//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // idf Response Rule File //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Criterion "NotSaidHelpidf" "worldSaidHelpidf" "!=1" "required" weight 0 Criterion "NotSaidPepTalkScaredidf" "worldSaidPepTalkScaredidf" "!=1" "required" weight 0 Criterion "NotSaidRoundEndidf" "worldSaidRoundEndidf" "!=1" "required" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Radio //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Response Affirmativeidf { scene "scenes/idf/Affirmative01.vcd" //Yes scene "scenes/idf/Affirmative02.vcd" //Affirmative scene "scenes/idf/Affirmative03.vcd" //Roger that scene "scenes/idf/Affirmative05.vcd" //Roger } Rule Affirmativeidf { criteria TLK_Affirmative Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Affirmativeidf } Response Agreeidf { scene "scenes/idf/Agree01.vcd" //Alright scene "scenes/idf/Agree02.vcd" //Okay scene "scenes/idf/Agree03.vcd" odds 2 //I am in agreement } Rule Agreeidf { criteria TLK_Agree Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Agreeidf } Response BarelyDefusedidf { scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndClose01.vcd" //That was close scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndClose02.vcd" //That was a close one scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndClose03.vcd" //That was a close one } Rule BarelyDefusedidf { criteria TLK_BarelyDefused Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BarelyDefusedidf } Response Blindedidf { scene "scenes/idf/Blinded01.vcd" //I'm blind scene "scenes/idf/Blinded02.vcd" //Can't see scene "scenes/idf/Blinded03.vcd" //Blinded } Rule Blindedidf { criteria TLK_Blinded Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Blindedidf } Response BombHasPlantedidf { scene "scenes/idf/BombTickingDown01.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //The bomb's ticking down scene "scenes/idf/BombTickingDown02.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //We need to secure the bomb scene "scenes/idf/BombTickingDown03.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //Let's take care of that bomb scene "scenes/idf/BombTickingDown04.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //We must defuse the bomb scene "scenes/idf/BombTickingDown05.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //To the bomb } Rule BombHasPlantedidf { criteria TLK_BombsiteSecure Isidf IsSaidBombPlant ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombHasPlantedidf } Response BombsiteClearidf { scene "scenes/idf/BombsiteClear01.vcd" //Bombsite secure } Rule BombsiteClearidf { criteria TLK_BombsiteClear Isidf IsTalkidf IsOneLeft ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombsiteClearidf } Response Clearidf { scene "scenes/idf/ClearedArea01.vcd" //All clear scene "scenes/idf/ClearedArea02.vcd" //Clear scene "scenes/idf/ClearedArea03.vcd" //We're clear } Rule Clearidf { criteria TLK_Clear Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Clearidf } Response ClearedAreaidf { scene "scenes/idf/ClearedArea01.vcd" //All clear scene "scenes/idf/ClearedArea02.vcd" //Clear scene "scenes/idf/ClearedArea04.vcd" //Area secure } Rule ClearedAreaidf { criteria TLK_ClearedArea Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response ClearedAreaidf } Response CommanderDownidf { scene "scenes/idf/CommanderDown01.vcd" //Our commander is down scene "scenes/idf/CommanderDown02.vcd" //We lost the commander scene "scenes/idf/CommanderDown03.vcd" //Commander down } Rule CommanderDownidf { criteria TLK_CommanderDown Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response CommanderDownidf } Response CoveringFriendidf { scene "scenes/idf/CoveringFriend01.vcd" //I've got your back scene "scenes/idf/CoveringFriend02.vcd" //I have you covered scene "scenes/idf/CoveringFriend03.vcd" //Covering } Rule CoveringFriendidf { criteria TLK_CoveringFriend Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response CoveringFriendidf } Response DeathCryidf { scene "scenes/idf/ct_death01.vcd" //Ahhhh! scene "scenes/idf/ct_death02.vcd" //Ohhhmmmph scene "scenes/idf/ct_death03.vcd" //(exhale) scene "scenes/idf/ct_death04.vcd" //Ohhhh scene "scenes/idf/ct_death05.vcd" //No! } Rule DeathCryidf { criteria TLK_DeathCry Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response DeathCryidf } Response DefusingBombidf { scene "scenes/idf/DefusingBomb01.vcd" //Defusing scene "scenes/idf/DefusingBomb02.vcd" //I'm defusing the bomb scene "scenes/idf/DefusingBomb03.vcd" //Defusing the bomb } Rule DefusingBombidf { criteria TLK_DefusingBomb Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response DefusingBombidf } Response Disagreeidf { scene "scenes/idf/Disagree01.vcd" //No scene "scenes/idf/Disagree02.vcd" //No scene "scenes/idf/Disagree03.vcd" //That's a negative scene "scenes/idf/Disagree05.vcd" //I disagree scene "scenes/idf/Disagree06.vcd" //That