recommended defaults?" "SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Nav" "${cancel} Cancelar ${confirm} Sí" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Nav" "${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_Weapon_Name_VO" "Anuncio de nombre de arma" "[english]SFUI_Weapon_Name_VO" "Weapon Name Announcement" "SFUI_Settings_Advanced" "AVANZADAS" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Advanced" "ADVANCED" "SFUI_Settings_Video_Advanced" "VÍDEO - OPCIONES AVANZADAS" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Video_Advanced" "VIDEO - ADVANCED" "SFUI_Settings_Model_Texture_Detail" "Detalles de modelos/texturas" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Model_Texture_Detail" "Model / Texture Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Effect_Detail" "Detalles de efectos" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Effect_Detail" "Effect Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Shader_Detail" "Detalles del matizador" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Shader_Detail" "Shader Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Shadow_Detail" "Detalles de sombras" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Shadow_Detail" "Shadow Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Multicore" "Renderizado multinúcleo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Multicore" "Multicore Rendering" "SFUI_Settings_Paged_Pool" "Memoria paginada disponible" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Paged_Pool" "Paged Pool Memory Available" "SFUI_Settings_Water_Detail" "Detalles del agua" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Water_Detail" "Water Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Color_Correction" "Corrección de color" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Color_Correction" "Color Correction" "SFUI_Settings_Antialiasing_Mode" "Suavizado con muestreo múltiple" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Antialiasing_Mode" "Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode" "SFUI_Settings_Filtering_Mode" "Modo de filtrado de texturas" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Filtering_Mode" "Texture Filtering Mode" "SFUI_Settings_Aspect_Ratio" "Relación de aspecto" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Aspect_Ratio" "Aspect Ratio" "SFUI_Settings_Widescreen_16_10" "Panorámica 16:10" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Widescreen_16_10" "Widescreen 16:10" "SFUI_Settings_Widescreen_16_9" "Panorámica 16:9" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Widescreen_16_9" "Widescreen 16:9" "SFUI_Settings_Normal" "Normal 4:3" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Normal" "Normal 4:3" "SFUI_Settings_Resolution" "Resolución" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Resolution" "Resolution" "SFUI_Settings_Display_Mode" "Modo de presentación" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Display_Mode" "Display Mode" "SFUI_Settings_Fullscreen" "Pantalla completa" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Fullscreen" "Fullscreen" "SFUI_Settings_Windowed" "Modo ventana" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Windowed" "Windowed" "SFUI_Settings_Laptop_Power" "Modo de ahorro energético" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Laptop_Power" "Laptop Power Savings" "SFUI_Settings_Vertical_Sync" "Esperar a la sincronización vertical" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Vertical_Sync" "Wait for Vertical Sync" "SFUI_Settings_Motion_Blur" "Desenfoque de movimiento" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Motion_Blur" "Motion Blur" "SFUI_Settings_High_Dynamic_Range" "Alto rango dinámico (HDR)" "[english]SFUI_Settings_High_Dynamic_Range" "High Dynamic Range" "SFUI_Settings_Very_High" "Muy alta" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Very_High" "Very High" "SFUI_Settings_High" "Alta" "[english]SFUI_Settings_High" "High" "SFUI_Settings_Medium" "Media" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Medium" "Medium" "SFUI_Settings_Low" "Baja" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Low" "Low" "SFUI_Settings_Master_Volume" "Volumen maestro" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Master_Volume" "Master Volume" "SFUI_Settings_Music_Volume" "Volumen de la música" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Music_Volume" "Music Volume" "SFUI_Settings_Speaker_Config" "Configuración de altavoces" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Speaker_Config" "Speaker Configuration" "SFUI_Settings_Headphones" "Auriculares" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Headphones" "Headphones" "SFUI_Settings_2_Speakers" "2 altavoces" "[english]SFUI_Settings_2_Speakers" "2 Speakers" "SFUI_Settings_4_Speakers" "4 altavoces" "[english]SFUI_Settings_4_Speakers" "4 Speakers" "SFUI_Settings_51_Speakers" "Altavoces 5.1" "[english]SFUI_Settings_51_Speakers" "5.1 Speakers" "SFUI_Settings_Sound_Quality" "Calidad del sonido" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Sound_Quality" "Sound Quality" "SFUI_Settings_Enable_Voice" "Activar voz" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enable_Voice" "Enable Voice" "SFUI_Settings_Open_Mic" "Micrófono abierto" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Open_Mic" "Open Microphone" "SFUI_Settings_Push_To_Talk" "Pulsar para hablar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Push_To_Talk" "Press to Use Mic" "SFUI_Settings_Push_To_Talk_Key" "Tecla micro" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Push_To_Talk_Key" "EDIT USE MIC KEY" "SFUI_Settings_Setup_Microphone" "Conf. micro" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Setup_Microphone" "MIC SETUP" "SFUI_Settings_Simple_Refl" "Reflejos sencillos" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Simple_Refl" "Simple Reflections" "SFUI_Settings_Reflect_World" "Reflejar mundo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Reflect_World" "Reflect World" "SFUI_Settings_Reflect_All" "Reflejar todos" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Reflect_All" "Reflect All" "SFUI_Settings_Enabled" "Activado" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enabled" "Enabled" "SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Double" "Doble búfer" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Double" "Double Buffered" "SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Triple" "Triple búfer" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Triple" "Triple Buffered" "SFUI_Settings_Disabled" "Desactivado" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Disabled" "Disabled" "SFUI_Settings_None" "Ninguno" "[english]SFUI_Settings_None" "None" "SFUI_Settings_2X_MSAA" "2x MSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_2X_MSAA" "2x MSAA" "SFUI_Settings_4X_MSAA" "4x MSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_4X_MSAA" "4x MSAA" "SFUI_Settings_8X_MSAA" "8x MSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_8X_MSAA" "8x MSAA" "SFUI_Settings_8X_CSAA" "8x CSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_8X_CSAA" "8x CSAA" "SFUI_Settings_16X_CSAA" "16x CSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_16X_CSAA" "16x CSAA" "SFUI_Settings_16XQ_CSAA" "16xQ CSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_16XQ_CSAA" "16xQ CSAA" "SFUI_Settings_Bilinear" "Bilineal" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Bilinear" "Bilinear" "SFUI_Settings_Trilinear" "Trilineal" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Trilinear" "Trilinear" "SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_2X" "Anisotrópico 2X" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_2X" "Anisotropic 2X" "SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_4X" "Anisotrópico 4X" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_4X" "Anisotropic 4X" "SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_8X" "Anisotrópico 8X" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_8X" "Anisotropic 8X" "SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_16X" "Anisotrópico 16X" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_16X" "Anisotropic 16X" "SFUI_Settings_Bloom" "Resplandor" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Bloom" "Bloom" "SFUI_Settings_Full" "Completo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Full" "Full" "SFUI_Settings_Changes_On_Restart_Title" "Aviso" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Changes_On_Restart_Title" "Notice" "SFUI_Settings_Changes_On_Restart" "Los cambios serán aplicados al reiniciar." "[english]SFUI_Settings_Changes_On_Restart" "Changes will be applied at restart." "SFUI_Settings_Changes_Notice_Nav" "${confirm} Aceptar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Changes_Notice_Nav" "${confirm} OK" "SFUI_Settings_SplitMode" "Modo pantalla dividida" "[english]SFUI_Settings_SplitMode" "Splitscreen Mode" "SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Auto" "Automático" "[english]SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Auto" "Auto" "SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Vert" "División vertical" "[english]SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Vert" "Side by Side" "SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Horz" "División horizontal" "[english]SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Horz" "Over / Under" "SFUI_Settings_Always_Show_Inventory" "Mostrar siempre el inventario" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Always_Show_Inventory" "Always Show Inventory" "SFUI_Settings_Enable_Console" "Activar consola desarrollador (~)" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enable_Console" "Enable Developer Console (~)" "SFUI_Settings_HUDScaling" "Distancia de juego" "[english]SFUI_Settings_HUDScaling" "Play Distance" "SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleSmall" "Escritorio (fuentes pequeñas)" "[english]SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleSmall" "Desktop Small Text" "SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleMed" "Escritorio" "[english]SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleMed" "Desktop" "SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleLarge" "Sillón" "[english]SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleLarge" "Couch" "SFUI_Settings_Apply" "APLICAR" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Apply" "APPLY" "SFUI_Settings_Changed_Discard" "Se han realizado cambios. ¿Deseas descartarlos?" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Changed_Discard" "Changes have been made. Discard current changes?" "SFUI_Settings_Video" "Vídeo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Video" "Video" "SFUI_Settings_Discard_Nav" "${cancel} Cancelar ${confirm} Descartar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Discard_Nav" "${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} Discard" "SFUI_Settings_PowerSavings_Info" "En el modo Ahorro de Energía, el juego reduce el rendimiento de forma intencionada para conservar la batería, ampliando el tiempo que puedes jugar cuando dependas de ella." "[english]SFUI_Settings_PowerSavings_Info" "In Power Savings Mode, the game intentionally runs at a low frame rate in order to preserve battery power, extending the amount of time that you can play on battery power." "SFUI_Settings_Antialiasing_Info" "El suavizado proporciona un aspecto liso en los bordes de la geometría, eliminando así los dientes de sierra. El incremento de la calidad del suavizado puede hacer disminuir el rendimiento gráfico." "[english]SFUI_Settings_Antialiasing_Info" "Anti-aliasing provides a smooth appearance at the edges of geometry, eliminating jagged edges. Increasing anti-aliasing quality can degrade graphics performance." "SFUI_Settings_Filtering_Info" "Si aumentas la calidad del filtrado de las texturas mejorará la apariencia de las mismas durante la partida. El incremento de calidad del filtrado puede hacer disminuir el rendimiento gráfico." "[english]SFUI_Settings_Filtering_Info" "Increasing the texture filtering setting improves the appearance of textures in the game. Increasing filtering quality can degrade graphics performance." "SFUI_Settings_WaitForVSync_Info" "Se recomienda el triple búfer para la mejor experiencia. La opción 'Desactivado' puede producir parpadeo visual." "[english]SFUI_Settings_WaitForVSync_Info" "Triple Buffering is recommended for the smoothest experience. The Disabled setting may cause visual tearing." "SFUI_Settings_QueuedMode_Info" "El renderizado multinúcleo permite a CS:GO usar las múltiples CPUs que hay en tu sistema. Desactivar este ajuste puede mejorar el número de imágenes por segundo a costa de una menor calidad visual." "[english]SFUI_Settings_QueuedMode_Info" "Multicore rendering allows CS:GO to utilize the multiple CPUs present in your system. The Disabled setting may provide a higher framerate but with lower visual quality." "SFUI_Settings_ShaderDetail_Info" "Los detalles del matizador controlan el nivel de sofisticación de los efectos de luces y sombras que se aplican a las superficies del juego. Un valor más alto incrementa la calidad gráfica, pero puede disminuir el rendimiento." "[english]SFUI_Settings_ShaderDetail_Info" "Shader detail controls the sophistication of the lighting and shading effects applied to surfaces in the game. Higher settings increase visual quality but can degrade graphics performance." "SFUI_Settings_CPUDetail_Info" "El detalle de los efectos controla la complejidad de ciertos efectos visuales del juego además de la distancia de dibujado. Si disminuyes el detalle puedes mejorar el rendimiento, pero tal vez aparezcan anomalías visuales en los modelos." "[english]SFUI_Settings_CPUDetail_Info" "Effect detail controls the complexity of certain visual effects in the game as well as the draw-distance. Decreasing the effect detail may improve performance but will also increase model pop-in artifacts." "SFUI_Settings_ModelDetail_Info" "El ajuste de detalles de modelos y texturas controla la resolución de las texturas y la complejidad geométrica de los modelos del juego. Disminuirlo puede mejorar el rendimiento en equipos menos potentes, pero se reducirá la calidad gráfica." "[english]SFUI_Settings_ModelDetail_Info" "The model / texture detail setting controls the resolution of textures and geometric complexity of models in the game. Decreasing this setting may improve performance on low-end systems, but will degrade image quality." "SFUI_Settings_Paged_Pool_Mem_Info" "La memoria de la CPU disponible puede verse afectada por otros programas, como por ejemplo software antivirus que se esté ejecutando en segundo plano." "[english]SFUI_Settings_Paged_Pool_Mem_Info" "Available CPU memory may be affected by other programs, such as anti-virus programs running in the background." "SFUI_Settings_Chat_ButtonLabel" "Enviar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Chat_ButtonLabel" "Send" "SFUI_Settings_Chat_Say" "Decir a todos" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Chat_Say" "Say to all" "SFUI_Settings_Chat_SayTeam" "Decir al equipo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Chat_SayTeam" "Say to team" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Title" "Seleccionar arma" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Title" "Select Weapon" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Autobuy" "Compra automática" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Autobuy" "Auto Buy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Buyprev" "Compra anterior" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Buyprev" "Re-Buy Previous" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Done" "Cerrar" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Done" "Close" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Pistols" "PISTOLAS" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Pistols" "PISTOLS" "SFUI_BuyMenu_HeavyWeapons" "ARMAS PESADAS" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_HeavyWeapons" "HEAVY" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Rifles" "RIFLES" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Rifles" "RIFLES" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Equipment" "EQUIPO" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Equipment" "GEAR" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Loadouts" "EQUIPAMIENTOS" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Loadouts" "LOADOUTS" "SFUI_BuyMenu_SMGs" "METRALLETAS" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_SMGs" "SMGs" "SFUI_BuyMenu_SelectWeapon" "Seleccionar\nArma" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_SelectWeapon" "Select\nWeapon" "SFUI_BuyMenu_CurrentInventory" "Inventario actual" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_CurrentInventory" "Current Inventory" "SFUI_BuyMenu_LoadoutNumber" "Equipamiento %s1" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_LoadoutNumber" "Loadout %s1" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Firepower" "POTENCIA DE DISPARO" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Firepower" "FIREPOWER" "SFUI_BuyMenu_FireRate" "CADENCIA DE DISPARO" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_FireRate" "FIRERATE" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Accuracy" "PRECISIÓN" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Accuracy" "ACCURACY" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Movement" "MOVILIDAD" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Movement" "MOVEMENT RATE" "SFUI_BuyMenu_AmmoLabel" "MUNICIÓN:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_AmmoLabel" "AMMO:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_SpecialLabel" "ESPECIAL:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_SpecialLabel" "SPECIAL:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_CountryLabel" "PAÍS:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_CountryLabel" "COUNTRY:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_TimerText" "T. restante:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_TimerText" "Buy Time Left :" "SFUI_BuyMenu_OutOfTime" "El periodo de %s1 segundos de compra ha finalizado" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_OutOfTime" "The %s1 second buy period has expired" "SFUI_BuyMenu_NotInBuyZone" "Has salido de la zona de compra" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_NotInBuyZone" "You have left the buy zone" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Help_Select" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Seleccionar ${lshoulder} Autocomprar ${rshoulder} Compra anterior" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Help_Select" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Select ${lshoulder} Autobuy ${rshoulder} Buy Previous" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Help_Buy" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Seleccionar ${lshoulder} Autocomprar ${rshoulder} Compra anterior" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Help_Buy" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Select ${lshoulder} Autobuy ${rshoulder} Buy Previous" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_glock" "Austria" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_glock" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_glock" "Ráfaga x3" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_glock" "3x Burst-Fire" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_usp" "Alemania" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_usp" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_usp" "Silenciador" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_usp" "Silencer" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p228" "Suiza/Alemania" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p228" "Switz/Ger" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p228" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p228" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_deagle" "Israel" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_deagle" "Israel" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_deagle" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_deagle" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_fiveseven" "Bélgica" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_fiveseven" "Belgium" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_fiveseven" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_fiveseven" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_elite" "Italia" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_elite" "Italy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_elite" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_elite" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p250" "Suiza/Alemania" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p250" "Swiss/Ger" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p250" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p250" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_hkp2000" "Suiza/Alemania" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_hkp2000" "Swiss/Ger" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_hkp2000" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_hkp2000" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m3" "Italia" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m3" "Italy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m3" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m3" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_xm1014" "Italia" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_xm1014" "Italy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_xm1014" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_xm1014" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_tmp" "Austria" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_tmp" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_tmp" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_tmp" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp5navy" "Alemania" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp5navy" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp5navy" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp5navy" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mac10" "EE.UU." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mac10" "U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mac10" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mac10" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ump45" "Alemania" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ump45" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ump45" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ump45" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p90" "Bélgica" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p90" "Belgium" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p90" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p90" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_famas" "Francia" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_famas" "France" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_famas" "Ráfaga x3" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_famas" "3x Burst-Fire" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scout" "Austria" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scout" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scout" "Zoom x2" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scout" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ak47" "Rusia" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ak47" "Russia" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ak47" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ak47" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_galil" "Israel" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_galil" "Israel" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_galil" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_galil" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_galilar" "Israel" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_galilar" "Israel" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_galilar" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_galilar" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m4a1" "EE.UU." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m4a1" "U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m4a1" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m4a1" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_aug" "Austria" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_aug" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_aug" "Zoom" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_aug" "Zoom" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg550" "Suiza" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg550" "Switzerland" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSG550Special_sg550" "Zoom x2" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSG550Special_sg550" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg552" "Suiza" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg552" "Switzerland" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sg552" "Zoom" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sg552" "Zoom" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg556" "Suiza" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg556" "Switzerland" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sg556" "Zoom" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sg556" "Zoom" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_awp" "Reino Unido" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_awp" "U.K." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_awp" "Zoom x2" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_awp" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_g3sg1" "Alemania" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_g3sg1" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_g3sg1" "Zoom x2" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_g3sg1" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m249" "Bélgica" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m249" "Belgium" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m249" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m249" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_negev" "Israel" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_negev" "Israel" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_negev" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_negev" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_nova" "Italia" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_nova" "Italy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_nova" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_nova" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sawedoff" "EE.UU." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sawedoff" "U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sawedoff" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sawedoff" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mag7" "Sudáfrica" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mag7" "South Africa" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mag7" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mag7" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_tec9" "Suecia/EE.UU." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_tec9" "Sweden/U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_tec9" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_tec9" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scar17" "Bélgica/EE.UU." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scar17" "Belgium/U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scar17" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scar17" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scar20" "Bélgica/EE.UU." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scar20" "Belgium/U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scar20" "Zoom x2" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scar20" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ssg08" "Austria" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ssg08" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ssg08" "Zoom x2" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ssg08" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp7" "Alemania" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp7" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp7" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp7" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_bizon" "Rusia" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_bizon" "Russia" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_bizon" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_bizon" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp9" "Suiza" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp9" "Switzerland" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp9" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp9" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_taser" "Un arma de corto alcance y de un solo disparo que proporciona una dosis letal de electricidad al objetivo." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_taser" "A close range, one shot weapon that delivers a lethal dose of electricity to the target." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_decoy" "Un dispositivo de distracción que puede emplearse para simular disparos de armas." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_decoy" "A diversionary device that can be used to simulate weapons discharge." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_assaultsuit" "Protección para el cuerpo y la cabeza contra proyectiles y objetivos." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_assaultsuit" "Body and head protection against projectiles and explosives." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_molotov" "Un dispositivo explosivo e incendiario que cubre de llamas el punto sobre el que impacta durante un breve periodo de tiempo." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_molotov" "An explosive, incendiary device that covers the point of impact in flames for a short time." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_smokegrenade" "Un dispositivo de distracción que puede emplearse como cobertura temporal al cambiar de posiciones." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_smokegrenade" "A diversionary device that can be used to provide temporary cover for moving from place to place." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_flashbang" "Genera un ruido ensordecedor y un resplandor cegador al lanzarlo al enemigo (primero hay que tirar de la anilla). Útil para crear distracciones antes de entrar en un área." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_flashbang" "Makes a loud noise and blinding flash when thrown at enemy (pull pin first). Useful for causing distractions before entering an area." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_hegrenade" "Un dispositivo altamente explosivo. Tira de la anilla, suelta la palanca y lánzalo." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_hegrenade" "A high-explosive device. Pull the pin, release the spoon and throw." "SFUI_Freeze_Skip" "${confirm}Omitir" "[english]SFUI_Freeze_Skip" "${confirm}Skip" "SFUI_Freeze_Snapshot" "[%s1] Recordar este momento" "[english]SFUI_Freeze_Snapshot" "[%s1] Save this moment" "SFUI_CONNWARNING_HEADER" "AVISO: Problema de conexión" "[english]SFUI_CONNWARNING_HEADER" "WARNING: Connection problem" "SFUI_CONNWARNING_BODY" "Desconexión automática en: " "[english]SFUI_CONNWARNING_BODY" "Auto-disconnect in: " "SFUI_LEADERBOARD" "MARCADORES" "[english]SFUI_LEADERBOARD" "LEADERBOARDS" "SFUI_LBoard_Mode" "MODO" "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Mode" "MODE" "SFUI_LBoard_Filter" "FILTRO" "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Filter" "FILTER" "SFUI_LBoard_Entries" "ENTRADAS TOTALES: 0" "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Entries" "TOTAL ENTRIES: 0" "SFUI_LBoard_Updating" "ACTUALIZANDO DESDE SERVIDOR..." "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Updating" "UPDATING FROM SERVER..." "SFUI_LBRank" "RANGO:" "[english]SFUI_LBRank" "RANK:" "SFUI_LBCat_Lt" "${ltrigger}" "[english]SFUI_LBCat_Lt" "${ltrigger}" "SFUI_LBCat_Rt" "${rtrigger}" "[english]SFUI_LBCat_Rt" "${rtrigger}" "SFUI_LBMode_X" "${west}" "[english]SFUI_LBMode_X" "${west}" "SFUI_LBFilter_Y" "${north}" "[english]SFUI_LBFilter_Y" "${north}" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Cerrar ${confirm} Mostrar tarjeta de jugador ${dpad} Moverse por la lista" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Close ${confirm} Show Gamer Card ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation_PS3" "${cancel} Atrás ${dpad} Moverse por la lista" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation_PS3" "${cancel} Back ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_LB_Status" "Leyendo datos del marcador..." "[english]SFUI_LB_Status" "Reading leaderboard data..." "SFUI_LB_NoResults" "No se han encontrado resultados." "[english]SFUI_LB_NoResults" "No results found." "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_KillDeath" "Ratio mensual Víctimas / Muertes" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_KillDeath" "Current Kill / Death Ratio" "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_Wins" "Total victorias" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_Wins" "Total Wins" "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_Stars" "Total estrellas" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_Stars" "Total Stars" "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_GamesPlayed" "Total partidas jugadas" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_GamesPlayed" "Total Games Played" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Overall" "Global" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Overall" "Overall" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Friends" "Amigos" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Friends" "Friends" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Me" "Yo" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Me" "Me" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_All" "Todas" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_All" "All" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineCasual" "Casual Online" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineCasual" "Online Casual" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineCompetitive" "Competitivo Online" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineCompetitive" "Online Competitive" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlinePro" "Pro Online" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlinePro" "Online Pro" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlinePrivate" "Privado Online" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlinePrivate" "Online Private" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineCasual" "Casual Local" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineCasual" "Local Casual" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineCompetitive" "Competitivo Local" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineCompetitive" "Local Competitive" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflinePro" "Pro Local" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflinePro" "Local Pro" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineGunGameProgressive" "Carrera de Armamentos Online" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineGunGameProgressive" "Online Arms Race" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineGunGameBomb" "Demolición Online" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineGunGameBomb" "Online Demolition" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineGunGameProgressive" "Carrera de Armamentos Local" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineGunGameProgressive" "Local Arms Race" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineGunGameBomb" "Demolición Local" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineGunGameBomb" "Local Demolition" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Rank" "Clasificación" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Rank" "Rank" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_KD" "V/M" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_KD" "K/D" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_HeadShots" "Disparos en la cabeza" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_HeadShots" "Head Shots" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Hits" "Impactos" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Hits" "Hits" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Kills" "Víctimas" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Kills" "Kills" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WinPercent" "% Victorias" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WinPercent" "Win %" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Wins" "Victorias" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Wins" "Wins" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Losses" "Derrotas" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Losses" "Losses" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WonAsCT" "Victorias como AT" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WonAsCT" "Wins as CT" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WonAsT" "Victorias como T" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WonAsT" "Wins as T" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Stars" "Estrellas" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Stars" "Stars" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsSet" "Bombas colocadas" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsSet" "Bomb Set" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsDetonated" "Bombas detonadas" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsDetonated" "Bombs Detonated" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsDefused" "Bombas desactivadas" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsDefused" "Bombs Defused" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_HostagesRescued" "Rehenes rescatados" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_HostagesRescued" "Hostages Rescued" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Total" "Total" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Total" "Total" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageScore" "Puntuación" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageScore" "Score" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageKillsRound" "Víctimas por ronda" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageKillsRound" "Kills Per Round" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageDeathsRound" "Muertes por ronda" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageDeathsRound" "Deaths Per Round" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageDmgRound" "Daños por ronda" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageDmgRound" "Damage Per Round" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_TotalMVP" "Total mejores jugadores" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_TotalMVP" "MVP Total" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamesTotal" "Total" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamesTotal" "Total" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_TimePlayed" "Tiempo jugado" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_TimePlayed" "Time Played" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_PlayedAsCT" "Jugado como AT" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_PlayedAsCT" "Played as CT" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_PlayedAsT" "Jugado como T" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_PlayedAsT" "Played as T" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Medals" "Total galardones" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Medals" "Awards Total" "SFUI_GameUI_OnlineErrorMessageTitle" "Error en el modo multijugador" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_OnlineErrorMessageTitle" "Multiplayer Error" "SFUI_GameUI_ErrorDismiss" "${confirm} Cerrar" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ErrorDismiss" "${confirm} Dismiss" "SFUI_GameUI_NotOnlineEnabled" "Debes haber iniciado sesión en un perfil de jugador con privilegios de multijugador y estar conectado a Xbox LIVE para poder jugar online." "[english]SFUI_GameUI_NotOnlineEnabled" "You must be signed in to a gamer profile with multiplayer privileges and connected to Xbox LIVE in order to play online." "SFUI_GameUI_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "Tienes que iniciar sesión en Xbox LIVE para acceder a esta característica. ¿Deseas iniciar sesión ahora?" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "You need to sign in to Xbox LIVE to access this feature. Would you like to sign in now?" "SFUI_GameUI_LostServerXLSP" "El servicio %s no está disponible en este momento. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde." "[english]SFUI_GameUI_LostServerXLSP" "The %s service is not available at this time. Please try again later." "SFUI_GameUI_DedicatedSearchFailed" "No se pudo encontrar un servidor dedicado." "[english]SFUI_GameUI_DedicatedSearchFailed" "Failed to find a dedicated server." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_Unknown" "Error en tu conexión. Vuelve a intentarlo." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_Unknown" "An error occurred with your connection. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_PlayerRemovedFromSession" "Te han expulsado de la sesión." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_PlayerRemovedFromSession" "Client was removed from host session." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_Idle" "Has sido expulsado por inactividad." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_Idle" "You have been kicked due to inactivity." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectedFromServer" "Tu conexión con el servidor ha superado el tiempo de espera." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectedFromServer" "Your connection to the server has timed out." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_TeamKilling" "Has sido expulsado por matar a demasiados compañeros de equipo." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_TeamKilling" "You have been kicked for killing too many teammates." "SFUI_Disconnect_Title" "Desconectado" "[english]SFUI_Disconnect_Title" "Disconnected" "SFUI_SessionError_Unknown" "Se ha producido un error con tu conexión a la sesión. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo en un rato." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Unknown" "An error occurred with your connection to session. Please try again in a few moments." "SFUI_SessionError_NotAvailable" "La sesión ya no está disponible." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_NotAvailable" "The session is no longer available." "SFUI_SessionError_Create" "Error al crear la sesión. Comprueba tu conexión y vuelve a intentarlo." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Create" "Failed to create session. Please check your connection and try again." "SFUI_SessionError_Connect" "Error al conectar al servidor de juego." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Connect" "Failed to connect to the game server." "SFUI_SessionError_Full" "Error al unirse a la sesión: no tenía suficientes espacios disponibles." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Full" "Failed to join session because the session did not have enough open slots." "SFUI_SessionError_Kicked" "Has sido expulsado de la sesión." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Kicked" "You have been kicked from the session." "SFUI_SessionError_Migrate" "El anfitrión de la sala ha abandonado la partida." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Migrate" "Lobby leader has left the game." "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedTitle" "Error al cargar el perfil del jugador" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedTitle" "Gamer profile load fail" "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedMsg" "Se ha producido un error al cargar el perfil del jugador. ¿Quieres reiniciar el perfil del jugador perdiendo todos los progresos y los parámetros del juego?" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedMsg" "There was an error loading the gamer profile. Would you like to attempt to reset the gamer profile losing all game progress and settings?" "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedTrialMsg" "Se ha producido un error al cargar el perfil del jugador. Es necesario un perfil de jugador válido para el modo de prueba" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedTrialMsg" "There was an error loading the gamer profile. Trial mode requires valid gamer profile" "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataWriteFailedTitle" "Error al escribir el perfil del jugador" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataWriteFailedTitle" "Gamer profile write fail" "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataWriteFailedMsg" "Se ha producido un error al escribir el perfil del jugador. Es posible que el dispositivo de almacenamiento que contiene el perfil no se encuentre o esté lleno. No se puede guardar el progreso del juego" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataWriteFailedMsg" "There was an error writing the gamer profile. The storage device containing the profile may be missing or full. No game progress can be saved" "SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlockedTitle" "¡Compra el juego completo!" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlockedTitle" "Purchase the Full Game!" "SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlocked" "¡Debes comprar el juego completo para acceder a esta función!" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlocked" "You must purchase the full game in order to access this feature!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Fire_in_the_hole" "¡Todos a cubierto!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Fire_in_the_hole" "Fire in the hole!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Molotov_in_the_hole" "¡Molotov en camino!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Molotov_in_the_hole" "FireBomb on the way!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Flashbang_in_the_hole" "¡Lanzando aturdidora!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Flashbang_in_the_hole" "Flashbang Out!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Smoke_in_the_hole" "¡Lanzando humo!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Smoke_in_the_hole" "Smoke Out!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Decoy_in_the_hole" "¡Lanzando señuelo!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Decoy_in_the_hole" "Decoy Out!" "WIN_BOMB_PLANT_NAME" "Que alguien active la bomba" "[english]WIN_BOMB_PLANT_NAME" "Someone Set Up Us The Bomb" "WIN_BOMB_PLANT_DESC" "Gana una ronda colocando una bomba" "[english]WIN_BOMB_PLANT_DESC" "Win a round by planting a bomb" "BOMB_PLANT_LOW_NAME" "Bum catapum" "[english]BOMB_PLANT_LOW_NAME" "Boomala Boomala" "BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "Coloca 100 bombas" "[english]BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "Plant 100 bombs" "BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_NAME" "El bloqueo hostil" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_NAME" "The Hurt Blocker" "BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "Desactiva 100 bombas con éxito" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "Defuse 100 bombs successfully" "TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_NAME" "¿Qué cable corto?" "[english]TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_NAME" "Quick Cut" "TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "Desactiva cinco bombas en el modo Demolición" "[english]TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "Defuse five bombs in Demolition mode" "TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_NAME" "A toda mecha" "[english]TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_NAME" "Shorter Fuse" "TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "Coloca cinco bombas en el modo Demolición" "[english]TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "Plant five bombs in Demolition Mode" "KILL_ENEMY_LOW_NAME" "Embolsador de cadáveres" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_LOW_NAME" "Body Bagger" "KILL_ENEMY_LOW_DESC" "Mata a 25 enemigos" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_LOW_DESC" "Kill 25 enemies" "KILL_ENEMY_MED_NAME" "Forense" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MED_NAME" "Corpseman" "KILL_ENEMY_MED_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MED_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies" "KILL_ENEMY_HIGH_NAME" "Dios de la guerra" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HIGH_NAME" "God of War" "KILL_ENEMY_HIGH_DESC" "Mata a 10.000 enemigos" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HIGH_DESC" "Kill 10,000 enemies" "BOMB_DEFUSE_CLOSE_CALL_NAME" "Insuperable" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_CLOSE_CALL_NAME" "Second to None" "BOMB_DEFUSE_CLOSE_CALL_DESC" "Desactiva una bomba que vaya a estallar en menos de un segundo" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_CLOSE_CALL_DESC" "Successfully defuse a bomb with less than one second remaining" "BOMB_DEFUSE_NEEDED_KIT_NAME" "Listo para el combate" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_NEEDED_KIT_NAME" "Combat Ready" "BOMB_DEFUSE_NEEDED_KIT_DESC" "Desactiva con un equipo una bomba que hubiera estallado si no dispusieras de él" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_NEEDED_KIT_DESC" "Defuse a bomb with a kit when it would have failed without one" "KILL_BOMB_DEFUSER_NAME" "Antiantiterrorista" "[english]KILL_BOMB_DEFUSER_NAME" "Counter-Counter-Terrorist" "KILL_BOMB_DEFUSER_DESC" "Mata a un antiterrorista mientras esté desactivando la bomba" "[english]KILL_BOMB_DEFUSER_DESC" "Kill a Counter-Terrorist while he is defusing the bomb" "WIN_BOMB_DEFUSE_NAME" "Rito de la primera desactivación" "[english]WIN_BOMB_DEFUSE_NAME" "Rite of First Defusal" "WIN_BOMB_DEFUSE_DESC" "Gana una ronda desactivando una bomba" "[english]WIN_BOMB_DEFUSE_DESC" "Win a round by defusing a bomb" "BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_NAME" "Cortocircuito" "[english]BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_NAME" "Short Fuse" "BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_DESC" "Coloca una bomba en menos de 25 segundos (no válido en modo Demolición)" "[english]BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_DESC" "Plant a bomb within 25 seconds (excluding Demolition mode)" "WIN_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Nuevo orden mundial" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Newb World Order" "WIN_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Gana 10 rondas" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Win ten rounds" "WIN_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Pro-mocionado" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Pro-moted" "WIN_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Gana 200 rondas" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Win 200 rounds" "WIN_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Hombre de élite" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Leet-er of Men" "WIN_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Gana 5.000 rondas" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Win 5,000 rounds" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Traficante de armas" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Gungamer" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Gana una partida en los modos Carrera de Armamentos o Demolición" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Win one match in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Lluvia de balas" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Keep on Gunning" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Gana 25 partidas en los modos Carrera de Armamentos o Demolición" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Win 25 matches in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "El asesinato del siglo" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Kill of the Century" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Gana 100 partidas en los modos Carrera de Armamentos o Demolición" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Win 100 matches in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_EXTREME_NAME" "El profesional" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_EXTREME_NAME" "The Professional" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_EXTREME_DESC" "Gana 500 partidas en los modos Carrera de Armamentos o Demolición" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_EXTREME_DESC" "Win 500 matches in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_ULTIMATE_NAME" "Comedor de cena fría" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_ULTIMATE_NAME" "Cold Pizza Eater" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_ULTIMATE_DESC" "Gana 1.000 partidas en los modos Carrera de Armamentos o Demolición" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_ULTIMATE_DESC" "Win 1,000 matches in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Practicar, practicar y practicar" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Practice Practice Practice" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Juega 100 partidas de los modos Carrera de Armamentos o Demolición" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Play 100 matches of Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Coleccionista de armas" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Gun Collector" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Juega 500 partidas de los modos Carrera de Armamentos o Demolición" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Play 500 matches of Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "El rey de la matanza" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "King of the Kill" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Juega 5.000 partidas de los modos Carrera de Armamentos o Demolición" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Play 5,000 matches of Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW_NAME" "Puntos a tu favor" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW_NAME" "Points in Your Favor" "GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW_DESC" "Inflige un total de 2.500 puntos de daño a enemigos" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW_DESC" "Inflict 2,500 total points of damage to enemies" "GIVE_DAMAGE_MED_NAME" "Has dejado claros tus puntos" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_MED_NAME" "You've Made Your Points" "GIVE_DAMAGE_MED_DESC" "Inflige un total de 50.000 puntos de daño a enemigos" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_MED_DESC" "Inflict 50,000 total points of damage to enemies" "GIVE_DAMAGE_HIGH_NAME" "Un millón de puntos de dolor" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_HIGH_NAME" "A Million Points of Blight" "GIVE_DAMAGE_HIGH_DESC" "Inflige un total de 1.000.000 de puntos de daño a enemigos" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_HIGH_DESC" "Inflict 1,000,000 total points of damage to enemies" "KILLING_SPREE_NAME" "Balística" "[english]KILLING_SPREE_NAME" "Ballistic" "KILLING_SPREE_DESC" "En modo Clásico, mata a 4 jugadores enemigos en menos de 15 segundos" "[english]KILLING_SPREE_DESC" "In Classic mode, kill four enemy players within fifteen seconds" "KILL_WITH_OWN_GUN_NAME" "Perdido y encontroleado" "[english]KILL_WITH_OWN_GUN_NAME" "Lost and F0wnd" "KILL_WITH_OWN_GUN_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo con un arma que haya soltado en esa ronda" "[english]KILL_WITH_OWN_GUN_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a gun they dropped during the current round" "RESCUE_HOSTAGES_LOW_NAME" "Diplomacia vaquera" "[english]RESCUE_HOSTAGES_LOW_NAME" "Cowboy Diplomacy" "RESCUE_HOSTAGES_LOW_DESC" "Rescata a 100 rehenes" "[english]RESCUE_HOSTAGES_LOW_DESC" "Rescue 100 hostages" "RESCUE_HOSTAGES_MED_NAME" "Emir de la ByR" "[english]RESCUE_HOSTAGES_MED_NAME" "SAR Czar" "RESCUE_HOSTAGES_MED_DESC" "Rescata a 500 rehenes" "[english]RESCUE_HOSTAGES_MED_DESC" "Rescue 500 hostages" "RESCUE_ALL_HOSTAGES_NAME" "El buen pastor" "[english]RESCUE_ALL_HOSTAGES_NAME" "Good Shepherd" "RESCUE_ALL_HOSTAGES_DESC" "Rescata a todos los rehenes en una sola ronda" "[english]RESCUE_ALL_HOSTAGES_DESC" "Rescue all hostages in a single round" "FAST_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_NAME" "Visto y no visto" "[english]FAST_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_NAME" "Freed With Speed" "FAST_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_DESC" "Rescata a todos los rehenes en menos de 90 segundos" "[english]FAST_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_DESC" "Rescue all hostages within 90 seconds" "KILL_TWO_WITH_ONE_SHOT_NAME" "Ahorrar en tiempos de crisis" "[english]KILL_TWO_WITH_ONE_SHOT_NAME" "Ammo Conservation" "KILL_TWO_WITH_ONE_SHOT_DESC" "Mata a dos enemigos con una sola bala" "[english]KILL_TWO_WITH_ONE_SHOT_DESC" "Kill two enemy players with a single bullet" "EARN_MONEY_LOW_NAME" "Bonos de guerra" "[english]EARN_MONEY_LOW_NAME" "War Bonds" "EARN_MONEY_LOW_DESC" "Consigue un total de 50.000 $" "[english]EARN_MONEY_LOW_DESC" "Earn $50,000 total cash" "EARN_MONEY_MED_NAME" "Botín de guerra" "[english]EARN_MONEY_MED_NAME" "Spoils of War" "EARN_MONEY_MED_DESC" "Consigue un total de 2.500.000 $" "[english]EARN_MONEY_MED_DESC" "Earn $2,500,000 total cash" "EARN_MONEY_HIGH_NAME" "Dinero de sangre" "[english]EARN_MONEY_HIGH_NAME" "Blood Money" "EARN_MONEY_HIGH_DESC" "Consigue un total de 50.000.000 $" "[english]EARN_MONEY_HIGH_DESC" "Earn $50,000,000 total cash" "DEAD_GRENADE_KILL_NAME" "Entierro prematuro" "[english]DEAD_GRENADE_KILL_NAME" "Premature Burial" "DEAD_GRENADE_KILL_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo con una granada cuando tú ya estés muerto" "[english]DEAD_GRENADE_KILL_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a grenade after dying" "KILL_ENEMY_DEAGLE_NAME" "Experto de la Desert Eagle" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_DEAGLE_NAME" "Desert Eagle Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_DEAGLE_DESC" "Mata a 200 enemigos con la Desert Eagle" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_DEAGLE_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the Desert Eagle" "KILL_ENEMY_USP_NAME" "Experto de la USP" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_USP_NAME" "USP Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_USP_DESC" "Mata a 200 enemigos con la USP" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_USP_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the USP" "KILL_ENEMY_GLOCK_NAME" "Experto de la Glock-18" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GLOCK_NAME" "Glock-18 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_GLOCK_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con la Glock-18" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GLOCK_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the Glock-18" "KILL_ENEMY_P228_NAME" "Experto de la P228" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P228_NAME" "P228 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_P228_DESC" "Mata a 200 enemigos con la P228" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P228_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the P228" "KILL_ENEMY_ELITE_NAME" "Experto de las Berettas dobles" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_ELITE_NAME" "Dual Berettas Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_ELITE_DESC" "Mata a 25 enemigos con las Berettas dobles." "[english]KILL_ENEMY_ELITE_DESC" "Kill 25 enemies with the Dual Berettas" "KILL_ENEMY_FIVESEVEN_NAME" "Experto de la Five-SeveN" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_FIVESEVEN_NAME" "Five-SeveN Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_FIVESEVEN_DESC" "Mata a 25 enemigos con la Five-SeveN" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_FIVESEVEN_DESC" "Kill 25 enemies with the Five-SeveN" "KILL_ENEMY_BIZON_NAME" "Experto de la PP-Bizon" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_BIZON_NAME" "PP-Bizon Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_BIZON_DESC" "Mata a 250 enemigos con el PP-Bizon" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_BIZON_DESC" "Kill 250 enemies with the PP-Bizon" "KILL_ENEMY_TEC9_NAME" "Experto de la Tec-9" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TEC9_NAME" "Tec-9 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_TEC9_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con la Tec-9" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TEC9_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the Tec-9" "KILL_ENEMY_TASER_NAME" "Experto de la Zeus x27" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TASER_NAME" "Zeus x27 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_TASER_DESC" "Mata a 10 enemigos con la Zeus x27" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TASER_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies with the Zeus x27" "KILL_ENEMY_HKP2000_NAME" "Experto de la P2000 Táctica" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HKP2000_NAME" "P2000 Tactical Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_HKP2000_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con la P2000" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HKP2000_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the P2000" "KILL_ENEMY_P250_NAME" "Experto de la P250" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P250_NAME" "P250 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_P250_DESC" "Mata a 25 enemigos con la P250" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P250_DESC" "Kill 25 enemies with the P250" "META_PISTOL_NAME" "Maestro de la pistola" "[english]META_PISTOL_NAME" "Pistol Master" "META_PISTOL_DESC" "Desbloquea todos los galardones de asesinatos con pistola" "[english]META_PISTOL_DESC" "Unlock all Pistol kill awards" "KILL_ENEMY_AWP_NAME" "Experto del AWP" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AWP_NAME" "AWP Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_AWP_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con el AWP" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AWP_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the AWP" "KILL_ENEMY_AK47_NAME" "Experto del AK-47" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AK47_NAME" "AK-47 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_AK47_DESC" "Mata a 1.000 enemigos con el AK-47" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AK47_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the AK-47" "KILL_ENEMY_M4A1_NAME" "Experto de la M4A4" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M4A1_NAME" "M4A4 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_M4A1_DESC" "Mata a 1.000 enemigos con la M4A4" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M4A1_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the M4A4" "KILL_ENEMY_AUG_NAME" "Experto del AUG" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AUG_NAME" "AUG Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_AUG_DESC" "Mata a 250 enemigos con el AUG" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AUG_DESC" "Kill 250 enemies with the AUG" "KILL_ENEMY_SG552_NAME" "Experto de la SG 552" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG552_NAME" "SG 552 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SG552_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con la SG 552" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG552_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the SG 552" "KILL_ENEMY_SG550_NAME" "Experto de la SG 550" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG550_NAME" "SG 550 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SG550_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con la SG 550" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG550_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the SG 550" "KILL_ENEMY_GALIL_NAME" "Experto del Galil" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GALIL_NAME" "Galil Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_GALIL_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con el Galil" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GALIL_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the Galil" "KILL_ENEMY_GALILAR_NAME" "Experto del Galil AR" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GALILAR_NAME" "Galil AR Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_GALILAR_DESC" "Mata a 250 enemigos con el Galil AR" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GALILAR_DESC" "Kill 250 enemies with the Galil AR" "KILL_ENEMY_FAMAS_NAME" "Experto de la FAMAS" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_FAMAS_NAME" "FAMAS Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_FAMAS_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con la FAMAS" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_FAMAS_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the FAMAS" "KILL_ENEMY_SCOUT_NAME" "Experto del Scout" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCOUT_NAME" "Scout Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SCOUT_DESC" "Mata a 1.000 enemigos con el Scout" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCOUT_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the Scout" "KILL_ENEMY_G3SG1_NAME" "Experto de la G3SG1" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_G3SG1_NAME" "G3SG1 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_G3SG1_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con la G3SG1" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_G3SG1_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the G3SG1" "KILL_ENEMY_SCAR17_NAME" "Experto de la SCAR-17" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCAR17_NAME" "SCAR-17 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SCAR17_DESC" "Mata a 1.000 enemigos con la SCAR-17" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCAR17_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the SCAR-17" "KILL_ENEMY_SCAR20_NAME" "Experto de la SCAR-20" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCAR20_NAME" "SCAR-20 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SCAR20_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con la SCAR-20" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCAR20_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the SCAR-20" "KILL_ENEMY_SG556_NAME" "Experto de la SG553" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG556_NAME" "SG553 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SG556_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con la SG553" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG556_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the SG553" "KILL_ENEMY_SSG08_NAME" "Experto del SSG 08" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SSG08_NAME" "SSG 08 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SSG08_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con el SSG 08" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SSG08_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the SSG 08" "META_RIFLE_NAME" "Maestro del rifle" "[english]META_RIFLE_NAME" "Rifle Master" "META_RIFLE_DESC" "Desbloquea todos los galardones de asesinatos con rifle" "[english]META_RIFLE_DESC" "Unlock all rifle kill awards" "KILL_ENEMY_P90_NAME" "Experto de la P90" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P90_NAME" "P90 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_P90_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con la P90" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P90_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the P90" "KILL_ENEMY_MP5NAVY_NAME" "Experto de la MP5" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP5NAVY_NAME" "MP5 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MP5NAVY_DESC" "Mata a 1.000 enemigos con la MP5" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP5NAVY_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the MP5" "KILL_ENEMY_TMP_NAME" "Experto de la TMP" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TMP_NAME" "TMP Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_TMP_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con la TMP" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TMP_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the TMP" "KILL_ENEMY_MAC10_NAME" "Experto de la MAC-10" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MAC10_NAME" "MAC-10 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MAC10_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con la MAC-10" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MAC10_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the MAC-10" "KILL_ENEMY_UMP45_NAME" "Experto de la UMP-45" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_UMP45_NAME" "UMP-45 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_UMP45_DESC" "Mata a 250 enemigos con la UMP-45" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_UMP45_DESC" "Kill 250 enemies with the UMP-45" "KILL_ENEMY_MP7_NAME" "Experto de la MP7" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP7_NAME" "MP7 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MP7_DESC" "Mata a 250 enemigos con la MP7" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP7_DESC" "Kill 250 enemies with the MP7" "KILL_ENEMY_MP9_NAME" "Experto de la MP9" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP9_NAME" "MP9 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MP9_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con la MP9" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP9_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the MP9" "META_SMG_NAME" "Maestro de la metralleta" "[english]META_SMG_NAME" "Sub-Machine Gun Master" "META_SMG_DESC" "Desbloquea todos los galardones de asesinatos con metralleta" "[english]META_SMG_DESC" "Unlock all sub-machine gun kill awards" "KILL_ENEMY_M3_NAME" "Experto de la Escopeta M3" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M3_NAME" "M3 Shotgun Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_M3_DESC" "Mata a 200 enemigos con la Escopeta M3" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M3_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the M3 Shotgun" "KILL_ENEMY_XM1014_NAME" "Experto de la XM1014" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_XM1014_NAME" "XM1014 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_XM1014_DESC" "Mata a 200 enemigos con la XM1014" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_XM1014_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the XM1014" "KILL_ENEMY_MAG7_NAME" "Experto de la MAG-7" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MAG7_NAME" "MAG-7 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MAG7_DESC" "Mata a 50 enemigos con la MAG-7" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MAG7_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies with the MAG-7" "KILL_ENEMY_SAWEDOFF_NAME" "Experto de la Escopeta Recortada" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SAWEDOFF_NAME" "Sawed-Off Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SAWEDOFF_DESC" "Mata a 50 enemigos con la Escopeta Recortada" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SAWEDOFF_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies with the Sawed-Off" "KILL_ENEMY_NOVA_NAME" "Experto de la Nova" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_NOVA_NAME" "Nova Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_NOVA_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con la Nova" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_NOVA_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the Nova" "META_SHOTGUN_NAME" "Maestro de la escopeta" "[english]META_SHOTGUN_NAME" "Shotgun Master" "META_SHOTGUN_DESC" "Desbloquea todos los galardones de asesinatos con escopeta" "[english]META_SHOTGUN_DESC" "Unlock all shotgun kill awards" "KILL_ENEMY_HEGRENADE_NAME" "Experto de la granada HE" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HEGRENADE_NAME" "HE Grenade Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_HEGRENADE_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con una granada HE" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HEGRENADE_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the HE grenade" "KILL_ENEMY_MOLOTOV_NAME" "Experto de las llamas" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MOLOTOV_NAME" "Flame Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MOLOTOV_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con el Molotov o la granada incendiaria" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MOLOTOV_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the Molotov or Incendiary grenade" "KILL_ENEMY_KNIFE_NAME" "Experto del Cuchillo" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_KNIFE_NAME" "Knife Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_KNIFE_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con el cuchillo" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_KNIFE_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the knife" "KILL_ENEMY_M249_NAME" "Experto de la M249" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M249_NAME" "M249 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_M249_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con la M249" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M249_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the M249" "KILL_ENEMY_NEGEV_NAME" "Experto de la Negev" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_NEGEV_NAME" "Negev Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_NEGEV_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con la Negev" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_NEGEV_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the Negev" "META_WEAPONMASTER_NAME" "Maestro de las armas" "[english]META_WEAPONMASTER_NAME" "Master At Arms" "META_WEAPONMASTER_DESC" "Consigue todos los galardones de asesinato con arma" "[english]META_WEAPONMASTER_DESC" "Unlock every weapon kill award" "KILL_ENEMY_TEAM_NAME" "Limpio como una patena" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TEAM_NAME" "The Cleaner" "KILL_ENEMY_TEAM_DESC" "En modo Clásico, mata a 5 enemigos en una sola ronda" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TEAM_DESC" "In Classic mode, kill five enemies in a single round" "KILLS_WITH_MULTIPLE_GUNS_NAME" "En la variedad está el gusto" "[english]KILLS_WITH_MULTIPLE_GUNS_NAME" "Variety Hour" "KILLS_WITH_MULTIPLE_GUNS_DESC" "Causa muertes con 5 armas distintas en una sola ronda" "[english]KILLS_WITH_MULTIPLE_GUNS_DESC" "Get kills with five different guns in a single round" "KILL_HOSTAGE_RESCUER_NAME" "Pastor muerto" "[english]KILL_HOSTAGE_RESCUER_NAME" "Dead Shepherd" "KILL_HOSTAGE_RESCUER_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo que esté dirigiendo a los rehenes sin herir a ninguno" "[english]KILL_HOSTAGE_RESCUER_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is leading the hostages without injuring the hostages" "LAST_PLAYER_ALIVE_NAME" "Guerra de desgaste" "[english]LAST_PLAYER_ALIVE_NAME" "War of Attrition" "LAST_PLAYER_ALIVE_DESC" "Sé el último en quedar con vida en una ronda con cinco jugadores en tu equipo" "[english]LAST_PLAYER_ALIVE_DESC" "Be the last player alive in a round with five players on your team" "KILL_ENEMY_LAST_BULLET_NAME" "Bala mágica" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_LAST_BULLET_NAME" "Magic Bullet" "KILL_ENEMY_LAST_BULLET_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo con la última bala del cargador (excluyendo los rifles de francotirador y la Zeus x27)" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_LAST_BULLET_DESC" "Kill an enemy with the last bullet in your magazine (excluding sniper rifles and Zeus x27)" "KILLING_SPREE_ENDER_NAME" "Mata a uno, brinda por ello" "[english]KILLING_SPREE_ENDER_NAME" "Kill One, Get One Spree" "KILLING_SPREE_ENDER_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo que acabe de asesinar a cuatro de tus compañeros en menos de 15 segundos" "[english]KILLING_SPREE_ENDER_DESC" "Kill an enemy player who has just killed four of your teammates within 15 seconds" "BREAK_WINDOWS_NAME" "La jungla de cristal" "[english]BREAK_WINDOWS_NAME" "A World of Pane" "BREAK_WINDOWS_DESC" "Dispara a 14 ventanas en una ronda de Office" "[english]BREAK_WINDOWS_DESC" "Shoot out 14 windows in a single round on Office" "HEADSHOTS_NAME" "Calibrando la mira" "[english]HEADSHOTS_NAME" "Battle Sight Zero" "HEADSHOTS_DESC" "Mata a 250 enemigos con disparos en la cabeza" "[english]HEADSHOTS_DESC" "Kill 250 enemies with headshots" "DAMAGE_NO_KILL_NAME" "Mitigador" "[english]DAMAGE_NO_KILL_NAME" "Primer" "DAMAGE_NO_KILL_DESC" "Inflige como mínimo un 95% de daños a un enemigo que luego sea rematado por un compañero" "[english]DAMAGE_NO_KILL_DESC" "Do at least 95% damage to an enemy who is then killed by a another player" "KILL_LOW_DAMAGE_NAME" "Novato" "[english]KILL_LOW_DAMAGE_NAME" "Finishing Schooled" "KILL_LOW_DAMAGE_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo al que otros jugadores hayan dejado a menos del 5% de salud" "[english]KILL_LOW_DAMAGE_DESC" "Kill an enemy who has been reduced to less than 5% health by other players" "KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING_NAME" "Pillado con el culo al aire" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING_NAME" "Shot With Their Pants Down" "KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo mientras esté recargando" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING_DESC" "Kill an enemy while they are reloading" "KILL_ENEMY_BLINDED_NAME" "Ambición ciega" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_BLINDED_NAME" "Blind Ambition" "KILL_ENEMY_BLINDED_DESC" "Mata a 25 enemigos cegados por granadas aturdidoras" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_BLINDED_DESC" "Kill 25 enemies blinded by flashbangs" "KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_NAME" "Furia ciega" "[english]KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_NAME" "Blind Fury" "KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo mientras estés cegado por una granada aturdidora" "[english]KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_DESC" "Kill an enemy while you are blinded from a flashbang" "KILLS_ENEMY_WEAPON_NAME" "Págales con la misma moneda" "[english]KILLS_ENEMY_WEAPON_NAME" "Friendly Firearms" "KILLS_ENEMY_WEAPON_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos con armas enemigas" "[english]KILLS_ENEMY_WEAPON_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with enemy weapons" "KILL_WITH_EVERY_WEAPON_NAME" "Tirador experto" "[english]KILL_WITH_EVERY_WEAPON_NAME" "Expert Marksman" "KILL_WITH_EVERY_WEAPON_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo con cada una de las armas" "[english]KILL_WITH_EVERY_WEAPON_DESC" "Get a kill with every weapon" "WIN_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_NAME" "Vista de lince" "[english]WIN_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_NAME" "Marksman" "WIN_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_DESC" "Gana una partida en todos los mapas de Demolición y Carrera de Armamentos." "[english]WIN_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_DESC" "Win a match on every Arms Race and Demolition map" "PLAY_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_NAME" "Turista" "[english]PLAY_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_NAME" "Tourist" "PLAY_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_DESC" "Juega una ronda en todos los mapas de Demolición y Carrera de Armamentos." "[english]PLAY_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_DESC" "Play a round on every Arms Race and Demolition map" "GUN_GAME_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "¡Denegado!" "[english]GUN_GAME_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Denied!" "GUN_GAME_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Mata a un jugador que esté en el nivel del cuchillo de oro en el modo Carrera de Armamentos" "[english]GUN_GAME_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Kill a player who is on gold knife level in Arms Race Mode" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_NAME" "Viviendo al límite" "[english]GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_NAME" "Living on the Edge" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_DESC" "Consigue una muerte por cuchillo en el modo Búsqueda" "[english]GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_DESC" "Get a knife kill in Scavenger Mode" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "Harakiri" "[english]GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "Seppuku" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Suicídate en el modo Carrera de Armamentos mientras estés en el nivel del cuchillo de oro" "[english]GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Kill yourself while on gold knife level in Arms Race Mode" "GUN_GAME_KNIFE_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Cuchillo contra cuchillo" "[english]GUN_GAME_KNIFE_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Knife on Knife" "GUN_GAME_KNIFE_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Mata con tu propio cuchillo a un enemigo que esté en el nivel del cuchillo de oro en el modo Carrera de Armamentos" "[english]GUN_GAME_KNIFE_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is on gold knife level with your own knife in Arms Race Mode" "GUN_GAME_SMG_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Desigualdad de condiciones" "[english]GUN_GAME_SMG_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Level Playing Field" "GUN_GAME_SMG_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Mata con una metralleta a un enemigo que esté en el nivel del cuchillo de oro en el modo Carrera de Armamentos." "[english]GUN_GAME_SMG_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is on gold knife level with a sub-machine gun in Arms Race Mode" "GUN_GAME_RAMPAGE_NAME" "¡Partiendo la pana!" "[english]GUN_GAME_RAMPAGE_NAME" "Rampage!" "GUN_GAME_RAMPAGE_DESC" "Gana una partida de Carrera de Armamentos sin morir" "[english]GUN_GAME_RAMPAGE_DESC" "Win an Arms Race match without dying" "GUN_GAME_FIRST_KILL_NAME" "¡PRIMERO!" "[english]GUN_GAME_FIRST_KILL_NAME" "FIRST!" "GUN_GAME_FIRST_KILL_DESC" "Causa la primera muerte en una partida de Carrera de Armamentos o Demolición." "[english]GUN_GAME_FIRST_KILL_DESC" "Be the first player to get a kill in an Arms Race or Demolition match" "GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_NAME" "Lo primero es lo primero" "[english]GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_NAME" "First Things First" "GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_DESC" "Mata personalmente a todo el equipo terrorista antes de que coloque la bomba en el modo Demolición" "[english]GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_DESC" "Personally kill the entire Terrorist team before the bomb is planted in Demolition Mode" "GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_NAME" "Objetivo asegurado" "[english]GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_NAME" "Target Secured" "GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_DESC" "Mata personalmente a todo el equipo antiterrorista antes de que la bomba sea colocada en el modo Demolición" "[english]GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_DESC" "Personally kill the entire Counter-Terrorist team before the bomb is planted in Demolition Mode" "IM_STILL_STANDING_NAME" "Sigo en pie" "[english]IM_STILL_STANDING_NAME" "I'm Still Standing" "IM_STILL_STANDING_DESC" "Gana una ronda en el modo Búsqueda como el último hombre en pie" "[english]IM_STILL_STANDING_DESC" "Win the round as the last man standing in Scavenger Mode" "ONE_SHOT_ONE_KILL_NAME" "Un disparo, una muerte" "[english]ONE_SHOT_ONE_KILL_NAME" "One Shot One Kill" "ONE_SHOT_ONE_KILL_DESC" "Mata a tres jugadores consecutivos con la primera bala de tu pistola en el modo Carrera de Armamentos" "[english]ONE_SHOT_ONE_KILL_DESC" "Kill three consecutive players using the first bullet of your gun in Arms Race mode" "GUN_GAME_CONSERVATIONIST_NAME" "Ahorrador" "[english]GUN_GAME_CONSERVATIONIST_NAME" "Conservationist" "GUN_GAME_CONSERVATIONIST_DESC" "Gana una partida de Carrera de Armamentos sin recargar ninguna de tus armas" "[english]GUN_GAME_CONSERVATIONIST_DESC" "Win an Arms Race match without reloading any of your weapons" "BASE_SCAMPER_NAME" "Aguafiestas" "[english]BASE_SCAMPER_NAME" "Base Scamper" "BASE_SCAMPER_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo en cuanto se le agote la protección de reaparición en el modo Carrera de Armamentos" "[english]BASE_SCAMPER_DESC" "Kill an enemy just as their respawn protection ends in Arms Race mode" "BORN_READY_NAME" "Preparado para todo" "[english]BORN_READY_NAME" "Born Ready" "BORN_READY_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo con la primera bala en cuanto se te agote la protección de reaparición en el modo Carrera de Armamentos" "[english]BORN_READY_DESC" "Kill an enemy with the first bullet after your respawn protection ends in Arms Race mode" "STILL_ALIVE_NAME" "Sigo vivo" "[english]STILL_ALIVE_NAME" "Still Alive" "STILL_ALIVE_DESC" "Sobrevive más de 30 segundos con menos de diez puntos de salud en los modos Carrera de Armamentos o Demolición" "[english]STILL_ALIVE_DESC" "Survive more than 30 seconds with less than ten health in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "SMORGASBOARD_NAME" "Batiburrillo" "[english]SMORGASBOARD_NAME" "Smorgasbord" "SMORGASBOARD_DESC" "Usa cada tipo de arma disponible en una misma ronda del modo Búsqueda" "[english]SMORGASBOARD_DESC" "Use every available weapon type in a single round in Scavenger Mode" "MEDALIST_NAME" "Cazagalardones" "[english]MEDALIST_NAME" "Awardist" "MEDALIST_DESC" "Consigue 100 galardones" "[english]MEDALIST_DESC" "Earn 100 awards" "SURVIVE_GRENADE_NAME" "A prueba de bombas" "[english]SURVIVE_GRENADE_NAME" "Shrapnelproof" "SURVIVE_GRENADE_DESC" "Recibe 80 puntos de daño de granadas enemigas y sobrevive hasta el final de la ronda" "[english]SURVIVE_GRENADE_DESC" "Take 80 points of damage from enemy grenades and still survive the round" "WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_LOW_NAME" "Eres un rajado" "[english]WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_LOW_NAME" "Make the Cut" "WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_LOW_DESC" "Gana un combate a cuchillo" "[english]WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_LOW_DESC" "Win a knife fight" "WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_HIGH_NAME" "El filo ensangrentado" "[english]WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_HIGH_NAME" "The Bleeding Edge" "WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_HIGH_DESC" "Gana 100 combates a cuchillo" "[english]WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_HIGH_DESC" "Win 100 knife fights" "KILLED_DEFUSER_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "¡A ver si desactivas ésta!" "[english]KILLED_DEFUSER_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "Defuse This!" "KILLED_DEFUSER_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "Mata con una granada HE a un enemigo que intente desactivar una bomba" "[english]KILLED_DEFUSER_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "Kill the defuser with an HE grenade" "SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_NAME" "La seguridad es lo primero" "[english]SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_NAME" "Safety First" "SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_DESC" "Sobrevive a un disparo a la cabeza gracias a haber tenido la genial idea de llevar casco (solo en modo Competitivo)" "[english]SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_DESC" "Survive a shot to the head because you had the good sense to wear a helmet (Competitive Mode only)" "HIP_SHOT_NAME" "Desenfunda, forastero" "[english]HIP_SHOT_NAME" "Hip Shot" "HIP_SHOT_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo con un rifle de francotirador sin utilizar el objetivo" "[english]HIP_SHOT_DESC" "Kill an enemy with an un-zoomed sniper rifle" "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER_NAME" "Ojo por ojo" "[english]KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER_NAME" "Eye to Eye" "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER_DESC" "Mata con un rifle de francotirador a un francotirador enemigo mientras acerca el objetivo" "[english]KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER_DESC" "Kill a zoomed-in enemy sniper with a sniper rifle of your own" "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "Francocuhillado" "[english]KILL_SNIPER_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "Sknifed" "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Mata con un cuchillo a un francotirador mientras acerca el objetivo" "[english]KILL_SNIPER_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Kill a zoomed-in enemy sniper with a knife" "KILL_SNIPERS_NAME" "Francocazador" "[english]KILL_SNIPERS_NAME" "Snipe Hunter" "KILL_SNIPERS_DESC" "Mata a 100 francotiradores enemigos mientras acercan el objetivo" "[english]KILL_SNIPERS_DESC" "Kill 100 zoomed-in enemy snipers" "KILL_WHEN_AT_LOW_HEALTH_NAME" "Hombre muerto al acecho" "[english]KILL_WHEN_AT_LOW_HEALTH_NAME" "Dead Man Stalking" "KILL_WHEN_AT_LOW_HEALTH_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo mientras estés a un punto de salud" "[english]KILL_WHEN_AT_LOW_HEALTH_DESC" "Kill an enemy while at one health" "GRENADE_MULTIKILL_NAME" "Tres por las malas" "[english]GRENADE_MULTIKILL_NAME" "Three the Hard Way" "GRENADE_MULTIKILL_DESC" "Mata a tres enemigos con una sola granada HE" "[english]GRENADE_MULTIKILL_DESC" "Kill three enemies with a single HE grenade" "PISTOL_ROUND_KNIFE_KILL_NAME" "Street Fighter" "[english]PISTOL_ROUND_KNIFE_KILL_NAME" "Street Fighter" "PISTOL_ROUND_KNIFE_KILL_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo con un cuchillo durante la ronda con pistolas de una partida del modo Clásico" "[english]PISTOL_ROUND_KNIFE_KILL_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a knife during the Pistol Round in a Classic match" "FAST_ROUND_WIN_NAME" "Blitzkrieg" "[english]FAST_ROUND_WIN_NAME" "Blitzkrieg" "FAST_ROUND_WIN_DESC" "Gana un ronda contra cinco enemigos en menos de 30 segundos" "[english]FAST_ROUND_WIN_DESC" "Win a round against five enemies in less than thirty seconds" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Mi pistola sola" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Piece Initiative" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Gana 5 rondas con pistolas en el modo Competitivo" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Win 5 Pistol Rounds in Competitive Mode" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Otra oportunidad para mi pistola" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Give Piece a Chance" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Gana 25 rondas con pistolas en el modo Competitivo" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Win 25 Pistol Rounds in Competitive Mode" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Tratado de ¡Pam!" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Piece Treaty" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Gana 250 rondas con pistolas en el modo Competitivo" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Win 250 Pistol Rounds in Competitive Mode" "BOMB_MULTIKILL_NAME" "Explosión de júbilo" "[english]BOMB_MULTIKILL_NAME" "Clusterstruck" "BOMB_MULTIKILL_DESC" "Mata a 5 enemigos con una bomba que hayas colocado" "[english]BOMB_MULTIKILL_DESC" "Kill five enemies with a bomb you have planted" "GOOSE_CHASE_NAME" "Correcaminos" "[english]GOOSE_CHASE_NAME" "Wild Gooseman Chase" "GOOSE_CHASE_DESC" "Siendo el último terrorista con vida, distrae a un enemigo mientras desactiva una bomba el tiempo suficiente para que explote" "[english]GOOSE_CHASE_DESC" "As the last living Terrorist, distract a defuser long enough for the bomb to explode" "WIN_BOMB_PLANT_AFTER_RECOVERY_NAME" "Explosión, voluntad y testamento" "[english]WIN_BOMB_PLANT_AFTER_RECOVERY_NAME" "Blast Will and Testament" "WIN_BOMB_PLANT_AFTER_RECOVERY_DESC" "Gana una ronda recogiendo y colocando la bomba de un camarada caído en combate" "[english]WIN_BOMB_PLANT_AFTER_RECOVERY_DESC" "Win a round by picking up the bomb from a fallen comrade and successfully planting it" "SURVIVE_MANY_ATTACKS_NAME" "Objetivo blindado" "[english]SURVIVE_MANY_ATTACKS_NAME" "Target-Hardened" "SURVIVE_MANY_ATTACKS_DESC" "Sobrevive a cinco ataques de distintos enemigos en una misma ronda" "[english]SURVIVE_MANY_ATTACKS_DESC" "Survive damage from five different enemies within a round" "LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_NAME" "Sin pérdidas" "[english]LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_NAME" "Mercy Rule" "LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_DESC" "Mata a todo el equipo rival sin que muera ninguno de tus compañeros" "[english]LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_DESC" "Kill the entire opposing team without any members of your team dying" "FLAWLESS_VICTORY_NAME" "Victoria impecable" "[english]FLAWLESS_VICTORY_NAME" "Clean Sweep" "FLAWLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "Mata a todo el equipo rival sin que ninguno de tus compañeros reciba daños" "[english]FLAWLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "Kill the entire opposing team without any members of your team taking damage" "BREAK_PROPS_NAME" "Objetos locos" "[english]BREAK_PROPS_NAME" "Mad Props" "BREAK_PROPS_DESC" "Rompe 15 objetos en una misma ronda" "[english]BREAK_PROPS_DESC" "Break 15 props in a single round" "WIN_DUAL_DUEL_NAME" "Rey de las dobles" "[english]WIN_DUAL_DUEL_NAME" "Akimbo King" "WIN_DUAL_DUEL_DESC" "Usa las Berettas dobles para matar a un enemigo que también las esté usando" "[english]WIN_DUAL_DUEL_DESC" "Use Dual Berettas to kill an enemy player that is also wielding Dual Berettas" "DECAL_SPRAYS_NAME" "El arte de la guerra" "[english]DECAL_SPRAYS_NAME" "The Art of War" "DECAL_SPRAYS_DESC" "Haz 100 pintadas de aerosol" "[english]DECAL_SPRAYS_DESC" "Spray 100 decals" "NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_NAME" "Muerte nocturna" "[english]NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_NAME" "Dead of Night" "NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_DESC" "Haz 5.000 puntos de daño con la visión nocturna activada" "[english]NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_DESC" "Do 5,000 damage with nightvision active" "UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE_NAME" "Fuerza imparable" "[english]UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE_NAME" "The Unstoppable Force" "UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE_DESC" "Mata a 4 enemigos en una misma ronda" "[english]UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE_DESC" "Kill four enemies within a single round" "IMMOVABLE_OBJECT_NAME" "El objeto inamovible" "[english]IMMOVABLE_OBJECT_NAME" "The Immovable Object" "IMMOVABLE_OBJECT_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo que haya eliminado a cuatro de tus compañeros dentro de la misma ronda" "[english]IMMOVABLE_OBJECT_DESC" "Kill an enemy who has killed four of your teammates within the current round" "HEADSHOTS_IN_ROUND_NAME" "De cabeza a cabeza y tiro porque me toca" "[english]HEADSHOTS_IN_ROUND_NAME" "Head Shred Redemption" "HEADSHOTS_IN_ROUND_DESC" "Mata a 5 enemigos de disparos en la cabeza en una misma ronda" "[english]HEADSHOTS_IN_ROUND_DESC" "Kill five enemy players with headshots in a single round" "WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Assault" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_NAME" "Assault Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Assault" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Assault" "WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Compound" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_NAME" "Compound Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Compound" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Compound" "WIN_MAP_CS_HAVANA_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Havana" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_HAVANA_NAME" "Havana Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_HAVANA_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Havana" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_HAVANA_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Havana" "WIN_MAP_CS_ITALY_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Italy" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_ITALY_NAME" "Italy Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_ITALY_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Italy" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_ITALY_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Italy" "WIN_MAP_CS_MILITIA_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Militia" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_MILITIA_NAME" "Militia Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_MILITIA_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Militia" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_MILITIA_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Militia" "WIN_MAP_CS_OFFICE_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Office" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_OFFICE_NAME" "Office Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_OFFICE_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Office" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_OFFICE_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Office" "WIN_MAP_DE_AZTEC_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Aztec" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_AZTEC_NAME" "Aztec Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_AZTEC_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Aztec" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_AZTEC_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Aztec" "WIN_MAP_DE_CBBLE_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Cobblestone" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_CBBLE_NAME" "Cobblestone Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_CBBLE_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Cobblestone" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_CBBLE_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Cobblestone" "WIN_MAP_DE_CHATEAU_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Chateau" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_CHATEAU_NAME" "Chateau Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_CHATEAU_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Chateau" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_CHATEAU_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Chateau" "WIN_MAP_DE_DUST_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Dust" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DUST_NAME" "Dust Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_DUST_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Dust" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DUST_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Dust" "WIN_MAP_DE_DUST2_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Dust2" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DUST2_NAME" "Dust2 Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_DUST2_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Dust2" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DUST2_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Dust2" "WIN_MAP_DE_INFERNO_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Inferno" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_INFERNO_NAME" "Inferno Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_INFERNO_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Inferno" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_INFERNO_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Inferno" "WIN_MAP_DE_NUKE_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Nuke" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_NUKE_NAME" "Nuke Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_NUKE_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Nuke" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_NUKE_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Nuke" "WIN_MAP_DE_PIRANESI_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Piranesi" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PIRANESI_NAME" "Piranesi Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_PIRANESI_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Piranesi" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PIRANESI_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Piranesi" "WIN_MAP_DE_PORT_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Port" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PORT_NAME" "Port Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_PORT_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Port" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PORT_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Port" "WIN_MAP_DE_PRODIGY_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Prodigy" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PRODIGY_NAME" "Prodigy Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_PRODIGY_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Prodigy" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PRODIGY_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Prodigy" "WIN_MAP_DE_TIDES_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Tides" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_TIDES_NAME" "Tides Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_TIDES_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Tides" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_TIDES_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Tides" "WIN_MAP_DE_TRAIN_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Train" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_TRAIN_NAME" "Train Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_TRAIN_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas en Train" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_TRAIN_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Train" "WIN_MAP_DE_LAKE_NAME" "De vacaciones" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_LAKE_NAME" "Vacation" "WIN_MAP_DE_LAKE_DESC" "Gana cinco partidas en Lake" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_LAKE_DESC" "Win five matches on Lake" "WIN_MAP_DE_SAFEHOUSE_NAME" "Mi casa" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SAFEHOUSE_NAME" "My House" "WIN_MAP_DE_SAFEHOUSE_DESC" "Gana cinco partidas en Safehouse" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SAFEHOUSE_DESC" "Win five matches on Safehouse" "WIN_MAP_DE_SUGARCANE_NAME" "Como robarle un caramelo a un niño" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SUGARCANE_NAME" "Run of the Mill" "WIN_MAP_DE_SUGARCANE_DESC" "Gana cinco partidas en Sugarcane" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SUGARCANE_DESC" "Win five matches on Sugarcane" "WIN_MAP_DE_STMARC_NAME" "Problemas en el paraíso" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_STMARC_NAME" "Marcsman" "WIN_MAP_DE_STMARC_DESC" "Gana cinco partidas en St. Marc" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_STMARC_DESC" "Win five matches on St. Marc" "WIN_MAP_DE_BANK_NAME" "Liquidación bancaria" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_BANK_NAME" "Bank On It" "WIN_MAP_DE_BANK_DESC" "Gana cinco partidas en Bank" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_BANK_DESC" "Win five matches on Bank" "WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSYY_NAME" "Guerrilla urbana" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSYY_NAME" "Urban Warfare" "WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSY_DESC" "Gana cinco partidas en Embassy" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSY_DESC" "Win five matches on Embassy" "WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_NAME" "El déspota de Depot" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_NAME" "Depot Despot" "WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_DESC" "Gana cinco partidas en Depot" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_DESC" "Win five matches on Depot" "WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN_NAME" "Veterano del mapa Shorttrain" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN_NAME" "Shorttrain Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN_DESC" "Gana cinco partidas en Shorttrain" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN_DESC" "Win five matches on Shorttrain" "WIN_MAP_AR_SHOOTS_NAME" "Tirador veterano" "[english]WIN_MAP_AR_SHOOTS_NAME" "Shoots Vet" "WIN_MAP_AR_SHOOTS_DESC" "Gana cinco partidas en Shoots en el modo Carrera de Armamentos" "[english]WIN_MAP_AR_SHOOTS_DESC" "Win five matches in Arms Race Mode on Shoots" "WIN_MAP_AR_BAGGAGE_NAME" "Reclamador de equipajes" "[english]WIN_MAP_AR_BAGGAGE_NAME" "Baggage Claimer" "WIN_MAP_AR_BAGGAGE_DESC" "Gana cinco partidas en Baggage en el modo Carrera de Armamentos" "[english]WIN_MAP_AR_BAGGAGE_DESC" "Win five matches in Arms Race Mode on Baggage" "KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR_NAME" "Muerte aerotransportada" "[english]KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR_NAME" "Death From Above" "KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo desde el aire" "[english]KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR_DESC" "Kill an enemy while you are airborne" "KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR_NAME" "Cazaconejos" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR_NAME" "Bunny Hunt" "KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo que se encuentre en el aire" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR_DESC" "Kill an airborne enemy" "KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR_NAME" "Necrobacias aéreas" "[english]KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR_NAME" "Aerial Necrobatics" "KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo estando ambos en el aire" "[english]KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR_DESC" "Kill an airborne enemy while you are also airborne" "SILENT_WIN_NAME" "Operación encubierta" "[english]SILENT_WIN_NAME" "Black Bag Operation" "SILENT_WIN_DESC" "Gana una ronda sin hacer ruido al caminar y matando al menos a un enemigo" "[english]SILENT_WIN_DESC" "Win a round without making any footstep noise, killing at least one enemy" "BLOODLESS_VICTORY_NAME" "Guerra fría" "[english]BLOODLESS_VICTORY_NAME" "Cold War" "BLOODLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "Gana una ronda sin que mueran jugadores enemigos" "[english]BLOODLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "Win a round in which no enemy players die" "DONATE_WEAPONS_NAME" "Señor de la guerra" "[english]DONATE_WEAPONS_NAME" "Killanthropist" "DONATE_WEAPONS_DESC" "Regala 100 armas a tus compañeros" "[english]DONATE_WEAPONS_DESC" "Donate 100 weapons to your teammates" "WIN_ROUNDS_WITHOUT_BUYING_NAME" "Económico al máximo" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_WITHOUT_BUYING_NAME" "The Frugal Beret" "WIN_ROUNDS_WITHOUT_BUYING_DESC" "Gana 10 rondas seguidas sin morir ni gastar dinero en el modo Clásico" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_WITHOUT_BUYING_DESC" "Win ten rounds in a row without dying or spending any cash in Classic mode" "DEFUSE_DEFENSE_NAME" "Desactibus interruptus" "[english]DEFUSE_DEFENSE_NAME" "Defusus Interruptus" "DEFUSE_DEFENSE_DESC" "Deja de desactivar la bomba el tiempo suficiente para matar a un enemigo y terminar de desactivarla con éxito" "[english]DEFUSE_DEFENSE_DESC" "Stop defusing the bomb long enough to kill an enemy, then successfully finish defusing it" "KILL_BOMB_PICKUP_NAME" "Premio de consolación" "[english]KILL_BOMB_PICKUP_NAME" "Participation Award" "KILL_BOMB_PICKUP_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo en menos de 3 segundos después de que recoja una bomba" "[english]KILL_BOMB_PICKUP_DESC" "Kill an enemy within three seconds after they recover a dropped bomb" "DOMINATIONS_LOW_NAME" "Delincuente reincidente" "[english]DOMINATIONS_LOW_NAME" "Repeat Offender" "DOMINATIONS_LOW_DESC" "Domina a un enemigo" "[english]DOMINATIONS_LOW_DESC" "Dominate an enemy" "DOMINATIONS_HIGH_NAME" "Aniquilador" "[english]DOMINATIONS_HIGH_NAME" "Decimator" "DOMINATIONS_HIGH_DESC" "Domina a 10 enemigos" "[english]DOMINATIONS_HIGH_DESC" "Dominate ten enemies" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_LOW_NAME" "Ensañamiento" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_LOW_NAME" "Overkill" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_LOW_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo al que ya domines" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_LOW_DESC" "Kill an enemy whom you are already dominating" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_HIGH_NAME" "Orden y control" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_HIGH_NAME" "Command and Control" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_HIGH_DESC" "Mata a 100 enemigos a los que ya domines" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_HIGH_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies whom you are already dominating" "REVENGES_LOW_NAME" "Insurgente" "[english]REVENGES_LOW_NAME" "Insurgent" "REVENGES_LOW_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo que te esté dominando" "[english]REVENGES_LOW_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is dominating you" "REVENGES_HIGH_NAME" "A ver quién domina a quién" "[english]REVENGES_HIGH_NAME" "Can't Keep a Good Man Down" "REVENGES_HIGH_DESC" "Mata a 20 enemigos que te estén dominando" "[english]REVENGES_HIGH_DESC" "Kill 20 enemies who are dominating you" "SAME_UNIFORM_NAME" "Vestido para matar" "[english]SAME_UNIFORM_NAME" "Dressed to Kill" "SAME_UNIFORM_DESC" "Empieza una ronda con todos tus compañeros vistiendo el mismo uniforme (con un mínimo de 5 jugadores)" "[english]SAME_UNIFORM_DESC" "Start a round with all players on your team wearing the same uniform (at least 5 players)" "CONCURRENT_DOMINATIONS_NAME" "Triplete" "[english]CONCURRENT_DOMINATIONS_NAME" "Hat Trick" "CONCURRENT_DOMINATIONS_DESC" "Domina a tres enemigos simultáneamente" "[english]CONCURRENT_DOMINATIONS_DESC" "Dominate three enemies simultaneously" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_MATCH_NAME" "Diez hombres furiosos" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_MATCH_NAME" "Ten Angry Men" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_MATCH_DESC" "Mata a 10 enemigos a los que ya domines en una misma partida" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_MATCH_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies you are already dominating during a single match" "EXTENDED_DOMINATION_NAME" "Brutalidad excesiva" "[english]EXTENDED_DOMINATION_NAME" "Excessive Brutality" "EXTENDED_DOMINATION_DESC" "Mata cuatro veces más a un enemigo al que domines" "[english]EXTENDED_DOMINATION_DESC" "Kill an enemy whom you are dominating four additional times" "KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_HARD_NAME" "Con los ojos cerrados" "[english]KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_HARD_NAME" "Spray and Pray" "KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_HARD_DESC" "Mata a dos enemigos mientras estés cegado por una granada aturdidora" "[english]KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_HARD_DESC" "Kill two enemies while you are blinded from a flashbang" "FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_NAME" "Atuendo amigo" "[english]FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_NAME" "Friendly Attire" "FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_DESC" "Empieza una ronda en el mismo equipo que 4 amigos tuyos, llevando todos el mismo uniforme" "[english]FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_DESC" "Start a round on the same team as 4 of your friends, with all of you wearing the same outfit" "CAUSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE_WITH_FLASHBANG_NAME" "Carretera al infierno" "[english]CAUSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE_WITH_FLASHBANG_NAME" "The Road to Hell" "CAUSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE_WITH_FLASHBANG_DESC" "Ciega a un enemigo que, acto seguido, mate a un compañero" "[english]CAUSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE_WITH_FLASHBANG_DESC" "Blind an enemy player who then kills a teammate" "AVENGE_FRIEND_NAME" "Ángel vengador" "[english]AVENGE_FRIEND_NAME" "Avenging Angel" "AVENGE_FRIEND_DESC" "Elimina a un enemigo que haya matado a un jugador de tu lista de amigos en la misma ronda" "[english]AVENGE_FRIEND_DESC" "Kill an enemy who has killed a player on your friends list in the same round" "KILLED_BOMBPLANTER_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "Te voy a dar bomba yo a ti" "[english]KILLED_BOMBPLANTER_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "Bomboozled" "KILLED_BOMBPLANTER_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "Mata con una granada a un terrorista mientras intenta colocar una bomba." "[english]KILLED_BOMBPLANTER_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "Kill a bomb-planting terrorist with a grenade." "SFUI_Rules_GunGame_Progressive" "Consigue nuevas armas eliminando \na enemigos.\n\nGana la partida siendo el primero \nen eliminar a un jugador con \ncada arma.\n\nAjustes:\n· Armas entregadas inmediatamente\n· Regeneración instantánea\n· Fuego amigo ACTIVADO\n· Colisiones con compañeros \nDESACTIVADAS" "[english]SFUI_Rules_GunGame_Progressive" "New weapons are awarded by \neliminating enemies.\n\nWin the match by being the first \nplayer to get a kill with every weapon.\n\nSettings:\n· Weapons are awarded \n immediately\n· Instant Respawn\n· Friendly fire is ON\n· Team collision is OFF" "SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_T" "Misión de colocación de bombas: \nMapa compacto con rondas de poco tiempo\ny sin compra de armas.\nConsigue un arma nueva en cada ronda matando a enemigos o completando objetivos.\nGana la partida siendo el mejor de veinte rondas." "[english]SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_T" "Bomb Planting Mission: \nCompact map with short round times\nand no weapon buying.\nEarn a new weapon each round by killing enemies or completing objectives.\nWin the match by winning the best of twenty rounds." "SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_CT" "Misión de desactivación de bombas: \nMapa compacto con rondas de poco tiempo\ny sin compra de armas.\nConsigue un arma nueva en cada ronda matando enemigos o completando objetivos.\nGana la partida siendo el mejor de veinte rondas." "[english]SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_CT" "Bomb Defuse Mission: \nCompact map with short round times\nand no weapon buying.\nEarn a new weapon each round by killing enemies or completing objectives.\nWin the match by winning the best of twenty rounds." "SFUI_Rules_Bomb_T" "Misión de colocación de bombas:\nTu equipo debe detonar una bomba en uno de los emplazamientos de bomba en este mapa. Para ganar, detonad la bomba o eliminad a todos los antiterroristas." "[english]SFUI_Rules_Bomb_T" "Bomb Planting Mission:\nYour Team must detonate a bomb at one of the bomb sites on this map. To win, detonate the bomb or eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists." "SFUI_Rules_Bomb_CT" "Misión de desactivación de bombas:\nTu equipo debe evitar que los terroristas detonen su bomba en uno de los emplazamientos de bomba. Para ganar, desactivad la bomba o eliminad a todos los terroristas." "[english]SFUI_Rules_Bomb_CT" "Bomb Defuse Mission:\nYour Team must prevent the Terrorists from detonating their bomb at one of the bomb sites. To win, defuse the bomb or eliminate all of the Terrorists." "SFUI_Rules_Hostage_T" "Misión de impedir el rescate de los rehenes:\nTu equipo tiene varios rehenes. Debes evitar que los antiterroristas se los lleven al punto de rescate de rehenes. Para ganar, debes conservar a los rehenes durante toda la ronda o eliminar a todos los antiterroristas." "[english]SFUI_Rules_Hostage_T" "Hostage Rescue Prevention Mission:\nYour Team has several hostages. To win, retain the hostages for the entire round or eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists." "SFUI_Rules_Hostage_CT" "Misión de rescate de rehenes:\nRescata a los rehenes guiándolos hasta el punto de rescate de rehenes. Rescata a todos los rehenes o elimina a todos los terroristas para ganar." "[english]SFUI_Rules_Hostage_CT" "Hostage Rescue Mission:\nRescue hostages by leading them to a hostage rescue point. To win, rescue all of the hostages or eliminate all of the Terrorists." "SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Header" "Rescate de rehenes" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Header" "Hostage Rescue" "SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Header" "Desactivar bomba" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Header" "Bomb Defuse" "SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_Header" "Demolición" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_Header" "Demolition" "SFUI_Rules_General_Header" " " "[english]SFUI_Rules_General_Header" "" "SFUI_Rules_CTInstructions_Header" "Objetivo AT" "[english]SFUI_Rules_CTInstructions_Header" "CT Goal" "SFUI_Rules_TInstructions_Header" "Objetivo terrorista" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TInstructions_Header" "Terrorist Goal" "SFUI_RetrievingDataNotification" "Recuperando datos..." "[english]SFUI_RetrievingDataNotification" "Retrieving Data..." "SFUI_MainMenu_Message" "¡Bienvenido!\n\nEsta es una versión limitada.\n\nNo contiene el conjunto completo de armas, objetos, mapas, modos de juego, funciones o experiencia.\n\nVisita http://counter-strike.net\npara más información.\n\nGracias por ayudarnos,\n El equipo de CS:GO." "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Message" "Welcome!\n\nThis is a limited build.\n\nIt does not contain the full set of weapons, items, maps, game modes, functionality, or experience.\n\nFor more information visit\nhttp://counter-strike.net\n\nThanks for helping out,\n The CS:GO team." "SFUI_MapSelect" "SELECCIONA UN MAPA" "[english]SFUI_MapSelect" "SELECT A MAP" "SFUI_Map_de_aztec" "Aztec" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_aztec" "Aztec" "SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Title" "Migración de host" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Title" "Host Migrating" "SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Message" "El servidor se ha desconectado. Espera mientras migramos a un nuevo servidor." "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Message" "The server disconnected. Please wait while we migrate to a new server." "SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Navigation" "${cancel} Cancelar migración" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Navigation" "${cancel} Cancel Migration" "SFUI_PlayMenu_BrowseServersButton" "SERVIDORES COMUNITARIOS" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_BrowseServersButton" "COMMUNITY SERVERS" "SFUI_PlayMenu_CreateLobbyButton" "JUGAR CON AMIGOS" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_CreateLobbyButton" "PLAY WITH FRIENDS" "SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionLabel" "Introducción" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionLabel" "Introduction" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedLabel" "Primeros pasos" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedLabel" "Getting Started" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "ESCOGIENDO UN EQUIPO
Siempre y cuando haya un espacio disponible, puedes elegir jugar tanto en el equipo antiterrorista como en el equipo terrorista. La opción 'Selección automática' te asigna a un equipo de forma aleatoria. Cada equipo tiene diferentes armas disponibles, así como distintos objetivos.

