"HintConfig.txt" { "hints" { // "example_hint" // { // "locToken" "#Loc_token_from_csgo_english.txt" // "context" // { // "bomb_map_only" "1" // requires a bomb map to display this hint // "hostage_map_only" "1" // requires a hostage map to display this hint // "gungame_map_only" "1" // requires a gungame map to display this hint // "elo_bracket_modes_only" "1" // only shows in modes which display an elo bracket on the scoreboard // } // "ReticuleSpread" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Reticule_Spread" // "The outer aiming reticule indicates the spread of your weapon at any given time." } "CrouchAccuracy" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Crouch_Accuracy" // "You are more accurate when you stand still and even more so when you crouch." } "WalkAccuracy" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Walk_Accuracy" // "Walking will improve your accuracy and make your footseps harder for opponents to hear." } "VariableKillAwards" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_VariableKillAwards" // "In Classic modes, getting a kill with different weapons will award different amounts of cash. SMGs for example, will award you more cash than normal." } "Fire_Makes_Slow" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Fire_Makes_Slow" // "Use molotovs and incendiary grenades to block off your enemies route. Walking through fire not only hurts, but also slows movmement." } "Smoke_At_Door" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Smoke_At_Door" // "Smoke grenades are best used to hide your movement. Use them to pass open doorways or slip by a sniper." } "Defuse_Wins" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Defuse_Wins" // "Defusing the bomb will always win the round regardless of how many enemies remain." //"context" //{ // "bomb_map_only" "1" // requires a bomb map to display this hint //} } "KillingHostage" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_KillingHostage" // "Killing a hostage results in a severe cash penalty. Try to avoid injuring them." //"context" //{ // "hostage_map_only" "1" // requires a hostage map to display this hint //} } "Burst_Fire" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Burst_Fire" // "Firing your gun is very short bursts will improve accuracy." } "Shoot_Thru_Walls" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Shoot_Thru_Walls" // "Powerful guns can penetrate some walls made out of wood, plaster and thin metal." } "Flashbang_Turn" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Flashbang_Turn" // "If you see someone throw a flashbang, turn away to prevent being blinded." } "Switch_To_Pistol" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Switch_To_Pistol" // "Switching to your pistol in a firefight is faster than reloading and can give you the advantage." } "Vulnerable_Reloading" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Vulnerable_Reloading" // "When reloading, you are vulnerable. Pick your reload locations carefully." } "Defusal_Speed" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Defusal_Speed" // "Diffusal kits reduce the time it takes to diffuse a bomb." //"context" //{ // "bomb_map_only" "1" //} } "Stick_With_Team" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Stick_With_Team" // "Stick with your team and watch each other’s backs." } "Backstab" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Backstab" // "Stabbing an enemy in the back with the knife does more damage." } "Jump_Accuracy" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Jump_Accuracy" // "Jumping slows your movement and decreases your accuracy." } //"Break_Objects" //{ // "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Break_Objects" // "Many objects in the world can be\nbroken, including some windows,\nboards, and boxes." //} "Stand_While_Sniping" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Stand_While_Sniping" // "To be accurate with a sniper rifle, you must stand still when you fire your shot." } "Ammo_Mangement" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Ammo_Mangement" // "Ammo management is extremely important - if your clip runs out in a firefight, you are in deep trouble." } "AWP_Hint1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_AWP_Hint1" // "The AWP Sniper Rifle is very powerful and can usually kill an enemy with a single shot. Take advantage of its powerful scope and enage from a far distance." } "XM1014_Hint1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_XM1014_Hint1" // "The XM1014 Auto Shotgun is extremly powerful and very useful in close quarters. At long range however, you'll be lucky to hit the side of a barn." } "M4A4_Hint1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_M4A4_Hint1" // "The M4A4 carbine is a powerful and precise automatic rifle that excels midrange combat, but can be mastered for both long range and CQB." } "AK47_Hint1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_AK47_Hint1" // "The AK-47 is as powerful as it is loud. It suffers from high recoil, but accurate marksmen prefer it for its lethal first shot." } "Deagle_Hint1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Deagle_Hint1" // "The Desert Eagle .50C is truly a 'hand cannon'. Its powerful ammunition stops enemies in their tracks, but its clip is very small." } "Flashbang_Careful" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Flashbang_Careful" } "BuyArmor" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_BuyArmor" } "Headhot1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Headhot1" } "ST6_Info1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_ST6_Info1" } "SAS_Info1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_SAS_Info1" } "GIGN_Info1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_GIGN_Info1" } "GSG9_Info1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_GSG9_Info1" } "FBI_Info1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_FBI_Info1" } "FBI_Info2" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_FBI_Info2" } "SWAT_Info1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_SWAT_Info1" } "SWAT_Info2" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_SWAT_Info2" } "ManageMoney1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_ManageMoney1" } "UpgradePostRound" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_UpgradePostRound" } "LearnRadar" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_LearnRadar" } "WeaponSlowdown" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_WeaponSlowdown" } "BeQuicker" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_BeQuicker" } "AvoidWater" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_AvoidWater" } "PickupGuns" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_PickupGuns" } "ControlBotDontKeep" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_ControlBotDontKeep" } "Quote_Claudius1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Quote_Claudius1" } "Quote_Antoine1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Quote_Antoine1" } "Quote_Churchill1" { "locToken" "#SFUI_Hint_Quote_Churchill1" } } }