is not right } Rule Disagreeidf { criteria TLK_Disagree Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Disagreeidf } Response EnemyDownidf { scene "scenes/idf/EnemyDown01.vcd" //Got one scene "scenes/idf/EnemyDown02.vcd" //He's down scene "scenes/idf/EnemyDown03.vcd" //Dropped him scene "scenes/idf/EnemyDown04.vcd" //Got one scene "scenes/idf/EnemyDown06.vcd" //I dropped him scene "scenes/idf/EnemyDown07.vcd" //I got one! scene "scenes/idf/EnemyDown09.vcd" //Got 'em } Rule EnemyDownidf { criteria TLK_EnemyDown Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response EnemyDownidf } Response FollowingFriendidf { scene "scenes/idf/FollowingFriend02.vcd" //Lead the way scene "scenes/idf/FollowingFriend04.vcd" //I'm with you scene "scenes/idf/FollowingFriend05.vcd" //Go, I will follow } Rule FollowingFriendidf { criteria TLK_FollowingFriend Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FollowingFriendidf } Response FriendlyFireidf { scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire01.vcd" //Secure that weapon scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire02.vcd" //Hold your fire! scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire03.vcd" //Stop shooting me scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire04.vcd" //Stop shooting me scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire05.vcd" //I. Am not the enemy. scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire06.vcd" //What the hell scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire08.vcd" //Is this your first time out? scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire09.vcd" //Do you think that's funny? scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire10.vcd" //My friend, you are shooting ME! scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire11.vcd" //Watch the friendly fire } Rule FriendlyFireidf { criteria TLK_FriendlyFire Isidf IsTalkidf IsBDamage ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FriendlyFireidf } Response FriendlyFireNoBidf { scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire05.vcd" //I. Am not the enemy. scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire06.vcd" //What the hell scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire08.vcd" //Is this your first time out? scene "scenes/idf/FriendlyFire09.vcd" //Do you think that's funny? } Rule FriendlyFireNoBidf { criteria TLK_FriendlyFire Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FriendlyFireNoBidf } Response GoingToGuardLooseBombidf { scene "scenes/idf/GoingToGuardLooseBomb01.vcd" //Heading to the dropped bomb scene "scenes/idf/GoingToGuardLooseBomb02.vcd" //Going to cover the dropped bomb scene "scenes/idf/GoingToGuardLooseBomb03.vcd" //Heading to the bomb } Rule GoingToGuardLooseBombidf { criteria TLK_GoingToGuardLooseBomb Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response GoingToGuardLooseBombidf } Response GuardingLooseBombidf { scene "scenes/idf/GuardingLooseBomb01.vcd" //Guarding the dropped bomb scene "scenes/idf/GuardingLooseBomb02.vcd" //I'm staying with bomb scene "scenes/idf/GuardingLooseBomb03.vcd" //Covering the bomb } Rule GuardingLooseBombidf { criteria TLK_GuardingLooseBomb Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response GuardingLooseBombidf } Response HeardNoiseidf { scene "scenes/idf/HeardNoise01.vcd" //I think I heard something scene "scenes/idf/HeardNoise02.vcd" //Did you hear that? scene "scenes/idf/HeardNoise03.vcd" //Anyone else hear that? } Rule HeardNoiseidf { criteria TLK_HeardNoise Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response HeardNoiseidf } Response helpidf { scene "scenes/idf/Help01.vcd" //I need help scene "scenes/idf/Help02.vcd" //Could use some help scene "scenes/idf/Help03.vcd" //Need help scene "scenes/idf/Help04.vcd" //I need help over here scene "scenes/idf/Help05.vcd" //I need assistance } Rule helpidf { criteria TLK_help Isidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1,SaidHelpidf:1:3" applycontexttoworld Response helpidf } Response InCombatidf { scene "scenes/idf/InCombat01.vcd" //Attacking scene "scenes/idf/InCombat02.vcd" //Firing! scene "scenes/idf/InCombat03.vcd" //Opening up scene "scenes/idf/InCombat04.vcd" //I will kill you! scene "scenes/idf/InCombat05.vcd" //I will kill you! scene "scenes/idf/InCombat06.vcd" //Have at it scene "scenes/idf/InCombat07.vcd" //Doing it scene "scenes/idf/InCombat09.vcd" //We are on } Rule InCombatidf { criteria TLK_InCombat Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response InCombatidf } Response KilledFriendidf { scene "scenes/idf/KilledFriend01.vcd" //What the hell is going on? scene "scenes/idf/KilledFriend02.vcd" //What are you doing? scene "scenes/idf/KilledFriend03.vcd" //He was one of ours! scene "scenes/idf/KilledFriend04.vcd" //Whose team are you on? scene "scenes/idf/KilledFriend05.vcd" //We must defeat