Puedes ver tu puntuación individual (y la de tus compañeros y oponentes) en el marcador pulsando ${togglescores}. Los puntos se reparten de la siguiente forma:
6 puntos por desactivar una bomba
2 puntos por eliminar a un enemigo
2 puntos por colocar una bomba
2 puntos por rescatar a un rehén
1 punto por una asistencia
-2 puntos por suicidarte
-2 puntos por matar a un rehén
-2 puntos por matar a un compañero de equipo

Los logros, las estadísticas, los galardones y tu posición en los marcadores te permiten medir tu rendimiento personal. Tienes que haber iniciado sesión en tu perfil de Xbox LIVE para desbloquear logros y galardones, guardar tus estadísticas o publicar tus puntuaciones en los marcadores.

El modo Offline te permite explorar el juego a tu propio ritmo compitiendo con oponentes controlados por el ordenador. Puedes configurar la dificultad del modo Offline mediante la elección del nivel de habilidad de los bots enemigos.
" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "CHOOSING A TEAM
You can choose to play on either the Counter-Terrorist or Terrorist team as long as there is room for you to join. Choosing the 'Auto-Select' option assigns you to a team randomly. Each team has different weapons available to it as well as different objectives.

You can view your individual score (and those of your teammates and opponents) on the scoreboard by pressing ${togglescores}. Scoring events:
6 points for defusing a bomb
2 points for killing an enemy
2 points for planting a bomb
2 points for rescuing one hostage
1 point for assisting with a kill
-2 points for killing yourself
-2 points for killing a hostage
-2 points for killing a teammate

Achievements, stats, awards and leaderboard rankings help you gauge your personal performance. You must be signed into your Xbox LIVE profile to earn achievements and awards, to save your stats, or to post to the leaderboards.

Offline mode lets you explore the game at your own pace by competing with computer-controlled opponents. You can adjust the difficulty of Offline mode by setting the skill level of the bot opponents.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "ESCOGIENDO UN EQUIPO
Siempre y cuando haya un espacio disponible, puedes elegir jugar tanto en el equipo antiterrorista como en el equipo terrorista. La opción 'Selección automática' te asigna a un equipo de forma aleatoria. Cada equipo tiene diferentes armas disponibles, así como distintos objetivos.

Puedes ver tu puntuación individual (y la de tus compañeros y oponentes) en el marcador pulsando ${togglescores}. Los puntos se reparten de la siguiente forma:
6 puntos por desactivar una bomba
2 puntos por eliminar a un enemigo
2 puntos por colocar una bomba
2 puntos por rescatar a un rehén
1 punto por una asistencia
-2 puntos por suicidarte
-2 puntos por matar a un rehén
-2 puntos por matar a un compañero de equipo

Los logros, las estadísticas, los galardones y tu posición en los marcadores te permiten medir tu rendimiento personal. Tienes que haber iniciado sesión en tu perfil de Steam para desbloquear logros y galardones, guardar tus estadísticas o publicar tus puntuaciones en los marcadores.

El modo Offline te permite explorar el juego a tu propio ritmo compitiendo con oponentes controlados por el ordenador. Puedes configurar la dificultad del modo Offline mediante la elección del nivel de habilidad de los bots enemigos.
" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "CHOOSING A TEAM
You can choose to play on either the Counter-Terrorist or Terrorist team as long as there is room for you to join. Choosing the 'Auto-Select' option assigns you to a team randomly. Each team has different weapons available to it as well as different objectives.

You can view your individual score (and those of your teammates and opponents) on the scoreboard by pressing ${togglescores}. Scoring events:
6 points for defusing a bomb
2 points for killing an enemy
2 points for planting a bomb
2 points for rescuing one hostage
1 point for assisting with a kill
-2 points for killing yourself
-2 points for killing a hostage
-2 points for killing a teammate

Achievements, stats, awards and leaderboard rankings help you gauge your personal performance. You must be signed into your Steam profile to earn achievements and awards, to save your stats, or to post to the leaderboards.

Offline mode lets you explore the game at your own pace by competing with computer-controlled opponents. You can adjust the difficulty of Offline mode by setting the skill level of the bot opponents.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "ESCOGIENDO UN EQUIPO
Siempre y cuando haya un espacio disponible, puedes elegir jugar tanto en el equipo antiterrorista como en el equipo terrorista. La opción 'Selección automática' te asigna a un equipo de forma aleatoria. Cada equipo tiene diferentes armas disponibles, así como distintos objetivos.

Puedes ver tu puntuación individual (y la de tus compañeros y oponentes) en el marcador pulsando ${togglescores}. Los puntos se reparten de la siguiente forma:
6 puntos por desactivar una bomba
2 puntos por eliminar a un enemigo
2 puntos por colocar una bomba
2 puntos por rescatar a un rehén
1 punto por una asistencia
-2 puntos por suicidarte
-2 puntos por matar a un rehén
-2 puntos por matar a un compañero de equipo

Los logros, las estadísticas, los galardones y tu posición en los marcadores te permiten medir tu rendimiento personal. Tienes que haber iniciado sesión en tu perfil de PlayStation®Network para desbloquear trofeos y galardones, guardar tus estadísticas o publicar tus puntuaciones en los marcadores.

El modo Offline te permite explorar el juego a tu propio ritmo compitiendo con oponentes controlados por el ordenador. Puedes configurar la dificultad del modo Offline mediante la elección del nivel de habilidad de los bots enemigos.
" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "CHOOSING A TEAM
You can choose to play on either the Counter-Terrorist or Terrorist team as long as there is room for you to join. Choosing the 'Auto-Select' option assigns you to a team randomly. Each team has different weapons available to it as well as different objectives.

You can view your individual score (and those of your teammates and opponents) on the scoreboard by pressing ${togglescores}. Scoring events:
6 points for defusing a bomb
2 points for killing an enemy
2 points for planting a bomb
2 points for rescuing one hostage
1 point for assisting with a kill
-2 points for killing yourself
-2 points for killing a hostage
-2 points for killing a teammate

Stats, awards and leaderboard rankings help you gauge your personal performance. You must be signed into your PlayStation®Network profile to earn Trophies and awards, to save your stats, or to post to the leaderboards.

Offline mode lets you explore the game at your own pace by competing with computer-controlled opponents. You can adjust the difficulty of Offline mode by setting the skill level of the bot opponents.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicLabel" "Normas (Clásico)" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicLabel" "Classic Rules" "SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicContents" "GANAR
Una partida del modo Clásico está formada por rondas con límite de tiempo. Existen dos formas de ganar una ronda: completar el objetivo de tu equipo en el mapa o eliminar a todos los jugadores enemigos. El equipo que resulte vencedor en más rondas gana la partida.

Empiezas una partida con algo de equipamiento básico y una determinada cantidad de dinero. Cada ronda empieza en una zona de compra donde se te ofrece la oportunidad de comprar equipamiento. El tiempo de compra varía según el modo de juego, pero normalmente dura 45 segundos; después de finalizar ese tiempo, nadie puede comprar objetos hasta el comienzo de siguiente ronda.

Los jugadores consiguen dinero matando a enemigos, cumpliendo los objetivos de la misión y ganando rondas. Disparar a compañeros de equipo y a rehenes reduce el dinero obtenido.

No hay forma de obtener salud adicional. Una vez que tu indicador de salud llega a cero, mueres. Cuando mueres, pierdes cualquier equipamiento que hayas comprado en la ronda. Mientras esperas a que empiece la siguiente ronda, el modo espectador te permite ver la partida desde el punto de vista de otros jugadores y, en el modo Casual, tomar el control de cualquier bot que exista en tu equipo.

Si juegas como antiterrorista, tu objetivo en los mapas de rehenes es rescatar a los cuatro. Para hacer esto, acércate a cada rehén y pulsa ${+use} para hacer que te sigan y guiarlos a una zona de rescate. Las zonas de rescate están marcadas con una H en el minimapa. También se identifican por el icono de zona de rescate de rehenes que aparece en la esquina superior izquierda del HUD cuando estás dentro de la zona. Cuando todos los rehenes hayan sido escoltados a una zona de rescate o cuando todos los terroristas hayan sido eliminados, los antiterroristas ganarán la ronda. Cualquiera de los dos equipos puede ganar si elimina a todos los miembros del equipo contrario. Si todos los rehenes son asesinados, la ronda sólo podrá ser ganada mediante la eliminación del equipo. Los jugadores en ambos equipos pierden dinero y puntos por herir o matar rehenes.

En los mapas de bombas, es necesario que el equipo terrorista coloque y detone una bomba. El equipo antiterrorista debe detenerles. Un terrorista es elegido al azar para llevar la bomba. Si tienes la bomba, verás un icono de portador de bomba en tu HUD y junto a tu nombre en el marcador. Llévala a cualquiera de los dos emplazamientos de bomba y colócala. Los emplazamientos de bomba están marcados como A y B. Las señales repartidas por todo el mapa te ayudarán a encontrarlos. También podrás ver los indicadores A y B en el radar del minimapa. Cuando te encuentres en un emplazamiento de bomba, un icono de bomba intermitente aparecerá en el HUD. Pulsa Usar (${+use}) para colocar la bomba y a continuación evita que los antiterroristas la desactiven. Los antiterroristas ganan mediante la eliminación de todos los terroristas o desactivando la bomba. Para desactivar una bomba, permanece cerca de ella y mantén pulsado ${+use} hasta que aparezca un mensaje diciendo que la bomba ha sido desactivada. Si tienes un kit de desactivación, podrás ver su icono en tu HUD y junto a tu nombre en la tabla de puntuaciones. El kit de desactivación acelerará el proceso de desactivación, pero no es necesario para desactivar una bomba.
" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicContents" "WINNING
A Classic match is made up of timed rounds. There are two ways to win a round: complete your team’s map objective or eliminate all enemy players. The first team to win a majority of rounds wins the match.

You begin a match with some basic equipment and a set amount of money. Each round within a match starts in a Buy Zone where you have the opportunity to purchase equipment. The amount of time available to make purchases lasts 45 seconds; after that, there's no opportunity to buy equipment until the beginning of the next round.

Players earn money by killing enemies, achieving mission objectives, and winning rounds. Shooting teammates and hostages reduces your payout.

There is no way to gain additional health. Once your health indicator reaches zero, you're dead until the next round starts. When you die, you lose all of the gear you have purchased. While dead and waiting for the next round to start, you can watch the game from the point of view of other players and take control of any of your team's bots.

If you’re a Counter-Terrorist, your goal in Hostage maps is to rescue the four hostages. To do this, move close to each hostage and press ${+use} to make them follow you, then lead them to a rescue zone. Rescue zones are marked with an H on the Mini Map. They’re also identified by the hostage rescue zone icon that appears in the upper left corner of the HUD when you’re inside the zone. When all hostages have been escorted to a rescue zone then the Counter-Terrorists win the round. Either team can win by eliminating all members of the opposing team. If all hostages have been killed, the round can only be won through team elimination. Players on either team lose money and score for injuring or killing hostages.

Bomb maps require the Terrorist team to plant and detonate a bomb. The Counter-Terrorist team must stop them. A randomly chosen Terrorist is assigned to carry the bomb. If you have the bomb, you will see the bomb carrier icon in your HUD and on the scoreboard next to your name. Deliver it to either of two bomb sites and plant it. Bomb sites are labeled A and B. Signs scattered throughout the map will help you find the sites. A and B markers also appear in the Mini Map Radar. A flashing bomb icon appears on the HUD when you’re at a bomb site. Press the Use ${+use} button to plant the bomb, and then prevent the Counter-Terrorists from defusing it. Counter-Terrorists win by eliminating all Terrorists or by defusing the bomb. To defuse a bomb, stand near it and hold ${+use} until you see a message saying that the bomb has been defused. If you have a Defuse Kit, you’ll see the Defuse Kit icon in your HUD and in the scoreboard next to your name. The Defuse Kit will speed up the defusing process, but is not required to defuse a bomb.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GunGameLabel" "Tipo de partida: Arsenal" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GunGameLabel" "Arsenal Game Type" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GunGameContents" "MODO CARRERA DE ARMAMENTOS
En el modo carrera de armamentos todos los jugadores empiezan con la misma arma y consiguen una nueva cada vez que matan a un enemigo. El cambio de armas termina con el cuchillo. El jugador que consigue la primera muerte por cuchillo gana la partida. Cuando seas eliminado en este modo te regenerarás de forma instantánea. Al regenerarte, serás invulnerable durante cinco segundos o hasta que ataques; lo que que antes suceda.

El modo demolición es un vertiginoso híbrido de las reglas de juego clásicas y de las del modo carrera de armamentos. Consiste en dos partidas, cada una de las cuales con una duración de varias rondas. Al final de la primera partida, pasas al equipo contrario. En este modo no se puede comprar ni tampoco hay regeneración instantánea. Los mapas son pequeños, así que las rondas tienden a ser breves.
Gana rondas en el modo demolición eliminando al equipo enemigo o detonando/desactivando la bomba. Obtén un crédito para una nueva arma matando a un enemigo. Si obtienes al menos dos créditos al final de una ronda, recibirás una nueva arma al principio de la siguiente. Recibirás varios tipos de granadas en la siguiente ronda si obtienes más de dos créditos al final de la ronda.
Gana la partida el equipo con más rondas ganadas.
" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GunGameContents" "ARMS RACE GAME MODE
In arms race mode, all players start with the same weapon and get a new one each time they kill an enemy. The cycle of weapons ends with the knife. The player who gets the first knife kill wins the match. You respawn instantly after being killed in this mode. Upon respawn, you’re invulnerable for five seconds or until you attack – whichever happens first.

Demolition mode is a fast-paced hybrid of the classic and arms race game rules. It consists of two matches, each of which runs for several rounds. At the end of the first match, you switch sides. There is no buying in this mode, nor is there instant respawn. Maps are small, so rounds tend to be short.
Win rounds in demolition mode by eliminating the enemy team or by detonating / defusing the bomb. Earn a credit towards a new weapon by killing an enemy. If you have at least two credits at the end of a round, you receive a new weapon at the beginning of the next round. You get various types of grenades in the next round if you have more than two credits at the end of round.
The team with the most rounds won wins the match.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_PlayOnline" "Opciones de juego" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_PlayOnline" "Play Options" "SFUI_HowToPlay_ControlsContents" "CONTROLES PREDETERMINADOS

" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_ControlsContents" "DEFAULT CONTROLS


" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_ControlsContents" "DEFAULT CONTROLS

" "SFUI_HowToPlay_HUD" "HUD" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_HUD" "HUD" "SFUI_HowToPlay_HUDContents" "
Los puntos de mira muestran tu precisión. Cuanto más pequeño sea el punto de mira, más precisos serán tus disparos. Disparar un arma totalmente automática hará que tu precisión sea peor. Cuando dejes de disparar, tu precisión regresará a su estado normal.

Cuando el medidor de salud llegue a 0, morirás. Una vez que pierdas salud, ésta no aumentará hasta que no te regeneres de nuevo. La armadura reduce la cantidad de daño que recibes, pero se degradará con cada disparo.

El icono de zona de compra aparece cuando estás dentro de la zona de compra y todavía queda tiempo suficiente como para comprar equipamiento.

Tu equipamiento se muestra en la esquina inferior derecha de tu pantalla. El lateral izquierdo del indicador de munición muestra cuánta munición queda en tu cargador actual, y el lateral derecho muestra la cantidad de munición de reserva para el arma que estás llevando.

El radar en la parte superior izquierda muestra la ubicación de los compañeros de equipo, zonas de rescate, emplazamientos de bomba y enemigos que son visibles para ti o uno de tus compañeros.

La interfaz de comunicación muestra la identidad y la posición de los jugadores que estén hablando. Aquí aparecerán avisos de objetos especiales si se deja caer una bomba o un kit de desactivación. Esta zona también alerta de las granadas lanzadas e informa de los estados de conexión de los jugadores.

Si ves este icono, significa que estás llevando la bomba. ¡Encuentra un emplazamiento de bomba y colócala!

El icono de kit de desactivación indica que estás llevando el kit de desactivación.

El indicador de zona de rescate aparece cuando estás dentro de una zona de rescate.

El minimarcador muestra un resumen rápido de los jugadores en la partida y de su estado. El marcador también muestra la cantidad de tiempo restante para que la ronda termine.

Los iconos de rehén muestran el estado de los rehenes. Un icono verde luminoso con el símbolo del dólar significa que el rehén ha sido rescatado. Un icono verde brillante de una silueta corriendo indica que hay un rehén moviéndose. Un icono verde de una silueta parada indica que el rehén está a la espera de ser rescatado. Un contorno naranja indica que el rehén ha muerto.

El icono de bomba colocada indica que los terroristas han colocado la bomba.
" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_HUDContents" "
The crosshairs display your accuracy. The smaller the crosshair, the more accurate your shots will be. Firing a gun full auto will make your accuracy worse. When you stop firing, your accuracy will return to normal.

When your health meter reaches 0, you will die. Once you lose health, it will never increase until you respawn. Armor reduces the amount of damage you take, but will degrade with each shot.

The Buy Zone icon appears when you are inside the Buy Zone and there is still time left to purchase equipment.

Your equipment is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. The left side of the ammo display shows how much ammo is in your current clip, and the right side shows the amount of reserve ammo for the equipped weapon.

The radar in the upper left shows the location of teammates, rescue zones, bomb sites and enemies that are visible to you or one of your teammates.

The Communication Display shows the identity and location of speaking players. Special item alerts will appear here if a bomb or defuse kit is dropped. This area of the HUD also reports thrown grenade alerts and player connection status.

If you see this, you are carrying the bomb. Find a bomb zone and plant it!

The defuse kit icon indicates that you are carrying the defuse kit.

The rescue zone indicator is present when you are inside a rescue zone.

The Mini Scoreboard gives a quick summary of the players in the game and their status. The scoreboard also displays the amount of time left before the round ends.

The hostage icons show hostage status. Bright green with a dollar sign indicates a rescued hostage. The green running figure indicates a hostage in transit. The green standing figure indicates a hostage waiting to be rescued. An orange outline indicates a dead hostage.

The Bomb Planted icon appears when the Terrorists have planted the bomb.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_HUDContents2" " " "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_HUDContents2" " " "SFUI_HowToPlay_Equipment" "Equipamiento" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_Equipment" "Equipment" "SFUI_HowToPlay_EquipmentContents" "MEJORANDO TU EQUIPAMIENTO
Puedes comprar nuevo equipamiento al principio de cada ronda mientras estás en la Zona de Compra. La cantidad de dinero inicial depende del modo de juego. Ganas más dinero completando los objetivos de las misiones, eliminando objetivos y ganando la ronda.

Comienzas cada ronda en un área llamada Zona de Compra. Durante un breve período de tiempo puedes comprar equipamiento en esta área pulsando ${north}. Un icono en forma de carro de compra aparecerá en tu HUD cuando puedas comprar objetos.

Para comprar un objeto, selecciona la categoría de objetos que quieras explorar usando ${lstick} y pulsa ${confirm}. Usa ${lstick} de nuevo para seleccionar el objeto que quieras comprar y pulsa ${confirm} para realizar la compra. Los precios de los objetos que no puedes permitirte se muestran en rojo. Para salir de una categoría sin comprar un objeto, pulsa ${cancel}.

Una vez en el menú de compra, hay tres formas de comprar armas y equipamiento de forma rápida. Pulsa ${lshoulder} para seleccionar COMPRA AUTOMÁTICA. Esta selección intentará comprar el mejor armamento que puedas permitirte. Pulsa ${rshoulder} para seleccionar COMPRA ANTERIOR. Esto adquirirá cualquier equipamiento que tuvieses en la ronda anterior, si tienes suficientes fondos como para comprarlo.

Siempre llevas contigo un cuchillo. Además, puedes llevar un arma primaria, una pistola y hasta tres granadas de distinto tipo. Sólo puedes comprar un tipo específico de granada por ronda. Si estás en el bando Terrorista y estás jugando en un mapa de bomba, también puedes llevar la bomba contigo. Pulsa ${rshoulder} para cambiar entre las distintas armas armas que posees. Pulsa ${lshoulder} para alternar entre las granadas que posees y la bomba.
" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_EquipmentContents" "UPGRADING YOUR EQUIPMENT
You may buy new equipment at the beginning of each round while you are in the Buy Zone. The amount of starting money you have depends on the game mode. You earn more money each round for achieving goals such as completing the mission objectives, eliminating enemies and winning the round.

You begin each round in an area called the Buy Zone. For a short period at the beginning of each round you can purchase equipment in this area by pressing ${north}. A shopping cart icon appears on your HUD whenever you can buy items.

To purchase an item, highlight the item category you want to browse using the ${lstick} and press ${confirm}. Use ${lstick} again to highlight the item you want to buy, and then press ${confirm} to make the purchase. Prices of items you can’t currently afford display in red. To leave a category without purchasing an item, press ${cancel}.

Once you are in the buy menu, there are three ways to buy weapons and equipment quickly. Press ${lshoulder} to select AUTOBUY. This selection will attempt to buy the best weaponry you can afford. Press ${rshoulder} to select BUY PREVIOUS. This will buy whatever equipment you had in the previous round, if you have sufficient funds to do so.

You always carry a knife. In addition, you may carry one primary weapon, one pistol, and up to three grenades of different types. You can only buy a specific grenade type once per round. If you are on the Terrorist team and playing a bomb map, you may also be carrying the bomb. Press ${rshoulder} to cycle through weapons in your possession. Press ${lshoulder} to cycle through grenades and the bomb in your possession.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_Tactics" "Tácticas" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_Tactics" "Tactics" "SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents" "PRECISIÓN
Al igual que las armas reales, las armas de Counter-Strike retroceden cuando son disparadas. Cuanto más tiempo sea disparada un arma automática, más imprecisa se volverá. Ésta regresará a su precisión normal poco después de dejar de disparar. Moverte mientras disparas reduce tu precisión, y saltar reduce la precisión de forma mucho más considerable.

En los dos modos clásicos, los jugadores eliminados dejan caer sus armas. Para reemplazar tu arma, apunta a la otra del suelo y pulsa ${+use} o simplemente deja caer la arma que lleves equipada actualmente pulsando ${drop} y entonces camina por encima del arma deseada.

Los disparos que impactan en la cabeza hacen mucho más daño que los que impactan en el cuerpo. A menudo se puede matar a un enemigo con un disparo bien apuntado a la cabeza.

Los equipos que trabajan como una unidad consiguen más victorias. Mientras juegues con otras personas, usa los auriculares para comunicarte y coordinarte con los miembros de tu equipo. Asigna funciones y tareas. Puedes controlar el estado de los jugadores en el marcador y el minimarcador dentro de la partida. Presta atención al área de notificación en la esquina superior derecha y al minimapa la esquina superior izquierda de tu pantalla. El área de notificación mostrará el nombre de un jugador muerto y quien lo ha asesinado. El minimapa mostrará brevemente dónde ha sido eliminado un compañero.

Explora los mapas en el modo offline con bots. Conoce el mapa, todas las rutas y los puntos de emboscadas. Cuando juegues contra humanos, aprovecha el modo espectador para ver cómo los demás jugadores se mueven por la zona.

Todos los tipos de granadas son útiles. Las granadas HE pueden limpiar las zonas de enemigos. Las granadas de humo permiten crear una cobertura para evitar el fuego de los francotiradores. Las granadas aturdidoras ciegan y ensordecen temporalmente a los enemigos, haciendo que sea muy difícil para ellos apuntarte con precisión. Los cócteles molotov y las granadas incendiarias pueden provocar una barrera de fuego en puntos de entrada y salida. Las granadas señuelo producen un ruido específico para confundir a tus oponentes e incluso afectar la pantalla del minimapa enemigo.

El movimiento continuo te convertirá en un blanco difícil. Moverse agachado o caminar es útil cuando se trata de tender una embocada a un enemigo o asumir el papel de francotirador.

No repitas los mismos pasos con demasiada frecuencia. Si continúas siguiendo el mismo curso de acción porque te funcionó muy bien la primera vez asume que tus anteriores víctimas se darán cuenta y te estarán esperando en la siguiente ronda.

Cuando desactives/coloques la bomba o te acerques a los rehenes asegúrate de que el enemigo no te esté esperando cerca para tenderte una emboscada.

Recarga a menudo. Si te quedas sin munición en medio de un tiroteo cambia a las demás armas en lugar de intentar recargar siendo expuesto al fuego enemigo.

El sigilo es de vital importancia en Counter-Strike. Cuando un jugador corre, puede oírse el sonido de sus pasos. Para que esto no suceda, pasa al modo caminar pulsando ${+speed} cuando intentes evitar ser detectado. Ten cuidado también con las puertas y escaleras. Éstas emiten a menudo un sonido que revelará tu posición.

En general, correr a lo loco hacia un tiroteo sólo provocará que te maten. Los jugadores listos se pondrán a cubierto tantas veces como sea posible y usarán el entorno a su favor. Trabaja con tus compañeros de equipo para derrotar al enemigo.
" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents" "ACCURACY
Like real weapons, Counter-Strike weapons recoil when they are fired. The longer a fully automatic weapon is fired, the more inaccurate it will become. It will return to its normal accuracy shortly after you stop firing. Moving while firing decreases your accuracy, and jumping reduces the accuracy even more.

in the two Classic modes, dead players drop their weapons. To swap your weapon for one on the ground, aim at the dropped weapon and press ${+use}. Alternately, you can drop your current weapon by pressing ${drop} and then simply walk over the desired weapon.

Headshots do much more damage than shots to the body. You can often kill an enemy with one well-placed shot to the head.

Teams that work well together as a unit win more. When you are playing with other people, use headsets to communicate and coordinate with your team members. Assign roles and duties. You can monitor player status on the Scoreboard screen and the in-game mini-scoreboard. Pay attention to the Notification Area in the upper right corner and the Mini Map in the upper left corner of your screen. The Notification Area will display a dead player’s name and who killed them. The Mini Map will briefly display where a teammate was killed.

Explore the maps offline against bots. Get to know each map, and all of its routes and ambush spots. When playing against humans, take advantage of the Spectate mode to observe how other players navigate the maps.

All types of grenades are useful. HE grenades can flush out enemies. Smoke grenades create cover from sniper fire. Flashbangs temporarily blind and deafen enemies, making it very difficult for them to accurately target you. Molotov cocktails and Incendiary grenades can create a flaming barrier to entry or exit points. Decoy grenades produce team specific noise to confuse your opponents, and even affect the enemy’s Mini Map display.

Constant movement will make you a difficult target. Movement while in crouch and walking states is useful when attempting to ambush an enemy or assuming a sniper role.

Do not go back to the well too often. If you continue to follow your same course of action because it worked great once, assume that your earlier victims will catch on and be waiting for you to pull the same tactic the next round.

When defusing or planting the bomb or approaching the hostages, check to make sure an enemy isn’t waiting nearby to ambush you.

Reload often. If you run out of ammo in the middle of a firefight, switch to your other weapons instead of trying to reload exposed and under fire.

Stealth is vitally important in Counter-Strike. When a player runs, their footsteps can be heard. To prevent this, switch to walk mode by pressing ${+speed} when trying to avoid detection. Also be wary of doors and ladders. These will often emit a sound that may give your position away.

Running into a firefight guns blazing will generally get you killed. Savvy players will take cover as often as possible, and use their surroundings to their advantage. Work with your teammates to defeat the enemy.
" "SFUI_Medal_RankName_1" "Bronce" "[english]SFUI_Medal_RankName_1" "Bronze" "SFUI_Medal_RankName_2" "Plata" "[english]SFUI_Medal_RankName_2" "Silver" "SFUI_Medal_RankName_3" "Oro" "[english]SFUI_Medal_RankName_3" "Gold" "SFUI_CT_Medals_Header" "MEDALLAS" "[english]SFUI_CT_Medals_Header" "MEDALS" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Title_Spectators" "ESPECTADORES" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Title_Spectators" "SPECTATORS" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Mute" "${dpadright} Silenciar" [$PS3||$X360] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Mute" "${dpadright} Mute" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Mute" "${mute} Silenciar" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Mute" "${mute} Mute" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Unmute" "${dpadright} Dejar de silenciar" [$PS3||$X360] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Unmute" "${dpadright} Unmute" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Unmute" "${mute} Dejar de silenciar" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Unmute" "${mute} Unmute" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_dropshadow" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_dropshadow" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_ct" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_ct" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_ct_lowhealth" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_ct_lowhealth" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_t" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_t" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_t_lowhealth" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_t_lowhealth" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_hostageid_use_lead" "${use} Dirigir rehén %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_hostageid_use_lead" "${use} Lead Hostage %s1" "SFUIHUD_hostageid_use_leave" "${use} Detener rehén %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_hostageid_use_leave" "${use} Stop Hostage %s1" "SFUIHUD_hostageid_following" "Rehén (Siguiendo a %s1) %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_hostageid_following" "Hostage (Following %s1) %s2" "SFUI_WinPanel_rank_awarded" "¡Has alcanzado un nuevo rango!" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_rank_awarded" "You've achieved a new rank!" "SFUI_WinPanel_rank_awarded_multi" "¡Has alcanzado %s1 nuevos rangos!" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_rank_awarded_multi" "You've achieved %s1 new ranks!" "SFUI_WinPanel_rank_name_string" "%s1 (%s2)" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_rank_name_string" "%s1 (%s2)" "SFUI_WinPanel_medal_awarded" "¡Has ganado galardones en esta ronda!" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_medal_awarded" "You've earned awards this round!" "SFUI_WinPanelProg_need_in_catagory" "%s1 galardones de %s2 necesarios para el siguiente rango" "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_need_in_catagory" "%s1 %s2 awards needed for next rank" "SFUI_Medals_Earned_Count" "%d / %d" "[english]SFUI_Medals_Earned_Count" "%d / %d" "SFUI_MuteBind" "Silenciar jugador (Marcador)" "[english]SFUI_MuteBind" "Mute Player (Scoreboard)" "SFUI_ToggleConsole" "Activar consola" "[english]SFUI_ToggleConsole" "Toggle Console" "SFUI_Close_Buy_menu_on_purchase" "Cerrar menú compra tras comprar" "[english]SFUI_Close_Buy_menu_on_purchase" "Close Buy Menu After Purchase" "SFUI_BuyMenu_CQB" "Cuerpo a cuerpo" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_CQB" "CQB" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Grenades" "GRANADAS" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Grenades" "GRENADES" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Inventory" "Inventario" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Inventory" "Inventory" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Penetration" "PENETRACIÓN:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Penetration" "PENETRATION:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Penetration_None" "Ninguna" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Penetration_None" "None" "SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward" "REC. POR VÍCTIMA:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward" "KILL AWARD:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward_Default" "Predeterminada" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward_Default" "Default" "SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward_None" "Ninguna" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward_None" "None" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Cost" "COSTE:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Cost" "COST:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Header" "MENÚ DE COMPRA" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Header" "BUY MENU" "SFUI_BuyMenu_WeaponClass" "MENÚ DE SELECCIÓN DE ARMA" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_WeaponClass" "SELECT WEAPON MENU" "SFUI_BuyMenu_CanOnlyCarryXGrenades" "Sólo puedes llevar %s1 granadas." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_CanOnlyCarryXGrenades" "You can only carry %s1 grenades." "SFUI_BuyMenu_MaxItemsOfType" "Sólo puedes llevar %s1 de este tipo." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_MaxItemsOfType" "You can only carry %s1 of this type." "SFUI_BuyMenu_AlreadyCarrying" "En el inventario actual." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_AlreadyCarrying" "In current inventory." "SFUI_BuyMenu_AlreadyPurchased" "Ya has comprado uno en esta ronda." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_AlreadyPurchased" "You already purchased one this round." "SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByMap" "No está permitido en este tipo de mapa." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByMap" "Not allowed on this map type." "SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByMode" "No está permitido en este modo de juego." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByMode" "Not allowed in this game mode." "SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByTeam" "No está permitido en tu equipo actual." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByTeam" "Not allowed on your current team." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_kevlar" "Protección corporal contra proyectiles y explosivos." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_kevlar" "Body protection against projectiles and explosives." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_incgrenade" "Un dispositivo explosivo e incendiario que cubre de llamas el punto sobre el que impacta durante un breve periodo de tiempo." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_incgrenade" "An explosive, incendiary device that covers the point of impact in flames for a short time." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_defuser" "Un kit de desactivación de bombas utilizado para acelerar el proceso de desactivación de bombas." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_defuser" "A bomb defusal kit used to speed up the bomb defusal process." "SFUI_WS_GG_NextWep" "SIGUIENTE ARMA" "[english]SFUI_WS_GG_NextWep" "NEXT WEAPON" "SFUI_WS_GG_AwardNextRound" "SERÁS PREMIADO EN LA PRÓXIMA RONDA" "[english]SFUI_WS_GG_AwardNextRound" "AWARDED NEXT ROUND" "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_TitleClient" "Entrando en sala de espera" "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_TitleClient" "Joining Lobby" "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_TitleHost" "Creando sala de espera" "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_TitleHost" "Creating Lobby" "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_SteamFailed" "Necesitas Steam para poder unirte a una sala de espera de equipo. Por favor, comprueba tu conexión a Steam e inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_SteamFailed" "Steam is required to join a team lobby. Please check your connection to Steam and try again." "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_Text" "Espera, por favor..." "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_Text" "Please wait..." "SFUI_Lobby_NewConnectionMessage" "Conectado a la sala de espera." "[english]SFUI_Lobby_NewConnectionMessage" "Connected to lobby." "SFUI_Lobby_InviteFriendMessage" "Se ha invitado a %s1 a la sala de espera." "[english]SFUI_Lobby_InviteFriendMessage" "Invited %s1 to lobby." "SFUI_ClansTotalLabel" " en total" "[english]SFUI_ClansTotalLabel" " Total" "SFUI_UsersCountLabel" " Online" "[english]SFUI_UsersCountLabel" " Online" "SFUI_LobbyQuit_Title" "Salir de la sala" "[english]SFUI_LobbyQuit_Title" "Exit Lobby" "SFUI_LobbyQuit_Text" "¿Estás seguro de que quieres salir de esta sala de espera online?" "[english]SFUI_LobbyQuit_Text" "Are you sure you want to exit this online lobby?" "SFUI_CreateTeamMultiplayerTitle" "Multijugador por equipos" "[english]SFUI_CreateTeamMultiplayerTitle" "Team Multiplayer" "SFUI_BYT_TITLE" "JUGAR CON AMIGOS" "[english]SFUI_BYT_TITLE" "PLAY WITH FRIENDS" "SFUI_LOBBYTITLE" "MI EQUIPO" "[english]SFUI_LOBBYTITLE" "MY TEAM" "SFUI_STEAM" "AMIGOS" "[english]SFUI_STEAM" "FRIENDS" "SFUI_CLAN" "GRUPOS DE STEAM" "[english]SFUI_CLAN" "STEAM GROUPS" "SFUI_STEAMFRIENDS" "INVITAR JUGADORES" "[english]SFUI_STEAMFRIENDS" "INVITE PLAYERS" "SFUI_STEAMFRIENDS" "AMIGOS" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_STEAMFRIENDS" "FRIENDS" "SFUI_LOBBYLEADER" "%s1 (Anfitrión)" "[english]SFUI_LOBBYLEADER" "%s1 (Leader)" "SFUI_Invite" "Invitar" "[english]SFUI_Invite" "Invite" "SFUI_Lobby_ShowChat" "Chat" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ShowChat" "Chat" "SFUI_Lobby_HideChat" "Ocultar" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_HideChat" "Hide" "SFUI_ClanList" "Lista de equipos" "[english]SFUI_ClanList" "Team List" "SFUI_CallToArms" "Llamamiento a las armas" "[english]SFUI_CallToArms" "Call To Arms" "SFUI_ExpandClan" "Ampliar equipo" "[english]SFUI_ExpandClan" "Expand Team" "SFUI_Lobby_KickButton" "Expulsar" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_KickButton" "Kick" "SFUI_Lobby_QuickMatchButton" "Partida rápida" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_QuickMatchButton" "Quick Match" "SFUI_Lobby_CustomMatchButton" "Partida personalizada" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_CustomMatchButton" "Custom Match" "SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_NoMap" "Se ha producido un problema al cargar el mapa seleccionado para esta sala. Has sido desconectado." "[english]SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_NoMap" "There was a problem loading the selected map for this lobby. You have been disconnected." "SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_ListenServerDisabled" "La sala de espera se ha cerrado y has sido desconectado." "[english]SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_ListenServerDisabled" "The lobby has been shut down and you have been disconnected." "SFUI_Lobby_Quickmatch" "Por defecto (Partida rápida)" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_Quickmatch" "Default (Quick Match)" "SFUI_Lobby_NoFriendsOnline" "No hay amigos conectados" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_NoFriendsOnline" "No Friends Online" "SFUI_Lobby_InviteFriends" "Invitar amigos..." "[english]SFUI_Lobby_InviteFriends" "Invite Friends..." "SFUI_Lobby_PublicMatch" "Partida pública" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_PublicMatch" "Public Match" "SFUI_Lobby_ClanPreferredMatch" "Preferida por el equipo" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ClanPreferredMatch" "Team-Preferred" "SFUI_Lobby_ClanOnlyMatch" "Solo equipos" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ClanOnlyMatch" "Team-Only" "SFUI_Lobby_X360InviteMsg" "Has sido invitado a una partida por equipos en Counter-Strike: Global Offensive." [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_X360InviteMsg" "You have been invited to a team match in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive." "SFUI_Lobby_StatusInvited" "Invitado" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusInvited" "Invited" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusInGame" "En la partida" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusInGame" "In-Game" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusPlayingCSGO" "Jugando a CS:GO" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusPlayingCSGO" "Playing CS:GO" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusOnline" "Conectado" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusOnline" "Online" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusSnooze" "Durmiendo" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusSnooze" "Snooze" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusBusy" "Ocupado" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusBusy" "Busy" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusAway" "Ausente" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusAway" "Away" "SFUI_LBoard_Device" "TIPO DE ENTRADA" "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Device" "INPUT TYPE" "SFUI_LBDevice_LS" "${ltrigger}" "[english]SFUI_LBDevice_LS" "${ltrigger}" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Mostrar tarjeta de jugador ${dpad} Moverse por la lista" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Show Gamer Card ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Mostrar perfil de Steam ${dpad} Moverse por la lista" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Show Steam Profile ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_WorldRanking" "Clasificación mundial actual" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_WorldRanking" "Current World Rankings" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AVERAGE_PER_ROUND" "Promedio por ronda" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AVERAGE_PER_ROUND" "Average Per Round" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Title" "Marcador" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Title" "Scoreboard" "SFUI_LeaderboardDevice_KeyboardMouse" "Teclado + Ratón" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardDevice_KeyboardMouse" "Keyboard + Mouse" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Hydra" "Hydra" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Hydra" "Hydra" "SFUI_GameUI_LostConnectionToLIVE" "Te has desconectado de Xbox LIVE. Por favor, inicia sesión e inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]SFUI_GameUI_LostConnectionToLIVE" "You have been disconnected from Xbox LIVE. Please sign in and try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_NotAllowedToJoinLobby" "Error al conectarte con el servidor de juego. Debes tener al menos un amigo presente para unirte al servidor especificado." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_NotAllowedToJoinLobby" "Failed to connect to game server. You must have one friend present in order to join the specified server." "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Incendiary_in_the_hole" "¡Bomba incendiaria en camino!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Incendiary_in_the_hole" "FireBomb on the way!" "SFUI_GO" "INICIAR" "[english]SFUI_GO" "GO" "SFUI_MapGroupSelect" "SELECCIONA UN GRUPO DE MAPAS" "[english]SFUI_MapGroupSelect" "SELECT A MAP GROUP" "SFUI_Mapgroup_bomb" "Misión de desactivación" "[english]SFUI_Mapgroup_bomb" "Defuse Mission" "SFUI_Mapgroup_hostage" "Misión de rehenes" "[english]SFUI_Mapgroup_hostage" "Hostage Mission" "SFUI_Mapgroup_allclassic" "Todos los mapas clásicos" "[english]SFUI_Mapgroup_allclassic" "All Classic Maps" "SFUI_Mapgroup_armsrace" "Misión de Carrera de Armamentos" "[english]SFUI_Mapgroup_armsrace" "Arms Race Mission" "SFUI_Mapgroup_demolition" "Misión de Demolición" "[english]SFUI_Mapgroup_demolition" "Demolition Mission" "SFUI_Map_cs_assault" "Assault" "[english]SFUI_Map_cs_assault" "Assault" "SFUI_Map_cs_italy" "Italy" "[english]SFUI_Map_cs_italy" "Italy" "SFUI_Map_cs_office" "Office" "[english]SFUI_Map_cs_office" "Office" "SFUI_Map_de_vertigo" "Vertigo" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_vertigo" "Vertigo" "SFUI_Map_de_balkan" "Balkan" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_balkan" "Balkan" "SFUI_Map_ar_monastery" "Monastery" "[english]SFUI_Map_ar_monastery" "Monastery" "SFUI_Map_de_embassy" "Embassy" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_embassy" "Embassy" "SFUI_Map_de_depot" "Depot" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_depot" "Depot" "SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "GALARDONES" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "AWARDS" "SFUI_MainMenu_StatsButton" "ESTADÍSTICAS" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_StatsButton" "STATS" "SFUI_MainMenu_UnlockFullGame" "DESBLOQUEAR JUEGO COMPLETO" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_UnlockFullGame" "UNLOCK FULL GAME" "SFUI_MainMenu_Loadouts" "EQUIPAMIENTOS" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Loadouts" "LOADOUTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_My_Awards" "MIS PROGRESOS" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_My_Awards" "MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_TickerText" "Mensaje del día: ¡50% de descuento en todo el equipamiento para el avatar en el Bazar!" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_TickerText" "Message of the Day: 50% off all Avatar Gear in Marketplace!" "SFUI_PlayMenu_InsigniaMatchButton" "JUGAR CON INSIGNIA" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_InsigniaMatchButton" "PLAY WITH INSIGNIA" "SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "OFFLINE CON BOTS" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "OFFLINE WITH BOTS" "SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "OFFLINE CON BOTS" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "OFFLINE WITH BOTS" "SFUI_ProfileMenu_InsigniaButton" "INSIGNIA" "[english]SFUI_ProfileMenu_InsigniaButton" "INSIGNIA" "SFUI_PauseMenu_SubPanelNav" "${cancel} Atrás" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_SubPanelNav" "${cancel} Back" "SFUI_HowToPlay_EquipmentContents" "MEJORANDO TU EQUIPAMIENTO
Puedes comprar nuevo equipamiento al principio de cada ronda mientras estás en la Zona de Compra. La cantidad de dinero inicial depende del modo de juego. Ganas más dinero completando los objetivos de las misiones, eliminando objetivos y ganando la ronda.

Comienzas cada ronda en un área llamada Zona de Compra. Durante un breve período de tiempo puedes comprar equipamiento en esta área pulsando ${north}. Un icono en forma de carro de compra aparecerá en tu HUD cuando puedas comprar objetos.

Para comprar un objeto, selecciona la categoría de objetos que quieras explorar y pulsa ${confirm}. Seleccionar el objeto que quieras comprar y pulsa ${confirm} para realizar la compra. Los precios de los objetos que no puedes permitirte se muestran en rojo. Para salir de una categoría sin comprar un objeto, pulsa ${cancel}.

Una vez en el menú de compra, hay tres formas de comprar armas y equipamiento de forma rápida. Selecciona COMPRA AUTOMÁTICA para intentar comprar el mejor armamento que puedas permitirte. Selecciona COMPRA ANTERIOR para adquirir cualquier equipamiento que tuvieses en la ronda anterior, si tienes suficientes fondos como para comprarlo.

Siempre llevas contigo un cuchillo. Además, puedes llevar un arma primaria, una pistola y hasta tres granadas de distinto tipo. Sólo puedes comprar una granada de un tipo específico por ronda. Si estás en el bando Terrorista y estás jugando en un mapa de bomba, también puedes llevar la bomba contigo. Pulsa ${rshoulder} para cambiar entre las distintas armas armas que posees. Pulsa ${lshoulder} para alternar entre las granadas que posees y la bomba.
" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_EquipmentContents" "UPGRADING YOUR EQUIPMENT
You may buy new equipment at the beginning of each round while you are in the Buy Zone. The amount of starting money you have depends on the game mode. You earn more money each round for achieving goals such as completing the mission objectives, eliminating enemies and winning the round.

You begin each round in an area called the Buy Zone. For a short period at the beginning of each round you can purchase equipment in this area by pressing ${north}. A shopping cart icon appears on your HUD whenever you can buy items.

To purchase an item, highlight the item category you want to browse and press ${confirm}. Highlight the individual item you want to buy, and then press ${confirm} to make the purchase. Prices of items you can’t currently afford display in red. To leave a category without purchasing an item, press ${cancel}.

Once you are in the buy menu, there are three ways to buy weapons and equipment quickly. Select AUTOBUY to attempt to buy the best weaponry you can afford. Select BUY PREVIOUS to buy whatever equipment you had in the previous round, if you have sufficient funds to do so.

You always carry a knife. In addition, you may carry one primary weapon, one pistol, and up to three grenades of different types. You can only buy one specific grenade type once per round. If you are on the Terrorist team and playing a bomb map, you may also be carrying the bomb. Press ${rshoulder} to cycle through weapons in your possession. Press ${lshoulder} to cycle through grenades and the bomb in your possession.
Puedes comprar nuevo equipamiento al principio de cada ronda mientras estás en la Zona de Compra. La cantidad de dinero inicial depende del modo de juego. Ganas más dinero completando los objetivos de las misiones, eliminando objetivos y ganando la ronda.

Comienzas cada ronda en un área llamada Zona de Compra. Durante un breve período de tiempo puedes comprar equipamiento en esta área pulsando ${confirm}. Un icono en forma de carro de compra aparecerá en tu HUD cuando puedas comprar objetos.

Para comprar un objeto, selecciona la categoría de objetos que quieras explorar usando ${lstick} y pulsa ${confirm}. Usa ${lstick} de nuevo para seleccionar el objeto que quieras comprar y pulsa ${confirm} para realizar la compra. Los precios de los objetos que no puedes permitirte se muestran en rojo. Para salir de una categoría sin comprar un objeto, pulsa ${cancel}.

Una vez en el menú de compra, hay tres formas de comprar armas y equipamiento de forma rápida. Pulsa ${lshoulder} para seleccionar COMPRA AUTOMÁTICA. Esta selección intentará comprar el mejor armamento que puedas permitirte. Pulsa ${rshoulder} para seleccionar COMPRA ANTERIOR. Esto adquirirá cualquier equipamiento que tuvieses en la ronda anterior, si tienes suficientes fondos como para comprarlo.

Siempre llevas contigo un cuchillo. Además, puedes llevar un arma primaria, una pistola y hasta tres granadas de distinto tipo. Sólo puedes comprar una granada de un tipo específico por ronda. Si estás en el bando Terrorista y estás jugando en un mapa de bomba, también puedes llevar la bomba contigo. Pulsa ${rshoulder} para cambiar entre las distintas armas armas que posees. Pulsa ${lshoulder} para alternar entre las granadas que posees y la bomba.
" [$PS3||$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_EquipmentContents" "UPGRADING YOUR EQUIPMENT
You may buy new equipment at the beginning of each round while you are in the Buy Zone. The amount of starting money you have depends on the game mode. You earn more money each round for achieving goals such as completing the mission objectives, eliminating enemies and winning the round.

You begin each round in an area called the Buy Zone. For a short period at the beginning of each round you can purchase equipment in this area by pressing ${confirm}. A shopping cart icon appears on your HUD whenever you can buy items.

To purchase an item, highlight the item category you want to browse using the ${lstick} and press ${confirm}. Use ${lstick} again to highlight the item you want to buy, and then press ${confirm} to make the purchase. Prices of items you can’t currently afford display in red. To leave a category without purchasing an item, press ${cancel}.

Once you are in the buy menu, there are three ways to buy weapons and equipment quickly. Press ${lshoulder} to select AUTOBUY. This selection will attempt to buy the best weaponry you can afford. Press ${rshoulder} to select BUY PREVIOUS. This will buy whatever equipment you had in the previous round, if you have sufficient funds to do so.

You always carry a knife. In addition, you may carry one primary weapon, one pistol, and up to three grenades of different types. You can only buy a specific grenade type once per round. If you are on the Terrorist team and playing a bomb map, you may also be carrying the bomb. Press ${rshoulder} to cycle through weapons in your possession. Press ${lshoulder} to cycle through grenades and the bomb in your possession.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents" "PRECISIÓN
Al igual que las armas reales, las armas de Counter-Strike retroceden cuando son disparadas. Cuanto más tiempo sea disparada un arma automática, más imprecisa se volverá. Ésta regresará a su precisión normal poco después de dejar de disparar. Moverte mientras disparas reduce tu precisión, y saltar reduce tu precisión todavía más.

En los dos modos clásicos, los jugadores eliminados dejan caer sus armas. Para reemplazar tu arma por la del suelo, apunta al arma caída y pulsa ${+use}. Alternativamente, puedes dejar caer tu arma actual pulsando ${drop} y después caminar por encima del arma deseada para recogerla.

Los disparos que impactan en la cabeza de tu objetivo hacen mucho más daño que los que impactan en el cuerpo. A menudo se puede matar a un enemigo con un disparo bien apuntado a la cabeza.

Los equipos que trabajan como una unidad consiguen más victorias. Mientras juegues con otras personas, usa los auriculares para comunicarte y coordinarte con los miembros de tu equipo. Asigna funciones y tareas. Puedes controlar el estado de los jugadores en la pantalla del marcador y el minimarcador dentro de la partida. Presta atención al área de notificación en la esquina superior derecha y al minimapa la esquina superior izquierda de tu pantalla. El área de notificación mostrará el nombre de un jugador muerto y quién lo ha asesinado. El minimapa mostrará brevemente dónde ha sido eliminado un compañero.

Explora los mapas jugando contra bots offline. Conoce cada mapa, todas sus rutas y los puntos de emboscada. Cuando juegues contra humanos, aprovéchate del modo espectador para observar cómo se mueven los jugadores por el mapa.

Todos los tipos de granadas son útiles. Las granadas HE pueden limpiar las zonas de enemigos. Las granadas de humo pueden crear una cobertura para evitar el fuego de los francotiradores. Las granadas aturdidoras ciegan y ensordecen temporalmente a los enemigos, haciendo que sea muy difícil para ellos apuntarte con precisión. Los cócteles molotov y las granadas incendiarias pueden crear una barrera de fuego en los puntos de entrada y de salida. Las granadas señuelo producen un sonido un específico para confundir a tus oponentes, e incluso afectar el minimapa del enemigo.

El movimiento continuo te convertirá en un blanco difícil. Moverse agachado o caminar es útil cuando se trata de tender una embocada a un enemigo o asumir el papel de francotirador.

No repitas los mismos pasos con demasiada frecuencia. Si continúas siguiendo el mismo curso de acción porque te funcionó muy bien la primera vez asume que tus anteriores víctimas se darán cuenta y te estarán esperando en la siguiente ronda.

Cuando desactives/coloques la bomba o te acerques a los rehenes, asegúrate de que el enemigo no te esté esperando cerca para tenderte una emboscada.

Recarga a menudo. Si te quedas sin munición en medio de un tiroteo cambia a las demás armas en lugar de intentar recargar siendo expuesto al fuego enemigo.

El sigilo es de vital importancia en Counter-Strike. Cuando un jugador va corriendo puede oírse el sonido de sus pasos. Para que esto no suceda, pasa al modo caminar pulsando ${+speed} cuando intentes evitar ser detectado. Ten cuidado también con las puertas y escaleras, éstas emiten a menudo un sonido que revelará tu posición.

En general, correr a lo loco hacia un tiroteo sólo provocará que te maten. Los jugadores listos se pondrán a cubierto tantas veces como sea posible y usarán el entorno a su favor. Trabaja con tus compañeros de equipo para derrotar al enemigo.
" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents" "ACCURACY
Like real weapons, Counter-Strike weapons recoil when they are fired. The longer a fully automatic weapon is fired, the more inaccurate it will become. It will return to its normal accuracy shortly after you stop firing. Moving while firing decreases your accuracy, and jumping reduces the accuracy even more.

in the two Classic modes, dead players drop their weapons. To swap your weapon for one on the ground, aim at the dropped weapon and press ${+use}. Alternately, you can drop your current weapon by pressing ${drop} and then simply walk over the desired weapon.

Headshots do much more damage than shots to the body. You can often kill an enemy with one well-placed shot to the head.

Teams that work well together as a unit win more. When you are playing with other people, use headsets to communicate and coordinate with your team members. Assign roles and duties. You can monitor player status on the Scoreboard screen and the in-game mini-scoreboard. Pay attention to the Notification Area in the upper right corner and the Mini Map in the upper left corner of your screen. The Notification Area will display a dead player’s name and who killed them. The Mini Map will briefly display where a teammate was killed.

Explore the maps offline against bots. Get to know each map, and all of its routes and ambush spots. When playing against humans, take advantage of the Spectate mode to observe how other players navigate the maps.

All types of grenades are useful. HE grenades can flush out enemies. Smoke grenades create cover from sniper fire. Flashbangs temporarily blind and deafen enemies, making it very difficult for them to accurately target you. Molotov cocktails and Incendiary grenades can create a flaming barrier to entry or exit points. Decoy grenades produce team specific noise to confuse your opponents, and even affect the enemy’s Mini Map display.

Constant movement will make you a difficult target. Movement while in crouch and walking states is useful when attempting to ambush an enemy or assuming a sniper role.

Do not go back to the well too often. If you continue to follow your same course of action because it worked great once, assume that your earlier victims will catch on and be waiting for you to pull the same tactic the next round.

When defusing or planting the bomb or approaching the hostages, check to make sure an enemy isn’t waiting nearby to ambush you.

Reload often. If you run out of ammo in the middle of a firefight, switch to your other weapons instead of trying to reload exposed and under fire.

Stealth is vitally important in Counter-Strike. When a player runs, their footsteps can be heard. To prevent this, switch to walk mode by pressing ${+speed} when trying to avoid detection. Also be wary of doors and ladders. These will often emit a sound that may give your position away.

Running into a firefight guns blazing will generally get you killed. Savvy players will take cover as often as possible, and use their surroundings to their advantage. Work with your teammates to defeat the enemy.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents" "PRECISIÓN
Al igual que las armas reales, las armas de Counter-Strike retroceden cuando son disparadas. Cuanto más tiempo sea disparada un arma automática, más imprecisa se volverá. Ésta regresará a su precisión normal poco después de dejar de disparar. Tus disparos son más exactos cuando no te estás moviendo. Moverte mientras disparas reduce tu precisión, y saltar reduce la precisión de forma mucho más considerable.

Los jugadores eliminados dejan caer sus armas. Para reemplazar tu arma, apunta a la otra del suelo y pulsa ${north} o simplemente deja caer la arma que lleves equipada actualmente pulsando ${dpadup} y entonces camina por encima de la otra en el suelo.

Los disparos que impactan en la cabeza de tu objetivo hacen mucho más daño que los que impactan en el cuerpo. A menudo se puede matar a un enemigo con un disparo bien apuntado a la cabeza.

Estos kits te permiten desactivar la bomba mucho más rápido, lo cual podría marcar la diferencia entre ganar la ronda y un final explosivo. Los jugadores con el kit de desactivación deberían ser tus desactivadores designados.

Los equipos que trabajan como una unidad consiguen más victorias. Mientras juegues con otras personas, usa los auriculares para comunicarte y coordinarte con los miembros de tu equipo. Asigna funciones y tareas. Puedes controlar el estado de los jugadores en el marcador y el minimarcador dentro de la partida. Presta atención al área de notificación en la esquina superior derecha y al minimapa la esquina superior izquierda de tu pantalla. El área de notificación mostrará el nombre de un jugador muerto y quien lo ha asesinado. El minimapa mostrará brevemente dónde ha sido eliminado un compañero.

Explora los mapas en el modo para un jugador. Conoce el mapa, todas las rutas y los puntos de emboscadas. Aprovecha el modo espectador para ver cómo los demás jugadores se mueven por la zona.

Todos los tipos de granadas son útiles. Las granadas HE pueden limpiar las zonas de enemigos. Las granadas de humo pueden crear una cobertura para evitar el fuego de los francotiradores y permitir a tus compañeros moverse a través de una zona sin ser un blanco fácil. Las granadas aturdidoras ciegan y ensordecen temporalmente a un enemigo para que puedas eliminarlo sin que te dispare con precisión. Los cócteles molotov y las granadas incendiarias pueden provocar una barrera de fuego en puntos de entrada y salida. Las granadas señuelo producen un ruido específico para confundir a tus oponentes e incluso afectar la pantalla del minimapa enemigo.

El movimiento continuo te convertirá en un blanco difícil. Moverse agachado o caminar es útil cuando se trata de tender una embocada a un enemigo o asumir el papel de francotirador.

No repitas los mismos pasos con demasiada frecuencia. Si continúas siguiendo el mismo curso de acción porque te funcionó muy bien la primera vez asume que tus anteriores víctimas se darán cuenta y te estarán esperando en la siguiente ronda.

Cuando desactives/coloques la bomba o te acerques a los rehenes asegúrate de que el enemigo no te esté esperando cerca para tenderte una emboscada.

Recarga a menudo. Si te quedas sin munición en medio de un tiroteo cambia a las demás armas en lugar de intentar recargar siendo expuesto al fuego enemigo.

El sigilo es de vital importancia en Counter-Strike. Cuando un jugador va corriendo a toda velocidad puede oírse el sonido de sus pasos. Para que esto no suceda, pasa al modo caminar pulsando ${lstickbutton} cuando intentes evitar ser detectado. Ten cuidado también con las puertas y escaleras. Éstas emiten a menudo un sonido que revelará tu posición a los enemigos.

En general, correr a lo loco hacia un tiroteo sólo provocará que te maten. Los jugadores listos se pondrán a cubierto tantas veces como sea posible y usarán el entorno a su favor. Trabaja con tus compañeros de equipo para derrotar al enemigo.
" [$PS3||$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents" "ACCURACY
Like real weapons, Counter-Strike weapons recoil when they are fired. The longer a fully automatic weapon is fired, the more inaccurate it will become. It will return to its normal accuracy shortly after you stop firing. Your shots are more accurate when you are not moving. Moving while firing decreases your accuracy, and jumping reduces the accuracy significantly more.

Killed players drop their weapons. To swap your weapon for one on the ground, aim at the other weapon on the ground and press ${north} or drop your current weapon by pressing ${dpadup} then simply walk over the weapon on the ground.

Shots that hit your target in the head do much more damage than those that hit the body. You can often kill an enemy with one well-placed shot to the head.

These kits allow you to defuse the bomb much faster, which could make the difference between winning the round and an explosive finish. The players with the defuse kit should be your designated defusers.