the enemy, not ourselves. scene "scenes/idf/KilledFriend06.vcd" //We do not kill our friends } Rule KilledFriendidf { criteria TLK_KilledFriend Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response KilledFriendidf } Response KilledMyEnemyidf { scene "scenes/idf/EnemyDown02.vcd" //He's down scene "scenes/idf/EnemyDown03.vcd" //Dropped him scene "scenes/idf/EnemyDown09.vcd" //Got 'em } Rule KilledMyEnemyidf { criteria TLK_KilledMyEnemy Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response KilledMyEnemyidf } Response LastManStandingidf { scene "scenes/idf/LastManStanding01.vcd" //This is our victory scene "scenes/idf/LastManStanding02.vcd" //This is over scene "scenes/idf/LastManStanding03.vcd" //This is our victory scene "scenes/idf/LastManStanding04.vcd" //I stand alone! scene "scenes/idf/LastManStanding05.vcd" //If one survives, we all survive scene "scenes/idf/LastManStanding06.vcd" //This is over } Rule LastManStandingidf { criteria TLK_LastManStanding Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response LastManStandingidf } Response LostEnemyidf { scene "scenes/idf/LostEnemy01.vcd" //Lost 'em scene "scenes/idf/LostEnemy02.vcd" //They got away scene "scenes/idf/LostEnemy04.vcd" //Lost site of the enemy } Rule LostEnemyidf { criteria TLK_LostEnemy Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response LostEnemyidf } Response Map_ARampidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source01.vcd" //A ramp scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source02.vcd" //At A ramp scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source03.vcd" //Checking the A ramp } Rule Map_ARampidf { criteria TLK_Map_ARamp Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_ARampidf } Response Map_Backidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source12.vcd" //Back scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source14.vcd" //At the back } Rule Map_Backidf { criteria TLK_Map_Back Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_Backidf } Response Map_BackAlleyidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source15.vcd" //Back alley scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source16.vcd" //Checking the backalley } Rule Map_BackAlleyidf { criteria TLK_Map_BackAlley Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_BackAlleyidf } Response Map_BackAlleysidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source18.vcd" //Backalleys scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source20.vcd" //At the back alleys } Rule Map_BackAlleysidf { criteria TLK_Map_BackAlleys Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_BackAlleysidf } Response Map_BackEntranceidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source27.vcd" //Back entrance scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source28.vcd" //Checking the back entrance } Rule Map_BackEntranceidf { criteria TLK_Map_BackEntrance Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_BackEntranceidf } Response Map_BackYardidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source30.vcd" //Back Yard scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source31.vcd" //At the Back Yard } Rule Map_BackYardidf { criteria TLK_Map_BackYard Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_BackYardidf } Response Map_BDoorsidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source07.vcd" //Checking the B Doors scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source08.vcd" //At the B Doors } Rule Map_BDoorsidf { criteria TLK_Map_BDoors Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_BDoorsidf } Response Map_BPlatformidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source09.vcd" //BPlatform scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source10.vcd" //Checking the B Platform scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source11.vcd" //At the B Platform } Rule Map_BPlatformidf { criteria TLK_Map_BPlatform Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_BPlatformidf } Response Map_Bridgeidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source36.vcd" //Bridge scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source37.vcd" //Checking the bridge scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source38.vcd" //At the bridge } Rule Map_Bridgeidf { criteria TLK_Map_Bridge Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_Bridgeidf } Response Map_Catwalkidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source45.vcd" //Catwalk scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source47.vcd" //At the catwalk } Rule Map_Catwalkidf { criteria TLK_Map_Catwalk Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_Catwalkidf } Response Map_CTSpawnidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source42.vcd" //Landing Zone scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source44.vcd" //Back at