Teams that work well together as a unit win more. When you are playing with other people, use headsets to communicate and coordinate with your team members. Assign roles and duties. You can monitor player status in the Scoreboard screen and ingame mini-scoreboard. Pay attention to the Notification Area in the upper right corner and the Mini Map in the upper left corner of your screen. The Notification Area will display \\a dead player’s name and who killed them. The Mini Map will briefly display where a teammate was killed.

Explore maps in single player mode. Get to know the map, all of the routes and ambush spots. Take advantage of the Spectate mode to see how other players navigate the area.

All types of grenades are useful. HE grenades can flush out enemies. Smoke grenades create cover from sniper fire and allow your teammates to move past snipers without being easy targets. Flashbangs temporarily blind and deafen an enemy so you can kill him without them shooting back accurately. Molotov Cocktails and Incendiary grenades can produce a flaming barrier to entry or exit points. Decoy Grenades produce team specific noise to confuse your opponents even affecting the enemy Mini Map display.

Constant movement will make you a difficult target. Movement while in crouch and walking states is useful when attempting to ambush an enemy or assuming a sniper role.

Do not go back to the well too often. If you continue to follow your same course of action because it worked great once assume that your earlier victims will catch on and be waiting for you the on the next round.

When defusing or planting the bomb or approaching the hostages check to make sure the enemy isn’t waiting nearby to ambush you.

Reload often. If you run out of ammo in the middle of a firefight switch to your other weapons instead of trying to reload exposed and under fire.

Stealth is vitally important in Counter-Strike. When a player runs at full tilt their footsteps can be heard. To prevent this, switch to walk mode by pressing ${lstickbutton} when trying to avoid detection. Also be wary of doors and ladders. These will often emit a sound that may give you or your enemies’ position away.

Running into a firefight all gung-ho will generally get you killed. Savvy players will take cover as often as possible and use their surroundings to their advantage. Work with your teammates to defeat the enemy.
" "SFUI_Medals_Title" "GALARDONES" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Medals_Title" "AWARDS" "SFUI_Stats_Title" "ESTADÍSTICAS" "[english]SFUI_Stats_Title" "STATS" "SFUI_MedalCategory_CatTitle" "Categoría" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_CatTitle" "Category" "SFUI_MedalCategory_AwardTitle" "Galardones" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_AwardTitle" "Awards" "SFUI_MedalCategory_StatusBar" "Galardones necesarios para recibir medallas" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_StatusBar" "Awards Required for Medals" "SFUI_MedalELo_Title" "Tu rango ELO" "[english]SFUI_MedalELo_Title" "Your ELO Rank" "SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective_HTML" "Tácticas en equipo" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective_HTML" "Team Tactics" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat_HTML" "Habilidades de combate" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat_HTML" "Combat Skills" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon_HTML" "Especialista en armas" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon_HTML" "Weapon Specialist" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Map_HTML" "Experiencia global" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Map_HTML" "Global Expertise" "SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame_HTML" "Carrera de Arm. y Demolición" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame_HTML" "Arms Race & Demolition" "SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective_CAPHTML" "TÁCTICAS EN EQUIPO" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective_CAPHTML" "TEAM TACTICS" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat_CAPHTML" "HABILIDADES DE COMBATE" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat_CAPHTML" "COMBAT SKILLS" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon_CAPHTML" "ESPECIALISTA EN ARMAS" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon_CAPHTML" "WEAPON SPECIALIST" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Map_CAPHTML" "EXPERIENCIA GLOBAL" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Map_CAPHTML" "GLOBAL EXPERTISE" "SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame_CAPHTML" "CARRERA DE ARM. Y DEMOLICIÓN" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame_CAPHTML" "ARMS RACE & DEMOLITION" "SFUI_Medal_RankName_0" "Ninguna" "[english]SFUI_Medal_RankName_0" "None" "SFUI_CT_Elo_Rank" "TU RANGO ELO" "[english]SFUI_CT_Elo_Rank" "YOUR ELO RANK" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Final_Won" "¡Tu equipo ha ganado!" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Final_Won" "Your Team Won!" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Final_Lost" "¡Tu equipo ha perdido!" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Final_Lost" "Your Team Lost!" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Final_Tie" "¡Empate!" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Final_Tie" "The Match Tied!" "SFUI_Scoreboard_GG_The_Winner" "¡%s1 es el ganador!" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_GG_The_Winner" "%s1 won!" "SFUI_Vote_CancelSubselection" "${cancel}Atrás" "[english]SFUI_Vote_CancelSubselection" "${cancel}Back" "SFUI_VOTING_CALL_VOTE" "REALIZAR VOTACIÓN" "[english]SFUI_VOTING_CALL_VOTE" "CALL VOTE" "SFUI_VOTING_VOTE_TARGET" "HAZ TU ELECCIÓN" "[english]SFUI_VOTING_VOTE_TARGET" "MAKE SELECTION" "SFUI_vote_header" "Votación realizada por: %s1" "[english]SFUI_vote_header" "Vote called by: %s1" "SFUI_vote_yes_pc_instruction" "Pulsa F1 para SÍ" "[english]SFUI_vote_yes_pc_instruction" "Press F1 for YES" "SFUI_vote_no_pc_instruction" "Pulsa F2 para NO" "[english]SFUI_vote_no_pc_instruction" "Press F2 for NO" "SFUI_vote_yes_console_instruction" "Pulsa ${dpadleft} para SÍ" "[english]SFUI_vote_yes_console_instruction" "Press ${dpadleft} for YES" "SFUI_vote_no_console_instruction" "Pulsa ${dpadright} para NO" "[english]SFUI_vote_no_console_instruction" "Press ${dpadright} for NO" "SFUI_vote_passed" "¡Votación aceptada!" "[english]SFUI_vote_passed" "Vote Passed!" "SFUI_vote_failed" "Votación rechazada." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed" "Vote Failed." "SFUI_vote_failed_quorum" "No han votado suficientes jugadores." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_quorum" "Not enough players voted." "SFUI_vote_failed_yesno" "Los votos a favor deben superar los votos en contra." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_yesno" "Yes votes must exceed No votes." "SFUI_vote_failed_vote_spam" "Has realizado una votación recientemente y no puedes realizar otra hasta dentro de %s1 segundos." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_vote_spam" "You called a vote recently and can not call another for %s1 seconds." "SFUI_vote_failed_transition_vote" "No puedes realizar una nueva votación mientras los demás jugadores aún estén cargando." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_transition_vote" "You cannot call a new vote while other players are still loading." "SFUI_vote_failed_disabled_issue" "El servidor ha deshabilitado esa característica." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_disabled_issue" "Server has disabled that issue." "SFUI_vote_failed_map_not_found" "Ese mapa no existe." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_map_not_found" "That map does not exist." "SFUI_vote_failed_map_name_required" "Debes especificar un nombre de mapa." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_map_name_required" "You must specify a map name." "SFUI_vote_failed_recently" "Esta votación se ha realizado recientemente y ha sido rechazada. No se puede realizar una de nuevo hasta dentro de %s1 segundos." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_recently" "This vote was called recently and failed. It can not be called again for %s1 seconds." "SFUI_vote_failed_team_cant_call" "Tu equipo no puede realizar esta votación." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_team_cant_call" "Your team cannot call this vote." "SFUI_vote_failed_waitingforplayers" "Votación no permitida mientras se está esperando a los jugadores." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_waitingforplayers" "Voting not allowed while Waiting For Players." "SFUI_vote_failed_cannot_kick_admin" "No puedes realizar una votación para expulsar al administrador del servidor." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_cannot_kick_admin" "You may not vote to kick the server admin." "SFUI_vote_failed_scramble_in_prog" "Una mezcla de equipos está en progreso." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_scramble_in_prog" "A Team Scramble is in progress." "SFUI_vote_failed_swap_in_prog" "Un cambio de equipos está en progreso." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_swap_in_prog" "A Team Swap is in progress." "SFUI_vote_failed_spectator" "Este servidor ha deshabilitado la votación para los espectadores." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_spectator" "This server has disabled voting for Spectators." "SFUI_vote_failed_nextlevel_set" "El próximo nivel ya ha sido cambiado." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_nextlevel_set" "The next level has already been set." "SFUI_vote_kick_player_other" "¿Expulsar al jugador %s1?\n" "[english]SFUI_vote_kick_player_other" "Kick player: %s1?\n" "SFUI_vote_kick_player_cheating" "¿Expulsar al jugador %s1?\n(acusado de hacer trampas)" "[english]SFUI_vote_kick_player_cheating" "Kick player: %s1?\n(accused of cheating)" "SFUI_vote_kick_player_idle" "¿Expulsar al jugador %s1?\n(acusado de permanecer inactivo)" "[english]SFUI_vote_kick_player_idle" "Kick player: %s1?\n(accused of being idle)" "SFUI_vote_kick_player_scamming" "¿Expulsar al jugador %s1?\n(acusado de estafar)" "[english]SFUI_vote_kick_player_scamming" "Kick player: %s1?\n(accused of scamming)" "SFUI_vote_passed_kick_player" "Expulsando al jugador: %s1..." "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_kick_player" "Kicking player: %s1..." "SFUI_vote_restart_game" "¿Reiniciar la partida?" "[english]SFUI_vote_restart_game" "Restart the match?" "SFUI_vote_passed_restart_game" "Reiniciando la partida..." "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_restart_game" "Restarting the match..." "SFUI_vote_changelevel" "¿Cambiar el nivel actual a %s1?" "[english]SFUI_vote_changelevel" "Change current level to %s1?" "SFUI_vote_nextlevel" "¿Cambiar el próximo nivel a %s1?" "[english]SFUI_vote_nextlevel" "Set the next level to %s1?" "SFUI_vote_passed_changelevel" "Cambiando nivel a %s1..." "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_changelevel" "Changing level to %s1..." "SFUI_vote_passed_nextlevel" "Próximo nivel cambiado a %s1..." "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_nextlevel" "Next level set to %s1..." "SFUI_vote_passed_nextlevel_extend" "Prolongar el nivel actual (%s1)" "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_nextlevel_extend" "Extending the current level (%s1)" "SFUI_vote_nextlevel_choices" "¡Vota por el siguiente mapa!" "[english]SFUI_vote_nextlevel_choices" "Vote for the next map!" "SFUI_vote_scramble_teams" "¿Mezclar los equipos?" "[english]SFUI_vote_scramble_teams" "Scramble the teams?" "SFUI_vote_passed_scramble_teams" "Se reorganizarán los equipos." "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_scramble_teams" "Teams will be scrambled." "SFUI_vote_swap_teams" "¿Cambiar los equipos?" "[english]SFUI_vote_swap_teams" "Swap the teams?" "SFUI_vote_passed_swap_teams" "Se cambiarán los equipos." "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_swap_teams" "Teams will be swapped." "SFUI_vote_td_start_round" "¿Comenzar la ronda actual?" "[english]SFUI_vote_td_start_round" "Start the current round?" "SFUI_vote_passed_td_start_round" "Comenzando la ronda..." "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_td_start_round" "Starting the round..." "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseText_NoKit" "Estás desactivando la\nbomba sin el kit." "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseText_NoKit" "You are defusing the bomb\nwithout a kit." "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Spec_DefuseText" "%s1 está desactivando la bomba." "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Spec_DefuseText" "%s1 is defusing the bomb." "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Spec_DefuseText_NoKit" "%s1 está desactivando la\nbomba sin el kit." "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Spec_DefuseText_NoKit" "%s1 is defusing the bomb\nwithout a kit." "SFUI_ST6_Female_Name" "Equipo Especial de Respuesta" "[english]SFUI_ST6_Female_Name" "Special Response Team" "SFUI_ST6_Female_Label" "SRT o SWAT es una unidad táctica paramilitar de operaciones especiales americana que actúa desde de las agencias nacionales encargadas del orden público." "[english]SFUI_ST6_Female_Label" "SRT or SWAT is an American special operations paramilitary tactical unit operating within domestic law enforcement agencies." "SFUI_MPSSC_Male_Team" "MPSSC" "[english]SFUI_MPSSC_Male_Team" "MPSSC" "SFUI_MPSSC_Male_Label" "La Compañía de Servicio Especial de Policía Militar (Military Police Special Service Company), también conocidos como “Yeh-ying” (Halcón Nocturno), es una fuerza taiwanesa de operaciones especiales clasificadas que actúa bajo el mando del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional de ese país. Se rumorea que reciben entrenamiento en la Ranger School de Fort Benning, Georgia (EE.UU.)." "[english]SFUI_MPSSC_Male_Label" "Military Police Special Service Company aka “Yeh-ying” (Nighthawk). A classified Taiwanese special operations force under the Ministry of National Defense. Rumored to receive training at the Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia." "SFUI_Georgian_Male_Name" "Antidisturbios de la República de Georgia" "[english]SFUI_Georgian_Male_Name" "Republic of Georgia Riot Polis" "SFUI_Georgian_Male_Label" "Ante el temor a un golpe de estado durante las manifestaciones organizadas por la oposición en la capital Tbilisi en 2007, el gobierno de Georgia envió a la fuertemente armada policía antidisturbios para dispersar a la multitud. Al encontrar resistencia, dicho cuerpo de seguridad empleó una fuerza considerable para interrumpir las manifestaciones y silenciar a los medios de difusión contrarios al gobierno." "[english]SFUI_Georgian_Male_Label" "Fearing a coup d'etat during opposition demonstations in the capital city of Tbilisi in 2007, the Georgian government dispatched the heavily armored Riot Polis to disperse the crowd. Met with resistence, the security forces used considerable force in disrupting protestors and silencing seditious media outlets." "SFUI_Professional_Female_Name" "Profesional" "[english]SFUI_Professional_Female_Name" "Professional" "SFUI_Professional_Female_Label" "Los Profesionales son ladrones bien equipados, tienen acceso a la última tecnología y carecen de compromisos políticos o religiosos." "[english]SFUI_Professional_Female_Label" "The Professionals are high tech, well equipped thieves with no political or religious agenda." "SFUI_Yakuza_Male_Name" "Freelancers" "[english]SFUI_Yakuza_Male_Name" "Freelancers" "SFUI_Yakuza_Male_Label" "Estos criminales sin clan afirman no tener ninguna afiliación más allá de sus propias bandas con fines específicos. Rechazando la tradición, hacen alarde de su arte corporal de forma indiscriminada y aceptan cualquier trabajo, sin importar sus repercusiones sobre la población civil." "[english]SFUI_Yakuza_Male_Label" "These Clan-less criminals claim no affiliation beyond their own ad-hoc gangs. Spurning tradition, they flaunt their body art indiscriminately and accept any job regardless of its impact on the civilian populous." "SFUI_Yakuza_Female_Name" "Freelancers" "[english]SFUI_Yakuza_Female_Name" "Freelancers" "SFUI_Yakuza_Female_Label" "Estas criminales sin clan afirman no tener ninguna afiliación más allá de sus propias bandas con fines específicos. Rechazando la tradición, hacen alarde de su arte corporal de forma indiscriminada y aceptan cualquier trabajo, sin importar sus repercusiones sobre la población civil." "[english]SFUI_Yakuza_Female_Label" "These Clan-less criminals claim no affiliation beyond their own ad-hoc gangs. Spurning tradition, they flaunt their body art indiscriminately and accept any job regardless of its impact on the civilian populous." "SFUI_WinPanel_elo_up_string" "¡Has alcanzado un nuevo rango Elo!" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_elo_up_string" "You've gained an Elo rank!" "SFUI_WinPanel_elo_down_string" "¡Has perdido un rango Elo!" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_elo_down_string" "You've lost an Elo rank!" "SFUI_Notice_Hint_Bot_Takeover" "Estás jugando como el BOT %s1." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hint_Bot_Takeover" "You are playing as BOT %s1." "SFUI_Notice_Knife_Level_You" "¡Has alcanzado el nivel del cuchillo de oro!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Knife_Level_You" "You've reached gold knife level!" "SFUI_Notice_CTs_Clinched_Match" "Los antiterroristas ganan la partida al conseguir un mayor número de victorias." "[english]SFUI_Notice_CTs_Clinched_Match" "CTs clinched the match with the most wins." "SFUI_Notice_Ts_Clinched_Match" "Los terroristas ganan la partida al conseguir un mayor número de victorias." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Ts_Clinched_Match" "Terrorists clinched the match with the most wins." "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Point" "PUNTO DE PARTIDO" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Point" "MATCH POINT" "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Final_Round" "RONDA FINAL" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Alert_Final_Round" "FINAL ROUND" "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Last_Round_Half" "ÚLTIMA RONDA DE LA PRIMERA MITAD" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Alert_Last_Round_Half" "LAST ROUND OF FIRST HALF" "SFUI_Upsell_Title" "LA ÚLTIMA ENTREGA DEL JUEGO DE ACCIÓN TÁCTICA ONLINE NÚMERO UNO DEL MUNDO" "[english]SFUI_Upsell_Title" "THE LATEST INSTALLMENT OF THE WORLD'S # 1 ONLINE TACTICAL ACTION GAME" "SFUI_Upsell_Upsell_Bullets" "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive amplía el clásico juego de acción por equipos que fue pionero en su lanzamiento hace 12 años. Con un enorme arsenal de más de 45 armas, montones de mapas, nuevos modos de juego, nuevos efectos visuales, marcadores y más de 165 galardones que desbloquear, CS:GO es un shooter táctico que no puede faltar en la colección de los amantes de este género.\n\nAsí que... ¿a qué estás esperando? ¡Únete a tus amigos online y GO GO GO!" "[english]SFUI_Upsell_Upsell_Bullets" "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive expands on the classic team-based action gameplay that it pioneered when it first launched 12 years ago. Featuring a massive arsenal of over 45 weapons, loads of maps, new game modes, new visuals, leaderboards, and over 165 awards to be earned. CS:GO is a must-have tactical shooter.\n\nSo what are you waiting for? Come join your friends online and GO GO GO!" "SFUI_Upsell_Nav" "${west} Desbloquear juego completo ${confirm} Salir ${cancel} Volver al juego" "[english]SFUI_Upsell_Nav" "${west} Unlock Full Game ${confirm} Quit ${cancel} Back to Game" "SFUI_Upsell_Nav" " " [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Upsell_Nav" "" "SFUI_Medals_Earned_Text" "Logros desbloqueados mediante compra: " "[english]SFUI_Medals_Earned_Text" "Achievements unlocked with purchase: " "SFUI_CycleNextGrenade" "Seleccionar granadas/bomba" "[english]SFUI_CycleNextGrenade" "Select Grenades/Bomb" "SFUI_AlternateFire" "Ataque secundario" "[english]SFUI_AlternateFire" "Alternate Fire" "SFUI_180Spin" "Girar 180 grados" "[english]SFUI_180Spin" "Spin 180" "SFUI_Calibrate_Calibration_Motion" "Calibrar mando detector de movimiento" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Calibration_Motion" "Calibrate Motion Controller" "SFUI_Calibrate_Calibrate" "CALIBRAR" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Calibrate" "CALIBRATE" "SFUI_Calibrate_Nav_Cancel" "${cancel} Cancelar calibración" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Nav_Cancel" "${cancel} Cancel Calibration" "SFUI_Calibrate_Nav_Accept" "${cancel} Recalibrar ${confirm} Aceptar calibración" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Nav_Accept" "${cancel} Recalibrate ${confirm} Accept the calibration" "SFUI_Calibrate_Eye_Disconnected" "La cámara PlayStation®Eye no está conectada correctamente. Por favor, reconéctala para continuar." "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Eye_Disconnected" "PlayStation®Eye camera is not correctly connected. Please reconnect to continue." "SFUI_Calibrate_Activate_Move" "Ajusta la cámara PlayStation®Eye en la función ángulo de visión amplio (azul) y pulsa el botón Move." "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Activate_Move" "Set the PlayStation®Eye camera to the wide angle (blue) setting and press the Move button." "SFUI_Calibrate_Hold_the_Motion" "Mantén estable el mando de movimiento PlayStation®Move, apunta a la cámara PlayStation®Eye y pulsa el botón Move." "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Hold_the_Motion" "Hold the PlayStation®Move motion controller still, point at the PlayStation®Eye camera and press the Move button." "SFUI_Calibrate_Calibrating" "Calibrando. Mantén estable el mando detector de movimiento mientras apuntas al PlayStation®Eye." "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Calibrating" "Calibrating. Hold the motion controller still and keep it pointed at the PlayStation®Eye." "SFUI_Calibrate_Aim_at_icon" "Apunta al icono y pulsa el gatillo" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Aim_at_icon" "Aim at the icon and press the Trigger Button" "SFUI_Calibrate_Change_Sensitivity" "Sensibilidad de la mira" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Change_Sensitivity" "Crosshair Sensitivity" "SFUI_Calibrate_DeadZone_Radius" "Radio de la zona muerta" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_DeadZone_Radius" "Deadzone Radius" "SFUI_Calibrate_Turn_Speed" "Velocidad de giro horizontal" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Turn_Speed" "Horizontal Turn Speed" "SFUI_Radio_Exit" "0. Salir" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Exit" "0. Exit" "SFUI_Radio_Cover_Me" "Cubridme" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Cover_Me" "Cover Me" "SFUI_Radio_Take_Point" "Tú delante" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Take_Point" "You Take the Point" "SFUI_Radio_Hold_Pos" "Mantened la posición" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Hold_Pos" "Hold This Position" "SFUI_Radio_Regroup" "Reagrupad al equipo" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Regroup" "Regroup Team" "SFUI_Radio_Follow" "Seguidme" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Follow" "Follow Me" "SFUI_Radio_Need_Assist" "Me disparan, necesito ayuda" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Need_Assist" "Taking Fire, Need Assistance" "SFUI_Radio_Go" "VAMOS" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Go" "GO" "SFUI_Radio_Fall_Back" "Replegaos" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Fall_Back" "Fall Back" "SFUI_Radio_Stick_Together" "No os separéis" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Stick_Together" "Stick Together Team" "SFUI_Radio_Get_In" "En posición" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Get_In" "Get in Position" "SFUI_Radio_Storm_Front" "Asaltad el frente" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Storm_Front" "Storm the Front" "SFUI_Radio_Report_In" "Informad" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Report_In" "Report In" "SFUI_Radio_Roger" "Afirmativo/Recibido" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Roger" "Affirmative/Roger" "SFUI_Radio_Spotted" "Enemigo avistado" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Spotted" "Enemy Spotted" "SFUI_Radio_Need_Backup" "Necesito refuerzos" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Need_Backup" "Need Backup" "SFUI_Radio_Sector_Clear" "Sector despejado" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Sector_Clear" "Sector Clear" "SFUI_Radio_In_Position" "En posición" "[english]SFUI_Radio_In_Position" "I'm in Position" "SFUI_Radio_Reporting_Int" "Informando" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Reporting_Int" "Reporting In" "SFUI_Radio_Shes_Gonna_Blow" "¡Va a explotar!" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Shes_Gonna_Blow" "She's gonna Blow!" "SFUI_Radio_Negative" "Negativo" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Negative" "Negative" "SFUI_Radio_Enemy_Down" "Enemigo eliminado" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Enemy_Down" "Enemy Down" "SFUI_Settings_Calibrate_Nav" "${cancel} Atrás ${west} Calibrar ${north} Predeterminados ${confirm} Modificar ${dpad} Activar/Modificar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Calibrate_Nav" "${cancel} Back ${west} Calibrate ${north} Restore Defaults ${confirm} Modify ${dpad} Toggle/Modify" "SFUI_Settings_CSM" "Calidad de sombras global" "[english]SFUI_Settings_CSM" "Global Shadow Quality" "SFUI_Settings_FXAA" "Suavizado FXAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_FXAA" "FXAA Anti-Aliasing" "SFUI_Settings_MotionBlur" "Desenfoque de movimiento" "[english]SFUI_Settings_MotionBlur" "Motion Blur" "SFUI_Screen_Resize" "Cambiar tamaño de HUD" "[english]SFUI_Screen_Resize" "HUD Resize" "SFUI_Horizontal_Screen_Resize" "Ajuste horizontal" "[english]SFUI_Horizontal_Screen_Resize" "Horizontal Adjustment" "SFUI_Vertical_Screen_Resize" "Ajuste vertical" "[english]SFUI_Vertical_Screen_Resize" "Vertical Adjustment" "SFUI_CSM_Low" "Muy baja" "[english]SFUI_CSM_Low" "Very Low" "SFUI_CSM_Med" "Baja" "[english]SFUI_CSM_Med" "Low" "SFUI_CSM_High" "Media" "[english]SFUI_CSM_High" "Medium" "SFUI_CSM_VeryHigh" "Alta" "[english]SFUI_CSM_VeryHigh" "High" "SFUI_FXAA_Enabled" "Activado" "[english]SFUI_FXAA_Enabled" "Enabled" "SFUI_FXAA_Disabled" "Desactivado" "[english]SFUI_FXAA_Disabled" "Disabled" "SFUI_MotionBlur_Enabled" "Activado" "[english]SFUI_MotionBlur_Enabled" "Enabled" "SFUI_MotionBlur_Disabled" "Desactivado" "[english]SFUI_MotionBlur_Disabled" "Disabled" "SFUI_Settings_FXAA_Info" "El suavizado proporciona un aspecto liso en los bordes de la geometría, eliminando así los dientes de sierra. Activar el FXAA puede reducir el rendimiento gráfico." "[english]SFUI_Settings_FXAA_Info" "Anti-aliasing provides a smooth appearance at the edges of geometry, eliminating jagged edges. Enabling FXAA can degrade graphics performance." "SFUI_Settings_CSM_Info" "Controla la fidelidad con la que se proyectan las sombras dinámicas sobre las superficies en el juego. Los ajustes más altos aumentan la calidad visual, pero pueden afectar negativamente al rendimiento del procesador y de la gráfica." "[english]SFUI_Settings_CSM_Info" "Global shadow quality controls the fidelity of the dynamic shadows cast onto surfaces in the game. Higher settings increase the visual quality but can degrade CPU and graphics performance." "SFUI_Settings_MotionBlur_Info" "Es un efecto de sombreado de pantalla completa que suaviza los fotogramas selectivamente cuando hay cambios bruscos en el ángulo o posición de la cámara. Desactivarlo puede producir una ligera mejora en el rendimiento gráfico." "[english]SFUI_Settings_MotionBlur_Info" "Motion Blur is a fullscreen shader effect that selectively smooths the frame during rapid changes in the camera's angle or position. The Disabled setting may result in slightly improved graphics performance." "SFUI_NowPlaying_T" "JUGANDO EN EL EQUIPO TERRORISTA" "[english]SFUI_NowPlaying_T" "PLAYING ON TEAM TERRORIST" "SFUI_NowPlaying_CT" "JUGANDO EN EL EQUIPO ANTITERRORISTA" "[english]SFUI_NowPlaying_CT" "PLAYING ON TEAM COUNTER-TERRORIST" "SFUI_NowPlaying_Bot" "JUGANDO COMO BOT" "[english]SFUI_NowPlaying_Bot" "PLAYING AS A BOT" "SFUI_WS_GG_YourNextWeaponIs" "TU SIGUIENTE ARMA ES" "[english]SFUI_WS_GG_YourNextWeaponIs" "YOUR NEXT WEAPON IS" "SFUI_LobbyKick_Title" "Expulsar a jugador" "[english]SFUI_LobbyKick_Title" "Kick Player" "SFUI_LobbyKick_Text" "¿Estás seguro de que quieres expulsar a %s1 de la sala de espera?" "[english]SFUI_LobbyKick_Text" "Are you sure you want to kick %s1 from the lobby?" "SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_Title" "¿Configurar opciones de juego?" "[english]SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_Title" "Set Game Options?" "SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_Text" "¿Te gustaría configurar opciones de juego o entrar directamente en cualquier modo/mapa?" "[english]SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_Text" "Would you like to set game options or quickmatch into any mode/map?" "SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_QMButton" "Partida rápida" "[english]SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_QMButton" "Quickmatch" "SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_Help" "${north} Partida rápida ${confirm} Iniciar ${cancel} Cancelar" "[english]SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_Help" "${north} Quickmatch ${confirm} Go ${cancel} Cancel" "SFUI_Lobby_QuitButton" "SALIR" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_QuitButton" "QUIT" "SFUI_Lobby_StartMatchButton" "INICIAR" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StartMatchButton" "GO" "SFUI_Lobby_Help" "${cancel} Salir de la sala ${dpad} Moverse ${altstart} Ajustes de partida ${start} Iniciar partida" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_Help" "${cancel} Exit Lobby ${dpad} Navigate ${altstart} Game Settings ${start} Start Match" "SFUI_Lobby_HelpNoStart" "${cancel} Salir de la sala ${dpad} Moverse ${altstart} Ajustes de partida" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_HelpNoStart" "${cancel} Exit Lobby ${dpad} Navigate ${altstart} Game Settings" "SFUI_Lobby_ShowGamercard" "${lshoulder} Perfil de Steam" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ShowGamercard" "${lshoulder} Steam Profile" "SFUI_Lobby_ShowGamercard" "${lshoulder} Mostrar tarjeta de jugador" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ShowGamercard" "${lshoulder} Show Gamercard" "SFUI_BYT_TITLECLIENT" "SALA MULTIJUGADOR" "[english]SFUI_BYT_TITLECLIENT" "MULTIPLAYER LOBBY" "SFUI_Invite" "${confirm} Invitar" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Invite" "${confirm} Invite" "SFUI_Lobby_KickButton" "${west} Expulsar" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_KickButton" "${west} Kick" "SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_CreationFailed" "Ha habido un problema con tu conexión de red y la sala de espera no ha sido creada." "[english]SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_CreationFailed" "There was a problem with your network connection, and the lobby was not created." "SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_Kicked" "El host te ha expulsado de la sala de espera." "[english]SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_Kicked" "You have been kicked from the lobby by the host." "SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_CreateLobbyFailed" "La sala no ha podido conectar con los servidores. Comprueba tu conexión a la red por favor." "[english]SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_CreateLobbyFailed" "The lobby timed out connecting to the servers. Please check your network connection and try again." "SFUI_LobbyClient_StandbyTitle" "Espera, por favor" "[english]SFUI_LobbyClient_StandbyTitle" "Please Wait" "SFUI_LobbyClient_StandbyText" "El anfitrión de la sala está eligiendo el modo de juego y el mapa. Espera por favor." "[english]SFUI_LobbyClient_StandbyText" "The lobby leader is selecting the game mode and map. Please stand by." "SFUI_LobbyClient_ModeWaitOnHost" "AJUSTES DE PARTIDA: PARTIDA RÁPIDA" "[english]SFUI_LobbyClient_ModeWaitOnHost" "GAME SETTINGS: QUICK MATCH" "SFUI_LobbyClient_MapWaitOnHost" "GRUPO DE MAPAS: PARTIDA RÁPIDA" "[english]SFUI_LobbyClient_MapWaitOnHost" "MAP GROUP: QUICK MATCH" "SFUI_LobbyClient_ModeQuickMatch" "AJUSTES DE PARTIDA: PARTIDA RÁPIDA" "[english]SFUI_LobbyClient_ModeQuickMatch" "GAME SETTINGS: QUICK MATCH" "SFUI_LobbyClient_MapQuickMatch" "GRUPO DE MAPAS: PARTIDA RÁPIDA" "[english]SFUI_LobbyClient_MapQuickMatch" "MAP GROUP: QUICK MATCH" "SFUI_Lobby_PrivateMatch" "Hacer pública" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_PrivateMatch" "Private Match" "SFUI_Lobby_PToggle" "${north}" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_PToggle" "${north}" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Atrás ${dpad} Moverse por la lista" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Back ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_DisconnectReason_FriendReqd" "Error al conectar con el servidor de juego. Debes tener un amigo presente para unirte al servidor especificado." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_FriendReqd" "Failed to connect to game server. You must have one friend present in order to join the specified server." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnableGetSessionData" "Error al obtener los datos de la sesión. Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnableGetSessionData" "Failed to get session data. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnableGetServerAddress" "Error al obtener la dirección del servidor. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnableGetServerAddress" "Failed to get server address. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnableValidateServer" "Error al validar los datos de la sesión. Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnableValidateServer" "Failed to validate session data. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnablePingServer" "Error al hacer ping al servidor. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnablePingServer" "Failed to ping server. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyFull" "Error al unirse a la sesión: está llena. Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyFull" "Failed to join session because the session is full. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyNotWanted" "Se te ha prohibido el acceso a esta sesión." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyNotWanted" "You are banned from joining this session." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyBlockedYou" "Error al unirse a la sesión: has sido bloqueado por uno o más jugadores presentes en ella." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyBlockedYou" "Failed to join session because you have been blocked by one or more players in this session." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyYouBlocked" "Error al unirse a la sesión: tienes bloqueados a uno o más jugadores presentes en ella." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyYouBlocked" "Failed to join session because you have blocked one or more players in this session." "SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_Loading" "Escenario de bomba\n\nSe entregan nuevas armas al\ninicio de la ronda si eliminaste\na un enemigo en la ronda anterior.\n\nAjustes:\n· Armas entregadas al inicio de la\nronda\n· Fuego amigo activado\n· Colisiones con compañeros\ndesactivadas\n· Gana el mejor de 20 rondas" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_Loading" "Bomb Scenario Mission\n\nNew weapons are awarded at the\nstart of the round if you eliminated\nan enemy in the previous round.\n\nSettings:\n· Weapons awarded on round start\n· Friendly fire is on\n· Team collision is off\n· Best out of 20 rounds" "SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Loading_Classic" "Escenario de bomba\n\nCompra nuevas armas al principio de\ncada ronda con el dinero ganado.\n\nAjustes:\n· Fuego amigo DESACTIVADO\n· Colisiones con compañeros\nDESACTIVADAS\n· 50% de recompensa por víctima\n· Gana el mejor de 10 rondas" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Loading_Classic" "Bomb Scenario Mission\n\nBuy new weapons at the beginning\nof each round with money earned.\n\nSettings:\n· Friendly fire is OFF\n· Team collision is OFF\n· 50% kill reward amounts\n· Best out of 10 rounds" "SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Loading_Competetive" "Escenario de bomba\n\nCompra nuevas armas al principio de\ncada ronda con el dinero ganado.\n\nAjustes:\n· Fuego amigo ACTIVADO\n· Colisiones con compañeros\nACTIVADAS\n· Compra de blindaje y kits permitida\n· Gana el mejor de 30 rondas" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Loading_Competetive" "Bomb Scenario Mission\n\nBuy new weapons at the beginning\nof each round with money earned.\n\nSettings:\n· Friendly fire is ON\n· Team collision is ON\n· Armor and defuse kits are\n purchasable\n· Best out of 30 rounds" "SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Loading_Classic" "Escenario de rehenes\n\nCompra nuevas armas al principio de\ncada ronda con el dinero ganado.\n\nAjustes:\n· Fuego amigo DESACTIVADO\n· Colisiones con compañeros\nDESACTIVADAS\n· 50% de recompensa por víctima\n· Gana el mejor de 10 rondas" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Loading_Classic" "Hostage Scenario Mission\n\nBuy new weapons at the beginning\nof each round with money earned.\n\nSettings:\n· Friendly fire is OFF\n· Team collision is OFF\n· 50% kill reward amounts\n· Best out of 10 rounds" "SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Loading_Competetive" "Escenario de rehenes\n\nCompra nuevas armas al principio de\ncada ronda con el dinero ganado.\n\nAjustes:\n· Fuego amigo ACTIVADO\n· Compañeros: colisiones ACTIVADAS\n· Compra de blindaje y kits permitida\n· Gana el mejor de 30 rondas" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Loading_Competetive" "Hostage Scenario Mission\n\nBuy new weapons at the beginning\nof each round with money earned.\n\nSettings:\n· Friendly fire is ON\n· Team collision is ON\n· Armor and defuse kits are \n purchasable\n· Best out of 30 rounds" "SFUI_Rules_TS_GunGame_Progressive" "Elimina a los enemigos y sé el primer jugador en conseguir una víctima con cada arma." "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_GunGame_Progressive" "Eliminate enemies and be the first player to get a kill with every weapon." "SFUI_Rules_TS_TRBomb_T" "Detona una bomba en el emplazamiento de bomba o elimina a todos los antiterroristas para ganar." "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_TRBomb_T" "Detonate a bomb at the bomb site or eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_TRBomb_CT" "Impide que los terroristas detonen su bomba o elimínalos a todos para ganar." "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_TRBomb_CT" "Prevent the Terrorists from detonating their bomb or eliminate them all to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_Bomb_T" "Detona una bomba en uno de los emplazamientos de bomba o elimina a todos los antiterroristas para ganar." "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_Bomb_T" "Detonate a bomb at one of the bomb sites or eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_Bomb_CT" "Impide que los terroristas detonen su bomba o elimínalos a todos para ganar." "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_Bomb_CT" "Prevent the Terrorists from detonating their bomb or eliminate them all to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_Hostage_T" "Mantén controlados a tus rehenes o elimina a todos los antiterroristas para ganar." "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_Hostage_T" "Maintain control of your hostages or eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_Hostage_CT" "Rescata a todos los rehenes o elimina a todos los terroristas para ganar." "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_Hostage_CT" "Rescue all of the hostages or eliminate all of the Terrorists to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_Generic_T" "Elimina a todos los antiterroristas para ganar." "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_Generic_T" "Eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_Generic_CT" "Elimina a todos los terroristas para ganar." "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_Generic_CT" "Eliminate all of the Terrorists to win." "SFUI_Rules_Demolition_Progression" "CONSIGUE UNA NUEVA ARMA ELIMINANDO A UN ENEMIGO" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Demolition_Progression" "PROGRESS TO A NEW WEAPON BY ELIMINATING AN ENEMY" "SFUI_Lock_Input_Title" "Bloquear entrada" "[english]SFUI_Lock_Input_Title" "Lock Input" "SFUI_Lock_Input_Desc" "Pulsa el botón o la tecla específica de tu dispositivo de entrada. Los dispositivos permitidos son:" "[english]SFUI_Lock_Input_Desc" "Press the specified button or key belonging to your input device. Allowable devices are:" "GameUI_DisplayMode" "Modo de color" "[english]GameUI_DisplayMode" "Color Mode" "GameUI_DisplayMonitor" "Monitor de ordenador" "[english]GameUI_DisplayMonitor" "Computer Monitor" "GameUI_DisplayTV" "Televisión" "[english]GameUI_DisplayTV" "Television" "GameUI_Brightness" "Brillo" "[english]GameUI_Brightness" "Brightness" "GameUI_CrosshairBehavior" "Comportamiento del p. de mira" "[english]GameUI_CrosshairBehavior" "Crosshair Behavior" "GameUI_CrosshairBehaviorStatic" "Estático" "[english]GameUI_CrosshairBehaviorStatic" "Static" "GameUI_CrosshairBehaviorDynamic" "Dinámico" "[english]GameUI_CrosshairBehaviorDynamic" "Dynamic" "GameUI_CrosshairStyle" "Estilo del punto de mira" "[english]GameUI_CrosshairStyle" "Crosshair Style" "GameUI_CrosshairStyleDefault" "Predeterminado" "[english]GameUI_CrosshairStyleDefault" "Default" "GameUI_CrosshairStyleClassic" "Clásico" "[english]GameUI_CrosshairStyleClassic" "Classic" "GameUI_CrosshairIFF" "ID de objetivo en p. de mira" "[english]GameUI_CrosshairIFF" "Crosshair Target ID" "GameUI_CrosshairIFFOn" "Activado" "[english]GameUI_CrosshairIFFOn" "On" "GameUI_CrosshairIFFOff" "Desactivada" "[english]GameUI_CrosshairIFFOff" "Off" "GameUI_CrosshairSize" "Tamaño del punto de mira" "[english]GameUI_CrosshairSize" "Crosshair Size" "GameUI_CrosshairColor" "Color del punto de mira" "[english]GameUI_CrosshairColor" "Crosshair Color" "GameUI_ColorSliders" "Colores" "[english]GameUI_ColorSliders" "Colors" "GameUI_ColorQuality" "Calidad del color" "[english]GameUI_ColorQuality" "Color Quality" "GameUI_ColorGreen" "Verde" "[english]GameUI_ColorGreen" "Green" "GameUI_ColorRed" "Rojo" "[english]GameUI_ColorRed" "Red" "GameUI_ColorBlue" "Azul" "[english]GameUI_ColorBlue" "Blue" "GameUI_ColorYellow" "Amarillo" "[english]GameUI_ColorYellow" "Yellow" "GameUI_ColorLtBlue" "Azul claro" "[english]GameUI_ColorLtBlue" "Lt Blue" "GameUI_Language_English" "Inglés" "[english]GameUI_Language_English" "English" "GameUI_Language_German" "Alemán" "[english]GameUI_Language_German" "German" "GameUI_Language_French" "Francés" "[english]GameUI_Language_French" "French" "GameUI_Language_Italian" "Italiano" "[english]GameUI_Language_Italian" "Italian" "GameUI_Language_Korean" "Coreano" "[english]GameUI_Language_Korean" "Korean" "GameUI_Language_Spanish" "Español" "[english]GameUI_Language_Spanish" "Spanish" "GameUI_Language_Simplified_Chinese" "Chino simplificado" "[english]GameUI_Language_Simplified_Chinese" "Simplified_Chinese" "GameUI_Language_Traditional_Chinese" "Chino tradicional" "[english]GameUI_Language_Traditional_Chinese" "Traditional_Chinese" "GameUI_Language_Russian" "Ruso" "[english]GameUI_Language_Russian" "Russian" "GameUI_Language_Thai" "Tailandés" "[english]GameUI_Language_Thai" "Thai" "GameUI_Language_Japanese" "Japonés" "[english]GameUI_Language_Japanese" "Japanese" "GameUI_Language_Portuguese" "Portugués" "[english]GameUI_Language_Portuguese" "Portuguese" "GameUI_Language_Polish" "Polaco" "[english]GameUI_Language_Polish" "Polish" "GameUI_Language_Danish" "Danés" "[english]GameUI_Language_Danish" "Danish" "GameUI_Language_Dutch" "Neerlandés" "[english]GameUI_Language_Dutch" "Dutch" "GameUI_Language_Finnish" "Finlandés" "[english]GameUI_Language_Finnish" "Finnish" "GameUI_Language_Norwegian" "Noruego" "[english]GameUI_Language_Norwegian" "Norwegian" "GameUI_Language_Swedish" "Sueco" "[english]GameUI_Language_Swedish" "Swedish" "GameUI_Map" "Mapa" "[english]GameUI_Map" "Map" "GameUI_Close" "Cerrar" "[english]GameUI_Close" "Close" "GameUI_CDKey" "Clave de CD" "[english]GameUI_CDKey" "CD Key" "GameUI_EnterCDKey" "Por favor, introduce la clave de CD que\nfigura en la caja del mismo." "[english]GameUI_EnterCDKey" "Please enter your CD Key, which can be\nfound printed on your CD jewel case." "GameUI_OK" "Aceptar" "[english]GameUI_OK" "OK" "GameUI_Quit" "Salir del juego" "[english]GameUI_Quit" "Quit game" "GameUI_QuitConfirmationTitle" "SALIR DEL JUEGO" "[english]GameUI_QuitConfirmationTitle" "QUIT GAME" "GameUI_QuitConfirmationText" "¿Quieres salir del juego ahora?" "[english]GameUI_QuitConfirmationText" "Do you wish to stop playing now?" "GameUI_ChangeGame" "Cambiar partida" "[english]GameUI_ChangeGame" "Change game" "GameUI_NoOtherGamesAvailable" "No hay ninguna otra partida disponible." "[english]GameUI_NoOtherGamesAvailable" "There are no other games available to play." "GameUI_DownloadFilter_Title" "Cuando un servidor de juego intente\ndescargar contenido personalizado" "[english]GameUI_DownloadFilter_Title" "When a game server tries to download\ncustom content to your computer" "GameUI_DownloadFilter_ALL" "Admitir todos los archivos personalizados del servidor" "[english]GameUI_DownloadFilter_ALL" "Allow all custom files from server" "GameUI_DownloadFilter_NoSounds" "No descargar audio personalizado" "[english]GameUI_DownloadFilter_NoSounds" "Do not download custom sounds" "GameUI_DownloadFilter_None" "No descargar ningún archivo personalizado" "[english]GameUI_DownloadFilter_None" "Do not download any custom files" "LoadingProgress_SpawningServer" "Iniciando servidor de partida local..." "[english]LoadingProgress_SpawningServer" "Starting local game server..." "LoadingProgress_LoadMap" "Cargando mundo..." "[english]LoadingProgress_LoadMap" "Loading world..." "LoadingProgress_PrecacheWorld" "Iniciando mundo..." "[english]LoadingProgress_PrecacheWorld" "Initializing world..." "LoadingProgress_LoadResources" "Cargando recursos..." "[english]LoadingProgress_LoadResources" "Loading resources..." "LoadingProgress_SignonLocal" "Iniciando recursos..." "[english]LoadingProgress_SignonLocal" "Initializing resources..." "LoadingProgress_SignonDataLocal" "Iniciando datos del juego..." "[english]LoadingProgress_SignonDataLocal" "Initializing game data..." "LoadingProgress_BeginConnect" "Estableciendo conexión con el servidor..." "[english]LoadingProgress_BeginConnect" "Establishing connection to server..." "LoadingProgress_Connecting" "Conectando con el servidor..." "[english]LoadingProgress_Connecting" "Connecting to server..." "LoadingProgress_ProcessServerInfo" "Obteniendo información del servidor..." "[english]LoadingProgress_ProcessServerInfo" "Retrieving server info..." "LoadingProgress_SendClientInfo" "Enviando información del cliente..." "[english]LoadingProgress_SendClientInfo" "Sending client info..." "LoadingProgress_SignonData" "Obteniendo datos del juego..." "[english]LoadingProgress_SignonData" "Retrieving game data..." "GameUI_ReportBug" "NOTIFICAR ERROR" "[english]GameUI_ReportBug" "REPORT BUG" "GameUI_Bug_Successful" "¡Error notificado correctamente!" "[english]GameUI_Bug_Successful" "Bug successfully submitted!" "GameUI_Bug_Submitting" "Enviando error..." "[english]GameUI_Bug_Submitting" "Submitting bug..." "GameUI_Bug_TakeScreenshot" "Captura de pantalla" "[english]GameUI_Bug_TakeScreenshot" "Take screenshot" "GameUI_Bug_AttachSavedGame" "Adj. partida guardada" "[english]GameUI_Bug_AttachSavedGame" "Attach saved game" "GameUI_Bug_ClearForm" "Borrar formulario" "[english]GameUI_Bug_ClearForm" "Clear Form" "GameUI_Bug_Title" "Título:" "[english]GameUI_Bug_Title" "Title:" "GameUI_Bug_Description" "Descripción:" "[english]GameUI_Bug_Description" "Description:" "GameUI_Bug_Position" "Posición:" "[english]GameUI_Bug_Position" "Position:" "GameUI_Bug_Map" "Mapa:" "[english]GameUI_Bug_Map" "Map:" "GameUI_Bug_Orientation" "Orientación:" "[english]GameUI_Bug_Orientation" "Orientation:" "GameUI_Bug_ReportType" "Tipo de informe:" "[english]GameUI_Bug_ReportType" "Report type:" "GameUI_Bug_EmailAddress" "E-mail:" "[english]GameUI_Bug_EmailAddress" "Email Address:" "GameUI_Bug_PrivacyPolicy" "Política de privacidad" "[english]GameUI_Bug_PrivacyPolicy" "Valve's Privacy Policy" "GameUI_Bug_Optional" "(opcional)" "[english]GameUI_Bug_Optional" "(optional)" "GameUI_Bug_AccountName" "Cuenta:" "[english]GameUI_Bug_AccountName" "Account Name:" "GameUI_Bug_EngineBuild" "VERSIÓN MOTOR SOURCE:" "[english]GameUI_Bug_EngineBuild" "SOURCE ENGINE BUILD:" "GameUI_Bug_Submit" "Enviar" "[english]GameUI_Bug_Submit" "Submit" "GameUI_Bug_ClearFiles" "Borrar archivos" "[english]GameUI_Bug_ClearFiles" "Clear files" "GameUI_Bug_BSP_File" "archivo .bsp" "[english]GameUI_Bug_BSP_File" ".bsp file" "GameUI_Bug_VMF_File" "archivo .vmf" "[english]GameUI_Bug_VMF_File" ".vmf file" "GameUI_Bug_Include_BSP" "Incluir .bsp" "[english]GameUI_Bug_Include_BSP" "Include .bsp" "GameUI_Bug_Include_VMF" "Incluir .vmf" "[english]GameUI_Bug_Include_VMF" "Include .vmf" "GameUI_Bug_IncludeFile" "Incluir archivo..." "[english]GameUI_Bug_IncludeFile" "Include file..." "GAMEUI_Stat_NumShots" "Disparos realizados" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_NumShots" "Shots Fired" "GAMEUI_Stat_NumHits" "Disparos certeros" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_NumHits" "Shots Hit" "GAMEUI_Stat_NumKills" "Jugadores enemigos eliminados" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_NumKills" "Enemy Players Killed" "GAMEUI_Stat_NumDeaths" "Muertes" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_NumDeaths" "Player Deaths" "GAMEUI_Stat_TimePlayed" "Tiempo jugado" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_TimePlayed" "Time Played" "GAMEUI_Stat_NumPlantedBombs" "Bombas colocadas" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_NumPlantedBombs" "Bombs Planted" "GAMEUI_Stat_NumDefusedBombs" "Bombas desactivadas" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_NumDefusedBombs" "Bombs Defused" "GAMEUI_Stat_TotalWins" "Rondas ganadas" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_TotalWins" "Rounds Won" "GAMEUI_Stat_TotalRounds" "Rondas jugadas" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_TotalRounds" "Rounds Played" "GAMEUI_Stat_DamageDone" "Daño infligido a los enemigos" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_DamageDone" "Damage Done to Enemies" "GAMEUI_Stat_MoneyEarned" "Dinero 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"MAC-10 Kills" "GAMEUI_Stat_UMP45Kills" "Víctimas con UMP-45" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_UMP45Kills" "UMP-45 Kills" "GAMEUI_Stat_P90Kills" "Víctimas con P90" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_P90Kills" "P90 Kills" "GAMEUI_Stat_AWPKills" "Víctimas con AWP" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_AWPKills" "AWP Kills" "GAMEUI_Stat_AK47Kills" "Víctimas con AK-47" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_AK47Kills" "AK-47 Kills" "GAMEUI_Stat_M4A1Kills" "Víctimas con M4A4" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_M4A1Kills" "M4A4 Kills" "GAMEUI_Stat_AUGKills" "Víctimas con AUG" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_AUGKills" "AUG Kills" "GAMEUI_Stat_GALILKills" "Víctimas con Galil AR" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_GALILKills" "Galil AR Kills" "GAMEUI_Stat_FAMASKills" "Víctimas con FAMAS" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_FAMASKills" "FAMAS Kills" "GAMEUI_Stat_G3SG1Kills" "Víctimas con G3SG1" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_G3SG1Kills" "G3SG1 Kills" "GAMEUI_Stat_M249Kills" "Víctimas con M249" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_M249Kills" "M249 Kills" "GAMEUI_Stat_GlockShots" "Disparos con Glock-18" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_GlockShots" "Glock-18 Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_DeagleShots" "Disparos con Desert Eagle" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_DeagleShots" "Desert Eagle Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_EliteShots" "Disparos con Berettas dobles" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_EliteShots" "Dual Berettas Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_FiveSevenShots" "Disparos con Five-SeveN" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_FiveSevenShots" "Five-SeveN Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_XM1014Shots" "Disparos con XM1014" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_XM1014Shots" "XM1014 Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_MAC10Shots" "Disparos con MAC-10" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_MAC10Shots" "MAC-10 Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_UMP45Shots" "Disparos con UMP-45" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_UMP45Shots" "UMP-45 Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_P90Shots" "Disparos con P90" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_P90Shots" "P90 Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_AWPShots" "Disparos con AWP" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_AWPShots" "AWP Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_AK47Shots" "Disparos con AK-47" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_AK47Shots" "AK-47 Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_M4A1Shots" "Disparos con M4A4" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_M4A1Shots" "M4A4 Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_AUGShots" "Disparos con AUG" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_AUGShots" "AUG Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_GALILShots" "Disparos con Galil AR" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_GALILShots" "Galil AR Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_FAMASShots" "Disparos con FAMAS" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_FAMASShots" "FAMAS Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_G3SG1Shots" "Disparos con G3SG1" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_G3SG1Shots" "G3SG1 Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_M249Shots" "Disparos con M249" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_M249Shots" "M249 Shots" "GAMEUI_Stat_Glockhits" "Impactos con Glock-18" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_Glockhits" "Glock-18 Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_Deaglehits" "Impactos con Desert Eagle" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_Deaglehits" "Desert Eagle Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_Elitehits" "Impactos con Berettas dobles" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_Elitehits" "Dual Berettas Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_FiveSevenhits" "Impactos con Five-SeveN" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_FiveSevenhits" "Five-SeveN Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_XM1014hits" "Impactos con XM1014" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_XM1014hits" "XM1014 Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_MAC10hits" "Impactos con MAC-10" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_MAC10hits" "MAC-10 Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_UMP45hits" "Impactos con UMP-45" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_UMP45hits" "UMP-45 Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_P90hits" "Impactos con P90" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_P90hits" "P90 Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_AWPhits" "Impactos con AWP" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_AWPhits" "AWP Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_AK47hits" "Impactos con AK-47" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_AK47hits" "AK-47 Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_M4A1hits" "Impactos con M4A4" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_M4A1hits" "M4A4 Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_AUGhits" "Impactos con AUG" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_AUGhits" "AUG Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_GALILhits" "Impactos con Galil AR" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_GALILhits" "Galil AR Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_FAMAShits" "Impactos con FAMAS" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_FAMAShits" "FAMAS Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_G3SG1hits" "Impactos con G3SG1" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_G3SG1hits" "G3SG1 Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_M249hits" "Impactos con M249" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_M249hits" "M249 Hits" "GAMEUI_Stat_HeadshotKills" "Disparos en la cabeza" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_HeadshotKills" "Headshots" "GAMEUI_Stat_EnemyWeaponKills" "Víctimas con armas enemigas" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_EnemyWeaponKills" "Kills with Enemy Weapons" "GAMEUI_Stat_PistolRoundWins" "Rondas ganadas con pistola" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_PistolRoundWins" "Pistol Rounds Won" "GAMEUI_Stat_DecalSprays" "Aerosoles" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_DecalSprays" "Decal Sprays" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSAssault" "Victorias en CS Assault" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSAssault" "CS Assault Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSCompound" "Victorias en CS Compound" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSCompound" "CS Compound Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSHavana" "Victorias en CS Havana" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSHavana" "CS Havana Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSItaly" "Victorias en CS Italy" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSItaly" "CS Italy Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSMilitia" "Victorias en CS Militia" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSMilitia" "CS Militia Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSOffice" "Victorias en CS Office" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapCSOffice" "CS Office Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEAztec" "Victorias en DE Aztec" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEAztec" "DE Aztec Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDECbble" "Victorias en DE Cobblestone" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDECbble" "DE Cobblestone Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEChateau" "Victorias en DE Chateau" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEChateau" "DE Chateau Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEDust2" "Victorias en DE Dust2" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEDust2" "DE Dust2 Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEDust" "Victorias en DE Dust" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEDust" "DE Dust Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEInferno" "Victorias en DE Inferno" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEInferno" "DE Inferno Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDENuke" "Victorias en DE Nuke" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDENuke" "DE Nuke Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEPiranesi" "Victorias en DE Piranesi" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEPiranesi" "DE Piranesi Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEPort" "Victorias en DE Port" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEPort" "DE Port Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEProdigy" "Victorias en DE Prodigy" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEProdigy" "DE Prodigy Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDETides" "Victorias en DE Tides" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDETides" "DE Tides Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDETrain" "Victorias en DE Train" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDETrain" "DE Train Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEBoathouse" "Victorias en DE Boathouse" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEBoathouse" "DE Boathouse Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEHouse" "Victorias en DE House" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEHouse" "DE House Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEMill" "Victorias en DE Mill" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEMill" "DE Mill Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEShacks" "Victorias en DE Shacks" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEShacks" "DE Shacks Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEBank" "Victorias en DE Bank" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEBank" "DE Bank Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEAlleyway" "Victorias en DE Alleyway" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEAlleyway" "DE Alleyway Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEDepot" "Victorias en DE Depot" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEDepot" "DE Depot Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSAssault" "Rondas en el mapa CS Assault" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSAssault" "CS Assault Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSCompound" "Rondas en el mapa CS Compound" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSCompound" "CS Compound Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSHavana" "Rondas en el mapa CS Havana" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSHavana" "CS Havana Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSItaly" "Rondas en el mapa CS Italy" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSItaly" "CS Italy Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSMilitia" "Rondas en el mapa CS Militia" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSMilitia" "CS Militia Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSOffice" "Rondas en el mapa CS Office" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapCSOffice" "CS Office Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEAztec" "Rondas en el mapa DE Aztec" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEAztec" "DE Aztec Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDECbble" "Rondas en el mapa DE Cobblestone" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDECbble" "DE Cobblestone Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEChateau" "Rondas en el mapa DE Chateau" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEChateau" "DE Chateau Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEDust2" "Rondas en el mapa DE Dust2" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEDust2" "DE Dust2 Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEDust" "Rondas en el mapa DE Dust" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEDust" "DE Dust Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEInferno" "Rondas en el mapa DE Inferno" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEInferno" "DE Inferno Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDENuke" "Rondas en el mapa DE Nuke" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDENuke" "DE Nuke Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEPiranesi" "Rondas en el mapa DE Piranesi" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEPiranesi" "DE Piranesi Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEPort" "Rondas en el mapa DE Port" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEPort" "DE Port Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEProdigy" "Rondas en el mapa DE Prodigy" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEProdigy" "DE Prodigy Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDETides" "Rondas en el mapa DE Tides" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDETides" "DE Tides Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDETrain" "Rondas en el mapa DE Train" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDETrain" "DE Train Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEBoathouse" "Rondas en el mapa DE Boathouse" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEBoathouse" "DE Boathouse Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEHouse" "Rondas en el mapa DE House" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEHouse" "DE House Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEMill" "Rondas en el mapa DE Mill" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEMill" "DE Mill Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEShacks" "Rondas en el mapa DE Shacks" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEShacks" "DE Shacks Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEBank" "Rondas en el mapa DE Bank" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEBank" "DE Bank Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEAlleyway" "Rondas en el mapa DE Alleyway" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEAlleyway" "DE Alleyway Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEDepot" "Rondas en el mapa DE Depot" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEDepot" "DE Depot Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_WeaponsDonated" "Armas entregadas" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_WeaponsDonated" "Weapons Donated" "GAMEUI_Stat_NumBrokenWindows" "Ventanas rotas" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_NumBrokenWindows" "Windows Broken" "GAMEUI_Stat_BlindedEnemyKills" "Enemigos cegados eliminados" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_BlindedEnemyKills" "Blind Enemies Killed" "GAMEUI_Stat_KnifeFightKills" "Peleas a cuchillo ganadas" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_KnifeFightKills" "Knife Fights Won" "GAMEUI_Stat_ZoomedSniperKills" "Francotiradores con el zoom eliminados" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_ZoomedSniperKills" "Zoomed Snipers Killed" "GAMEUI_Stat_NightvisionDamage" "Daño durante visión nocturna" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_NightvisionDamage" "Damage During Nightvision" "GAMEUI_Stat_Dominations" "Dominaciones" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_Dominations" "Dominations" "GAMEUI_Stat_DominationOverkills" "Víctimas ya dominadas" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_DominationOverkills" "Domination Overkills" "GAMEUI_Stat_Revenges" "Venganzas" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_Revenges" "Revenges" "GAMEUI_Stat_MVPs" "Estrellas" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_MVPs" "Stars" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch" "Última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch" "Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_TWins" "Victorias de los terroristas en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_TWins" "Terrorist Wins Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_CTWins" "Victorias de los antiterroristas en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_CTWins" "Counter-Terrorists Wins Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_RoundsWon" "Rondas ganadas en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_RoundsWon" "Rounds Won Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_MaxPlayers" "Máximo de jugadores en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_MaxPlayers" "Max Players in Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Kills" "Víctimas en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Kills" "Kills Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Deaths" "Muertes en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Deaths" "Deaths Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_MVPS" "Estrellas obtenidas en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_MVPS" "Stars Won Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_FavWeapon" "Arma favorita en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_FavWeapon" "Favorite Weapon Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_FavWeaponShots" "Disparos con arma favorita en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_FavWeaponShots" "Favorite Weapon Shots Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_FavWeaponHits" "Impactos con arma favorita en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_FavWeaponHits" "Favorite Weapon Hits Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_FavWeaponKills" "Víctimas con arma favorita en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_FavWeaponKills" "Favorite Weapon Kills Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Damage" "Daño en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Damage" "Damage Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_MoneySpent" "Dinero gastado en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_MoneySpent" "Money Spend Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Dominations" "Dominaciones en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Dominations" "Dominations Last Match" "GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Revenges" "Venganzas en la última partida" "[english]GameUI_Stat_LastMatch_Revenges" "Revenges Last Match" "GameUI_Stats_KillHistory" "Historial de víctimas" "[english]GameUI_Stats_KillHistory" "Kill History" "GameUI_Stats_RoundsPlayed" "Rondas jugadas" "[english]GameUI_Stats_RoundsPlayed" "Rounds Played" "GameUI_Stats_RoundsWon" "Rondas ganadas" "[english]GameUI_Stats_RoundsWon" "Rounds Won" "GameUI_Stats_WinRatio" "Ratio de victorias" "[english]GameUI_Stats_WinRatio" "Win Ratio" "GameUI_Stats_ShotsFired" "Disparos efectuados" "[english]GameUI_Stats_ShotsFired" "Shots Fired" "GameUI_Stats_ShotsHit" "Disparos acertados" "[english]GameUI_Stats_ShotsHit" "Shots Hit" "GameUI_Stats_HitRatio" "Ratio de impactos" "[english]GameUI_Stats_HitRatio" "Hit Ratio" "GameUI_Stats_Kills" "Víctimas" "[english]GameUI_Stats_Kills" "Kills" "GameUI_Stats_KillRatio" "Ratio de víctimas" "[english]GameUI_Stats_KillRatio" "Kill Ratio" "GameUI_Stats_DeathsRatio" "Muertes" "[english]GameUI_Stats_DeathsRatio" "Deaths" "GameUI_Stats_KillDeathRatio" "Ratio de muertes/víctimas" "[english]GameUI_Stats_KillDeathRatio" "Kill:Death Ratio" "GameUI_Stats_FavoriteWeapon" "Arma favorita" "[english]GameUI_Stats_FavoriteWeapon" "Favorite Weapon" "GameUI_Stats_WeaponShotsFired" "Disparos: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_WeaponShotsFired" "Shots: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_WeaponShotsHit" "Impactos: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_WeaponShotsHit" "Hits: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_WeaponKills" "Víctimas: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_WeaponKills" "Kills: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_WeaponKillRatio" "Víctimas por disparo: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_WeaponKillRatio" "Kills Per Shot: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_FavoriteMap" "Mapa favorito" "[english]GameUI_Stats_FavoriteMap" "Favorite Map" "GameUI_Stats_MapPlayed" "Veces jugado: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_MapPlayed" "Played: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_MapWins" "Victorias: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_MapWins" "Wins: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_MapWinRatio" "Ratio de victorias: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_MapWinRatio" "Win Ratio: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_FunFactTime" "%s1-%s2-%s3 %s4:%s5" "[english]GameUI_Stats_FunFactTime" "%s1-%s2-%s3 %s4:%s5" "GameUI_Stats_RecentAchievements" "Logros recientes" "[english]GameUI_Stats_RecentAchievements" "Recent Achievements" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_TWins" "Victorias como terrorista: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_TWins" "Terrorist Wins: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_CTWins" "Antiterroristas: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_CTWins" "Counter-Terrorists: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_RoundsWon" "Rondas ganadas: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_RoundsWon" "Rounds Won: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_MaxPlayers" "Máximo de jugadores: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_MaxPlayers" "Max Players: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Deaths" "Muertes: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Deaths" "Deaths: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_KDRatio" "Ratio de muertes/víctimas: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_KDRatio" "Kill:Death Ratio: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_MVPS" "Estrellas: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_MVPS" "Stars: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_FavWeaponAccuracy" "Precisión: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_FavWeaponAccuracy" "Accuracy: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Damage" "Daño: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Damage" "Damage: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_MoneySpentPerKill" "Coste/Víctima: %s1 $" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_MoneySpentPerKill" "Cost/Kill: $%s1" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Dominations" "Dominaciones: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Dominations" "Dominations: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Revenges" "Venganzas: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Revenges" "Revenges: %s1" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_NoFavWeapon" "Sin favorita" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_NoFavWeapon" "No Favorite" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Teams" "Equipo" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Teams" "Team" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Performance" "Rendimiento" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Performance" "Performance" "GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Miscellaneous" "Misceláneo" "[english]GameUI_Stats_LastMatch_Miscellaneous" "Miscellaneous" "GameUI_Stat_NumKills_GGProgressive" "Víctimas progresivas: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stat_NumKills_GGProgressive" "Progressive Kills %s1" "GameUI_Stat_NumKills_GGSelect" "Víctimas selectivas: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stat_NumKills_GGSelect" "Select Kills %s1" "GameUI_Stat_NumKills_GGBomb" "Víctimas con bomba: %s1" "[english]GameUI_Stat_NumKills_GGBomb" "Bomb Kills %s1" "GAMEUI_Stat_TR_NumPlantedBombs" "Bombas colocadas en Carrera de Armamentos: %s1" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_TR_NumPlantedBombs" "Gun Game Bombs Planted: %s1" "GAMEUI_Stat_TR_NumDefusedBombs" "Bombas desactivadas en Carrera de Armamentos: %s1" "[english]GAMEUI_Stat_TR_NumDefusedBombs" "Gun Game Bombs Defused: %s1" "GameUI_NumSuffix_E3" "K" "[english]GameUI_NumSuffix_E3" "K" "GameUI_NumSuffix_E6" "M" "[english]GameUI_NumSuffix_E6" "M" "GameUI_NumSuffix_E9" "B" "[english]GameUI_NumSuffix_E9" "B" "GameUI_NumSuffix_E12" "T" "[english]GameUI_NumSuffix_E12" "T" "GameUI_Yes" "Sí" "[english]GameUI_Yes" "Yes" "GameUI_No" "No" "[english]GameUI_No" "No" "GameUI_On" "Activado" "[english]GameUI_On" "On" "GameUI_Off" "Desactivado" "[english]GameUI_Off" "Off" "GameUI_NotOnlineEnabled" "Debes iniciar sesión en un perfil de juego con privilegios de multijugador para poder jugar online." "[english]GameUI_NotOnlineEnabled" "You must be signed in to a gamer profile with multiplayer privileges to play online." "GameUI_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "Tienes que iniciar sesión en Xbox LIVE para acceder a esta característica. ¿Deseas iniciar sesión ahora?" "[english]GameUI_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "You need to sign in to Xbox LIVE to access this feature. Would you like to sign in now?" "GameUI_LeaveInviteConf" "¿Unirse a otra partida?" "[english]GameUI_LeaveInviteConf" "Join another game?" "GameUI_LeaveInviteConfTxt" "Pulsa \\x00A2 para confirmar que te gustaría abandonar esta partida y unirte a otra." "[english]GameUI_LeaveInviteConfTxt" "Press \\x00A2 to confirm that you would like to leave this game and join another." "GameUI_MakeGamePublicConf" "¿Convertir la partida en pública?" "[english]GameUI_MakeGamePublicConf" "Make game public?" "GameUI_MakeGamePublicConfTxt" "Pulsa \\x00A2 para confirmar que te gustaría cambiar esta partida privada a pública para que cualquiera pueda unirse." "[english]GameUI_MakeGamePublicConfTxt" "Press \\x00A2 to confirm that you would like to change this private game to a public game that anyone can join." "GameUI_JoinRefused" "Esta partida ya no acepta más jugadores." "[english]GameUI_JoinRefused" "This game is no longer accepting players." "GameUI_GameFull" "Esta partida está llena." "[english]GameUI_GameFull" "This game is full." "GameUI_JoinFailed" "Error al unirse a la partida." "[english]GameUI_JoinFailed" "Failed to join to the game." "GameUI_CreateFailed" "No se pudo crear la partida." "[english]GameUI_CreateFailed" "Failed to create a game." "GameUI_ClientKicked" "Te han expulsado de la partida." "[english]GameUI_ClientKicked" "You have been kicked from this game." "GameUI_LostHost" "Se ha perdido la conexión con el host." "[english]GameUI_LostHost" "Connection to the host was lost." "GameUI_LostServer" "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor de la partida." "[english]GameUI_LostServer" "Connection to the game server was lost." "GameUI_LostServerXLSP" "El servidor %s1 no está disponible en este momento. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde." "[english]GameUI_LostServerXLSP" "The %s1 server is not available at this time. Please try again later." "GameUI_ModifyingSession" "Modificando sesión..." "[english]GameUI_ModifyingSession" "Modifying session..." "GameUI_LostConnectionToLive" "Se ha perdido la conexión con Xbox LIVE." "[english]GameUI_LostConnectionToLive" "The connection to Xbox LIVE was lost." "GameUI_Leaderboards_Not_Signed_In" "Debes iniciar sesión en Xbox LIVE para publicar tus puntuaciones en el marcador. ¿Deseas continuar?" "[english]GameUI_Leaderboards_Not_Signed_In" "You must sign in to Xbox LIVE in order to post your scores to the leaderboard. Do you want to continue?" "GameUI_Leaderboards_Lost_Connection" "Pulsa el botón Guía de Xbox y conéctate ahora a Xbox LIVE para publicar tus puntuaciones en los marcadores." "[english]GameUI_Leaderboards_Lost_Connection" "Press the Xbox Guide button and connect to Xbox LIVE now in order to post your scores to the leaderboards." "Menu_Dlg_Leaderboards_Lost_Connection" "Debes estar conectado a Xbox LIVE para ver los marcadores. Por favor, comprueba tu conexión e inténtalo de nuevo." [$X360] "[english]Menu_Dlg_Leaderboards_Lost_Connection" "You must be connected to Xbox LIVE to view Leaderboards. Please check your connection and try again." "GameUI_DedicatedSearchFailed" "No se ha podido encontrar un servidor dedicado." "[english]GameUI_DedicatedSearchFailed" "Failed to find a dedicated server." "GameUI_ProfileReadFailed" "No se han podido cargar los datos de tu perfil. Tus progresos, medallas, logros y apariciones en los marcadores no serán guardados si decides continuar. ¿Deseas hacerlo?" "[english]GameUI_ProfileReadFailed" "Your profile data could not be loaded. Your progress, award medals, achievements, and leaderboard entries will not be saved if you choose to continue. Do you want to continue?" "GameUI_ProfileReadFailedCRC" "Los datos de tu perfil están dañados. Tus progresos, medallas, logros y apariciones en los marcadores no serán guardados si decides continuar. ¿Deseas hacerlo?" "[english]GameUI_ProfileReadFailedCRC" "Your profile data is corrupt. Your progress, award medals, achievements, and leaderboard entries will not be saved if you choose to continue. Do you want to continue?" "GameUI_ProfileWriteFailed" "No se han podido guardar los datos de tu perfil. Ahora regresarás al menú principal." "[english]GameUI_ProfileWriteFailed" "Your profile data could not be saved. You will now be returned to the main menu." "GameUI_ProfileResetTitle" "¿Restablecer perfil?" "[english]GameUI_ProfileResetTitle" "Reset Profile?" "GameUI_ProfileReset" "¿Estás seguro de que quieres restablecer tu perfil? Esto eliminará todo tu progreso en las medallas y en los logros." "[english]GameUI_ProfileReset" "Are you sure you want to reset your profile? This will delete all your medal and achievement progress." "GameUI_ProfileResetConfirm" "¿Estás realmente seguro de que quieres eliminar la información de tu perfil? Esta acción no puede deshacerse." "[english]GameUI_ProfileResetConfirm" "Are you really sure you want to delete your profile data? This can not be undone." "GameUI_Reset_Profile" "Restablecer perfil" "[english]GameUI_Reset_Profile" "Reset Profile" "GameUI_DisconnectConfirmationText" "¿Seguro que deseas abandonar esta partida?" "[english]GameUI_DisconnectConfirmationText" "Are you sure you want to leave this game?" "GameUI_DisconnectHostConfirmationText" "Si te desconectas, expulsarás a todos los jugadores. ¿Estás seguro de que deseas abandonar esta partida?" "[english]GameUI_DisconnectHostConfirmationText" "Disconnecting will kick all players. Are you sure you want to leave this game?" "GameUI_Console_NoUserProfileSelectedTitle" "No se ha seleccionado un perfil de jugador" "[english]GameUI_Console_NoUserProfileSelectedTitle" "No Gamer Profile Selected" "GameUI_Console_NoUserProfileSelectedBody" "¿Quieres seleccionar un perfil de jugador?