the Landing zone scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source81.vcd" //Back at the Insertion Point scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source82.vcd" //At our Insertion Point } Rule Map_CTSpawnidf { criteria TLK_Map_CTSpawn Isidf IsTalkidf IsNotar_shoots ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_CTSpawnidf } Response Map_DoubleDoorsidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source48.vcd" //Checking the doube doors scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source49.vcd" //At the double doors } Rule Map_DoubleDoorsidf { criteria TLK_Map_DoubleDoors Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_DoubleDoorsidf } Response Map_ExtendedAidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source56.vcd" //Extended A scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source57.vcd" //At Extended A } Rule Map_ExtendedAidf { criteria TLK_Map_ExtendedA Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_ExtendedAidf } Response Map_Frontidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source59.vcd" //Front scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source60.vcd" //Checking the front } Rule Map_Frontidf { criteria TLK_Map_Front Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_Frontidf } Response Map_FrontEntranceidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source62.vcd" //Front Entrance scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source63.vcd" //At the Front Entrance } Rule Map_FrontEntranceidf { criteria TLK_Map_FrontEntrance Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_FrontEntranceidf } Response Map_Holeidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source65.vcd" //Hole scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source67.vcd" //Checking the hole } Rule Map_Holeidf { criteria TLK_Map_Hole Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_Holeidf } Response Map_LongAidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source68.vcd" //Long A scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source69.vcd" //Checking long A } Rule Map_LongAidf { criteria TLK_Map_LongA Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_LongAidf } Response Map_LongDoorsidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source71.vcd" //Long doors scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source72.vcd" //Checking the long doors } Rule Map_LongDoorsidf { criteria TLK_Map_LongDoors Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_LongDoorsidf } Response Map_Middleidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source83.vcd" //Middle scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source84.vcd" //At the Middle } Rule Map_Middleidf { criteria TLK_Map_Middle Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_Middleidf } Response Map_MidDoorsidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source77.vcd" //Mid Doors scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source79.vcd" //At the mid doors } Rule Map_MidDoorsidf { criteria TLK_Map_MidDoors Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_MidDoorsidf } Response Map_Overpassidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source92.vcd" //Overpass scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source94.vcd" //At the overpass } Rule Map_Overpassidf { criteria TLK_Map_Overpass Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_Overpassidf } Response Map_PalaceInterioridf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source95.vcd" //Palace Interior scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source97.vcd" //Inside the palace } Rule Map_PalaceInterioridf { criteria TLK_Map_PalaceInterior Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_PalaceInterioridf } Response Map_ShortStairsidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source98.vcd" //Short stairs scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source99.vcd" //Checking the short stairs } Rule Map_ShortStairsidf { criteria TLK_Map_ShortStairs Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_ShortStairsidf } Response Map_Sideidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source101.vcd" //Side scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source103.vcd" //At the side } Rule Map_Sideidf { criteria TLK_Map_Side Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_Sideidf } Response Map_SideEntranceidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source104.vcd" //Side Entrance scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source106.vcd" //At the side entrance } Rule Map_SideEntranceidf { criteria TLK_Map_SideEntrance Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_SideEntranceidf } Response Map_SnipersNestidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source107.vcd" //Snipers Nest scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source108.vcd" //Checking