\nSi eliges 'No' podrás jugar, pero no podrás guardar tus avances." "[english]GameUI_Console_NoUserProfileSelectedBody" "Would you like to select a gamer profile?\nChoosing 'No' will let you play the game, but you will not be able to save your progress." "GameUI_Console_UserProfileRequiredBody" "Para realizar esta acción, debes iniciar sesión.\n¿Quieres seleccionar un perfil de jugador?" "[english]GameUI_Console_UserProfileRequiredBody" "This action requires that you be signed in.\nWould you like to select a gamer profile?" "chat_filterbutton" "Filtros" "[english]chat_filterbutton" "Filters" "filter_joinleave" "Se une/abandona" "[english]filter_joinleave" "Joins/Leaves" "filter_namechange" "Cambios de nombre" "[english]filter_namechange" "Name Changes" "filter_publicchat" "Chat público" "[english]filter_publicchat" "Public Chat" "filter_servermsg" "Mensajes del servidor" "[english]filter_servermsg" "Server Messages" "filter_teamchange" "Cambios de equipo" "[english]filter_teamchange" "Team Changes" "filter_achievement" "Anuncio de logro" "[english]filter_achievement" "Achievement Announce" "chat_say" "Decir :" "[english]chat_say" "Say :" "chat_say_team" "Decir (EQUIPO) :" "[english]chat_say_team" "Say (TEAM) :" "Cstrike_Automatic_Weapon_Switch" "Cambiar autom. a las armas recogidas (si son más potentes)" "[english]Cstrike_Automatic_Weapon_Switch" "Automatically switch to picked up weapons (if more powerful)" "Cstrike_Switch_Weapon_on_Pick_Up" "Cambiar al arma recogida" "[english]Cstrike_Switch_Weapon_on_Pick_Up" "Switch Weapon on Pick Up" "Cstrike_Already_Own_Weapon" "Ya tienes esa arma." "[english]Cstrike_Already_Own_Weapon" "You already own that weapon." "Cstrike_Not_Available" "Esta selección no está disponible para su compra en este mapa." "[english]Cstrike_Not_Available" "This selection is not available for purchase on this map." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Accept_All_Messages" "Ahora aceptarás todos los mensajes de texto" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Accept_All_Messages" "Now accepting all text messages" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Accept_Radio" "Aceptando mensajes de radio" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Accept_Radio" "Now accepting radio messages" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Affirmative" "Afirmativo." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Affirmative" "Affirmative." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Alias_Not_Avail" "\\\"%s1\\\" no está disponible para su compra en tu equipo." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Alias_Not_Avail" "The \"%s1\" is not available for your team to buy." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_All_Hostages_Rescued" "¡Todos los rehenes han sido liberados!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_All_Hostages_Rescued" "All hostages have been rescued!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_All_Teams_Full" "¡Todos los equipos están llenos!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_All_Teams_Full" "All teams are full!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_All_VIP_Slots_Full" "Los 5 espacios para VIP están llenos. Vuelve a intentarlo más tarde." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_All_VIP_Slots_Full" "All 5 VIP slots have been filled up. Please try again later." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Kevlar" "¡Ya tienes un Kevlar!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Kevlar" "You already have Kevlar!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Kevlar_Helmet" "¡Ya tienes un Kevlar y un casco!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Kevlar_Helmet" "You already have Kevlar and a helmet!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Kevlar_Bought_Helmet" "Ya tienes un Kevlar. Casco comprado." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Kevlar_Bought_Helmet" "You already have Kevlar. Helmet purchased." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Helmet_Bought_Kevlar" "Ya tienes un casco. Kevlar comprado." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Helmet_Bought_Kevlar" "You already have Helmet. Replenished Kevlar." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_One" "¡Ya tienes uno!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_One" "You already have one!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Auto_Select" "Autoselección" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Auto_Select" "Auto-Select" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Auto_Team_Balance_Next_Round" "*** Autoequilibrio de equipos en la siguiente ronda ***" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Auto_Team_Balance_Next_Round" "*** Auto-Team Balance next round ***" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Player_Balanced" "Has sido movido al otro equipo para equilibrar el juego." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Player_Balanced" "You have been moved to the other team for game balance." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Teams_Balanced" "Se han equilibrado los equipos." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Teams_Balanced" "The teams have been balanced." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_BOMB" "BOMBA" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_BOMB" "BOMB" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Banned_For_Killing_Teammates" "Se te prohíbe la entrada al servidor por haber matado a demasiados compañeros de equipo." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Banned_For_Killing_Teammates" "You are being banned from the server for killing too many teammates." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Defusal_Kit" "Kit de desactivación de bombas" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Defusal_Kit" "Bomb Defusal Kit" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Defused" "La bomba ha sido desactivada." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Defused" "The bomb has been defused." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Planted" "La bomba ha sido colocada." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Planted" "The bomb has been planted." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Activated_At_Bomb_Spot" "El C4 debe activarse en un objetivo de bomba." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Activated_At_Bomb_Spot" "C4 must be activated at a bomb target" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Arming_Cancelled" "Cancelada la secuencia de armamento. Sólo se puede colocar el C4 en un objetivo de bomba." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Arming_Cancelled" "Arming sequence canceled. C4 can only be placed at a bomb target." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Defuse_Must_Be_On_Ground" "Debes encontrarte en el suelo para desactivar la bomba." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Defuse_Must_Be_On_Ground" "You must be on the ground to defuse the bomb." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Plant_At_Bomb_Spot" "Hay que colocar el C4 en un emplazamiento de bomba." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Plant_At_Bomb_Spot" "C4 must be planted at a bomb site." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Plant_Must_Be_On_Ground" "Debes encontrarte en el suelo para colocar el C4." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Plant_Must_Be_On_Ground" "You must be standing on the ground to plant the C4." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CAM_OPTIONS" "Opciones de cámara" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CAM_OPTIONS" "Camera Options" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CLASS" "Clase" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CLASS" "Class" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CT_Forces" "Fuerzas AT" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CT_Forces" "CT Forces" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CT_cant_buy" "Los AT no pueden comprar nada en este mapa." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CT_cant_buy" "CTs aren't allowed to buy anything on this map." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CTs_Full" "El equipo antiterrorista está lleno." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CTs_Full" "The CT team is full." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CTs_PreventEscape" "Los antiterroristas han evitado que la mayoría de los terroristas escapen." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CTs_PreventEscape" "The CTs have prevented most of the terrorists from escaping." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CTs_Win" "¡Ganan los antiterroristas!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CTs_Win" "Counter-Terrorists Win!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Be_Spectator" "No puedes ser espectador." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Be_Spectator" "You cannot become a spectator." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Buy_This" "No puedes comprar este objeto." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Buy_This" "You cannot buy this item." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Carry_Anymore" "Ya no puedes llevar más." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Carry_Anymore" "You cannot carry any more." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Switch_From_VIP" "Eres el VIP. Ahora no puedes cambiar de rol." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Switch_From_VIP" "You are the VIP. You cannot switch roles now." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Vote_Map" "No puedes votar en los 3 primeros minutos después de haber entrado en un mapa nuevo" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Vote_Map" "You cannot vote within 3 minutes of a new map" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Vote_Need_More_People" "No puedes votar un mapa tú solo." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Vote_Need_More_People" "You can't vote for a map by yourself." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Vote_With_Less_Than_Three" "No puedes votar con menos de tres personas en tu equipo." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Vote_With_Less_Than_Three" "You can't vote with less than three people on your team." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cant_buy" "Han pasado %s1 segundos. Ya no puedes comprar nada." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cant_buy" "%s1 seconds have passed. You can't buy anything now." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Class_descr_not_avail" "Descripción de clase no disponible." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Class_descr_not_avail" "Class description not available." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Command_Not_Available" "En este momento este comando no se encuentra disponible para ti." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Command_Not_Available" "This command is not available to you at this point." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cover_me" "¡Cubridme!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cover_me" "Cover Me!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cstrike_Already_Own_Weapon" "Ya tienes esa arma." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cstrike_Already_Own_Weapon" "You already own that weapon." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_DEAD" "MUERTO" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_DEAD" "DEAD" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_DEATHS" "MUERTES" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_DEATHS" "DEATHS" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusal_Kit" "Kit de desactivación" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusal_Kit" "Defusal Kit" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusing_Bomb_With_Defuse_Kit" "Desactivando bomba CON kit de desactivación." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusing_Bomb_With_Defuse_Kit" "Defusing bomb WITH defuse kit." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusing_Bomb_Without_Defuse_Kit" "Desactivando bomba SIN kit de desactivación." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusing_Bomb_Without_Defuse_Kit" "Defusing bomb WITHOUT defuse kit." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Already_Being_Defused" "La bomba ya está siendo desactivada." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Already_Being_Defused" "The bomb is already being defused." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Enemy" "Enemigo" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Enemy" "Enemy" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Enemy_down" "Enemigo eliminado." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Enemy_down" "Enemy down." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Enemy_spotted" "Enemigo avistado." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Enemy_spotted" "Enemy spotted." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Equipment" "Equipo" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Equipment" "Equipment" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Escaping_Terrorists_Neutralized" "Todos los terroristas que escapaban han sido neutralizados." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Escaping_Terrorists_Neutralized" "Escaping terrorists have all been neutralized." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Fire_in_the_hole" "¡Todos a cubierto!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Fire_in_the_hole" "Fire in the hole!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Flashbang" "Granada aturdidora" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Flashbang" "Flashbang" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Follow_me" "Seguidme." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Follow_me" "Follow Me." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_Commencing" "¡Comienza la partida!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_Commencing" "Game Commencing." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_added_position" "Has sido añadido a la posición %s1 de 5" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_added_position" "You have been added to position %s1 of 5" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_bomb_drop" "%s1 ha dejado la bomba." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_bomb_drop" "%s1 dropped the bomb." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_bomb_pickup" "%s1 ha recogido la bomba." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_bomb_pickup" "%s1 picked up the bomb." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_connected" "%s1 se ha conectado." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_connected" "%s1 connected." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_disconnected" "%s1 ha abandonado la partida." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_disconnected" "%s1 has left the game." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_idle_kick" "%s1 ha estado inactivo demasiado tiempo y ha sido expulsado." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_idle_kick" "%s1 has been idle for too long and has been kicked." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_in_position" "Ya ocupas la posición %s1 de 5." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_in_position" "You are already in position %s1 of 5." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_ct" "%s1 se ha unido a la fuerza antiterrorista." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_ct" "%s1 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_ct_auto" "%s1 se ha unido a la fuerza antiterrorista (autosel.)" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_ct_auto" "%s1 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force. (auto)" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_terrorist" "%s1 se ha unido a la fuerza terrorista." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_terrorist" "%s1 is joining the Terrorist force." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_terrorist_auto" "%s1 se ha unido a la fuerza terrorista (autosel.)" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_terrorist_auto" "%s1 is joining the Terrorist force. (auto)" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_kicked" "%s1 expulsado" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_kicked" "Kicked %s1" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_last_round" "* Última ronda *" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_last_round" "* Last Round *" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_no_timelimit" "* Sin límite de tiempo *" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_no_timelimit" "* No Time Limit *" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_radio" "%s1 (RADIO): %s2" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_radio" "%s1 (RADIO): %s2" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_required_votes" "Votos necesarios para un nuevo mapa = %s1" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_required_votes" "Required number of votes for a new map = %s1" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_scoring" "No se obtienen puntos hasta que ambos equipos tengan jugadores." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_scoring" "Scoring will not start until both teams have players." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_teammate_attack" "%s1 ha atacado a un compañero." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_teammate_attack" "%s1 attacked a teammate." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_teammate_kills" "Compañeros muertos: %s1 de 3" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_teammate_kills" "Teammate kills: %s1 of 3" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_timelimit" "Tiempo restante: %s1:%s2" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_timelimit" "Time Remaining: %s1:%s2" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_unknown_command" "Comando desconocido: %s1" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_unknown_command" "Unknown command: %s1" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_cast" "Votos emitidos contra el jugador: %s1" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_cast" "Vote cast against player # %s1" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_not_yourself" "¡No puedes expulsarte a ti mismo!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_not_yourself" "You can't vote to kick yourself!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_player_not_found" "No se ha encontrado al jugador # %s1." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_player_not_found" "Player # %s1 was not found." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_players_on_your_team" "Sólo puedes votar a jugadores de tu equipo." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_players_on_your_team" "You can only vote for players on your team." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_usage" "Uso: vote " "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_usage" "Usage: vote " "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_voted_for_map" "Has votado el mapa # %s1" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_voted_for_map" "You voted for map # %s1" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_votemap_usage" "Uso: votemap " "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_votemap_usage" "Usage: votemap " "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_will_restart_in" "La partida va a reiniciarse en %s1 %s2" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_will_restart_in" "The game will restart in %s1 %s2" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Get_in_position_and_wait" "Gracias" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Get_in_position_and_wait" "Thanks" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Get_out_of_there" "¡Salid de ahí, va a estallar!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Get_out_of_there" "Get out of there, it's gonna blow!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Go_go_go" "¡Vamos, vamos, vamos!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Go_go_go" "Go go go!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Got_bomb" "Has recogido la bomba." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Got_bomb" "You picked up the bomb." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Got_defuser" "¡Has recogido un kit de desactivación!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Got_defuser" "You picked up a defuse kit!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_HE_Grenade" "Granada HE" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_HE_Grenade" "HE Grenade" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Health" "Salud" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Health" "Health" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_High_Explosive_Grenade" "Granada altamente explosiva" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_High_Explosive_Grenade" "High-Explosive Grenade" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_cannot_play_because_tk" "No puedes jugar esta ronda porque en la anterior mataste a un compañero." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_cannot_play_because_tk" "You're not allowed to play this round because you TK'd last round." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_careful_around_hostages" "Ten cuidado con los rehenes. Vas a perder dinero si matas a uno." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_careful_around_hostages" "Be careful around hostages. You will lose money if you kill a hostage." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_careful_around_teammates" "¡Cuidado! ¡No toleraremos que mates a los compañeros!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_careful_around_teammates" "Careful! Killing teammates will not be tolerated!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_ct_vip_zone" "Te encuentras en una zona de huida de VIP. Escolta al VIP hasta cualquiera de estas zonas." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_ct_vip_zone" "You are in a VIP escape zone. Escort the VIP to any one of these zones." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_hostage_rescue_zone" "Te encuentras en una zona de rescate de rehenes." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_hostage_rescue_zone" "You are in a hostage rescue zone." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lead_hostage_to_rescue_point" "¡Lleva al rehén hasta el punto de rescate!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lead_hostage_to_rescue_point" "Lead the hostage to the rescue point!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lost_money" "Has perdido dinero por matar a un rehén." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lost_money" "You have lost money for killing a hostage." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lost_a_level" "¡%s1 te ha robado un nivel matándote con su cuchillo!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lost_a_level" "%s1 stole a level from you by killing you with their knife!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lost_a_level_generic" "Has perdido un nivel de arma." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lost_a_level_generic" "You have lost a weapon level." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_out_of_ammo" "Te has quedado sin munición. Vuelve a una zona de compra para comprar más." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_out_of_ammo" "You are out of ammunition. Return to a buy zone to get more." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_prevent_hostage_rescue" "¡Evita que los antiterroristas rescaten a los rehenes!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_prevent_hostage_rescue" "Prevent the Counter-Terrorists from rescuing the hostages!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_removed_for_next_hostage_killed" "Si matas a otro rehén, te expulsarán del servidor." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_removed_for_next_hostage_killed" "If you kill one more hostage, you will be removed from the server." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_rescue_the_hostages" "Rescata a los rehenes para obtener dinero." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_rescue_the_hostages" "Rescue the hostages for money." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_reward_for_killing_vip" "¡Has ganado 2.500 $ por matar al VIP!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_reward_for_killing_vip" "You have been rewarded $2500 for killing the VIP!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_spotted_a_friend" "Has encontrado a un amigo." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_spotted_a_friend" "You have spotted a friend." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "Has encontrado a un enemigo." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "You have spotted an enemy." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_terrorist_escape_zone" "Te encuentras en la zona de huida de los terroristas. Evita que los terroristas se acerquen aquí." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_terrorist_escape_zone" "You are in a terrorist escape zone. Prevent the terrorists from getting here." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_terrorist_vip_zone" "Te encuentras en una zona de huida de VIP. Evita que el VIP llegue a cualquiera de estas zonas." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_terrorist_vip_zone" "You are in a VIP escape zone. Prevent the VIP from reaching any one of these zones." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_try_not_to_injure_teammates" "Intenta no herir a tus compañeros." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_try_not_to_injure_teammates" "Try not to injure your teammates." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_use_nightvision" "Pulsa la tecla de VISIÓN NOCTURNA para activar o desactivar las gafas de visión nocturna. La visión nocturna se puede ajustar tecleando +nvgadjust -nvgadjust en la consola." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_use_nightvision" "Press the NIGHTVISION key to turn on/off nightvision goggles. Nightvision can be adjusted by typing: +nvgadjust -nvgadjust at the console." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_win_round_by_killing_enemy" "¡Has matado a un enemigo! Gana la ronda eliminando a la fuerza enemiga." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_win_round_by_killing_enemy" "You killed an enemy! Win the round by eliminating the opposing force." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_you_are_the_vip" "Eres el VIP. Ábrete camino hasta las zonas de seguridad." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_you_are_the_vip" "You are the VIP Make your way to the safety zones." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hold_this_position" "Mantened la posición." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hold_this_position" "Hold This position." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostage" "Rehén" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostage" "Hostage" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostage_down" "Rehén eliminado." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostage_down" "Hostage down." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostages_Not_Rescued" "¡Los rehenes no han sido liberados!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostages_Not_Rescued" "Hostages have not been rescued!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Ignore_Broadcast_Messages" "Ignorando mensajes de DIFUSIÓN" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Ignore_Broadcast_Messages" "Now ignoring BROADCAST messages" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Ignore_Broadcast_Team_Messages" "Ignorando mensajes de DIFUSIÓN y de EQUIPO" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Ignore_Broadcast_Team_Messages" "Now ignoring TEAM/BROADCAST messages" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Ignore_Radio" "Ignorando mensajes de RADIO" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Ignore_Radio" "Now ignoring RADIO messages" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_In_position" "En posición." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_In_position" "I'm in position." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Injured_Hostage" "¡Has herido a un rehén!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Injured_Hostage" "You injured a hostage!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar" "Kevlar" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar" "Kevlar" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar_Helmet" "Kevlar + casco" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar_Helmet" "Kevlar+Helmet" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar_Vest" "Chaleco Kevlar" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar_Vest" "Kevlar Vest" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar_Vest_Ballistic_Helmet" "Chaleco Kevlar + casco antibalas" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar_Vest_Ballistic_Helmet" "Kevlar Vest + Ballistic Helmet" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Killed_Hostage" "¡Has matado a un rehén!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Killed_Hostage" "You killed a hostage!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Killed_Teammate" "¡Has matado a un companero de equipo!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Killed_Teammate" "You killed a teammate!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Map_Description_not_available" "Descripción de mapa no disponible." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Map_Description_not_available" "Map description not available." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Map_Vote_Extend" "El mapa se ha ampliado 30 minutos." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Map_Vote_Extend" "Map has been extended for 30 minutes." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Map_descr_not_avail" "Descripción de mapa no disponible." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Map_descr_not_avail" "Map description not available." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Muted" "Has silenciado a %s1." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Muted" "You have muted %s1." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Name_change_at_respawn" "Cambiarás de nombre tras tu próxima regeneración." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Name_change_at_respawn" "Your name will be changed after your next respawn." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Name_change_limit_exceeded" "Cambio de nombre denegado (se ha sobrepasado la velocidad de cambio permitida)." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Name_change_limit_exceeded" "Name change denied (rate exceeded)." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Not_Enough_Money" "No tienes dinero suficiente." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Not_Enough_Money" "You have insufficient funds." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_CHASE_FREE" "Cámara de seguimiento libre" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_CHASE_FREE" "Free Chase Cam" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_CHASE_LOCKED" "Cámara de seguimiento fija" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_CHASE_LOCKED" "Locked Chase Cam" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_IN_EYE" "Primera persona" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_IN_EYE" "First Person" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_MAP_CHASE" "Vista general de seguimiento" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_MAP_CHASE" "Chase Overview" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_MAP_FREE" "Vista general libre" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_MAP_FREE" "Free Overview" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_NONE" "Opciones de cámara" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_NONE" "Camera Options" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_ROAMING" "Vista libre" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_ROAMING" "Free Look" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Only_1_Team_Change" "Sólo se puede hacer un cambio de equipo." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Only_1_Team_Change" "Only 1 team change is allowed." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Only_CT_Can_Move_Hostages" "Sólo los antiterroristas pueden mover rehenes." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Only_CT_Can_Move_Hostages" "Only Counter-Terrorists can move the hostages." "Cstrike_WaitScreen_SearchingForGame" "Buscando partida..." "[english]Cstrike_WaitScreen_SearchingForGame" "Searching for Game..." "Cstrike_WaitScreen_SearchingForDedicatedServer" "Buscando servidor dedicado..." "[english]Cstrike_WaitScreen_SearchingForDedicatedServer" "Searching for Dedicated Server..." "Cstrike_WaitScreen_StoppingSearch" "Cancelando la búsqueda..." "[english]Cstrike_WaitScreen_StoppingSearch" "Cancelling Search..." "Cstrike_WaitScreen_JoiningInvite" "Uniéndose a partida..." "[english]Cstrike_WaitScreen_JoiningInvite" "Joining Game..." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Switch_To_BurstFire" "Se ha cambiado al modo ráfaga" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Switch_To_BurstFire" "Switched to burst-fire mode" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Switch_To_FullAuto" "Se ha cambiado al modo automático" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Switch_To_FullAuto" "Switched to automatic" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Switch_To_SemiAuto" "Se ha cambiado al modo semiautomático" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Switch_To_SemiAuto" "Switched to semi-automatic" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING1" "Usa la tecla COMPRAR para adquirir: - Metralleta - Munición principal" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING1" "Use Your BUY key to purchase: - Sub Machine Gun - Primary Ammo" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING2" "Use la tecla COMPRAR para adquirir: - Rifle de francotirador Magnum" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING2" "Use your BUY key to purchase: - Magnum Sniper Rifle" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING3" "Usa la tecla COMPRAR para adquirir: - Granada de humo" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING3" "Use your BUY key to purchase: - Smoke Grenade" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING4" "Recoge el C4 del banco." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING4" "Collect the C4 from the bench." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING5" "Coloca el C4 y retírate a un lugar seguro." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING5" "Place C4 then retreat to safety." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING6" "Desactiva la bomba apuntando hacia ella y manteniendo ${use}." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING6" "Defuse the bomb by aiming at bomb and holding ${use}." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING7" "Localiza y rescata a los rehenes." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING7" "Locate and rescue hostages." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorists_Full" "El equipo terrorista está lleno." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorists_Full" "The terrorist team is full." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorists_Not_Escaped" "Los terroristas no han escapado." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorists_Not_Escaped" "Terrorists have not escaped." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorists_Win" "¡Ganan los terroristas!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorists_Win" "Terrorists Win!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Too_Many_CTs" "¡Hay demasiados AT!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Too_Many_CTs" "There are too many CTs!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Too_Many_Terrorists" "¡Hay demasiados terroristas!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Too_Many_Terrorists" "There are too many Terrorists!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Unassigned" "Sin asignar" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Unassigned" "Unassigned" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Unmuted" "Has dejado de silenciar a %s1." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Unmuted" "You have unmuted %s1." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_VOICE" "VOZ" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_VOICE" "VOICE" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Voice_Properties" "Propiedades de voz" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Voice_Properties" "Voice Properties" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Vote" "%s1 : %s2 (%s3 voto)" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Vote" "%s1 : %s2 (%s3 vote)" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Votes" "%s1 : %s2 (%s3 votos)" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Votes" "%s1 : %s2 (%s3 votes)" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_WINS" "VICTORIAS" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_WINS" "WINS" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Wait_3_Seconds" "Por favor, espera 3 segundos." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Wait_3_Seconds" "Please wait 3 seconds." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Weapon_Cannot_Be_Dropped" "No puedes dejar caer esta arma" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Weapon_Cannot_Be_Dropped" "This weapon cannot be dropped" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Weapon_Not_Available" "Esta arma no esta a tu disposición." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Weapon_Not_Available" "This weapon is not available to you." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Humans_Join_Team_CT" "¡Los humanos sólo pueden ser AT!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Humans_Join_Team_CT" "Humans can only be CTs!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Humans_Join_Team_T" "¡Los humanos sólo pueden ser terroristas!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Humans_Join_Team_T" "Humans can only be Terrorists!" "BombsiteA" "Empl. de bomba A" "[english]BombsiteA" "Bombsite A" "BombsiteB" "Empl. de bomba B" "[english]BombsiteB" "Bombsite B" "BombsiteC" "Empl. de bomba C" "[english]BombsiteC" "Bombsite C" "Hostages" "Rehenes" "[english]Hostages" "Hostages" "HostageRescueZone" "Zona de rescate" "[english]HostageRescueZone" "Hostage Rescue Zone" "VipRescueZone" "Zona de rescate de VIP" "[english]VipRescueZone" "VIP Rescue Zone" "CTSpawn" "Punto de inicio AT" "[english]CTSpawn" "CT Start" "TSpawn" "Punto de inicio T" "[english]TSpawn" "T Start" "Bridge" "Puente" "[english]Bridge" "Bridge" "Middle" "Centro" "[english]Middle" "Middle" "House" "Casa" "[english]House" "House" "Apartment" "Apartamento" "[english]Apartment" "Apartment" "Apartments" "Apartamentos" "[english]Apartments" "Apartments" "Market" "Mercado" "[english]Market" "Market" "Sewers" "Cloacas" "[english]Sewers" "Sewers" "Tunnel" "Túnel" "[english]Tunnel" "Tunnel" "Ducts" "Conductos" "[english]Ducts" "Ducts" "Village" "Pueblecito" "[english]Village" "Village" "Roof" "Tejado" "[english]Roof" "Roof" "Upstairs" "Escaleras arriba" "[english]Upstairs" "Upstairs" "Downstairs" "Escaleras abajo" "[english]Downstairs" "Downstairs" "Basement" "Sótano" "[english]Basement" "Basement" "Crawlspace" "Sitio para arrastrarse" "[english]Crawlspace" "Crawlspace" "Kitchen" "Cocina" "[english]Kitchen" "Kitchen" "Inside" "Interior" "[english]Inside" "Inside" "Outside" "Exterior" "[english]Outside" "Outside" "Tower" "Torre" "[english]Tower" "Tower" "WineCellar" "Bodega" "[english]WineCellar" "Wine Cellar" "Garage" "Garaje" "[english]Garage" "Garage" "Courtyard" "Patio" "[english]Courtyard" "Courtyard" "Water" "Agua" "[english]Water" "Water" "FrontDoor" "Puerta delantera" "[english]FrontDoor" "Front Door" "BackDoor" "Puerta trasera" "[english]BackDoor" "Back Door" "SideDoor" "Puerta lateral" "[english]SideDoor" "Side Door" "BackWay" "Camino trasero" "[english]BackWay" "Back Way" "FrontYard" "Patio delantero" "[english]FrontYard" "Front Yard" "BackYard" "Patio trasero" "[english]BackYard" "Back Yard" "SideYard" "Patio lateral" "[english]SideYard" "Side Yard" "Lobby" "Sala de espera" "[english]Lobby" "Lobby" "Vault" "Cámara acorazada" "[english]Vault" "Vault" "Elevator" "Ascensor" "[english]Elevator" "Elevator" "DoubleDoors" "Puertas dobles" "[english]DoubleDoors" "Double Doors" "SecurityDoors" "Puertas de seguridad" "[english]SecurityDoors" "Security Doors" "LongHall" "Corredor largo" "[english]LongHall" "Long Hall" "SideHall" "Corredor lateral" "[english]SideHall" "Side Hall" "FrontHall" "Corredor frontal" "[english]FrontHall" "Front Hall" "BackHall" "Corredor posterior" "[english]BackHall" "Back Hall" "MainHall" "Corredor principal" "[english]MainHall" "Main Hall" "FarSide" "Lateral lejano" "[english]FarSide" "Far Side" "Windows" "Ventanas" "[english]Windows" "Windows" "Window" "Ventana" "[english]Window" "Window" "Attic" "Ático" "[english]Attic" "Attic" "StorageRoom" "Almacén" "[english]StorageRoom" "Storage Room" "ProjectorRoom" "Sala de proyección" "[english]ProjectorRoom" "Projector Room" "MeetingRoom" "Sala de reuniones" "[english]MeetingRoom" "Meeting Room" "ConferenceRoom" "Sala de conferencias" "[english]ConferenceRoom" "Conference Room" "ComputerRoom" "Sala de ordenadores" "[english]ComputerRoom" "Computer Room" "BigOffice" "Oficina grande" "[english]BigOffice" "Big Office" "LittleOffice" "Oficina pequeña" "[english]LittleOffice" "Little Office" "Dumpster" "Vertedero" "[english]Dumpster" "Dumpster" "Airplane" "Avión" "[english]Airplane" "Airplane" "Underground" "Bajo tierra" "[english]Underground" "Underground" "Bunker" "Búnker" "[english]Bunker" "Bunker" "Mines" "Minas" "[english]Mines" "Mines" "Front" "Parte frontal" "[english]Front" "Front" "Back" "Parte trasera" "[english]Back" "Back" "Rear" "Parte posterior" "[english]Rear" "Rear" "Side" "Parte lateral" "[english]Side" "Side" "Ramp" "Rampa" "[english]Ramp" "Ramp" "Underpass" "Paso subterráneo" "[english]Underpass" "Underpass" "Overpass" "Paso elevado" "[english]Overpass" "Overpass" "Stairs" "Escaleras" "[english]Stairs" "Stairs" "Ladder" "Escalera de mano" "[english]Ladder" "Ladder" "Gate" "Entrada" "[english]Gate" "Gate" "GateHouse" "Casa de entrada" "[english]GateHouse" "Gate House" "LoadingDock" "Muelle de carga" "[english]LoadingDock" "Loading Dock" "GuardHouse" "Casa del guardia" "[english]GuardHouse" "Guard House" "Entrance" "Entrada" "[english]Entrance" "Entrance" "VendingMachines" "Máquinas expendedoras" "[english]VendingMachines" "Vending Machines" "Loft" "Desván" "[english]Loft" "Loft" "Balcony" "Balcón" "[english]Balcony" "Balcony" "Alley" "Callejón" "[english]Alley" "Alley" "BackAlley" "Callejón trasero" "[english]BackAlley" "Back Alley" "SideAlley" "Callejón lateral" "[english]SideAlley" "Side Alley" "FrontRoom" "Cuarto delantero" "[english]FrontRoom" "Front Room" "BackRoom" "Cuarto trasero" "[english]BackRoom" "Back Room" "SideRoom" "Cuarto lateral" "[english]SideRoom" "Side Room" "Crates" "Cajas" "[english]Crates" "Crates" "Truck" "Camión" "[english]Truck" "Truck" "Bedroom" "Dormitorio" "[english]Bedroom" "Bedroom" "FamilyRoom" "Sala de estar" "[english]FamilyRoom" "Family Room" "Bathroom" "Baño" "[english]Bathroom" "Bathroom" "LivingRoom" "Sala de estar" "[english]LivingRoom" "Living Room" "Den" "Estudio" "[english]Den" "Den" "Office" "Oficina" "[english]Office" "Office" "Atrium" "Atrio" "[english]Atrium" "Atrium" "Entryway" "Entrada" "[english]Entryway" "Entryway" "Foyer" "Vestíbulo" "[english]Foyer" "Foyer" "Stairwell" "Hueco de la escalera" "[english]Stairwell" "Stairwell" "Fence" "Cerca" "[english]Fence" "Fence" "Deck" "Cubierta" "[english]Deck" "Deck" "Porch" "Porche" "[english]Porch" "Porch" "Patio" "Patio" "[english]Patio" "Patio" "Wall" "Muro" "[english]Wall" "Wall" "BoatBar" "Bar del puerto" "[english]BoatBar" "Boat Bar" "BoatStorage" "Almacén de barcos" "[english]BoatStorage" "Boat Storage" "CTBar" "Bar AT" "[english]CTBar" "CT Bar" "UpperCatwalks" "Pasarelas superiores" "[english]UpperCatwalks" "Upper Catwalks" "LowerCatwalks" "Pasarelas inferiores" "[english]LowerCatwalks" "Lower Catwalks" "GroundLevel" "Suelo" "[english]GroundLevel" "Ground Level" "LockerRoom" "Vestuarios" "[english]LockerRoom" "Locker Room" "BackEntrance" "Entrada trasera" "[english]BackEntrance" "Back Entrance" "FrontEntrance" "Entrada delantera" "[english]FrontEntrance" "Front Entrance" "SnipersNest" "Nido de francotiradores" "[english]SnipersNest" "Sniper's Nest" "BodyShop" "Taller" "[english]BodyShop" "Body Shop" "BankInterior" "Interior del banco" "[english]BankInterior" "Bank Interior" "BombSite" "Empl. de bomba" "[english]BombSite" "Bomb Site" "BankExterior" "Exterior del banco" "[english]BankExterior" "Bank Exterior" "Street" "Calle" "[english]Street" "Street" "GasStation" "Gasolinera" "[english]GasStation" "Gas Station" "SideEntrance" "Entrada lateral" "[english]SideEntrance" "Side Entrance" "PalaceInterior" "Interior del palacio" "[english]PalaceInterior" "Palace Interior" "BackAlleys" "Callejones traseros" "[english]BackAlleys" "Back Alleys" "CTSideUpper" "Lateral superior AT" "[english]CTSideUpper" "CT Side Upper" "CTSideLower" "Lateral inferior AT" "[english]CTSideLower" "CT Side Lower" "TSideUpper" "Lateral superior T" "[english]TSideUpper" "T Side Upper" "TSideLower" "Lateral inferior T" "[english]TSideLower" "T Side Lower" "UpperCarousel" "Cinta superior" "[english]UpperCarousel" "Upper Carousel" "MidCarousel" "Cinta central" "[english]MidCarousel" "Mid Carousel" "LowerCarousel" "Cinta inferior" "[english]LowerCarousel" "Lower Carousel" "CTCorridorDown" "Pasillo inferior AT" "[english]CTCorridorDown" "CT Corridor Down" "CTCorridorUp" "Pasillo superior AT" "[english]CTCorridorUp" "CT Corridor Up" "TCorridorDown" "Pasillo inferior T" "[english]TCorridorDown" "T Corridor Down" "TCorridorUp" "Pasillo superior T" "[english]TCorridorUp" "T Corridor Up" "LeftAlley" "Callejón izquierdo" "[english]LeftAlley" "Left Alley" "RightAlley" "Callejón derecho" "[english]RightAlley" "Right Alley" "BackCourtyard" "Patio trasero" "[english]BackCourtyard" "Back Courtyard" "FrontCourtyard" "Patio delantero" "[english]FrontCourtyard" "Front Courtyard" "MidArch" "Arco central" "[english]MidArch" "Mid Arch" "OutsideLong" "Zona larga exterior" "[english]OutsideLong" "Outside Long" "LongDoors" "Puertas grandes" "[english]LongDoors" "Long Doors" "AbovePit" "Sobre el foso" "[english]AbovePit" "Above Pit" "Pit" "Foso" "[english]Pit" "Pit" "APlatform" "Plataforma A" "[english]APlatform" "A Platform" "LongA" "Zona larga A" "[english]LongA" "Long A" "ARamp" "Rampa A" "[english]ARamp" "A Ramp" "BackofA" "Detrás de A" "[english]BackofA" "Back of A" "Bricks" "Ladrillos" "[english]Bricks" "Bricks" "ShortStairs" "Escaleras cortas" "[english]ShortStairs" "Short Stairs" "Short" "Zona corta" "[english]Short" "Short" "Catwalk" "Pasarela" "[english]Catwalk" "Catwalk" "Mid" "Zona central" "[english]Mid" "Mid" "TopofMid" "Parte superior central" "[english]TopofMid" "Top of Mid" "MidDoors" "Puertas centrales" "[english]MidDoors" "Mid Doors" "ExtendedA" "Extensión de A" "[english]ExtendedA" "Extended A" "BDoors" "Puertas B" "[english]BDoors" "B Doors" "Hole" "Agujero" "[english]Hole" "Hole" "BPlatform" "Plataforma B" "[english]BPlatform" "B Platform" "BackofB" "Detrás de B" "[english]BackofB" "Back of B" "UpperTunnel" "Túnel superior" "[english]UpperTunnel" "Upper Tunnel" "TunnelStairs" "Escaleras del túnel" "[english]TunnelStairs" "Tunnel Stairs" "LowerTunnel" "Túnel inferior" "[english]LowerTunnel" "Lower Tunnel" "OutsideTunnel" "Túnel exterior" "[english]OutsideTunnel" "Outside Tunnel" "UnderA" "Debajo de A" "[english]UnderA" "Under A" "TRamp" "Rampa T" "[english]TRamp" "T Ramp" "SniperBox" "Cajón de francotiradores" "[english]SniperBox" "Sniper Box" "Radio" "Radio" "[english]Radio" "Radio" "Hut" "Cobertizo" "[english]Hut" "Hut" "Crows" "Puesto de vigilancia" "[english]Crows" "Crows" "Squeaky" "Puerta chirriante" "[english]Squeaky" "Squeaky" "Yellow" "Amarillo" "[english]Yellow" "Yellow" "Main" "Zona principal" "[english]Main" "Main" "CTRed" "Contenedor rojo AT" "[english]CTRed" "CT Red" "Red" "Contenedor rojo" "[english]Red" "Red" "Warehouse" "Almacén" "[english]Warehouse" "Warehouse" "BackStairs" "Escaleras traseras" "[english]BackStairs" "Back Stairs" "Rafters" "Vigas" "[english]Rafters" "Rafters" "Forklift" "Carretilla elevadora" "[english]Forklift" "Forklift" "Garden" "Jardín" "[english]Garden" "Garden" "Ruins" "Ruinas" "[english]Ruins" "Ruins" "Banana" "Plátano" "[english]Banana" "Banana" "Logs" "Troncos" "[english]Logs" "Logs" "TStairs" "Escaleras T" "[english]TStairs" "T Stairs" "SecondMid" "Segunda zona central" "[english]SecondMid" "Second Mid" "Hay" "Heno" "[english]Hay" "Hay" "Quad" "Patio interior" "[english]Quad" "Quad" "Arch" "Arco" "[english]Arch" "Arch" "Library" "Biblioteca" "[english]Library" "Library" "Graveyard" "Cementerio" "[english]Graveyard" "Graveyard" "LowerMid" "Zona central inferior" "[english]LowerMid" "Lower Mid" "Game_radio" "%s1 (RADIO): %s2" "[english]Game_radio" "%s1 (RADIO): %s2" "Game_radio_location" "%s1 en %s2 (RADIO): %s3" "[english]Game_radio_location" "%s1 @ %s2 (RADIO): %s3" "Cstrike_Chat_CT_Loc" "(Antiterrorista) %s1 en %s3: %s2" "[english]Cstrike_Chat_CT_Loc" "(Counter-Terrorist) %s1 @ %s3 : %s2" "Cstrike_Chat_CT" "(Antiterrorista) %s1 : %s2" "[english]Cstrike_Chat_CT" "(Counter-Terrorist) %s1 : %s2" "Cstrike_Chat_T_Loc" "(Terrorista) %s1 en %s3: %s2" "[english]Cstrike_Chat_T_Loc" "(Terrorist) %s1 @ %s3 : %s2" "Cstrike_Chat_T" "(Terrorista) %s1 : %s2" "[english]Cstrike_Chat_T" "(Terrorist) %s1 : %s2" "Cstrike_Chat_CT_Dead" "*MUERTO*(Antiterrorista) %s1 : %s2" "[english]Cstrike_Chat_CT_Dead" "*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) %s1 : %s2" "Cstrike_Chat_T_Dead" "*MUERTO*(Terrorista) %s1 : %s2" "[english]Cstrike_Chat_T_Dead" "*DEAD*(Terrorist) %s1 : %s2" "Cstrike_Chat_Spec" "(Espectador) %s1 : %s2" "[english]Cstrike_Chat_Spec" "(Spectator) %s1 : %s2" "Cstrike_Chat_All" "%s1 : %s2" "[english]Cstrike_Chat_All" "%s1 : %s2" "Cstrike_Chat_AllDead" "*MUERTO* %s1 : %s2" "[english]Cstrike_Chat_AllDead" "*DEAD* %s1 : %s2" "Cstrike_Chat_AllSpec" "*ESPECTADOR* %s1 : %s2" "[english]Cstrike_Chat_AllSpec" "*SPEC* %s1 : %s2" "Cstrike_Name_Change" "* %s1 se ha cambiado el nombre por el de %s2" "[english]Cstrike_Name_Change" "* %s1 changed name to %s2" "Cstrike_game_join_spectators" "%s1 se ha unido a los espectadores\n" "[english]Cstrike_game_join_spectators" "%s1 is joining the Spectators\n" "Cstrike_game_join_terrorist" "%s1 se ha unido a la fuerza terrorista\n" "[english]Cstrike_game_join_terrorist" "%s1 is joining the Terrorist force\n" "Cstrike_game_join_ct" "%s1 se ha unido a la fuerza antiterrorista\n" "[english]Cstrike_game_join_ct" "%s1 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force\n" "SFUI_WPNHUD_AK47" "AK-47" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_AK47" "AK-47" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Aug" "AUG" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Aug" "AUG" "SFUI_WPNHUD_AWP" "AWP" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_AWP" "AWP" "SFUI_WPNHUD_DesertEagle" "Desert Eagle" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_DesertEagle" "Desert Eagle" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Elites" "Berettas dobles" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Elites" "Dual Berettas" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Famas" "FAMAS" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Famas" "FAMAS" "SFUI_WPNHUD_FiveSeven" "Five-SeveN" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_FiveSeven" "Five-SeveN" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Flashbang" "Granada aturdidora" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Flashbang" "Flashbang" "SFUI_WPNHUD_G3SG1" "G3SG1" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_G3SG1" "G3SG1" "SFUI_WPNHUD_GalilAR" "Galil AR" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_GalilAR" "Galil AR" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Glock18" "Glock-18" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Glock18" "Glock-18" "SFUI_WPNHUD_HE_Grenade" "Granada HE" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_HE_Grenade" "High Explosive Grenade" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Knife" "Cuchillo" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Knife" "Knife" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Knife_GG" "Cuchillo de oro" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Knife_GG" "Gold Knife" "SFUI_WPNHUD_M249" "M249" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_M249" "M249" "SFUI_WPNHUD_M4A1" "M4A4" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_M4A1" "M4A4" "SFUI_WPNHUD_MAC10" "MAC-10" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_MAC10" "MAC-10" "SFUI_WPNHUD_P90" "P90" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_P90" "P90" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Smoke_Grenade" "Granada de humo" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Smoke_Grenade" "Smoke Grenade" "SFUI_WPNHUD_UMP45" "UMP-45" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_UMP45" "UMP-45" "SFUI_WPNHUD_xm1014" "XM1014" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_xm1014" "XM1014" "SFUI_WPNHUD_C4" "Explosivo C4" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_C4" "C4 Explosive" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Bizon" "PP-Bizon" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Bizon" "PP-Bizon" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Mag7" "MAG-7" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Mag7" "MAG-7" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Negev" "Negev" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Negev" "Negev" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Sawedoff" "Recortada" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Sawedoff" "Sawed-Off" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Tec9" "Tec-9" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Tec9" "Tec-9" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Taser" "Zeus x27" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Taser" "Zeus x27" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Molotov" "Molotov" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Molotov" "Molotov" "SFUI_WPNHUD_IncGrenade" "Granada incendiaria" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_IncGrenade" "Incendiary Grenade" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Decoy" "Granada señuelo" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Decoy" "Decoy Grenade" "SFUI_WPNHUD_HKP2000" "P2000" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_HKP2000" "P2000" "SFUI_WPNHUD_MP7" "MP7" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_MP7" "MP7" "SFUI_WPNHUD_MP9" "MP9" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_MP9" "MP9" "SFUI_WPNHUD_Nova" "Nova" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_Nova" "Nova" "SFUI_WPNHUD_P250" "P250" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_P250" "P250" "SFUI_WPNHUD_SCAR20" "SCAR-20" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_SCAR20" "SCAR-20" "SFUI_WPNHUD_SG556" "SG 553" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_SG556" "SG 553" "SFUI_WPNHUD_SSG08" "SSG 08" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_SSG08" "SSG 08" "SFUI_WPNHUD_ASSAULTSUIT" "Kevlar + casco" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_ASSAULTSUIT" "Kevlar + Helmet" "SFUI_WPNHUD_KEVLAR" "Chaleco Kevlar" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_KEVLAR" "Kevlar Vest" "SFUI_WPNHUD_DEFUSER" "Kit de desactivación" "[english]SFUI_WPNHUD_DEFUSER" "Defuse Kit" "Player_You_Are_Now_Dominating" "Estás dominando a %s1." "[english]Player_You_Are_Now_Dominating" "You are now dominating %s1." "Player_You_Are_Still_Dominating" "Sigues dominando a %s1." "[english]Player_You_Are_Still_Dominating" "You are still dominating %s1." "Player_Cash_Award_Kill_Teammate" " %s1 de penalización por asesinar a un compañero." "[english]Player_Cash_Award_Kill_Teammate" " %s1: Penalty for killing a friendly." "Player_Cash_Award_Killed_VIP" " %s1 de recompensa por neutralizar al VIP." "[english]Player_Cash_Award_Killed_VIP" " %s1: Award for neutralizing the VIP." "Player_Cash_Award_Killed_Enemy_Generic" " %s1 de recompensa por neutralizar a un enemigo." "[english]Player_Cash_Award_Killed_Enemy_Generic" " %s1: Award for neutralizing an enemy." "Player_Cash_Award_Killed_Enemy" " %s1 de recompensa por neutralizar a un enemigo con %s2." "[english]Player_Cash_Award_Killed_Enemy" " %s1: Award for neutralizing an enemy with the %s2." "Player_Cash_Award_Bomb_Planted" " %s1 de recompensa por colocar el C4." "[english]Player_Cash_Award_Bomb_Planted" " %s1: Award for planting the C4." "Player_Cash_Award_Bomb_Defused" " %s1 de recompensa por desactivar el C4." "[english]Player_Cash_Award_Bomb_Defused" " %s1: Award for defusing the C4." "Player_Cash_Award_Rescued_Hostage" " %s1 de recompensa por evacuar a un rehén." "[english]Player_Cash_Award_Rescued_Hostage" " %s1: Award for evac'ing a hostage." "Player_Cash_Award_Interact_Hostage" " %s1 de recompensa por interactuar con un rehén." "[english]Player_Cash_Award_Interact_Hostage" " %s1: Award for reaching a hostage." "Player_Cash_Award_Damage_Hostage" " %s1 de penalización por herir a un rehén." "[english]Player_Cash_Award_Damage_Hostage" " %s1: Penalty for wounding a hostage." "Player_Cash_Award_Kill_Hostage" " %s1 de penalización por matar a un rehén." "[english]Player_Cash_Award_Kill_Hostage" " %s1: Penalty for killing a hostage." "Team_Cash_Award_T_Win_Bomb" " %s1 de recompensa para el equipo por detonar la bomba." "[english]Team_Cash_Award_T_Win_Bomb" " %s1: Team award for detonating bomb." "Team_Cash_Award_Elim_Hostage" " %s1 de rec. para el equipo por eliminar al equipo enemigo." "[english]Team_Cash_Award_Elim_Hostage" " %s1: Team award for eliminating the enemy team." "Team_Cash_Award_Elim_Bomb" " %s1 de rec. para el equipo por eliminar al equipo enemigo." "[english]Team_Cash_Award_Elim_Bomb" " %s1: Team award for eliminating the enemy team." "Team_Cash_Award_Win_Time" " %s1 de recompensa para el equipo por ganar agotando el tiempo." "[english]Team_Cash_Award_Win_Time" " %s1: Team award for winning by running down the clock." "Team_Cash_Award_Win_Defuse_Bomb" " %s1 de recompensa para el equipo por ganar desactivando el C4." "[english]Team_Cash_Award_Win_Defuse_Bomb" " %s1: Team award for winning by defusing the C4." "Team_Cash_Award_Win_Hostage_Rescue" " %s1 de rec. para el equipo por ganar evacuando a los rehenes." "[english]Team_Cash_Award_Win_Hostage_Rescue" " %s1: Team award for winning by evac'ing the hostages." "Team_Cash_Award_Loser_Bonus" " %s1 de ingresos para el equipo por perder." "[english]Team_Cash_Award_Loser_Bonus" " %s1: Team income for losing." "Team_Cash_Award_Rescued_Hostage" " %s1 de recompensa para el equipo por evacuar a un rehén." "[english]Team_Cash_Award_Rescued_Hostage" " %s1: Team award for evac'ing a hostage." "Team_Cash_Award_Hostage_Alive" " %s1 de rec. para el equipo por los rehenes con vida." "[english]Team_Cash_Award_Hostage_Alive" " %s1: Team award for surviving hostages." "Team_Cash_Award_Planted_Bomb_But_Defused" " %s1 de recompensa para el equipo por colocar la bomba." "[english]Team_Cash_Award_Planted_Bomb_But_Defused" " %s1: Team award for planting the bomb." "Team_Cash_Award_CT_VIP_Escaped" " %s1 de recompensa para el equipo por evacuar al VIP." "[english]Team_Cash_Award_CT_VIP_Escaped" " %s1: Team award for evac'ing the VIP." "Team_Cash_Award_T_VIP_Killed" " %s1 de recompensa para el equipo por neutralizar al VIP." "[english]Team_Cash_Award_T_VIP_Killed" " %s1: Team award for neutralizing the VIP." "CTs_win" "Ganan los antiterroristas" "[english]CTs_win" "Counter-Terrorists Win" "Ts_win" "Ganan los terroristas" "[english]Ts_win" "Terrorists Win" "winpanel_t_win" "Ganan los terroristas" "[english]winpanel_t_win" "Terrorists Win" "winpanel_ct_win" "Ganan los antiterroristas" "[english]winpanel_ct_win" "Counter-Terrorists Win" "winpanel_draw" "Empate" "[english]winpanel_draw" "Round Draw" "winpanel_mvp_award" "Mejor jugador: %s1" "[english]winpanel_mvp_award" "MVP: %s1" "winpanel_mvp_award_kills" "Mejor jugador: %s1 por la mayoría de eliminaciones" "[english]winpanel_mvp_award_kills" "MVP: %s1 for most eliminations" "winpanel_mvp_award_bombplant" "Mejor jugador: %s1 por colocar la bomba" "[english]winpanel_mvp_award_bombplant" "MVP: %s1 for planting the bomb" "winpanel_mvp_award_bombdefuse" "Mejor jugador: %s1 por desactivar la bomba" "[english]winpanel_mvp_award_bombdefuse" "MVP: %s1 for defusing the bomb" "winpanel_mvp_award_rescue" "Mejor jugador: %s1 por rescatar al último rehén" "[english]winpanel_mvp_award_rescue" "MVP: %s1 for rescuing the last hostage" "winpanel_mvp_award_gungame" "Ganador de la Carrera de Armamentos: %s1" "[english]winpanel_mvp_award_gungame" "Arms Race Winner: %s1" "winpanel_former_player" "Un jugador anterior" "[english]winpanel_former_player" "A Former Player" "winpanel_end_target_bombed" "Bomba detonada" "[english]winpanel_end_target_bombed" "Bomb detonated" "winpanel_end_vip_assassinated" "VIP asesinado" "[english]winpanel_end_vip_assassinated" "VIP assassinated" "winpanel_end_terrorists_escaped" "Los terroristas han escapado" "[english]winpanel_end_terrorists_escaped" "Terrorists escaped" "winpanel_end_terrorists__kill" "Antiterroristas eliminados" "[english]winpanel_end_terrorists__kill" "CTs eliminated" "winpanel_end_hostages_not_rescued" "Rescate fallido" "[english]winpanel_end_hostages_not_rescued" "Rescue failed" "winpanel_end_vip_not_escaped" "Huida de VIP fallida" "[english]winpanel_end_vip_not_escaped" "VIP escape failed" "winpanel_end_cts_surrender" "Los antiterroristas se rinden" "[english]winpanel_end_cts_surrender" "CTs surrender" "winpanel_end_vip_escaped" "El VIP ha escapado" "[english]winpanel_end_vip_escaped" "VIP escaped" "winpanel_end_cts_prevent_escape" "Los antiterroristas han evitado la huida" "[english]winpanel_end_cts_prevent_escape" "CTs prevented escape" "winpanel_end_escaping_terrorists_neutralized" "Los terroristas que huían han sido neutralizados" "[english]winpanel_end_escaping_terrorists_neutralized" "Escaping terrorists neutralized" "winpanel_end_bomb_defused" "Bomba desactivada" "[english]winpanel_end_bomb_defused" "Bomb defused" "winpanel_end_cts_win" "Terroristas eliminados" "[english]winpanel_end_cts_win" "Terrorists eliminated" "winpanel_end_all_hostages_rescued" "Todos los rehenes han sido rescatados" "[english]winpanel_end_all_hostages_rescued" "All hostages rescued" "winpanel_end_target_saved" "Bombardeo fallido" "[english]winpanel_end_target_saved" "Bombing failed" "winpanel_end_terrorists_not_escaped" "Huida terrorista fallida" "[english]winpanel_end_terrorists_not_escaped" "Terrorist escape failed" "winpanel_end_terrorists_surrender" "Los terroristas se rinden" "[english]winpanel_end_terrorists_surrender" "Terrorists surrender" "funfact_damage_no_kills" "%s1 no ha matado a nadie, pero ha infligido %s2 de daño a los enemigos." "[english]funfact_damage_no_kills" "%s1 had no kills, but did %s2 damage." "funfact_kills_with_single_grenade" "%s1 ha alcanzado a %s2 enemigos con una sola granada." "[english]funfact_kills_with_single_grenade" "%s1 hit %s2 enemies with one grenade." "funfact_kill_defuser" "%s1 ha detenido al desactivador de bombas." "[english]funfact_kill_defuser" "%s1 successfully stopped the bomb defuser." "funfact_kill_rescuer" "%s1 ha matado al rescatador de rehenes." "[english]funfact_kill_rescuer" "%s1 killed the hostage rescuer." "funfact_killed_enemies" "%s1 ha eliminado a %s2 adversarios." "[english]funfact_killed_enemies" "%s1 killed %s2 opponents." "funfact_first_kill" "%s2 segundos después de comenzar la ronda, %s1 ha sido el primero en eliminar a un enemigo." "[english]funfact_first_kill" "%s2 seconds into the round, %s1 got the first kill." "funfact_first_blood" "%s1 ha sido el primero en derramar sangre %s2 segundos después de comenzar la ronda." "[english]funfact_first_blood" "%s1 drew first blood %s2 seconds into the round." "funfact_short_round" "¡Esta ronda ha durado sólo %s2 segundos!" "[english]funfact_short_round" "That round took only %s2 seconds!" "funfact_best_accuracy" "%s1 ha tenido una precisión del %s2%." "[english]funfact_best_accuracy" "%s1 had an accuracy of %s2%." "funfact_knife_kills" "%s1 ha eliminado a %s2 enemigos con el cuchillo durante esta ronda." "[english]funfact_knife_kills" "%s1 had %s2 knife kills this round." "funfact_knife_kills_singular" "%s1 ha eliminado a un enemigo con el cuchillo." "[english]funfact_knife_kills_singular" "%s1 killed an enemy with the knife." "funfact_damage_with_grenade" "%s1 ha infligido %s2 de daño total con granadas." "[english]funfact_damage_with_grenade" "%s1 did %s2 total damage with grenades." "funfact_kills_grenades" "%s1 ha eliminado a %s2 enemigos con granadas." "[english]funfact_kills_grenades" "%s1 killed %s2 enemies with grenades." "funfact_blind_kills" "%s1 ha eliminado a %s2 enemigos mientras estaba cegado por una granada aturdidora." "[english]funfact_blind_kills" "%s1 killed %s2 enemies while flashbanged." "funfact_blind_kills_singular" "%s1 ha eliminado a un enemigo mientras estaba cegado por una granada aturdidora." "[english]funfact_blind_kills_singular" "%s1 killed an enemy while flashbanged." "funfact_kills_with_last_round" "%s1 ha eliminado a un enemigo %s2 veces con su última bala." "[english]funfact_kills_with_last_round" "%s1 killed an enemy %s2 times with their last bullet." "funfact_kills_with_last_round_singular" "%s1 ha eliminado a un enemigo con su última bala." "[english]funfact_kills_with_last_round_singular" "%s1 killed an enemy with their last bullet." "funfact_kills_headshots" "%s1 ha eliminado a %s2 enemigos con disparos a la cabeza durante esa ronda." "[english]funfact_kills_headshots" "%s1 killed %s2 enemies with headshots that round." "funfact_donated_weapons" "%s1 ha entregado %s2 armas durante esa ronda." "[english]funfact_donated_weapons" "%s1 donated %s2 weapons that round." "funfact_posthumous_kills_with_grenade" "%s1 ha eliminado a %s2 enemigos con una granada tras morir." "[english]funfact_posthumous_kills_with_grenade" "%s1 got %s2 grenade kills while dead." "funfact_posthumous_kills_with_grenade_singular" "%s1 ha eliminado a un enemigo con una granada tras morir." "[english]funfact_posthumous_kills_with_grenade_singular" "%s1 killed an enemy with a grenade after dying." "funfact_knife_in_gunfight" "%s1 ha cometido el error de meterse en un tiroteo con un cuchillo." "[english]funfact_knife_in_gunfight" "%s1 brought a knife to a gunfight." "funfact_num_times_jumped" "%s1 ha saltado %s2 veces durante la ronda." "[english]funfact_num_times_jumped" "%s1 jumped %s2 times during the round." "funfact_fall_damage" "%s1 ha recibido %s2 de daño... del suelo." "[english]funfact_fall_damage" "%s1 took %s2 damage... from the earth." "funfact_items_purchased" "%s1 ha comprado %s2 objetos." "[english]funfact_items_purchased" "%s1 bought %s2 items." "funfact_won_as_last_member" "Como último superviviente del equipo, %s1 ha matado a %s2 enemigos y ganado la ronda." "[english]funfact_won_as_last_member" "As the last member alive, %s1 killed %s2 enemies and won." "funfact_number_of_overkills" "%s1 ha eliminado a %s2 jugadores a los que ya estaba dominando." "[english]funfact_number_of_overkills" "%s1 killed %s2 players they were already dominating." "funfact_shots_fired" "Se han realizado %s2 disparos durante esa ronda." "[english]funfact_shots_fired" "%s2 shots were fired that round." "funfact_money_spent" "%s1 ha gastado %s2 $ durante esa ronda." "[english]funfact_money_spent" "%s1 spent $%s2 that round." "funfact_grenades_thrown" "%s1 ha lanzado %s2 granadas durante esa ronda." "[english]funfact_grenades_thrown" "%s1 threw %s2 grenades that round." "funfact_used_all_ammo" "%s1 se ha quedado seco de munición." "[english]funfact_used_all_ammo" "%s1 went completely dry on ammo." "funfact_survived_multiple_attackers" "%s1 ha sobrevivido a ataques de %s2 enemigos distintos." "[english]funfact_survived_multiple_attackers" "%s1 survived attacks from %s2 different enemies." "funfact_died_from_multiple_attackers" "%s1 ha recibido daño de %s2 enemigos distintos antes de morir." "[english]funfact_died_from_multiple_attackers" "%s1 took damage from %s2 enemies before dying." "funfact_defended_bomb" "%s1 ha defendido la bomba colocada contra %s2 enemigos." "[english]funfact_defended_bomb" "%s1 defended the planted bomb from %s2 enemies." "funfact_items_dropped_value" "%s1 ha malgastado %s2 $ en suministros." "[english]funfact_items_dropped_value" "%s1 threw away $%s2 worth of supplies." "funfact_kill_wounded_enemies" "%s1 ha acabado con %s2 enemigos heridos." "[english]funfact_kill_wounded_enemies" "%s1 finished off %s2 wounded enemies." "funfact_damage_multiple_enemies" "%s1 ha infligido daños a %s2 enemigos." "[english]funfact_damage_multiple_enemies" "%s1 did damage to %s2 enemies." "funfact_used_multiple_weapons" "%s1 ha usado %s2 armas de fuego distintas." "[english]funfact_used_multiple_weapons" "%s1 used %s2 different firearms." "funfact_terrorist_accuracy" "Los terroristas han tenido la mejor precisión con un %s2%." "[english]funfact_terrorist_accuracy" "Terrorists had the best accuracy with %s2%." "funfact_ct_accuracy" "Los antiterroristas han tenido la mejor precisión, con un %s2%." "[english]funfact_ct_accuracy" "Counter-Terrorists had the best accuracy with %s2%." "funfact_ct_win_no_kills" "Los antiterroristas han ganado sin matar a ningún terrorista." "[english]funfact_ct_win_no_kills" "Counter-Terrorists won without killing any Terrorists." "funfact_t_win_no_kills" "Los terroristas han ganado sin matar a ningún antiterrorista." "[english]funfact_t_win_no_kills" "Terrorists won without killing any Counter-Terrorists." "funfact_t_win_no_casualties" "Los terroristas han ganado sin sufrir ninguna baja." "[english]funfact_t_win_no_casualties" "Terrorists won without taking any casualties." "funfact_ct_win_no_casualties" "Los antiterroristas han ganado sin sufrir ninguna baja." "[english]funfact_ct_win_no_casualties" "Counter-Terrorists won without taking any casualties." "funfact_best_terrorist_accuracy" "%s1 ha tenido una precisión del %s2%, mientras que el resto de su equipo ha tenido una precisión del %s3%." "[english]funfact_best_terrorist_accuracy" "%s1 had an accuracy of %s2%, while their team's was %s3%." "funfact_best_counterterrorist_accuracy" "%s1 ha tenido una precisión del %s2%, mientras que el resto de su equipo ha tenido una precisión del %s3%." "[english]funfact_best_counterterrorist_accuracy" "%s1 had an accuracy of %s2%, while their team's was %s3%." "funfact_fallback1" "El pastel es mentira." "[english]funfact_fallback1" "The cake is a lie." "funfact_fallback2" "Me aburro..." "[english]funfact_fallback2" "Yawn." "funfact_draw" "La partida se ha reiniciado basándose en los votos de los jugadores." "[english]funfact_draw" "Match was restarted based on player votes." "funfact_broke_windows" "%s1 ha roto %s2 ventanas." "[english]funfact_broke_windows" "%s1 shattered %s2 windows." "funfact_nightvision_damage" "%s1 ha infligido %s2 de daño a los enemigos mientras llevaba gafas de visión nocturna." "[english]funfact_nightvision_damage" "%s1 did %s2 damage while wearing nightvision." "funfact_defused_with_dropped_kit" "%s1 ha desactivado la bomba con un kit de desactivación caído." "[english]funfact_defused_with_dropped_kit" "%s1 defused the bomb with a dropped defuse kit." "funfact_killed_half_of_enemies" "%s1 ha matado al %s2% del equipo enemigo." "[english]funfact_killed_half_of_enemies" "%s1 killed %s2% of the enemy team." "funfact_knife_level_reached" "%s1 jugadores han alcanzado el nivel del cuchillo de oro." "[english]funfact_knife_level_reached" "%s1 players reached gold knife level." "funfact_killed_before_dying" "%s1 ha matado a %s2 jugadores antes de morir." "[english]funfact_killed_before_dying" "%s1 killed %s2 players before dying." "funfact_respawned" "%s1 se ha regenerado %s2 veces durante la partida." "[english]funfact_respawned" "%s1 respawned %s2 times during the match." "funfact_default_weapon" "%s1 ha ganado la ronda sin recoger ningún arma." "[english]funfact_default_weapon" "%s1 won the round without picking up any weapons." "funfact_rounds_without_dying" "%s1 ha permanecido %s2 rondas consecutivas sin morir." "[english]funfact_rounds_without_dying" "%s1 lasted %s2 consecutive rounds without dying." "funfact_taser_kill" "%s1 ha electrocutado a %s2 jugadores." "[english]funfact_taser_kill" "%s1 tased %s2 players." "funfact_taser_kill_singular" "%s1 ha electrocutado a %s2 jugador." "[english]funfact_taser_kill_singular" "%s1 tased %s2 player." "funfact_ticking_time" "Los terroristas han ganado a pesar de que %s2 antiterroristas intentaron desactivar la bomba." "[english]funfact_ticking_time" "Terrorists won despite %s2 CTs trying to defuse the bomb." "funfact_ct_win_time" "Los antiterroristas han eliminado a los terroristas en %s2 segundos." "[english]funfact_ct_win_time" "The CT team eliminated the T team in %s2 seconds." "funfact_ter_win_time" "Los terroristas han eliminado a los antiterroristas en %s2 segundos." "[english]funfact_ter_win_time" "The Terrorist team eliminated the CT team in %s2 seconds." "funfact_bots_assumed" "%s1 ha tomado el control de %s2 bots durante esa ronda." "[english]funfact_bots_assumed" "%s1 assumed control of %s2 bots that round." "funfact_domination" "%s1 ha dominado a la mayoría de jugadores." "[english]funfact_domination" "%s1 dominated the most players." "funfact_revenge" "%s1 se ha vengado de %s2 jugadores." "[english]funfact_revenge" "%s1 got revenge on %s2 players." "funfact_revenge_singular" "%s1 se ha vengado de %s2 jugador." "[english]funfact_revenge_singular" "%s1 got revenge on %s2 player." "funfact_steps_taken" "%s1 anduvo %s2 pasos durante la partida." "[english]funfact_steps_taken" "%s1 ran %s2 steps during the match." "funfact_quarter_health" "%s1 ha matado a %s2 jugadores mientras estaba a menos 25 de salud." "[english]funfact_quarter_health" "%s1 killed %s2 players while under 25 health." "funfact_empty_guns" "%s1 se ha quedado sin munición usando %s2 armas." "[english]funfact_empty_guns" "%s1 ran out of ammo using %s2 guns." "funfact_slow_trigger" "%s1 ha muerto sin disparar ni una sola bala de %s2 armas." "[english]funfact_slow_trigger" "%s1 died without firing a shot using %s2 guns." "funfact_pickup_bomb" "%s1 ha colocado la bomba después de que pasara por las manos de %s2 compañeros." "[english]funfact_pickup_bomb" "%s1 planted bomb after being owned by %s2 teammates." "funfact_bomb_carriers" "%s1 ha matado a %s2 portadores de la bomba distintos durante la última ronda." "[english]funfact_bomb_carriers" "%s1 killed %s2 separate bomb carriers in the last round." "funfact_knife_bomb_planter" "%s1 ha ganado en el nivel del cuchillo matando al que colocó la bomba." "[english]funfact_knife_bomb_planter" "%s1 won on knife Level by killing the bomb planter." "funfact_bomb_planted_before_kill" "Ningún jugador ha sido asesinado antes de que se colocara la bomba." "[english]funfact_bomb_planted_before_kill" "No players were killed prior to the bomb being planted." "funfact_failed_bomb_plants" "%s2 terroristas han intentado colocar la bomba durante la ronda." "[english]funfact_failed_bomb_plants" "%s2 Terrorists tried planting the bomb that round." "funfact_knife_without_ammo" "%s1 ha eliminado a %s2 enemigos con el cuchillo tras quedarse sin munición." "[english]funfact_knife_without_ammo" "%s1 got %s2 knife kills after running out of ammo." "funfact_molotov_burns" "%s1 ha chamuscado a %s2 jugadores." "[english]funfact_molotov_burns" "%s1 torched %s2 players with fire." "funfact_survival_time" "%s1 ha sido el que más ha sobrevivido: %s2 segundos." "[english]funfact_survival_time" "%s1 survived the longest: %s2 seconds." "funfact_pulled_trigger" "%s1 ha apretado el gatillo %s2 veces durante la partida." "[english]funfact_pulled_trigger" "%s1 pulled the trigger %s2 times that match." "medalrank_earned_medal" "¡Has conseguido la medalla '%s1'! Estás a %s2 medallas de tu siguiente rango, %s3." "[english]medalrank_earned_medal" "You earned the '%s1' medal! You are %s2 medals away from your next %s3 rank." "medalrank_medal_progress" "¡Ya estás más cerca de lograr la clasificación '%s1'! Necesitas %s2 medallas más." "[english]medalrank_medal_progress" "You made progress toward '%s1'! You need %s2 more." "medalrank_rank_up" "¡Felicidades! ¡Has alcanzado un nuevo rango!" "[english]medalrank_rank_up" "Congratulations! You earned a new rank!" "medalrank_elo_up" "Has ascendido al percentil %s1 de la clasificación Elo." "[english]medalrank_elo_up" "You have risen to the %s1 percentile Elo bracket." "medalrank_elo_down" "Has descendido al percentil %s1 de la clasificación Elo." "[english]medalrank_elo_down" "You have dropped to the %s1 percentile Elo bracket." "T_Results" "Resultados de los terroristas" "[english]T_Results" "Terrorist Results" "CT_Results" "Resultados de los antiterroristas" "[english]CT_Results" "Counter-Terrorist Results" "FreezePanel_NewNemesis1" "TE ESTÁ DOMINANDO" "[english]FreezePanel_NewNemesis1" "IS DOMINATING YOU" "FreezePanel_NewNemesis2" " " "[english]FreezePanel_NewNemesis2" "" "FreezePanel_OldNemesis1" "SIGUE DOMINÁNDOTE" "[english]FreezePanel_OldNemesis1" "IS STILL DOMINATING YOU" "FreezePanel_OldNemesis2" " " "[english]FreezePanel_OldNemesis2" "" "FreezePanel_Revenge1" "SE HA VENGADO" "[english]FreezePanel_Revenge1" "HAS GOTTEN REVENGE" "FreezePanel_Revenge2" " " "[english]FreezePanel_Revenge2" "" "FreezePanel_KilledSelf" "TE HAS SUICIDADO" "[english]FreezePanel_KilledSelf" "YOU KILLED YOURSELF" "FreezePanel_Killer1" "TE HA MATADO" "[english]FreezePanel_Killer1" "KILLED YOU" "FreezePanel_Killer2" " " "[english]FreezePanel_Killer2" "" "FreezePanel_ScreenShot" "[F5] Recordar este momento" "[english]FreezePanel_ScreenShot" "[F5] Save this moment" "CS_FreezeNemesis" "Némesis" "[english]CS_FreezeNemesis" "Nemesis" "CS_FreezeNewNemesis" "Nueva némesis" "[english]CS_FreezeNewNemesis" "New Nemesis" "CS_FreezeRevenge" "Venganza" "[english]CS_FreezeRevenge" "Revenge" "csgo_instr_explain_zoom" "Usa el objetivo" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_zoom" "Use the scope" "csgo_instr_explain_silencer" "Coloca el silenciador" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_silencer" "Attach your silencer" "csgo_instr_explain_reload" "Recarga tu arma" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_reload" "Reload your gun" "csgo_instr_explain_use_door" "Usa la puerta" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_use_door" "Use door" "csgo_instr_explain_follow_bomber" "¡Protege al portador de la bomba!" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_follow_bomber" "Protect the bomber!" "csgo_instr_explain_bomb_carrier" "¡Eres el portador de la bomba!" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_bomb_carrier" "You are the bomber!" "csgo_instr_nav_bomb_siteA" "Emplazamiento de bomba A" "[english]csgo_instr_nav_bomb_siteA" "Bomb Site A" "csgo_instr_nav_bomb_siteB" "Emplazamiento de bomba B" "[english]csgo_instr_nav_bomb_siteB" "Bomb Site B" "csgo_instr_explain_buymenu" "Abre el menú de compra" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_buymenu" "Open the Buy menu" "csgo_instr_explain_buyarmor" "Consejo: Compra chaleco y casco" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_buyarmor" "Hint: Buy armor and helmet" "csgo_instr_explain_plant_bomb" "Mantén pulsado para colocar la bomba" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_plant_bomb" "Hold to Plant Bomb" "csgo_instr_explain_pickup_bomb" "¡Recoge la bomba!" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_pickup_bomb" "Pick up the bomb!" "csgo_instr_explain_prevent_bomb_pickup" "¡Vigila la bomba que han dejado caer!" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_prevent_bomb_pickup" "Guard the dropped bomb!" "csgo_instr_explain_defend_bomb" "¡Vigila la bomba!" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_defend_bomb" "Guard the bomb!" "csgo_instr_explain_defuse_kit_carrier" "Tienes el kit de desactivación. Con él puedes desactivar las bombas más rápido." "[english]csgo_instr_explain_defuse_kit_carrier" "You have the defuse kit. You defuse bombs fastest." "csgo_cycle_weapons_kb" "Alternar armas" "[english]csgo_cycle_weapons_kb" "Cycle weapons" "csgo_cycle_weapons_gp" "Alternar armas primarias" "[english]csgo_cycle_weapons_gp" "Cycle primary weapons" "csgo_cycle_items_gp" "Alternar objetos secundarios" "[english]csgo_cycle_items_gp" "Cycle secondary items" "csgo_instr_nav_bomb_site_a" "Emplazamiento de bomba A" "[english]csgo_instr_nav_bomb_site_a" "Bomb site A" "csgo_instr_nav_bomb_site_b" "Emplazamiento de bomba B" "[english]csgo_instr_nav_bomb_site_b" "Bomb site B" "csgo_instr_defuse_planted_bomb" "¡Desactiva la bomba!" "[english]csgo_instr_defuse_planted_bomb" "Defuse the bomb!" "csgo_instr_find_planted_bomb" "¡Encuentra dónde han colocado la bomba!" "[english]csgo_instr_find_planted_bomb" "Find the planted bomb!" "csgo_instr_notify_level" "Has avanzado hasta la siguiente arma" "[english]csgo_instr_notify_level" "You advanced to the next weapon" "csgo_instr_notify_earned_nade" "Has conseguido una granada por causar víctimas adicionales" "[english]csgo_instr_notify_earned_nade" "You earned a grenade for getting extra kills" "csgo_instr_notify_amd_knife" "Gana 2 puntos para tu equipo matando a un enemigo con el cuchillo" "[english]csgo_instr_notify_amd_knife" "Earn your team 2 points by getting the knife kill" "csgo_instr_notify_amar_knife" "Gana la partida matando a un enemigo con el cuchillo" "[english]csgo_instr_notify_amar_knife" "Win the match by getting a knife kill" "csgo_prevent_hostage_rescue" "No dejes que los antiterroristas rescaten al rehén" "[english]csgo_prevent_hostage_rescue" "Don't let the CTs rescue this hostage" "csgo_use_hostage_follow" "Rescata a los rehenes" "[english]csgo_use_hostage_follow" "Rescue the hostages" "csgo_use_hostage_follow_stop" "Haz que el rehén espere" "[english]csgo_use_hostage_follow_stop" "Make the hostage wait" "csgo_instr_rescue_zone" "Zona de rescate de rehenes" "[english]csgo_instr_rescue_zone" "Hostage Rescue Zone" "csgo_hostage_lead_to_hrz" "Lleva a los rehenes a la zona de rescate" "[english]csgo_hostage_lead_to_hrz" "Lead the hostages to the Rescue Zone" "csgo_instr_explain_weapon_drop" "Suelta tu arma actual" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_weapon_drop" "Drop your current weapon" "csgo_instr_avoid_teams_fire" "¡Evita la línea de fuego de tu compañero!" "[english]csgo_instr_avoid_teams_fire" "Avoid your teammate's line of fire!" "csgo_instr_dont_shoot_team" "¡No dispares a tus compañeros de equipo!" "[english]csgo_instr_dont_shoot_team" "Don't shoot your teammates!" "csgo_instr_grenade_hurt_team" "¡Has herido a un compañero de equipo! ¡Ten cuidado hacia dónde tiras tus granadas!" "[english]csgo_instr_grenade_hurt_team" "You hurt a teammate! Be careful where you throw your grenades!" "csgo_instr_notify_crouch_accuracy" "Agacharse mejora la precisión" "[english]csgo_instr_notify_crouch_accuracy" "Crouch improves accuracy" "csgo_instr_notify_crouch_tactic" "táctica de agachamiento" "[english]csgo_instr_notify_crouch_tactic" "crouching tactic" "csgo_instr_walking_is_silent" "Caminando no haces ruído, los enemigos te oyen cuando corres." "[english]csgo_instr_walking_is_silent" "Walking makes no sound, enemies hear you when you run" "csgo_instr_fire_hurts_and_slows" "¡El fuego hiere y te ralentiza!" "[english]csgo_instr_fire_hurts_and_slows" "Fire hurts and slows you down!" "csgo_instr_brings_up_scoreboard" "Abre el marcador" "[english]csgo_instr_brings_up_scoreboard" "Bring up the scoreboard" "csgo_instr_nav_hostages" "Dónde están los rehenes" "[english]csgo_instr_nav_hostages" "Where are the hostages" "csgo_instr_explain_ct_in_bomb_zone" "En el emplazamiento de bomba como antiterrorista." "[english]csgo_instr_explain_ct_in_bomb_zone" "In bomb zone as CT" "csgo_instr_explain_kill_new_round" "Has avanzado hasta la siguiente arma" "[english]csgo_instr_explain_kill_new_round" "You advanced to the next weapon" "TR_Grab_ToStartTest" "Recógela para comenzar" "[english]TR_Grab_ToStartTest" "Pick up to start" "TR_Grab_ToRestartTest" "Recógela para comenzar de nuevo" "[english]TR_Grab_ToRestartTest" "Pick up to restart" "TR_Grab_ToStartAgain" "Recoger" "[english]TR_Grab_ToStartAgain" "Pick up" "TR_UnloadIntoTarget" "Vacía tu cargador sobre este objetivo" "[english]TR_UnloadIntoTarget" "Empty your clip into this target" "TR_UnloadIntoTarget2" "Vacía tu cargador sobre este objetivo" "[english]TR_UnloadIntoTarget2" "Empty your clip into this target" "TR_CounterTerrorist" "¡No dispares a los miembros de tu equipo!" "[english]TR_CounterTerrorist" "Don't shoot your team!" "TR_Terrorist" "¡Dispara al enemigo!" "[english]TR_Terrorist" "Shoot the enemy!" "TR_HitEnemyTeam" "Dispara a 5 objetivos enemigos" "[english]TR_HitEnemyTeam" "Hit 5 enemy targets" "TR_HitBurstTarget" "Dispara al objetivo 15 veces" "[english]TR_HitBurstTarget" "Hit the target 15 times" "TR_BulletsPenetrate" "Dispara al objetivo 15 veces más" "[english]TR_BulletsPenetrate" "Hit the target 15 more times" "TR_SwitchWeapons" "Cambia a tu última arma" "[english]TR_SwitchWeapons" "Switch to your last weapon" "TR_OutOfAmmo" "Te has quedado sin munición. Inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]TR_OutOfAmmo" "You ran out of ammo. Try again." "TR_OutOfTime" "Has tardado mucho. Inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]TR_OutOfTime" "You took too long. Try again." "TR_OpenDoor" "Abre la puerta" "[english]TR_OpenDoor" "Open door" "TR_LOOKSPIN" "Realiza un giro rápido de 180 grados" "[english]TR_LOOKSPIN" "Quick spin 180" "TR_StartRevisitExit" "Dirígete al recorrido cronometrado" "[english]TR_StartRevisitExit" "Go to timed course" "TR_FinishBurstTraining" "Dirígete al siguiente edificio" "[english]TR_FinishBurstTraining" "Proceed to the next building" "TR_FinishFlashTraining" "Continúa hasta la salida" "[english]TR_FinishFlashTraining" "Proceed through the exit" "TR_Dam_KillAllTargets" "Elimina a todos los objetivos enemigos" "[english]TR_Dam_KillAllTargets" "Eliminate all enemy targets" "TR_CrouchMoreAccurate" "Agachándote harás que tus disparos sean más precisos" "[english]TR_CrouchMoreAccurate" "Crouching makes your shots more accurate" "TR_HiCalBulletsPenetrate" "Las balas de alto calibre pueden atravesar materiales ligeros" "[english]TR_HiCalBulletsPenetrate" "High caliber bullets can penetrate light materials" "TR_ShootHead" "Dispara a la cabeza para causar el máximo daño" "[english]TR_ShootHead" "Shoot head for maximum damage" "TR_ShootBody" "Dispara al cuerpo para causar un daño intermedio" "[english]TR_ShootBody" "Shoot body for medium damage" "TR_ShootLegs" "Dispara a las piernas para causar un daño menor" "[english]TR_ShootLegs" "Shoot legs for low damage" "TR_PickUpGrenade" "Coge una granada de fragmentación" "[english]TR_PickUpGrenade" "Take a frag grenade" "TR_BounceGrenade" "Haz rebotar una granada contra este muro" "[english]TR_BounceGrenade" "Bounce grenade off this wall" "TR_EliminateGrenTargs" "Lanza tu granada sobre los objetivos" "[english]TR_EliminateGrenTargs" "Throw your grenade at the targets" "TR_PickupExplosives" "Coge los explosivos" "[english]TR_PickupExplosives" "Pick up the explosives" "TR_PlantBombAtA" "Coloca la bomba en el emplazamiento A. Los emplazamientos de bomba aparecen señalados en tu radar." "[english]TR_PlantBombAtA" "Plant the bomb at Site A. Bomb site locations are marked on your radar." "TR_DefuseBombAtB" "Desactiva la bomba en el emplazamiento B. ¡Date prisa!" "[english]TR_DefuseBombAtB" "Defuse the bomb at Site B. Hurry!" "TR_BombBExplode_30" "¡La bomba explotará en menos de 30 segundos!" "[english]TR_BombBExplode_30" "The bomb will explode in less than 30 seconds!" "TR_ThisBombSiteA" "Este es el emplazamiento de bomba A" "[english]TR_ThisBombSiteA" "This is Bomb Site A" "TR_UseToDefuseBomb" "Mantén pulsado para desactivar la bomba" "[english]TR_UseToDefuseBomb" "Hold to Defuse Bomb" "TR_DefuseFailTryAgain" "Vuelve a intentarlo" "[english]TR_DefuseFailTryAgain" "Try again" "TR_Tmd_SelectPrimary" "Selecciona un arma primaria" "[english]TR_Tmd_SelectPrimary" "Select a primary weapon" "TR_Tmd_TakeGrenade" "Coge una granada de fragmentación" "[english]TR_Tmd_TakeGrenade" "Take a frag grenade" "TR_Tmd_TakeKnifePist" "Coge el cuchillo y la pistola" "[english]TR_Tmd_TakeKnifePist" "Take the knife and pistol" "TR_Tmd_Jump" "Salta" "[english]TR_Tmd_Jump" "Jump" "TR_Tmd_DowntimeReload" "Recarga durante los tiempos de inactividad" "[english]TR_Tmd_DowntimeReload" "Reload during down time" "TR_Tmd_SelGrenThrow" "Selecciona la granada y lánzala aquí" "[english]TR_Tmd_SelGrenThrow" "Select grenade and throw here" "TR_Tmd_Duck" "Agáchate" "[english]TR_Tmd_Duck" "Crouch" "TR_Tmd_RunFasterKnife" "Con el cuchillo seleccionado, puedes correr más rápido" "[english]TR_Tmd_RunFasterKnife" "With your knife selected, you run faster" "TR_Tmd_ResupplyAmmo" "Reabastécete primero de munición" "[english]TR_Tmd_ResupplyAmmo" "Resupply your ammo first" "TR_PayAttentionToAmmo" "Estate atento a tu munición" "[english]TR_PayAttentionToAmmo" "Pay attention to your ammo" "TR_CycleThroughWeapons" "Alterna tus armas" "[english]TR_CycleThroughWeapons" "Cycle through your weapons" "TR_Tmd_RestartTimedCourse" "¡Reinicia si te gustaría tratar de mejorar tu tiempo!" "[english]TR_Tmd_RestartTimedCourse" "Restart if you'd like to try for a better time!" "TR_ExitDoor_MsgBox_Title" "¿Preparado para salir?" "[english]TR_ExitDoor_MsgBox_Title" "Ready to exit?" "TR_ExitDoor_MsgBox_Body" "Al pulsar Aceptar terminará tu sesión de entrenamiento y volverás al menú principal." "[english]TR_ExitDoor_MsgBox_Body" "Clicking OK will end your training session and take you back to the main menu." "TR_Finish_All_MsgBox_Title" "¿Y ahora qué?" "[english]TR_Finish_All_MsgBox_Title" "So What's Next?" "TR_Finish_All_MsgBox_Body" "¿Aún no estás preparado para jugar contra humanos? Te recomendamos que practiques OFFLINE CON BOTS en el modo Casual. ¡Buena suerte!" "[english]TR_Finish_All_MsgBox_Body" "Not ready to play against humans yet? We recommend practicing OFFLINE WITH BOTS in casual mode. Good luck!" "INPUT_DEVICE_KBMOUSE" "TECLADO/RATÓN [ESPACIO]" "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_KBMOUSE" "KEYBOARD/MOUSE [SPACE]" "INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD" "MANDO " "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD" "GAMEPAD " "INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD_XBOX" "MANDO " "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD_XBOX" "GAMEPAD " "INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD_PS3" "Mando inalámbrico " "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD_PS3" "Wireless Controller " "INPUT_DEVICE_PSMOVE" "PlayStation®Move " "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_PSMOVE" "PlayStation®Move " "INPUT_DEVICE_HYDRA" "HYDRA " "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_HYDRA" "HYDRA " "INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER" "Tirador de precisión PlayStation®Move " "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER" "PlayStation®Move sharp shooter " "SFUI_SelectMode" "ELEGIR MODO DE JUEGO" "[english]SFUI_SelectMode" "SELECT GAME MODE" "SFUI_AwardProgressDisabledBotDifficulty" "Progreso en los galardones desactivado para esta opción." "[english]SFUI_AwardProgressDisabledBotDifficulty" "Awards Progress Disabled For This Setting." "SFUI_Map_de_dust2_se" "Dust II SE" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_dust2_se" "Dust II SE" "SFUI_Map_de_dust_se" "Dust SE" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_dust_se" "Dust SE" "SFUI_Map_de_aztec_se" "Aztec SE" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_aztec_se" "Aztec SE" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_BotDiffNav" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} INICIAR ${dpad} Cambiar dificultad" "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_BotDiffNav" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} GO ${dpad} Change Difficulty" "SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "TROFEOS" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "TROPHIES" "SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "LOGROS" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_SettingsButton" "AJUSTES" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_SettingsButton" "SETTINGS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_SettingsButton" "OPCIONES DE PARTIDA" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_SettingsButton" "GAME SETTINGS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_MotionControllerMove" "PlayStation®Move" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_MotionControllerMove" "PlayStation®Move" "SFUI_HelpMenu_MotionControllerSharpshooter" "Tirador de precisión PS Move" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_MotionControllerSharpshooter" "PS Move sharp shooter" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "TROFEOS" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "TROPHIES" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "LOGROS" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_Continue" "CONTINUAR" "[english]SFUI_Continue" "CONTINUE" "SFUI_vote_passed_surrender" "Tu equipo se está rindiendo." "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_surrender" "Your team is surrendering." "SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_kills" "Has matado a %s1 de %s2 enemigos para conseguir la medalla '%s3'." "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_kills" "You've killed %s1 out of %s2 enemies for the medal '%s3'." "SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_wins" "Has ganado %s1 de %s2 rondas para conseguir la medalla '%s3'." "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_wins" "You've won %s1 out of %s2 rounds for the medal '%s3'." "SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_played" "Has jugado %s1 de %s2 rondas para conseguir la medalla '%s3'." "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_played" "You've played %s1 out of %s2 rounds for the medal '%s3'." "SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_money" "Has ganado %s1 de %s2 dólares para conseguir la medalla '%s3'." "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_money" "You've earned %s1 out of %s2 dollars for the medal '%s3'." "SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_damage" "Has infligido %s1 de %s2 puntos de daño para conseguir la medalla '%s3'." "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_damage" "You've dealt %s1 out of %s2 damage for the medal '%s3'." "SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_headshots" "Has realizado %s1 de %s2 disparos a la cabeza para conseguir la medalla '%s3'." "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_headshots" "You've shot %s1 out of %s2 headshots for the medal '%s3'." "SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_bomb_plant" "Has colocado %s1 de %s2 bombas para conseguir la medalla '%s3'." "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_bomb_plant" "You've planted %s1 out of %s2 bombs for the medal '%s3'." "SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_bomb_diffuse" "Has desactivado %s1 de %s2 bombas para conseguir la medalla '%s3'." "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_bomb_diffuse" "You've defused %s1 out of %s2 bombs for the medal '%s3'." "SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_rescue" "Has rescatado a %s1 de %s2 rehenes para conseguir la medalla '%s3'." "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_rescue" "You've rescued %s1 out of %s2 hostages for the medal '%s3'." "SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_donate" "Has donado %s1 de %s2 armas para conseguir la medalla '%s3'." "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_donate" "You've donated %s1 out of %s2 weapons for the medal '%s3'." "SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_dominate" "Has dominado a %s1 de %s2 oponentes para conseguir la medalla '%s3'." "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_dominate" "You've dominated %s1 out of %s2 opponents for the medal '%s3'." "SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_overkill" "Te has ensañado con %s1 de %s2 oponentes para conseguir la medalla '%s3'." "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_overkill" "You've overkilled %s1 out of %s2 opponents for the medal '%s3'." "SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_revenge" "Te has vengado de %s1 de %s2 oponentes para conseguir la medalla '%s3'." "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_stat_progress_revenge" "You've got revenge on %s1 out of %s2 opponents for the medal '%s3'." "SFUI_WinPanel_arsenal_first" "1º" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_arsenal_first" "1st" "SFUI_WinPanel_arsenal_second" "2º" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_arsenal_second" "2nd" "SFUI_WinPanel_arsenal_third" "3º" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_arsenal_third" "3rd" "SFUI_ARFlashAlert_ReachedLevel" "Alcanzado el nivel %s1 / %s2" "[english]SFUI_ARFlashAlert_ReachedLevel" "Reached Level %s1 / %s2" "SFUI_ARFlashAlert_BonusGrenade" "¡Granada adicional adquirida!" "[english]SFUI_ARFlashAlert_BonusGrenade" "Bonus Grenade Earned!" "SFUI_ARFlashAlert_NextWeapon" "Siguiente arma adquirida" "[english]SFUI_ARFlashAlert_NextWeapon" "Next Weapon Acquired" "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Warmup_Period" "CALENTAMIENTO 0:%s1" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Alert_Warmup_Period" "WARMUP 0:%s1" "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Warmup_Period_Ending" "CALENTAMIENTO FINALIZANDO 0:%s1" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Alert_Warmup_Period_Ending" "WARMUP ENDING 0:%s1" "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Starting_In" "LA PARTIDA COMIENZA EN %s1..." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Starting_In" "MATCH STARTING IN %s1..." "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Start" "INICIO DE PARTIDA" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Start" "MATCH START" "SFUI_Notice_Match_Will_Start_Chat" ">> La partida comenzará al terminar el calentamiento." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Match_Will_Start_Chat" ">> Match will start when warmup has ended." "SFUI_NextWeaponController" "Seleccionar siguiente inventario" "[english]SFUI_NextWeaponController" "Select Next Inventory" "SFUI_PreviousWeaponController" "Seleccionar inventario anterior" "[english]SFUI_PreviousWeaponController" "Select Previous Inventory" "SFUI_CycleNextItems" "Elegir Granadas/Bomba/Arma cuerpo a cuerpo" "[english]SFUI_CycleNextItems" "Select Grenades/Bomb/Melee" "SFUI_MeleeSlot" "Cuchillo/Zeus" "[english]SFUI_MeleeSlot" "Knife/Zeus" "SFUI_Calibrate_Nav_Error" "${cancel} Recalibrar" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Nav_Error" "${cancel} Recalibrate" "SFUI_Calibrate_Warning_Bright" "Aviso: Iluminación brillante\nLas condiciones de iluminación en tu habitación son muy brillantes y pueden afectar a la jugabilidad." "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Warning_Bright" "Warning: Bright Lighting\nLighting conditions in your room are very bright and may affect gameplay." "SFUI_Calibrate_Warning_Motion" "Aviso: Movimiento detectado\nLa calibración no ha sido la ideal porque el mando de movimiento PlayStation®Move no se ha mantenido inmóvil durante la calibración." "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Warning_Motion" "Warning: Motion Detected\nCalibration was not ideal because the PlayStation®Move motion controller was not held still during calibration." "SFUI_Calibrate_Warning_Colorful" "Aviso: Entorno muy colorido\nLa detección puede verse afectada porque hay objetos de varios colores en el escenario." "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Warning_Colorful" "Warning: Very Colorful Environment\nTracking may be compromised because objects of various colors are in the scene." "SFUI_Calibrate_Warning_Hue" "Aviso: Conflicto de matices\nEl seguimiento puede verse afectado porque hay un objeto en el escenario con un matiz de color similar al configurado actualmente." "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Warning_Hue" "Warning: Hue Conflict\nTracking may be compromised because an object that is similar in color with the currently set hue is in the scene." "SFUI_Calibrate_Error_Bright" "Error: Luz brillante\nLa calibración ha fallado porque la luz de tu habitación es demasiado brillante." "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Error_Bright" "Error: Bright Light\nCalibration failed because the light in your room is too bright." "SFUI_Calibrate_Error_Cant_Find" "Error: No se ha podido encontrar la esfera\nLa calibración ha fallado porque el mando de movimiento PlayStation®Move no ha sido detectado por PlayStation®Eye." "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Error_Cant_Find" "Error: Can't Find Sphere\nCalibration failed because the PlayStation®Move motion controller was not detected by the PlayStation®Eye." "SFUI_Calibrate_Error_Motion" "Error: Movimiento detectado\nLa calibración ha fallado porque el mando de movimiento PlayStation®Move no se ha mantenido inmóvil durante la calibración." "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Error_Motion" "Error: Motion Detected\nCalibration failed because the PlayStation®Move motion controller was not held still during calibration." "SFUI_LobbyCallToArms_Title" "Llamamiento a las armas" "[english]SFUI_LobbyCallToArms_Title" "Call to Arms" "SFUI_LobbyCallToArms_Text" "Esto invitará a todos los miembros de este grupo a unirse a tu sala de espera. ¿Estás seguro?" "[english]SFUI_LobbyCallToArms_Text" "This will invite every member of this group to join your lobby. Are you sure?" "SFUI_LobbyTypeText00" "Sin matchmaking por equipos" "[english]SFUI_LobbyTypeText00" "Not Team Matchmaking" "SFUI_LobbyTypeText01" "Matchmaking por equipos (5 jugadores)" "[english]SFUI_LobbyTypeText01" "Team Matchmaking (Exactly 5 players)" "SFUI_LobbyType_5Player" "Matchmaking por equipos (5 jugadores)" "[english]SFUI_LobbyType_5Player" "Team Matchmaking (Exactly 5 players)" "SFUI_LobbyType_10Player" "-N/D-" "[english]SFUI_LobbyType_10Player" "-N/A-" "SFUI_Lobby_NoClansFound" "No se han encontrado equipos" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_NoClansFound" "No Teams Found" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamerTag" "Gamertag" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamerTag" "Gamertag" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamerTag" "ID online" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamerTag" "Online ID" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamerTag" "Nombre del perfil" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamerTag" "Profile Name" "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyDoesntExist" "Error al unirse a la sesión. Inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyDoesntExist" "Failed to join session. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_ListenServerDisabled" "No se han encontrado servidores, y los servidores locales han sido deshabilitados para este cliente. No se ha podido crear un nueva sesión." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_ListenServerDisabled" "No servers were found, and listen servers have been disabled for this client. Failed to create a new session." "SFUI_Hud_SavingGame" "Guardando partida..." "[english]SFUI_Hud_SavingGame" "Saving Game..." "SFUI_Hud_GameSaved" "Partida guardada." "[english]SFUI_Hud_GameSaved" "Game Saved." "SFUI_Hud_SavingProfile" "Guardando perfil..." "[english]SFUI_Hud_SavingProfile" "Saving Profile..." "SFUI_Hud_ProfileSaved" "El perfil ha sido guardado." "[english]SFUI_Hud_ProfileSaved" "Profile Saved." "SFUI_Controller_Edit_Keys_Buttons" "EDITAR TECLAS/BOTONES" "[english]SFUI_Controller_Edit_Keys_Buttons" "EDIT KEYS/BUTTONS" "SFUI_SteamOverlay_Title" "Comunidad Steam en la partida" "[english]SFUI_SteamOverlay_Title" "Steam Community In-Game" "SFUI_SteamOverlay_Text" "Esta función requiere que tengas activada la Comunidad Steam en la partida.\n\nEs posible que debas reiniciar el juego tras activar esta opción en Steam:\nSteam -> Archivo -> Parámetros -> En la partida: Activar Comunidad Steam en la partida\n" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_SteamOverlay_Text" "This feature requires Steam Community In-Game to be enabled.\n\nYou might need to restart the game after you enable this feature in Steam:\nSteam -> File -> Settings -> In-Game: Enable Steam Community In-Game\n" "SFUI_SteamOverlay_Text" "Esta función requiere que tengas activada la Comunidad Steam en la partida.\n\nEs posible que debas reiniciar el juego tras activar esta opción en Steam:\nSteam -> Preferencias -> En la partida: Activar Comunidad Steam en la partida\n" "[english]SFUI_SteamOverlay_Text" "This feature requires Steam Community In-Game to be enabled.\n\nYou might need to restart the game after you enable this feature in Steam:\nSteam -> Preferences -> In-Game: Enable Steam Community In-Game\n" "SFUI_SteamOverlay_Text" "Esta función requiere que tengas activada la Comunidad Steam en la partida.\n\nEs posible que debas reiniciar el juego tras activar esta opción en Steam:\nSteam -> Preferencias -> En la partida: Activar Comunidad Steam en la partida\n" [$OSX] "[english]SFUI_SteamOverlay_Text" "This feature requires Steam Community In-Game to be enabled.\n\nYou might need to restart the game after you enable this feature in Steam:\nSteam -> Preferences -> In-Game: Enable Steam Community In-Game\n" "SFUI_XboxLive" "Xbox LIVE" "[english]SFUI_XboxLive" "Xbox LIVE" "SFUI_MsgBx_NeedLiveNonGoldMsg" "Debes haber iniciado sesión en un perfil de jugador con privilegios de multijugador para jugar online." "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_NeedLiveNonGoldMsg" "You must be signed in to a gamer profile with multiplayer privileges to play online." "SFUI_MsgBx_NeedLiveNonGoldSplitscreenMsg" "Ambos jugadores deben haber iniciado sesión en una cuenta con privilegios de multijugador para jugar online." "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_NeedLiveNonGoldSplitscreenMsg" "Both gamers must be signed in to an account with multiplayer privileges to play online." "SFUI_MsgBx_NeedLiveSinglescreenMsg" "Debes iniciar sesión en Xbox LIVE para jugar online." "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_NeedLiveSinglescreenMsg" "You must be signed in to Xbox LIVE to play online." "SFUI_MsgBx_NeedLiveSplitscreenMsg" "Ambos jugadores deben iniciar sesión en Xbox LIVE para jugar online." "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_NeedLiveSplitscreenMsg" "Both gamers must be signed in to Xbox LIVE to play online." "SFUI_PasswordEntry_Title" "Se necesita una contraseña para este servidor" "[english]SFUI_PasswordEntry_Title" "Server Requires Password" "SFUI_PasswordEntry_Prompt" "Introduce la contraseña:" "[english]SFUI_PasswordEntry_Prompt" "Enter password:" "SFUI_MsgBx_AchievementNotWrittenTitle" "Error de perfil de jugador" "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_AchievementNotWrittenTitle" "Gamer Profile Error" "SFUI_MsgBx_AchievementNotWritten" "No se ha encontrado o no se ha podido actualizar el perfil de jugador. Tus preferencias y el progreso en el juego no se guardarán sin un dispositivo de almacenamiento válido." "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_AchievementNotWritten" "The gamer profile was not found or failed to update. Preferences and game progress will not be saved without a valid storage device." "SFUI_MsgBx_StorageDeviceRemoved" "Tus preferencias y el progreso en el juego no se guardarán sin un dispositivo de almacenamiento válido." "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_StorageDeviceRemoved" "Preferences and game progress will not be saved without a valid storage device." "SFUI_MsgBx_ControllerUnpluggedTitle" "Controlador desconectado" "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_ControllerUnpluggedTitle" "Controller Disconnected" "SFUI_MsgBx_ControllerUnplugged" "¡Por favor, vuelve a conectar el mando!" [!$X360] "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_ControllerUnplugged" "Please reconnect the controller!" "SFUI_MsgBx_ControllerUnplugged" "Por favor, ¡vuelve a conectar el mando de Xbox 360!" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_ControllerUnplugged" "Please reconnect the Xbox 360 Controller!" "SFUI_MsgBx_GamerCardNotAvailable" "Necesitas tener un perfil de jugador con privilegios de multijugador para ver la tarjeta de jugador de otra persona." [!$PS3] "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_GamerCardNotAvailable" "You must have a gamer profile with multiplayer privileges to view another player's gamer card." "SFUI_MsgBx_GamerCardNotAvailable" "Necesitas tener un perfil de jugador con privilegios de multijugador para ver el perfil de otra persona." [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_GamerCardNotAvailable" "You must have a gamer profile with multiplayer privileges to view another player's profile." "SFUI_MsgBx_GuestProfile_DismissedTitle" "Cambio de inicio de sesión" "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_GuestProfile_DismissedTitle" "Sign-in Change" "SFUI_MsgBx_GuestProfile_Dismissed" "Te han expulsado de la partida por un cambio de inicio de sesión." "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_GuestProfile_Dismissed" "You have been removed from the game due to a sign-in change." "SFUI_MsgBx_SignInChange" "Se ha producido un cambio en el inicio de sesión." "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_SignInChange" "Sign-in change has occurred." "SFUI_MsgBx_SignInChangeC" "SESIÓN CERRADA" "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_SignInChangeC" "SIGNED OUT" "SFUI_MsgBx_DisconnectedFromSession" "DESCONECTADO" "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_DisconnectedFromSession" "DISCONNECTED" "SFUI_MsgBx_DisconnectedFromServer" "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor" "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_DisconnectedFromServer" "Lost Connection to Server" "SFUI_MsgBx_DlcCorruptTxt" "\nContenido descargable incompatible o corrupto." "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_DlcCorruptTxt" "\nUnsupported or corrupt downloadable content." "SFUI_MsgBx_DlcMountedTxt" "\nContenido descargable cargado." "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_DlcMountedTxt" "\nDownloadable content loaded." "SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullC" "DISPOSITIVO DE ALMACENAMIENTO LLENO" "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullC" "STORAGE DEVICE FULL" "SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullTxt" "No hay espacio para guardar las preferencias y el progreso en el juego.\n¿Seguro que deseas continuar?" "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullTxt" "There is no room to save preferences and game progress.\nAre you sure you want to continue?" "SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceCorruptC" "ARCHIVO DE GUARDADO DAÑADO" "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceCorruptC" "SAVE FILE CORRUPTED" "SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceCorruptTxt" "El dispositivo de almacenamiento contiene un archivo dañado o que no puede abrirse.\nSelecciona otro dispositivo de almacenamiento o elimina el archivo dañado.\n\nTus preferencias y el progreso en el juego no se guardarán sin un dispositivo de almacenamiento válido.\n¿Deseas continuar sin seleccionar un dispositivo de almacenamiento?" "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceCorruptTxt" "The selected storage device contains a file that is corrupted or not able to be opened.\nPlease choose another storage device or delete the corrupted file.\n\nPreferences and game progress will not be saved without a valid storage device.\nWould you like to continue without selecting a storage device?" "SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceNoneC" "DISPOSITIVO DE ALMACENAMIENTO NO SELECCIONADO" "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceNoneC" "STORAGE DEVICE NOT SELECTED" "SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceNoneTxt" "No se ha seleccionado ningún dispositivo de almacenamiento.\nLas preferencias y el progreso en la partida no se guardarán si no existe un dispositivo de almacenamiento válido.\n¿Seguro que deseas continuar?" "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceNoneTxt" "The storage device has not been selected.\nPreferences and game progress will not be saved without a valid storage device.\nAre you sure you want to continue?" "SFUI_WaitScreen_SignOnSucceded" "Accediendo a dispositivo de almacenamiento...\n\nGuardando contenido.\nPor favor, no apagues la consola." [!$PS3] "[english]SFUI_WaitScreen_SignOnSucceded" "Accessing Storage Device...\n\nSaving content.\nPlease don't turn off your console." "SFUI_WaitScreen_SignOnSucceded" "Cargando datos del perfil...\n\nGuardando contenido.\nPor favor, no apagues tu sistema PS3™." [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_WaitScreen_SignOnSucceded" "Loading Profile Data...\n\nSaving content.\nPlease don't turn off your PS3™ system." "SFUI_WaitScreen_SigningOn" "Accediendo a dispositivo de almacenamiento...\n\nGuardando contenido.\nPor favor, no apagues la consola." [!$PS3] "[english]SFUI_WaitScreen_SigningOn" "Accessing Storage Device...\n\nSaving content.\nPlease don't turn off your console." "SFUI_WaitScreen_SigningOn" "Cargando datos del perfil...\n\nGuardando contenido.\nPor favor, no apagues tu sistema PS3™." [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_WaitScreen_SigningOn" "Loading Profile Data...\n\nSaving content.\nPlease don't turn off your PS3™ system." "SFUI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "Deberás salir y liberar\nespacio en el disco:" "[english]SFUI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\nhard disk space: additional " "SFUI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB adicionales necesarios." "[english]SFUI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB required." "SFUI_Boot_Error_Title" "ERROR FATAL" "[english]SFUI_Boot_Error_Title" "FATAL ERROR" "SFUI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "Se ha producido un error fatal al configurar CS:GO.\nDeberás salir del juego ahora y asegurarte de que tienes\nsuficiente espacio libre y que tu disco duro no se ha corrompido." "[english]SFUI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring CS:GO.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free hard disk space and your hard disk is not corrupt." "SFUI_Boot_Save_Error_Title" "ERROR AL GUARDAR LA PARTIDA" "[english]SFUI_Boot_Save_Error_Title" "SAVE GAME ERROR" "SFUI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "Esta partida guardada de CS:GO pertenece a otro usuario.\nPuedes sobreescribirla para continuar." "[english]SFUI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "This CS:GO saved game belongs to another user.\nYou can overwrite this CS:GO saved game to continue." "SFUI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "Esta partida guardada de CS:GO está corrupta.\nDeberás salir del juego ahora y borrar la información de esta partida guardada." "[english]SFUI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "This CS:GO saved game is corrupt.\nYou must quit now and delete this CS:GO saved game information." "SFUI_Boot_Error_SAVE_GENERAL" "CS:GO no ha podido acceder a la información almacenada del juego.\nDeberás salir del juego ahora y borrar la información de esta partida guardada." "[english]SFUI_Boot_Error_SAVE_GENERAL" "CS:GO failed to access saved game storage.\nYou must quit now and delete this CS:GO saved game information." "SFUI_Boot_Wait_Title" "ESPERA" "[english]SFUI_Boot_Wait_Title" "WAIT" "SFUI_Boot_SaveContainer" "Por favor, espera mientras CS:GO configura la unidad de almacenamiento\ny valida tu información guardada..." "[english]SFUI_Boot_SaveContainer" "Please wait while CS:GO is configuring storage\nand validating your saved information..." "SFUI_Boot_Trophies" "Por favor, espera mientras CS:GO configura los trofeos\ny valida la información de tu perfil..." "[english]SFUI_Boot_Trophies" "Please wait while CS:GO is configuring trophies\nand validating your profile information..." "SFUI_Character_Guest" "Jugador" "[english]SFUI_Character_Guest" "Player" "SFUI_PSEye_Disconnected_Title" "Aviso" "[english]SFUI_PSEye_Disconnected_Title" "Warning" "SFUI_PSEye_Disconnected_Desc" "PlayStation®Eye desconectado, por favor, vuelve a conectarlo" "[english]SFUI_PSEye_Disconnected_Desc" "PlayStation®Eye removed, please reconnect" "SFUI_PSMove_Out_Of_View_Title" "Aviso" "[english]SFUI_PSMove_Out_Of_View_Title" "Warning" "SFUI_PSMove_Out_Of_View_Desc" "El mando de movimiento PlayStation®Move se encuentra fuera de rango, por favor, colócalo de nuevo enfrente de la cámara PlayStation®Eye" "[english]SFUI_PSMove_Out_Of_View_Desc" "PlayStation®Move motion controller is out of view, please re-center it in front of the PlayStation®Eye camera" "GameUI_A_BUTTON" "Botón A" "[english]GameUI_A_BUTTON" "A Button" "GameUI_B_BUTTON" "Botón B" "[english]GameUI_B_BUTTON" "B Button" "GameUI_X_BUTTON" "Botón X" "[english]GameUI_X_BUTTON" "X Button" "GameUI_Y_BUTTON" "Botón Y" "[english]GameUI_Y_BUTTON" "Y Button" "GameUI_L_TRIGGER" "Gatillo izquierdo" "[english]GameUI_L_TRIGGER" "Left Trigger" "GameUI_R_TRIGGER" "Gatillo derecho" "[english]GameUI_R_TRIGGER" "Right Trigger" "GameUI_L_SHOULDER" "Botón superior izquierdo" "[english]GameUI_L_SHOULDER" "Left Shoulder" "GameUI_R_SHOULDER" "Botón superior derecho" "[english]GameUI_R_SHOULDER" "Right Shoulder" "GameUI_Icons_UP" "U" "[english]GameUI_Icons_UP" "U" "GameUI_Icons_DOWN" "D" "[english]GameUI_Icons_DOWN" "D" "GameUI_Icons_LEFT" "L" "[english]GameUI_Icons_LEFT" "L" "GameUI_Icons_RIGHT" "R" "[english]GameUI_Icons_RIGHT" "R" "GameUI_Icons_DPAD" "C" "[english]GameUI_Icons_DPAD" "C" "GameUI_Icons_START" "5" "[english]GameUI_Icons_START" "5" "GameUI_Icons_BACK" "4" "[english]GameUI_Icons_BACK" "4" "GameUI_Icons_STICK1" "6" "[english]GameUI_Icons_STICK1" "6" "GameUI_Icons_STICK2" "7" "[english]GameUI_Icons_STICK2" "7" "GameUI_Icons_S1_UP" "6" "[english]GameUI_Icons_S1_UP" "6" "GameUI_Icons_S2_UP" "7" "[english]GameUI_Icons_S2_UP" "7" "GameUI_Icons_LSTICK" "6" "[english]GameUI_Icons_LSTICK" "6" "GameUI_Icons_RSTICK" "7" "[english]GameUI_Icons_RSTICK" "7" "GameUI_Icons_A_BUTTON" "A" "[english]GameUI_Icons_A_BUTTON" "A" "GameUI_Icons_B_BUTTON" "B" "[english]GameUI_Icons_B_BUTTON" "B" "GameUI_Icons_X_BUTTON" "X" "[english]GameUI_Icons_X_BUTTON" "X" "GameUI_Icons_Y_BUTTON" "Y" "[english]GameUI_Icons_Y_BUTTON" "Y" "GameUI_Icons_L_SHOULDER" "2" "[english]GameUI_Icons_L_SHOULDER" "2" "GameUI_Icons_R_SHOULDER" "3" "[english]GameUI_Icons_R_SHOULDER" "3" "GameUI_Icons_L_TRIGGER" "0" "[english]GameUI_Icons_L_TRIGGER" "0" "GameUI_Icons_R_TRIGGER" "1" "[english]GameUI_Icons_R_TRIGGER" "1" "GameUI_Icons_LEFTCURSOR" "8" "[english]GameUI_Icons_LEFTCURSOR" "8" "GameUI_Icons_RIGHTCURSOR" "9" "[english]GameUI_Icons_RIGHTCURSOR" "9" "GameUI_Icons_UPCURSOR" "<" "[english]GameUI_Icons_UPCURSOR" "<" "GameUI_Icons_DOWNCURSOR" ">" "[english]GameUI_Icons_DOWNCURSOR" ">" "GameUI_Icons_NONE" "< sin asignar >" "[english]GameUI_Icons_NONE" "< not assigned >" "GameUI_KeyNames_UP" "Mando direccional arriba" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_UP" "D-pad up" "GameUI_KeyNames_DOWN" "Mando direccional abajo" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_DOWN" "D-pad down" "GameUI_KeyNames_LEFT" "Mando direccional izquierda" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_LEFT" "D-pad left" "GameUI_KeyNames_RIGHT" "Mando direccional derecha" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_RIGHT" "D-pad right" "GameUI_KeyNames_START" "Botón START" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_START" "START button" "GameUI_KeyNames_BACK" "Botón BACK" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_BACK" "BACK button" "GameUI_KeyNames_STICK1" "Botón de stick izquierdo" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_STICK1" "left stick button" "GameUI_KeyNames_STICK2" "Botón de stick derecho" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_STICK2" "right stick button" "GameUI_KeyNames_S1_UP" "Stick izquierdo" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_S1_UP" "left stick" "GameUI_KeyNames_S2_UP" "Stick derecho" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_S2_UP" "right stick" "GameUI_KeyNames_LSTICK" "Stick izquierdo" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_LSTICK" "left stick" "GameUI_KeyNames_RSTICK" "Stick derecho" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_RSTICK" "right stick" "GameUI_KeyNames_A_BUTTON" "Botón A" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_A_BUTTON" "A button" "GameUI_KeyNames_B_BUTTON" "Botón B" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_B_BUTTON" "B button" "GameUI_KeyNames_X_BUTTON" "Botón X" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_X_BUTTON" "X button" "GameUI_KeyNames_Y_BUTTON" "Botón Y" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_Y_BUTTON" "Y button" "GameUI_KeyNames_L_SHOULDER" "Botón superior frontal izquierdo" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_L_SHOULDER" "left bumper" "GameUI_KeyNames_R_SHOULDER" "Botón superior frontal derecho" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_R_SHOULDER" "right bumper" "GameUI_KeyNames_L_TRIGGER" "Gatillo izquierdo" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_L_TRIGGER" "left trigger" "GameUI_KeyNames_R_TRIGGER" "Gatillo derecho" "[english]GameUI_KeyNames_R_TRIGGER" "right trigger" "csgo_switch_to_items_gp" "Cambiar a un objeto" "[english]csgo_switch_to_items_gp" "Switch to an item" "SFUI_Notice_Knife_Level_Chat" "¡%s1 ha alcanzado el nivel del cuchillo de oro!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Knife_Level_Chat" "%s1 has reached gold knife level!" "SFUI_Calibrate_Pitch_Speed" "Velocidad de giro vertical" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Pitch_Speed" "Vertical Turn Speed" "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_MMFailedTitle" "El matchmaking ha fallado" "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_MMFailedTitle" "Matchmaking Failed" "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_MMFailedText" "No se ha podido encontrar una partida a la que unirse. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_MMFailedText" "Unable to find a game to join. Please try again." "SFUI_Confirm_JoinAnotherGameTitle" "¿Unirse a otra partida?" "[english]SFUI_Confirm_JoinAnotherGameTitle" "Join another game?" "SFUI_Confirm_JoinAnotherGameText" "Haz clic en Aceptar para confirmar que deseas abandonar esta partida y unirte a otra." "[english]SFUI_Confirm_JoinAnotherGameText" "Click OK to confirm that you would like to leave this game and join another." "SFUI_Confirm_JoinAnotherGameText" "Pulsa ${confirm} para confirmar que deseas abandonar esta partida y unirte a otra." [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Confirm_JoinAnotherGameText" "Press ${confirm} to confirm that you would like to leave this game and join another." "SFUI_SessionError_Lock" "No se ha podido conectar al juego porque ha sido bloqueado." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Lock" "Failed to connect to the game because it has been locked." "SFUI_SessionError_SteamServersDisconnected" "Necesitas Steam para poder unirte a una partida. Por favor, comprueba tu conexión a Steam e inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_SteamServersDisconnected" "Steam is required to join a game. Please check your connection to Steam and try again." "SFUI_Hint_Reticule_Spread" "La retícula de objetivo externa indica la desviación de tu arma. Cuanto más ancha sea, más impreciso será tu disparo." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Reticule_Spread" "The outer aiming reticule indicates the spread of your weapon. The wider it is, the more inaccurate your shot will be." "SFUI_Hint_Crouch_Accuracy" "Disparas con más precisión cuando estás quieto. Agacharte te da precisión máxima." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Crouch_Accuracy" "You are more accurate when you stand still. Crouching makes you the most accurate." "SFUI_Hint_Walk_Accuracy" "Los enemigos pueden oír el sonido de tus pasos cuando corres. Caminar hará que sea más difícil oírlos y mejorará tu precisión." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Walk_Accuracy" "Enemies can hear your footsteps when you run. Walking will make your footsteps harder to hear and will improve your accuracy." "SFUI_Hint_Burst_Fire" "Disparar un arma automática en ráfagas cortas te ayudará a mantener el control sobre tus disparos y mejorará su precisión." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Burst_Fire" "Firing an automatic weapon in short bursts will help you maintain control over your shots and will improve your accuracy." "SFUI_Hint_Shoot_Thru_Walls" "Si tu enemigo se esconde detrás de una puerta de madera o una pared de yeso, es probable que aún lo puedas alcanzar con un arma potente." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Shoot_Thru_Walls" "Powerful guns can penetrate many thin surfaces. If your enemy is hiding behind a wooden door or plaster wall, you can probably still hit them." "SFUI_Hint_Flashbang_Turn" "Apartar tu vista de una granada aturdidora disminuirá sus efectos cegadores." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Flashbang_Turn" "Turning your view away from a Flashbang Grenade will lessen its blinding effects." "SFUI_Hint_Switch_To_Pistol" "Cambiar a tu pistola es más rápido que recargar. En un tiroteo, esto puede darte la ventaja." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Switch_To_Pistol" "Switching to your pistol is faster than reloading. In a firefight, this can give you the advantage." "SFUI_Hint_Vulnerable_Reloading" "Mientras recargas eres vulnerable. Cerciórate de que estás en un lugar seguro o a cubierto cuando recargues." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Vulnerable_Reloading" "You are vulnerable when you are reloading. Make sure you are in a safe spot or behind cover when you reload." "SFUI_Hint_One_Diffusal_Kit" "En los mapas con bombas, solo un miembro del equipo antiterrorista aparece con un kit de desactivación." "[english]SFUI_Hint_One_Diffusal_Kit" "On bomb maps, only one member of the Counter-Terrorist team spawns with a diffusal kit." "SFUI_Hint_Diffusal_Speed" "Los kits de desactivación reducen el tiempo necesario para desactivar una bomba." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Diffusal_Speed" "Diffusal kits reduce the time it takes to diffuse a bomb." "SFUI_Hint_Stick_With_Team" "Entrar en combate en solitario es muy arriesgado. Pégate a tus compañeros y vigila su espalda." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Stick_With_Team" "Engaging in combat alone is very risky. Stick with your teammates and watch their back." "SFUI_Hint_Backstab" "Si estás detrás de un enemigo, apuñálalo en la espalda con tu cuchillo. Provoca mucho más daño y normalmente produce una muerte instantánea." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Backstab" "If you're behind an enemy, stab them in the back with your knife. It does a lot more damage and usually results in an instant kill." "SFUI_Hint_Jump_Accuracy" "Saltar ralentiza tu movimiento y disminuye tu precisión." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Jump_Accuracy" "Jumping slows your movement and decreases your accuracy." "SFUI_Hint_Break_Objects" "Se pueden romper muchos objetos, como ventanas, tableros y cajas." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Break_Objects" "Many objects in the world can be\nbroken, including some windows,\nboards, and boxes." "SFUI_Hint_Stand_While_Sniping" "Para ser preciso con un rifle de francotirador, debes estar parado cuando dispares." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Stand_While_Sniping" "To be accurate with a sniper rifle, you must stand still when you fire your shot." "SFUI_Hint_Ammo_Mangement" "La gestión de munición es muy importante. Si se te acaba el cargador en un tiroteo, estarás en apuros." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Ammo_Mangement" "Ammo management is extremely important. If your clip runs out in a firefight, you are in deep trouble." "SFUI_Sugar3" "??? - Coordinador de armas" "[english]SFUI_Sugar3" "??? - Weapons Wrangler" "SFUI_Mocap0" "Lou Klein - Terrorista" "[english]SFUI_Mocap0" "Lou Klein - Terrorist" "SFUI_Mocap1" "Matt Anderson - Antiterrorista" "[english]SFUI_Mocap1" "Matt Anderson - Counter Terrorist " "INPUT_DEVICE_MOVE_NAV_CONTROLLER" "MANDO DE NAVEGACIÓN" "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_MOVE_NAV_CONTROLLER" "NAV CONTROLLER" "SFUI_Calibrate_Prompt_Title" "Calibrar mando detector de movimiento" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Prompt_Title" "Calibrate Motion Controller" "SFUI_Calibrate_Prompt_Message" "Estás a punto de empezar a jugar utilizando un mando de movimiento, pero éste no ha sido calibrado aún. ¿Quieres calibrarlo ahora?" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Prompt_Message" "You are about to start playing the game with a motion controller, but it has not been calibrated. Would you like to do so now?" "SFUI_Calibrate_Prompt_Legend" "${Cancel} Cancelar ${Confirm} Calibrar" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Prompt_Legend" "${Cancel} Cancel ${Confirm} Calibrate" "SFUI_vote_failed_recent_kick" "Recientemente se ha realizado una votación para expulsar a este jugador y ésta ha sido rechazada. No se puede realizar una de nuevo hasta dentro de %s1 segundos." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_recent_kick" "A vote to kick this player was called recently and failed. It cannot be called again for %s1 seconds." "SFUI_vote_failed_recent_changemap" "Recientemente se ha realizado una votación para cambiar a este mapa y ésta ha sido rechazada. No se puede realizar una de nuevo hasta dentro de %s1 segundos." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_recent_changemap" "A vote to change to this map was called recently and failed. It cannot be called again for %s1 seconds." "SFUI_vote_failed_recent_swapteams" "Recientemente se ha realizado una votación para cambiar equipos y ésta ha sido rechazada. No se puede realizar una de nuevo hasta dentro de %s1 segundos." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_recent_swapteams" "A vote to swap teams was called recently and failed. It cannot be called again for %s1 seconds." "SFUI_vote_failed_recent_scrambleteams" "Recientemente se ha realizado una votación para mezclar los equipos y ésta ha sido rechazada. No se puede realizar una de nuevo hasta dentro de %s1 segundos." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_recent_scrambleteams" "A vote to scramble the teams was called recently and failed. It cannot be called again for %s1 seconds." "SFUI_vote_failed_recent_restart" "Recientemente se ha realizado una votación para reiniciar la partida y ésta ha sido rechazada. No se puede realizar una de nuevo hasta dentro de %s1 segundos." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_recent_restart" "A vote to restart the match was called recently and failed. It cannot be called again for %s1 seconds." "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot" "${west} Controlar bot" [$PS3||$X360] "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot" "${west} Control Bot " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot" "[E] Controlar bot " [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot" "[E] Control Bot " "SFUI_Freeze_Skip_Trigger" "Omitir" "[english]SFUI_Freeze_Skip_Trigger" "Skip" "SFUI_Lobby_GameSettings" "AJUSTES" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_GameSettings" "GAME SETTINGS" "SFUI_Lobby_GameSettingsQuickmatch" "Partida rápida" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_GameSettingsQuickmatch" "Quickmatch" "SFUI_Lobby_GameSettingsCustom" "%s1, %s2" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_GameSettingsCustom" "%s1, %s2" "SFUI_DisconnectReason_TeamResFail" "Esta sesión está actualmente reservada para un equipo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_TeamResFail" "This session is currently reserved for a team. Please try again." "SFUI_Scoreboard_Next_Map_In" "Cargando mapa %s1 en: %s2" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Next_Map_In" "Loading Map %s1 In: %s2" "SFUI_Vote_NextMap" "Elegir siguiente mapa..." "[english]SFUI_Vote_NextMap" "Choose Next Map..." "SFUI_vote_failed_vote_in_progress" "¡Ya hay una votación en curso!" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_vote_in_progress" "A vote is already in progress!" "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_NewHostTitle" "El anfitrión de la sala ha cambiado" "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_NewHostTitle" "Lobby Leader Changed" "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_NewHostText" "El anfitrión original ha abandonado la partida. Tú eres el nuevo anfitrión de la sala." "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_NewHostText" "The original lobby leader left the game. You are the new lobby leader." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Regroup_team" "Reagrupad al equipo." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Regroup_team" "Regroup Team." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Report_in_team" "Informad." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Report_in_team" "Report in, team." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_You_take_the_point" "Tú delante." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_You_take_the_point" "You take the point." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Taking_fire" "¡Me disparan... necesito ayuda!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Taking_fire" "Taking fire...need assistance!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Team_fall_back" "¡Replegaos!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Team_fall_back" "Team, fall back!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Stick_together_team" "No os separéis." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Stick_together_team" "Stick together, team." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Storm_the_front" "¡Asaltad el frente!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Storm_the_front" "Storm the front!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Got_Hostages" "Tengo a los rehenes." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Got_Hostages" "I've got the hostages." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusing_Bomb" "Estoy desactivando la bomba." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusing_Bomb" "I'm defusing the bomb." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Planting_Bomb" "Estoy colocando la bomba." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Planting_Bomb" "I'm planting the bomb." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Roger_that" "Recibido." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Roger_that" "Roger that." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Need_backup" "Necesito refuerzos." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Need_backup" "Need backup." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Reporting_in" "Informando." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Reporting_in" "Reporting in." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Negative" "Negativo." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Negative" "Negative." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Sector_clear" "Sector despejado." "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Sector_clear" "Sector clear." "SFUI_Accept" "ACEPTAR" "[english]SFUI_Accept" "ACCEPT" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_TeamLobbyNav" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Aceptar ${dpad} Moverse" "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_TeamLobbyNav" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Accept ${dpad} Navigate" "SFUI_Medals_Title" "GALARDONES" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Medals_Title" "AWARDS" "SFUI_vote_failed_disabled" "Este servidor ha deshabilitado las votaciones." "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_disabled" "This server has disabled voting." "SFUI_Notice_YouDroppedWeapon" "Has dejado caer tu %s1" "[english]SFUI_Notice_YouDroppedWeapon" "You dropped your %s1" "SFUI_Notice_CannotDropWeapon" "No puedes dejar caer tu %s1" "[english]SFUI_Notice_CannotDropWeapon" "You cannot drop your %s1" "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Starting" "INICIANDO PARTIDA" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Starting" "MATCH STARTING" "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Restarting_In" "REINICIO DE PARTIDA EN %s1..." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Restarting_In" "MATCH RESTARTING IN %s1..." "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Restarting" "REINICIANDO PARTIDA" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Restarting" "MATCH RESTARTING" "SFUI_Settings_Fullscreen_Windowed" "Ventana a pantalla completa" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Fullscreen_Windowed" "Fullscreen Windowed" "SFUI_Settings_Changed_Resolution_Discard" "La configuración de resolución ha cambiado. ¿Descartar los cambios?" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Changed_Resolution_Discard" "Resolution settings have changed. Discard changes to resolution?" "SFUI_LobbyGameSettings_Title" "CONFIGURAR OPCIONES DE JUEGO" "[english]SFUI_LobbyGameSettings_Title" "SET GAME OPTIONS" "SFUI_LobbyGameSettings_Text" "¿Te gustaría configurar opciones de juego o entrar directamente en cualquier modo/mapa?" "[english]SFUI_LobbyGameSettings_Text" "Would you like to set game options or quickmatch into any mode/map?" "SFUI_LobbyGameSettings_QMButton" "Partida rápida" "[english]SFUI_LobbyGameSettings_QMButton" "Quickmatch" "SFUI_LobbyGameSettings_OKButton" "Ajustes" "[english]SFUI_LobbyGameSettings_OKButton" "Settings" "SFUI_LobbyGameSettings_Help" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Ajustes ${north} Partida rápida" "[english]SFUI_LobbyGameSettings_Help" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Settings ${north} Quickmatch" "SFUI_Lobby_ShowInvites" "INVITAR AMIGOS" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ShowInvites" "INVITE FRIENDS" "SFUI_Lobby_ShowGameInfo" "MOSTRAR INFO. DE LA PARTIDA" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ShowGameInfo" "SHOW GAME INFO" "SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientInvite" "${cancel} Salir de la sala ${altstart} Invitar amigos ${lshoulder} Perfil de Steam" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientInvite" "${cancel} Exit Lobby ${altstart} Invite Friends ${lshoulder} Steam Profile" "SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientShowGameInfo" "${cancel} Salir de la sala ${altstart} Mostrar info. de la partida ${lshoulder} Perfil de Steam" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientShowGameInfo" "${cancel} Exit Lobby ${altstart} Show Game Info ${lshoulder} Steam Profile" "SFUI_Lobby_ClientInviteButton" "Invitar amigos" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ClientInviteButton" "Invite Friends" "SFUI_Lobby_ClientInviteButton" "${altstart} Invitar amigos" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ClientInviteButton" "${altstart} Invite Friends" "SFUI_GameUI_OnlineErrorMessageTitle_PS3" "Servicio online restringido" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_OnlineErrorMessageTitle_PS3" "Online Restricted" "SFUI_GameUI_NotOnlineEnabled_PS3" "El servicio online ha sido desactivado en tu cuenta de PlayStation®Network debido a las restricciones del control parental." "[english]SFUI_GameUI_NotOnlineEnabled_PS3" "Online service is disabled on your PlayStation®Network account due to parental control restrictions." "SFUI_Hint_Flashbang_Careful" "Las granadas aturdidoras ciegan temporalmente a cualquiera que las vea explotar. ¡Ten cuidado porque esto incluye a tu equipo y a ti mismo!" "[english]SFUI_Hint_Flashbang_Careful" "'Flashbang' grenades temporarily blind anyone who sees them go off. Be careful because this includes your team and even yourself!" "SFUI_Hint_BuyArmor" "¡No olvides comprar blindaje en el modo Competitivo! Llevar blindaje aumentará la cantidad de daño que puedas recibir y te permite vivir durante más tiempo." "[english]SFUI_Hint_BuyArmor" "Don't forget to buy armor in Competitive Mode! Wearing armor will increase the amount of damage you can take and allow you to live longer." "SFUI_Hint_Defusal_Speed" "¡No olvides tu kit de desactivación en el modo Competitivo! Los kits de desactivación reducen significativamente el tiempo necesario para desactivar una bomba colocada." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Defusal_Speed" "Don't forget your defuse kit in Competitive Mode! Defuse kits significantly reduce the time it takes to defuse a planted bomb." "SFUI_Hint_Defuse_Wins" "Desactivando la bomba siempre vas a ganar la ronda, sin importar cuantos enemigos queden." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Defuse_Wins" "Defusing the bomb will always win the round regardless of how many enemies remain." "SFUI_Hint_AWP_Hint1" "El rifle francotirador AWP es muy poderoso y puede, en condiciones normales, matar de un solo disparo. Aprovecha su gran alcance y apunta desde la distancia." "[english]SFUI_Hint_AWP_Hint1" "The AWP sniper rifle is very powerful and can usually kill with a one shot. Take advantage of its powerful scope and engage from a distance." "SFUI_Hint_XM1014_Hint1" "La escopeta XM1014 es extremadamente potente y muy útil en espacios reducidos. A larga distancia, sin embargo, tienes suerte si le das a un elefante." "[english]SFUI_Hint_XM1014_Hint1" "The XM1014 shotgun is extremely powerful and very useful in close quarters. At long range however, you're lucky to hit the broad side of a barn." "SFUI_Hint_M4A4_Hint1" "El fusil M4A4 es un potente y preciso rifle automático que destaca en combate a media distancia, pero puede ser dominado a larga distancia y en espacios cerrados." "[english]SFUI_Hint_M4A4_Hint1" "The M4A4 carbine is a powerful and precise automatic rifle that excels at midrange combat, but can be mastered for both long range and CQB." "SFUI_Hint_AK47_Hint1" "La AK-47 es tan potente como ruidosa. Adolece de un gran retroceso, pero los buenos tiradores la prefieren por su letal primer disparo." "[english]SFUI_Hint_AK47_Hint1" "The AK-47 is as powerful as it is loud. It suffers from high recoil, but accurate marksmen prefer it for its lethal first shot." "SFUI_Hint_Deagle_Hint1" "La Desert Eagle .50C es verdaderamente un 'cañón de mano'. Su potente munición detiene en seco a los enemigos, pero su cargador es muy pequeño." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Deagle_Hint1" "The Desert Eagle .50C is truly a 'hand cannon'. Its powerful ammunition stops enemies in their tracks, but its clip is very small." "SFUI_Hint_Fire_Makes_Slow" "Usa molotovs y granadas incendiarias para bloquear el camino a tus enemigos. Pasar a través del fuego no solo hace daño, sino que también ralentiza el movimiento." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Fire_Makes_Slow" "Use molotovs and incendiary grenades to block off your enemies' route. Walking through fire not only hurts, but also slows movement." "SFUI_Hint_Smoke_At_Door" "Las granadas de humo son las mejores para ocultar tus movimientos. Úsalas para pasar por puertas abiertas o para eludir a un francotirador." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Smoke_At_Door" "Smoke grenades are best used to hide your movement. Use them to pass open doorways or slip by a sniper." "SFUI_Hint_VariableKillAwards" "En los modos clásicos, matar con diferentes armas recompensará con diferentes cantidades de dinero. Por ejemplo, las metralletas te darán más dinero de lo normal." "[english]SFUI_Hint_VariableKillAwards" "In Classic modes, killing with different weapons will award different amounts of cash. SMGs for example, will award you more cash than normal." "SFUI_Hint_ManageMoney1" "En los modos clásicos, es importante administrar bien tu dinero. Comprar el arma más cara que puedas costearte no es siempre la mejor estrategia." "[english]SFUI_Hint_ManageMoney1" "In Classic modes, it's important to manage your money well. Buying the most expensive weapon you can afford is not always the best strategy." "SFUI_Hint_Headhot1" "En el modo Competitivo, si tu oponente no ha comprado casco, dispararle en la cabeza con la mayoría de las armas le producirá una muerte instantánea: un 'headshot'." "[english]SFUI_Hint_Headhot1" "In Competitive mode, if your opponent hasn't purchased a helmet, shooting them in the head with most weapons is an instant kill - a 'headshot'" "SFUI_Hint_KillingHostage" "Matar a un rehén resulta en una severa sanción económica. Trata de no herirlos." "[english]SFUI_Hint_KillingHostage" "Killing a hostage results in a severe cash penalty. Try to avoid injuring them." "SFUI_Hint_UpgradePostRound" "Si sigues vivo después de que la ronda termine en una partida del modo Clásico, ¡usa esos últimos segundos para buscar un arma mejor!" "[english]SFUI_Hint_UpgradePostRound" "If you're alive when the round ends in a Classic mode match, use those last few seconds to search for a better weapon!" "SFUI_Hint_LearnRadar" "Tu radar muestra a tus compañeros de equipo, enemigos y la bomba. Aprende a utilizarlo y compruébalo regularmente para obtener ventaja." "[english]SFUI_Hint_LearnRadar" "Your radar shows teammates, enemies and the bomb. Learning to use the radar and checking it regularly will give you an advantage." "SFUI_Hint_WeaponSlowdown" "El arma que llevas actualmente afecta tu velocidad de movimiento. Las armas más voluminosas y pesadas provocan que camines de forma más lenta. Cambia a tu cuchillo para moverte más rápido." "[english]SFUI_Hint_WeaponSlowdown" "The weapon you are holding affects your movement speed. Bulkier and heavier weapons cause you to run slower. Switch to your knife to move quickly." "SFUI_Hint_BeQuicker" "Sé más rápido que tu oponente en todos los aspectos. Una manera de obtener ventaja en el modo Clásico es comprar tus objetos rápidamente al inicio de la ronda." "[english]SFUI_Hint_BeQuicker" "Be quicker than your opponent in all aspects. One way to gain an advantage in Classic Mode is to buy your items quickly at round start." "SFUI_Hint_AvoidWater" "Las aguas profundas ralentizarán tu movimiento y, más importante aún, harán mucho ruido. Evita caminar por el agua si puedes." "[english]SFUI_Hint_AvoidWater" "Deep water will slow your movement and more importantly will make a lot of noise. Avoid wading through water if you can." "SFUI_Hint_PickupGuns" "En los modos clásicos, los jugadores dejarán caer su arma cada vez que mueran. Si ves un arma en el suelo que es mejor que la tuya, deberías recogerla." "[english]SFUI_Hint_PickupGuns" "In Classic modes, players will drop their weapon when they die. If you see a weapon on the ground that is better than yours, you should pick it up." "SFUI_Hint_ST6_Info1" "El Equipo SEAL 6 (ST6, por sus siglas en inglés) fue fundado en 1980 bajo el mando del Capitán de Corbeta Richard Marcinko. Fue disuelto en 1987 y ahora se lo conoce como DEVGRU." "[english]SFUI_Hint_ST6_Info1" "SEAL Team Six (ST6) was founded in 1980 under Lieutenant-Commander Richard Marcinko. It was dissolved in 1987 and is now known as DEVGRU." "SFUI_Hint_SAS_Info1" "El SAS, cuerpo británico de renombre mundial, fue fundado durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial por el coronel Sir Archibald David Stirling como una fuerza de commando que operaba tras las líneas enemigas." "[english]SFUI_Hint_SAS_Info1" "The world-renowned British SAS was founded during WW2 by Colonel Sir Archibald David Stirling as a commando force operating behind enemy lines." "SFUI_Hint_GIGN_Info1" "La unidad antiterrorirsta francesa de élite GIGN fue concebida para ser una fuerza de intervención rápida que pudiera reaccionar con prontitud ante cualquier incidente terrorista a gran escala." "[english]SFUI_Hint_GIGN_Info1" "The elite French counter-terrorism unit, GIGN was designed to be a fast response force that could react quickly to any large-scale terrorist incident." "SFUI_Hint_GSG9_Info1" "El GSG 9, la fuerza antiterrorista de élite alemana, fue creada en 1973, y, según se dice, sólo ha descargado sus armas cinco veces en más de 1.500 misiones." "[english]SFUI_Hint_GSG9_Info1" "The elite German counter-terrorism force, GSG 9 was established in 1973 and has reportedly discharged their weapons only five times in over 1,500 missions." "SFUI_Hint_FBI_Info1" "Además de contrarrestrar ataques terroristas, la Oficina Federal de Investigación de los Estados Unidos (FBI) neutraliza robos de bancos, el espionaje y la ciberguerra." "[english]SFUI_Hint_FBI_Info1" "In addition to responding to terrorist attacks, the Unites States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) responds to bank robbery, espionage and cyber-warfare." "SFUI_Hint_FBI_Info2" "El Equipo de Rescate de Rehenes del FBI fue fundado en 1982 y está entrenado para liberar a aliados en poder de una fuerza hostil. Su lema es 'Servare Vitas' (Salvar Vidas)." "[english]SFUI_Hint_FBI_Info2" "The FBI's Hostage Rescue Team was founded in 1982 and is trained to rescue allies held by hostile force. Their motto is 'Servare Vitas' (To Save Lives)." "SFUI_Hint_SWAT_Info1" "El primer equipo de Special Weapons and Tactics (armas y tácticas especiales, SWAT) fue creado por el inspector Daryl Gates en el Departamento de Policía de los Ángeles en 1968." "[english]SFUI_Hint_SWAT_Info1" "The first Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team was established by inspector Daryl Gates in the Los Angeles Police Department in 1968." "SFUI_Hint_SWAT_Info2" "Además de luchar contra el terrorismo, los equipos SWAT son llamados para extracción de rehenes, vigilancia perimetral y control de motines." "[english]SFUI_Hint_SWAT_Info2" "In addition to counter-terrorism, SWAT teams are called in for hostage extraction, perimeter security and riot control." "SFUI_Hint_Quote_Claudius1" "'Aquel que infunde temor en los demás vive continuamente con miedo.' ~Claudio Claudiano" "[english]SFUI_Hint_Quote_Claudius1" "'He who strikes terror in others is himself continually in fear.' ~Claudius Claudianus" "SFUI_Hint_Quote_Antoine1" "'Sólo lo desconocido aterroriza a los hombres. Pero una vez que un hombre se ha enfrentado a lo desconocido, ese terror se convierte en lo conocido.' ~Antoine De Saint-Exupery" "[english]SFUI_Hint_Quote_Antoine1" "'Only the unknown frightens men. But once a man has faced the unknown that terror becomes the known.' ~Antoine De Saint-Exupery" "SFUI_Hint_Quote_Churchill1" "'Victoria a toda costa, victoria a pesar de todo el terror, victoria por largo y duro que pueda ser su camino; porque, sin victoria, no hay supervivencia.' ~Winston Churchill" "[english]SFUI_Hint_Quote_Churchill1" "'Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.' ~Winston Churchill" "SFUI_Steam_User_Name" "Nombre de cuenta de Steam" "[english]SFUI_Steam_User_Name" "Steam account name" "SFUI_Steam_User_Password" "Contraseña" "[english]SFUI_Steam_User_Password" "Password" "SFUI_Steam_Title" "STEAM" "[english]SFUI_Steam_Title" "STEAM" "SFUI_Steam_Desc" "Para jugar online, CS:GO utiliza Steam, la plataforma gratuita de videojuegos." "[english]SFUI_Steam_Desc" "CS:GO uses Steam, the free gaming platform, to enable online play." "SFUI_Steam_Login_Error" "Cuenta o contraseña de Steam incorrecta. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]SFUI_Steam_Login_Error" "Invalid Steam account name or password. Please try again." "SFUI_Steam_PSN_User" "Has accedido a PlayStation®Network como:" "[english]SFUI_Steam_PSN_User" "You're signed in to PlayStation®Network as:" "SFUI_Steam_PSN_User_Check" "Por favor, asegúrate de que ésta es tu cuenta de PlayStation®Network antes de continuar" "[english]SFUI_Steam_PSN_User_Check" "Please be sure this is your PlayStation®Network account before continuing" "SFUI_Steam_Sign_In" "INICIAR SESIÓN EN STEAM" "[english]SFUI_Steam_Sign_In" "SIGN IN TO STEAM" "SFUI_Steam_New_Account" "CREAR UNA CUENTA" "[english]SFUI_Steam_New_Account" "SIGN ME UP!" "SFUI_Steam_New_Account_Desc" "Soy nuevo en Steam" "[english]SFUI_Steam_New_Account_Desc" "I'm new to Steam" "SFUI_Steam_Sign_In_Desc" "Ya tengo una cuenta de Steam" "[english]SFUI_Steam_Sign_In_Desc" "I already have a Steam account" "SFUI_Settings_Disabled_Caps" "DESACTIVADO" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Disabled_Caps" "DISABLED" "SFUI_Rules_Training_Loading" "Estas instalaciones de pruebas de G.O. fueron diseñadas para proporcionar entrenamiento básico con armas para nuevos agentes, así como ofrecer a los más experimentados un entorno para practicar y perfeccionar sus habilidades. Las instalaciones cuentan con campos de tiro básicos, zonas de manejo de explosivos y una pista de entrenamiento con armas. No hay comedor, pero 'el comandante' ha puesto una miserable barbacoa en el patio." "[english]SFUI_Rules_Training_Loading" "This G.O. test facility was designed to provide basic weapons training for new agents as well as give experienced agents an environment to practice and sharpen their skills.\n\nThe facility contains basic weapon ranges, explosive handling zones and a weapons course. While there's no DFAC on site, 'the commander' has been known to throw a mean BBQ in the courtyard." "SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionContents" "LOS MODOS DE JUEGO
CS:GO cuenta con cuatro modos de juego básicos: Casual Clásico, Competitivo Clásico, Carrera de Armamentos y Demolición.

Los dos modos clásicos comparten las mismas reglas básicas. Las partidas se juegan en mapas de rehenes y bombas. En ambos tipos de mapa, una partida es dividida en rondas con límite de tiempo. Tu equipo gana una ronda al eliminar a todos los miembros del equipo contrario o al completar los objetivos del mapa. En los mapas de rehenes, los antiterroristas intentan encontrar a cuatro rehenes y guiarlos a una zona de rescate. Los terroristas deben evitar que los rehenes sean rescatados. Para ambos equipos, matar rehenes reduce la puntuación y el dinero disponible para comprar armas y equipamiento en la siguiente ronda. En los mapas de bombas, los terroristas intentan colocar y detonar una bomba en uno de los dos emplazamientos de bomba. Los antiterroristas deben evitar que la bomba sea colocada o desactivarla una vez sea colocada en un emplazamiento de bomba.

Los dos modos clásicos difieren en cuatro apartados principales. En el modo Competitivo están activados el fuego amigo y las colisiones con compañeros, debes comprar blindaje y kits de desactivación (en el modo Casual los obtienes automáticamente) y las partidas duran treinta rondas en lugar de diez.

La Carrera de Armamentos tiene lugar en una sola ronda y, a diferencia de lo que ocurre en los otros tres modos, los jugadores muertos se regeneran al instante. Al regenerarse, serán invulnerables durante cinco segundos o hasta que ataquen. Las armas y el equipamiento no se pueden comprar en Carrera de Armamentos. En lugar de esto, todos los jugadores empiezan con la misma arma y consiguen una nueva cada vez que matan a un enemigo. La última arma que se obtiene es un cuchillo de oro, y el primer jugador que consigue matar a otro con él gana la partida.

El modo Demolición es un vertiginoso híbrido de las reglas de juego clásicas y de las del modo Carrera de Armamentos. Consiste en dos partidas multi-ronda. Al final de la primera partida los equipos se intercambian de lado. Un equipo gana una ronda bien eliminando al equipo enemigo o bien detonando o desactivando la bomba. No se pueden comprar armas ni equipamiento. En su lugar, si eliminas a un enemigo, recibirás una nueva arma al principio de la siguiente ronda. También obtienes granadas por cada víctima adicional que consigas más allá de la primera en una misma ronda. Gana la partida el equipo con más rondas ganadas." "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionContents" "THE GAME MODES
CS:GO has four basic game modes: Classic Casual, Classic Competitive, Arms Race, and Demolition.

The two Classic modes share the same basic rules. Games are played on either Hostage or Bomb maps. In both types of maps, a single match is divided into multiple timed rounds. Your team wins a round by eliminating all members of the opposing team or by completing map objectives. In Hostage maps, Counter-Terrorists try to locate four hostages and lead them to a rescue zone. Terrorists must prevent the hostages from being rescued. For either team, killing hostages decreases your score and reduces the money available for purchasing weapons and equipment in the next round. In Bomb maps, the Terrorists try to plant and detonate a bomb at one of two bomb sites. The Counter-Terrorists must prevent the bomb from being planted or defuse it once it is planted at a bomb site.

The two classic modes differ in four major ways. In competitive mode, Friendly Fire is on, Team Collision is on, you must purchase Armor and Defuse kits (you get them automatically in Casual), and matches last thirty rounds rather than ten.

Arms Race takes place in a single round, and unlike the other three modes, dead players respawn instantly. Upon respawn, you’re invulnerable for five seconds or until you attack. Weapons and equipment aren’t purchasable in Arms Race. Instead, everyone starts with the same weapon, and you receive a new weapon for every enemy you kill. The final weapon you earn is a golden knife, and the first player to make a kill with the golden knife wins the game.

Demolition mode is a fast-paced hybrid of the Classic and Arms Race game rules. It consists of two multi-round matches. At the end of the first match, the teams switch sides. A team wins a round by either eliminating the enemy team or by detonating or defusing the bomb. Weapons and equipment are not purchasable. Instead, if you eliminate an enemy, you receive a new weapon at the beginning of the next round. You also earn bonus grenades for each additional kill you make beyond the first in a single round. The team with the most rounds won wins the match." "SFUI_HowToPlay_PlayOnlineContents" " PARTIDA RÁPIDA
Esto te permite entrar en una partida rápidamente, pero no podrás escoger preferencias.

Desde aquí puedes elegir el tipo de partida, modo y mapa en el que te gustaría jugar.

Puedes jugar contra bots en todos los mapas y modos mediante la opción CREAR UNA PARTIDA del menú de juego.

La pista de entrenamiento te enseña los fundamentos del uso de armas de fuego y el equipamiento, así como a hacerles frente cuando son utilizados en tu contra.
" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_PlayOnlineContents" " QUICKMATCH
This lets you get into a game quickly, but you don’t get to choose preferences.

From here you can choose the game type, mode, and map you’d like to play.

You can play all maps and modes against bots by selecting the CREATE A GAME option from the play menu.

The weapons course gives you the basics of using firearms and equipment, and dealing with them when they’re used against you.
" "SFUI_PLAYER_SETTINGS" "AJUSTES" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PLAYER_SETTINGS" "SETTINGS" "SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientInvite" "${cancel} Salir de la sala ${altstart} Invitar amigos ${lshoulder} Mostrar tarjeta de jugador" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientInvite" "${cancel} Exit Lobby ${altstart} Invite Friends ${lshoulder} Show Gamercard" "SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientShowGameInfo" "${cancel} Salir de la sala ${altstart} Mostrar info. de la partida ${lshoulder} Mostrar tarjeta de jugador" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientShowGameInfo" "${cancel} Exit Lobby ${altstart} Show Game Info ${lshoulder} Show Gamercard" "SFUI_LobbyBrowser_Help" "${west}Crear ${Cancel}Atrás ${confirm}Unirse" "[english]SFUI_LobbyBrowser_Help" "${west}Create ${Cancel}Back ${confirm}Join" "SFUI_LobbyBrowser_Join" "UNIRSE" "[english]SFUI_LobbyBrowser_Join" "JOIN" "SFUI_LobbyBrowser_Back" "ATRÁS" "[english]SFUI_LobbyBrowser_Back" "BACK" "SFUI_LobbyBrowser_CreateLobby" "CREAR SALA DE ESPERA" "[english]SFUI_LobbyBrowser_CreateLobby" "CREATE LOBBY" "SFUI_LobbyBrowser_ShowGamercard" "${north} PERFIL DE STEAM" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_LobbyBrowser_ShowGamercard" "${north} STEAM PROFILE" "SFUI_LobbyBrowser_ShowGamercard" "${north} MOSTRAR TARJETA DE JUGADOR" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_LobbyBrowser_ShowGamercard" "${north} SHOW GAMERCARD" "SFUI_LobbyBrowser_Title" "JUGANDO ACTUALMENTE A CS:GO" "[english]SFUI_LobbyBrowser_Title" "CURRENTLY PLAYING CS:GO" "SFUI_Lobby_NumFriendsOnline" "%s1 conectados" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_NumFriendsOnline" "%s1 Online" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusInLobby" "En sala de espera" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusInLobby" "In Lobby" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusInLevel" "En el nivel" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusInLevel" "In Level" "SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullC" "DISPOSITIVO DE ALMACENAMIENTO LLENO" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullC" "STORAGE DEVICE FULL" "SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullC" "DISCO DURO LLENO" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullC" "HARD DISK DRIVE FULL" "SFUI_SteamNav" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Aceptar" "[english]SFUI_SteamNav" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Accept" "SFUI_SteamConnectionTitle" "Conectando a Steam" "[english]SFUI_SteamConnectionTitle" "Connecting to Steam" "SFUI_SteamConnectionText" "Por favor, espera..." "[english]SFUI_SteamConnectionText" "Please wait..." "SFUI_SteamConnectionErrorTitle" "Error de conexión a Steam" "[english]SFUI_SteamConnectionErrorTitle" "Steam Connection Error" "SFUI_SteamConnectionErrorText" "Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]SFUI_SteamConnectionErrorText" "Please try again." "SFUI_SteamConnectionReqTitle" "Es necesario Steam" "[english]SFUI_SteamConnectionReqTitle" "Steam Required" "SFUI_SteamConnectionReqText" "Tienes que iniciar sesión en una cuenta de PlayStation®Network vinculada a un identificador Steam para usar las funciones en línea de CS:GO. ¿Quieres continuar?" "[english]SFUI_SteamConnectionReqText" "CS:GO online features require you to sign in to a PlayStation®Network account linked to a Steam ID. Would you like to continue?" "SFUI_SteamConnectionRetryText" "No se ha podido conectar con Steam. ¿Quieres intentarlo de nuevo?" "[english]SFUI_SteamConnectionRetryText" "Failed to connect to Steam. Would you like to try again?" "SFUI_SteamConnectionRetryNav" "${cancel} Cancelar ${confirm} Reintentar" "[english]SFUI_SteamConnectionRetryNav" "${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} Retry" "SFUI_Steam_Error_PSN_NotOnline" "La conexión a tu cuenta de PlayStation®Network ha fallado.\n¿Quieres intentarlo de nuevo?" "[english]SFUI_Steam_Error_PSN_NotOnline" "Connection to your PlayStation®Network account failed.\nWould you like to try again?" "SFUI_Steam_Error_PSN_Unexpected" "No se ha podido conectar a Steam.\n¿Quieres volver a intentarlo?" "[english]SFUI_Steam_Error_PSN_Unexpected" "Failed to connect to Steam.\nWould you like to try again?" "SFUI_Steam_Error_LinkLoggedInElsewhere" "Ya se ha iniciado sesión con esta cuenta de Steam desde otro equipo.\nPor favor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde." "[english]SFUI_Steam_Error_LinkLoggedInElsewhere" "This account is currently signed into Steam from another machine.\nPlease try again later." "SFUI_Steam_Error_LinkAccountDisabled" "La cuenta de Steam proporcionada ha sido deshabilitada." "[english]SFUI_Steam_Error_LinkAccountDisabled" "The provided Steam account has been disabled." "SFUI_Steam_Error_ParentalControl" "El servicio online ha sido desactivado en tu cuenta de PlayStation®Network debido a las restricciones del control parental." "[english]SFUI_Steam_Error_ParentalControl" "Online service is disabled on your PlayStation®Network account due to parental control restrictions." "SFUI_Steam_Error_LinkAuth" "Cuenta o contraseña de Steam incorrecta.\nPor favor, inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]SFUI_Steam_Error_LinkAuth" "Invalid Steam account name or password.\nPlease try again." "SFUI_Steam_Error_LinkAlreadyLinked" "La cuenta de Steam proporcionada ya ha sido vinculada a otra cuenta de PlayStation®Network." "[english]SFUI_Steam_Error_LinkAlreadyLinked" "The provided Steam account has already been linked to another PlayStation®Network account." "SFUI_Steam_Error_LinkUnexpected" "Ha sido imposible conectar con la red de Steam. Por favor, comprueba tu conexión e inténtalo de nuevo." "[english]SFUI_Steam_Error_LinkUnexpected" "We were unable to connect to the Steam network. Please check your network connection and try again." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cheer" "¡Ánimo!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cheer" "Cheer!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Thanks" "¡Gracias!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Thanks" "Thanks!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Compliment" "¡Genial!" "[english]Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Compliment" "Nice!" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Navigation" "${cancel} Cancelar ${dpad} Moverse ${rstick} Desplazar" "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Navigation" "${cancel} Cancel ${dpad} Navigate ${rstick} Scroll" "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card_Xbox" "${north} Mostrar tarjeta de jugador" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card_Xbox" "${north} Show Gamer Card " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Steam_Profie_Keyboard" "[P] Mostrar perfil de Steam" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Steam_Profie_Keyboard" "[P] Show Steam Profile " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Steam_Profie_Controller" "${north} Mostrar perfil de Steam" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Steam_Profie_Controller" "${north} Show Steam Profile " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot_Controller" "${west} Controlar bot " "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot_Controller" "${west} Control Bot " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot_Keyboard" "[E] Controlar bot" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot_Keyboard" "[E] Control Bot " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard_MacWin" "${altstart} Marcador" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard_MacWin" "${altstart} Scoreboard " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard_PS3" "${dpaddown} Marcador" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard_PS3" "${dpaddown} Scoreboard " "SFUI_CommandRadio" "Orden por radio" "[english]SFUI_CommandRadio" "Command Radio Message" "SFUI_Radio_Thanks" "Gracias" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Thanks" "Thanks" "SFUI_Radio_Cheer" "¡Ánimo!" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Cheer" "Cheer!" "SFUI_Radio_Compliment" "Elogio" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Compliment" "Compliment" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Trigger_R2" "Disparar arma" [$WIN32||$X360||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Trigger_R2" "Fire Weapon" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Trigger_R2" "Girar 180 grados" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Trigger_R2" "Spin 180" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Bumper_R1" "Girar 180 grados" [$WIN32||$X360||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Bumper_R1" "Spin 180" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Bumper_R1" "Disparar arma" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Bumper_R1" "Fire Weapon" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_RStick_Press" "Ataque secundario" "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_RStick_Press" "Alternate Fire" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_RStick" "Mirar" "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_RStick" "Look" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_LStick_Press" " " "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_LStick_Press" "" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Dpad_PS3Dn_LStick" "Soltar arma" [$WIN32||$X360||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Dpad_PS3Dn_LStick" "Drop Weapon" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Dpad_PS3Dn_LStick" "Moverse" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Dpad_PS3Dn_LStick" "Move" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_LStick_PS3Dpad_Dn" "Moverse" [$WIN32||$X360||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_LStick_PS3Dpad_Dn" "Move" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_LStick_PS3Dpad_Dn" "Soltar arma" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_LStick_PS3Dpad_Dn" "Drop Weapon" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_LBumper_L1" "Seleccionar objeto" "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_LBumper_L1" "Select Item" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_LTrigger_L2" "Agacharse" "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_LTrigger_L2" "Crouch" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Select" "Marcador" "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Select" "Scoreboard" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Start" "Menú pausa" "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Start" "Pause Menu" "SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "Mando inalámbrico" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "Wireless Controller" "SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "MANDO" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "CONTROLLER" "SFUI_HowToPlay_Controls" "Controles" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_Controls" "Controls" "SFUI_HowToPlay_Controls" "Mando inalámbrico" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_Controls" "Wireless Controller" "SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "Mando inalámbrico" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "Wireless Controller" "SFUI_Join_Game" "Unirse a la partida" "[english]SFUI_Join_Game" "Join Game" "SFUI_Join_Game" "${west} Unirse a la partida" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Join_Game" "${west} Join Game" "SFUI_LeaderboardDevice_Gamepad" "Mando inalámbrico" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardDevice_Gamepad" "Wireless Controller" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_PSMove" "PlayStation®Move" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_PSMove" "PlayStation®Move" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Sharpshooter" "Tirador de precisión PlayStation®Move" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Sharpshooter" "PlayStation®Move sharp shooter" "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LostConnectionToLIVE" "Se ha perdido la conexión con Xbox LIVE." [$X360] "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_LostConnectionToLIVE" "The connection to Xbox LIVE was lost." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LostConnectionToLIVE" "Se ha perdido la conexión con PlayStation®Network." [!$X360] "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_LostConnectionToLIVE" "The connection to PlayStation®Network was lost." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectedServerShuttingDown" "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor porque el servidor de juego se ha cerrado." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectedServerShuttingDown" "Lost connection to server because game server has been shut down." "SFUI_MsgBx_DisconnectedServerShuttingDown" "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor porque el servidor de juego se ha cerrado." "[english]SFUI_MsgBx_DisconnectedServerShuttingDown" "Lost connection to server because game server has been shut down." "SFUI_Network_Disconnect_Title" "Sesión de perfil de jugador cerrada" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Network_Disconnect_Title" "Gamer Profile Sign Out" "SFUI_Network_Disconnect_Desc" "Debes iniciar sesión en un perfil de jugador para poder jugar." [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Network_Disconnect_Desc" "You must be signed in to a gamer profile to play." "SFUI_Network_Disconnect_Legend" "${confirm} Aceptar" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Network_Disconnect_Legend" "${confirm} OK" "SFUI_PS_Network_Disconnect_Title" "Sesión de PlayStation®Network cerrada" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PS_Network_Disconnect_Title" "PlayStation®Network Sign Out" "SFUI_PS_Network_Disconnect_Desc" "Se ha cerrado la sesión de PlayStation®Network.\nNo podrás jugar en línea o acceder a los marcadores." [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PS_Network_Disconnect_Desc" "You have been signed out of PlayStation®Network.\nYou will not be able to play online games or access leaderboards." "SFUI_PS_Network_Disconnect_Legend" "${ps3select}: Iniciar sesión ${confirm}: Continuar" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PS_Network_Disconnect_Legend" "${ps3select}: Sign In ${confirm}: Continue" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Seleccionar ${north} Ver invitaciones" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Select ${north} View Invites" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu_Invite_On" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Seleccionar ${north} Ver invitaciones " "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu_Invite_On" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Select ${north} View Invites " "INPUT_DEVICE_KBMOUSE_NOGLYPH" "TECLADO/RATÓN" "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_KBMOUSE_NOGLYPH" "KEYBOARD/MOUSE" "INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD_NOGLYPH" "MANDO" "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD_NOGLYPH" "GAMEPAD" "INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD_XBOX_NOGLYPH" "MANDO" "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD_XBOX_NOGLYPH" "GAMEPAD" "INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD_PS3_NOGLYPH" "Mando inalámbrico" "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD_PS3_NOGLYPH" "Wireless Controller" "INPUT_DEVICE_PSMOVE_NOGLYPH" "PlayStation®Move" "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_PSMOVE_NOGLYPH" "PlayStation®Move" "INPUT_DEVICE_HYDRA_NOGLYPH" "HYDRA" "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_HYDRA_NOGLYPH" "HYDRA" "INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER_NOGLYPH" "Tirador de precisión PlayStation®Move" "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER_NOGLYPH" "PlayStation®Move sharp shooter" "INPUT_DEVICE_MOVE_NAV_CONTROLLER_NOGLYPH" "MANDO DE NAVEGACIÓN" "[english]INPUT_DEVICE_MOVE_NAV_CONTROLLER_NOGLYPH" "NAV CONTROLLER" "SFUI_Device_Disconnected_Title" "Dispositivo desconectado" "[english]SFUI_Device_Disconnected_Title" "Device Disconnected" "SFUI_Device_Disconnected_Message" "%s1 desconectado. Por favor, conecta %s2" "[english]SFUI_Device_Disconnected_Message" "%s1 disconnected. Please connect %s2" "SFUI_Device_Disconnected_Legend" "${confirm} Aceptar" "[english]SFUI_Device_Disconnected_Legend" "${confirm} OK" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_Invite_On" "${north} Ver invitaciones " [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_Invite_On" "${north} View Invites " "SFUI_SinglePlayer_Invite_Off" "${north} Ver invitaciones" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_Invite_Off" "${north} View Invites" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_Invite_On_Btn" "Ver invitaciones " [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_Invite_On_Btn" "View Invites " "SFUI_SinglePlayer_Invite_Off_Btn" "Ver invitaciones" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_Invite_Off_Btn" "View Invites" "SFUI_Lobby_Help_Invite_On" "${north} Ver invitaciones " [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_Help_Invite_On" "${north} View Invites " "SFUI_Lobby_Help_Invite_Off" "${north} Ver invitaciones" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_Help_Invite_Off" "${north} View Invites" "SFUI_Lobby_Help_Invite_On_Btn" "Ver invitaciones " [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_Help_Invite_On_Btn" "View Invites " "SFUI_Lobby_Help_Invite_Off_Btn" "Ver invitaciones" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_Help_Invite_Off_Btn" "View Invites" "SFUI_Hint_ControlBotDontKeep" "Cuando controlas a un bot, el dinero, las víctimas, las muertes y las armas que obtienes son asignadas a ese bot en lugar de a ti." "[english]SFUI_Hint_ControlBotDontKeep" "When you're controlling a bot, money, kills, deaths and weapons that you earn are awarded to that bot instead of you." "SFUI_PS3_LOADING_TITLE" "Cargando" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PS3_LOADING_TITLE" "Loading" "SFUI_PS3_LOADING_PROFILE_DATA" "Cargando datos del perfil" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PS3_LOADING_PROFILE_DATA" "Loading Profile Data" "SFUI_PS3_LOADING_INSTALLING_TROPHIES" "Instalando trofeos" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PS3_LOADING_INSTALLING_TROPHIES" "Installing Trophies" "SFUI_PS3_LOADING_INIT_SAVE_UTILITY" "Iniciando utilidad de datos guardados" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PS3_LOADING_INIT_SAVE_UTILITY" "Initializing Save Utility" "SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectedVoiceChannelToGame" "Has sido desconectado porque tu canal de voz debe configurarse a chat de voz durante la partida. ¿Quieres cambiar tu canal de voz a chat de voz durante la partida ahora?" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectedVoiceChannelToGame" "You have been disconnected because your voice channel must be set to in-game voice chat. Would you like to switch your voice channel to in-game voice chat now?" "SFUI_VoiceChat_Channel_Title" "Chat de voz" "[english]SFUI_VoiceChat_Channel_Title" "Voice Chat" "SFUI_VoiceChat_Channel_Message" "Has cambiado tu canal de voz a chat de voz durante la partida. ¿Quieres cambiar tu canal voz a chat de grupo ahora?" "[english]SFUI_VoiceChat_Channel_Message" "You had switched your voice channel to in-game voice chat. Would you like to switch your voice channel to party chat now?" "SFUI_TrialTimeExpired_Navigation" "${confirm} Aceptar" "[english]SFUI_TrialTimeExpired_Navigation" "${confirm} Ok" "SFUI_TrialTimeExpired_Title" "Tiempo de prueba finalizado" "[english]SFUI_TrialTimeExpired_Title" "Trial Time Expired" "SFUI_TrialTimeExpired_Message" "Tu tiempo de prueba ha finalizado" "[english]SFUI_TrialTimeExpired_Message" "Your trial time has expired" "SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientInvite" "${cancel} Salir de la sala ${altstart} Invitar amigos" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientInvite" "${cancel} Exit Lobby ${altstart} Invite Friends" "SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientShowGameInfo" "${cancel} Salir de la sala ${altstart} Mostrar info. de la partida" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientShowGameInfo" "${cancel} Exit Lobby ${altstart} Show Game Info" "SFUI_Lobby_PublicMatchButton" "Partida pública" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_PublicMatchButton" "Public Match" "SFUI_Lobby_PublicMatchButton" "Convertir en privada" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_PublicMatchButton" "Make Match Private" "SFUI_Lobby_ClanPreferredMatchButton" "Preferida por el equipo" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ClanPreferredMatchButton" "Team-Preferred" "SFUI_Lobby_ClanOnlyMatchButton" "Solo equipos" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ClanOnlyMatchButton" "Team-Only" "SFUI_Lobby_PrivateMatchButton" "Partida privada" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_PrivateMatchButton" "Private Match" "SFUI_Lobby_PrivateMatchButton" "Convertir en pública" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_PrivateMatchButton" "Make Match Public" "SFUI_Lobby_InviteLIVEParty" "${rshoulder} Invitar a Xbox LIVE Party" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_InviteLIVEParty" "${rshoulder} Invite Xbox LIVE Party" "SFUI_SendInviteToFriendAuto_Title" "Invitación para CS:GO" "[english]SFUI_SendInviteToFriendAuto_Title" "CS:GO Invite" "SFUI_SendInviteToFriendAuto_Body" "¡Juguemos juntos a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive!" "[english]SFUI_SendInviteToFriendAuto_Body" "Let's play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive together!" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Show_Profile" "MOSTRAR TARJETA DE JUGADOR" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Show_Profile" "SHOW GAMER CARD" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Show_Profile" "MOSTRAR PERFIL DE STEAM" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Show_Profile" "SHOW STEAM PROFILE" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" "${confirm} Seleccionar" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" "${confirm} Select" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" "${confirm} Seleccionar ${north} Ver invitaciones" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" "${confirm} Select ${north} View Invites" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root_Invite_On" "${confirm} Seleccionar ${north} Ver invitaciones " "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root_Invite_On" "${confirm} Select ${north} View Invites " "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" "${cancel} Atrás ${confirm} Seleccionar" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" "${cancel} Back ${confirm} Select" "SFUI_InitialTeamNavNoSpectate" "${confirm} Aceptar ${dpad} Seleccionar ${west} Selección automática ${altstart} Marcador" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_InitialTeamNavNoSpectate" "${confirm} Accept ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${altstart} Scoreboard" "SFUI_InitialTeamNavWithSpectate" "${confirm} Aceptar ${dpad} Seleccionar ${west} Selección automática ${lshoulder} Espectador ${altstart} Marcador" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_InitialTeamNavWithSpectate" "${confirm} Accept ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${lshoulder} Spectate ${altstart} Scoreboard" "SFUI_InitialTeamNavNoSpectate" "${confirm} Aceptar ${dpad} Seleccionar ${west} Selección automática ${north} Marcador" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_InitialTeamNavNoSpectate" "${confirm} Accept ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${north} Scoreboard" "SFUI_InitialTeamNavWithSpectate" "${confirm} Aceptar ${dpad} Seleccionar ${west} Selección automática ${lshoulder} Espectador ${north} Marcador" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_InitialTeamNavWithSpectate" "${confirm} Accept ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${lshoulder} Spectate ${north} Scoreboard" "SFUI_PSNPresence_SinglePlayer" "Un jugador" "[english]SFUI_PSNPresence_SinglePlayer" "Single Player" "SFUI_PSNPresence_InLobby" "En una sala" "[english]SFUI_PSNPresence_InLobby" "In Lobby" "SFUI_PSNPresence_InGame" "Partida online" "[english]SFUI_PSNPresence_InGame" "Online Game" "SFUI_GameUI_ChatRestrictionPS3_Title" "Chat desactivado" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ChatRestrictionPS3_Title" "Chat Disabled" "SFUI_GameUI_ChatRestrictionPS3_Message" "El chat está desactivado en tu cuenta de PlayStation®Network debido a restricciones de chat." "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ChatRestrictionPS3_Message" "Chat is disabled on your PlayStation®Network account due to chat restrictions." "TRAINING_BEAT_BEST_NAME" "Romperécords" "[english]TRAINING_BEAT_BEST_NAME" "Record Breaker" "TRAINING_BEAT_BEST_DESC" "Supera el récord actual en la pista de entrenamiento con armas" "[english]TRAINING_BEAT_BEST_DESC" "Beat the active training course record in the Weapons Course" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Y_Triangle" "Cambiar de arma" [$WIN32||$X360||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Y_Triangle" "Swap Weapon" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Y_Triangle" "Usar" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_Y_Triangle" "Use" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_B_Circle" "Recargar" [$WIN32||$X360||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_B_Circle" "Reload" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_B_Circle" "Cambiar de arma" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_B_Circle" "Swap Weapon" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_A_X" "Saltar" [$WIN32||$X360||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_A_X" "Jump" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_A_X" "Recargar" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_A_X" "Reload" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_X_Square" "Usar" [$WIN32||$X360||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_X_Square" "Use" "SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_X_Square" "Saltar" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_How_to_Play_Controller_X_Square" "Jump" "SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectByUser" "Desconexión del usuario." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectByUser" "Disconnect by user." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_KickedBy1" "Expulsado por %s1" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_KickedBy1" "Kicked by %s1" "SFUI_DisconnectReason_KickedBy2" "Expulsado por %s1 : %s2" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_KickedBy2" "Kicked by %s1 : %s2" "SFUI_Second" "segundo" "[english]SFUI_Second" "second" "FLAWLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "Mata a 5 enemigos sin que ninguno de tus compañeros reciba daños" [$PS3||$X360] "[english]FLAWLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "Kill five enemy players without any members of your team taking damage" "GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_DESC" "Mata personalmente a todo el equipo terrorista antes de que coloque la bomba en el modo Demolición Online" [$PS3||$X360] "[english]GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_DESC" "Personally kill the entire Terrorist team before the bomb is planted in Online Demolition Mode" "GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_DESC" "Mata personalmente a todo el equipo antiterrorista antes de que la bomba sea colocada en el modo Demolición Online" [$PS3||$X360] "[english]GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_DESC" "Personally kill the entire CT team before the bomb is planted in Online Demolition Mode" "LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_DESC" "Mata a 5 enemigos sin que muera ninguno de tus compañeros" [$PS3||$X360] "[english]LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_DESC" "Kill five enemy players without any members of your team dying" "Menu_Dlg_Leaderboards_Lost_Connection" "Debes estar conectado a PlayStation®Network y a Steam para ver los marcadores. Por favor, comprueba tu conexión e inténtalo de nuevo." [$PS3] "[english]Menu_Dlg_Leaderboards_Lost_Connection" "You must be connected to PlayStation®Network and Steam to view Leaderboards. Please check your connection and try again." "SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "PARTIDA PERSONALIZADA" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "CUSTOM MATCH" "SFUI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER_Legend" "${confirm} Sobrescribir" "[english]SFUI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER_Legend" "${confirm} Overwrite" "SFUI_PS3_VERIFYING_ACCESS_RIGHTS" "Verificando derechos de acceso" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PS3_VERIFYING_ACCESS_RIGHTS" "Verifying Access Rights" "SFUI_PS3_DRM_ERROR_TITLE" "ERROR" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PS3_DRM_ERROR_TITLE" "ERROR" "SFUI_PS3_DRM_ERROR_GENERAL" "Se ha producido un error fatal al verificar los derechos de acceso para CS:GO.\nDeberás salir del juego ahora y asegurarte de que tienes derechos de acceso para jugar a él." [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PS3_DRM_ERROR_GENERAL" "There has been a fatal error verifying access rights for CS:GO.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have access rights to play this game." "SFUI_PS3_DRM_ERROR_ENTITLEMENT" "Se ha producido un error fatal: no tienes derechos de acceso para CS:GO.\nDeberás salir del juego ahora y asegurarte de que tienes derechos de acceso para jugar a él." [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PS3_DRM_ERROR_ENTITLEMENT" "There has been a fatal error: you have no access rights for CS:GO.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have access rights to play this game." "SFUI_PS3_DRM_ERROR_DEACTIVATED" "Se ha producido un error fatal: no tienes derechos de activación para CS:GO.\nDeberás salir del juego ahora y asegurarte de que tienes derechos de acceso para jugar a él." [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PS3_DRM_ERROR_DEACTIVATED" "There has been a fatal error: you have no activation rights for CS:GO.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have access rights to play this game." "SFUI_LocalPlayer" "Jugador" "[english]SFUI_LocalPlayer" "Player" } }