the sniper's nest scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source109.vcd" //At the Sniper's nest } Rule Map_SnipersNestidf { criteria TLK_Map_SnipersNest Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_SnipersNestidf } Response Map_Stairwellidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source113.vcd" //Stairwell scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source115.vcd" //At the stairwell } Rule Map_Stairwellidf { criteria TLK_Map_Stairwell Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_Stairwellidf } Response Map_TopofMididf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source125.vcd" //Top of Mid scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source127.vcd" //Checking Top of Mid } Rule Map_TopofMididf { criteria TLK_Map_TopofMid Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_TopofMididf } Response Map_TRampidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source116.vcd" //Their Ramp scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source118.vcd" //At their ramp } Rule Map_TRampidf { criteria TLK_Map_TRamp Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_TRampidf } Response Map_TSpawnidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source119.vcd" //At their entry point. scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source120.vcd" //Checking their entry point scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source121.vcd" //I'm at their entry point } Rule Map_TSpawnidf { criteria TLK_Map_TSpawn Isidf IsTalkidf IsNotar_shoots ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_TSpawnidf } Response Map_UnderAidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source134.vcd" //Under A scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source136.vcd" //Checking under A } Rule Map_UnderAidf { criteria TLK_Map_UnderA Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_UnderAidf } Response Map_Underpassidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source137.vcd" //underpass scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source139.vcd" //At the underpass } Rule Map_Underpassidf { criteria TLK_Map_Underpass Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_Underpassidf } Response Map_UpperTunnelidf { scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source140.vcd" //Upper Tunnel scene "scenes/idf/ctmap_cs_source142.vcd" //At the uppertunnel } Rule Map_UpperTunnelidf { criteria TLK_Map_UpperTunnel Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_UpperTunnelidf } Response Negativeidf { scene "scenes/idf/Negative01.vcd" //Negative scene "scenes/idf/Negative02.vcd" //That's a negative } Rule Negativeidf { criteria TLK_Negative Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Negativeidf } Response NiceShotidf { scene "scenes/idf/NiceShot01.vcd" //Good one scene "scenes/idf/NiceShot02.vcd" //Very good shot scene "scenes/idf/NiceShot03.vcd" //Nice shot scene "scenes/idf/NiceShot04.vcd" //Great hit scene "scenes/idf/NiceShot06.vcd" //Great hit scene "scenes/idf/NiceShot07.vcd" //Great hit } Rule NiceShotidf { criteria TLK_NiceShot Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response NiceShotidf } Response NoEnemiesLeftidf { scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft01.vcd" //We got 'em all scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft01.vcd" //We got 'em all scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft02.vcd" //None left scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft02.vcd" //None left scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft03.vcd" //Just us left scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft03.vcd" //Just us left scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft04.vcd" //Nice job, they're all dead scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft04.vcd" //Nice job, they're all dead scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft05.vcd" //They're all dead scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft05.vcd" //They're all dead scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft06.vcd" //That was our last enemy scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft06.vcd" //That was our last enemy scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft07.vcd" //It's just us now scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeft07.vcd" //It's just us now scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeftBomb01.vcd" //We got 'em all,let's defuse that bomb scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeftBomb02.vcd" //We still have the bomb to worry about } Rule NoEnemiesLeftidf { criteria TLK_NoEnemiesLeft Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response NoEnemiesLeftidf } Response OnARollBragidf { scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag01.vcd" //Oh yeah! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag03.vcd" //That's the way we do it. scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag04.vcd" //Nice. scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag05.vcd" //We are doing this! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag06.vcd" //No stopping us scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag07.vcd" //All right! All right! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag08.vcd" //We got this scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag09.vcd" //Victory shall be ours scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag10.vcd" //We fight as men! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag11.vcd" //All right! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag12.vcd" //There ya go. } Rule OnARollBragidf { criteria TLK_OnARollBrag Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response OnARollBragidf } Response OneEnemyLeftidf { scene "scenes/idf/OneEnemyLeft01.vcd" //1 guy left scene "scenes/idf/OneEnemyLeft02.vcd" //Only 1 guy left scene "scenes/idf/OneEnemyLeft03.vcd" //We have one lone bad guy scene "scenes/idf/OneEnemyLeft04.vcd" //Only 1 guy left scene "scenes/idf/OneEnemyLeft05.vcd" //That makes 1 left scene "scenes/idf/OneEnemyLeft06.vcd" //That makes 1 } Rule OneEnemyLeftidf { criteria TLK_OneEnemyLeft Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response OneEnemyLeftidf } Response OnMyWayidf { scene "scenes/idf/OnMyWay01.vcd" //On my way scene "scenes/idf/OnMyWay02.vcd" //Coming scene "scenes/idf/OnMyWay03.vcd" //Heading over scene "scenes/idf/OnMyWay04.vcd" //En route } Rule OnMyWayidf { criteria TLK_OnMyWay Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response OnMyWayidf } Response PepTalkScaredidf { scene "scenes/idf/PepTalk01.vcd" //We can do this scene "scenes/idf/PepTalk03.vcd" //Bro, pull it together scene "scenes/idf/PepTalk05.vcd" //Fear no man scene "scenes/idf/PepTalk06.vcd" //No fear } Rule PepTalkScaredidf { criteria TLK_ScaredEmote Isidf IsEarlyInRound IsTalkidf NotSaidPepTalkScaredidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1,SaidPepTalkScaredidf:1:15" applycontexttoworld Response PepTalkScaredidf } Response PinnedDownidf { scene "scenes/idf/PinnedDown01.vcd" //I'm pinned down scene "scenes/idf/PinnedDown02.vcd" //I'm pinned scene "scenes/idf/PinnedDown03.vcd" //Help, I'm pinned scene "scenes/idf/PinnedDown04.vcd" //They've got me pinned } Rule PinnedDownidf { criteria TLK_PinnedDown Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response PinnedDownidf } Response Radio.Affirmitiveidf { scene "scenes/idf/Affirmative01.vcd" //Yes scene "scenes/idf/Affirmative02.vcd" //Affirmative scene "scenes/idf/Affirmative03.vcd" //Roger that scene "scenes/idf/Affirmative05.vcd" //Roger } Rule Radio.Affirmitiveidf { criteria TLK_Radio.Affirmitive Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Affirmitiveidf } Response Radio.Cheeridf { scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag01.vcd" //Oh yeah! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag03.vcd" //That's the way we do it. scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag04.vcd" //Nice. scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag05.vcd" //We are doing this! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag06.vcd" //No stopping us scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag07.vcd" //All right! All right! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag08.vcd" //We got this scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag09.vcd" //Victory shall be ours scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag10.vcd" //We fight as men! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag11.vcd" //All right! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag12.vcd" //There ya go. } Rule Radio.Cheeridf { criteria TLK_Radio.Cheer Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Cheeridf } Response Radio.Complimentidf { scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag01.vcd" //Oh yeah! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag03.vcd" //That's the way we do it. scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag04.vcd" //Nice. scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag05.vcd" //We are doing this! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag06.vcd" //No stopping us scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag07.vcd" //All right! All right! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag08.vcd" //We got this scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag09.vcd" //Victory shall be ours scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag10.vcd" //We fight as men! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag11.vcd" //All right! scene "scenes/idf/OnARollBrag12.vcd" //There ya go. } Rule Radio.Complimentidf { criteria TLK_Radio.Compliment Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Complimentidf } Response Radio.CoverMeidf { scene "scenes/idf/CoverMe01.vcd" //Cover me scene "scenes/idf/CoverMe02.vcd" //Cover scene "scenes/idf/CoverMe03.vcd" //Hold up, cover me } Rule Radio.CoverMeidf { criteria TLK_Radio.CoverMe Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.CoverMeidf } Response Radio.Decoyidf { scene "scenes/idf/ct_decoy01.vcd" //Decoy! scene "scenes/idf/ct_decoy02.vcd" //Decoy's out. scene "scenes/idf/ct_decoy03.vcd" //Deploying decoy. } Rule Radio.Decoyidf { criteria TLK_Radio.Decoy Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Decoyidf } Response Radio.EnemyDownidf { scene "scenes/idf/EnemyDown02.vcd" //He's down scene "scenes/idf/EnemyDown03.vcd" //Dropped him scene "scenes/idf/EnemyDown09.vcd" //Got 'em } Rule Radio.EnemyDownidf { criteria TLK_Radio.EnemyDown Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.EnemyDownidf } Response Radio.EnemySpottedidf { scene "scenes/idf/Radio_EnemySpotted01.vcd" //Target spotted scene "scenes/idf/Radio_EnemySpotted02.vcd" //Targets acquired scene "scenes/idf/Radio_EnemySpotted03.vcd" //I have eyes on the enemy scene "scenes/idf/Radio_EnemySpotted04.vcd" //Get ready, I see them } Rule Radio.EnemySpottedidf { criteria TLK_Radio.EnemySpotted Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.EnemySpottedidf } Response Radio.FireInTheHoleidf { scene "scenes/idf/ct_grenade01.vcd" //Fire in the hole! scene "scenes/idf/ct_grenade02.vcd" //Grenade out. scene "scenes/idf/ct_grenade03.vcd" //Throwing a grenade. scene "scenes/idf/ct_grenade04.vcd" //Grenade out. scene "scenes/idf/ct_grenade05.vcd" //Grenade! } Rule Radio.FireInTheHoleidf { criteria TLK_Radio.FireInTheHole Isidf IsTalkidf IsNottraining1 ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.FireInTheHoleidf } Response Radio.Flashbangidf { scene "scenes/idf/ct_flashbang01.vcd" //Flashbang. scene "scenes/idf/ct_flashbang02.vcd" //Deploying Flashbang. scene "scenes/idf/ct_flashbang03.vcd" //Throwing Flashbang. } Rule Radio.Flashbangidf { criteria TLK_Radio.Flashbang Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Flashbangidf } Response Radio.FollowMeidf { scene "scenes/idf/Radio_FollowMe01.vcd" //Follow me scene "scenes/idf/Radio_FollowMe02.vcd" //Stack up on me scene "scenes/idf/Radio_FollowMe03.vcd" //I'll lead scene "scenes/idf/Radio_FollowMe04.vcd" //I'll take point scene "scenes/idf/Radio_FollowMe05.vcd" //On me scene "scenes/idf/Radio_FollowMe06.vcd" //Come with me scene "scenes/idf/Radio_FollowMe07.vcd" //Come with me } Rule Radio.FollowMeidf { criteria TLK_Radio.FollowMe Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.FollowMeidf } Response Radio.GetInPositionidf { scene "scenes/idf/Thanks01.vcd" //Thanks scene "scenes/idf/Thanks02.vcd" //Thank you scene "scenes/idf/Thanks04.vcd" //Thanks } Rule Radio.GetInPositionidf { criteria TLK_Radio.GetInPosition Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.GetInPositionidf } Response Radio.GetOutOfThereidf { scene "scenes/idf/ct_bombexploding01.vcd" //Get back! Get BACK! scene "scenes/idf/ct_bombexploding02.vcd" //Goodbye my friends (to self) scene "scenes/idf/ct_bombexploding03.vcd" //Too late run! scene "scenes/idf/ct_bombexploding04.vcd" //This is the end (to self) } Rule Radio.GetOutOfThereidf { criteria TLK_Radio.GetOutOfThere Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.GetOutOfThereidf } Response Radio.GoGoGoidf { scene "scenes/idf/radio_letsgo01.vcd" //Go go go! scene "scenes/idf/radio_letsgo02.vcd" //Let's go! scene "scenes/idf/radio_letsgo03.vcd" //Move it! Move it! scene "scenes/idf/radio_letsgo04.vcd" //Let's go! Let's go! scene "scenes/idf/radio_letsgo05.vcd" //Let's go, people! } Rule Radio.GoGoGoidf { criteria TLK_Radio.GoGoGo Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.GoGoGoidf } Response Radio.HoldPositionidf { scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotHold01.vcd" //Hold this position scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotHold02.vcd" //Cover this area scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotHold03.vcd" //Stay here } Rule Radio.HoldPositionidf { criteria TLK_Radio.HoldPosition Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.HoldPositionidf } Response Radio.InPositionidf { scene "scenes/idf/InPosition01.vcd" //I'm in position scene "scenes/idf/InPosition01.vcd" //I'm in position scene "scenes/idf/InPosition02.vcd" //I'm ready scene "scenes/idf/InPosition02.vcd" //I'm ready scene "scenes/idf/InPosition03.vcd" //In position scene "scenes/idf/InPosition03.vcd" //In position } Rule Radio.InPositionidf { criteria TLK_Radio.InPosition Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.InPositionidf } Response radio.letsgoidf { scene "scenes/idf/radio_letsgo01.vcd" //Go go go! scene "scenes/idf/radio_letsgo02.vcd" //Let's go! scene "scenes/idf/radio_letsgo03.vcd" //Move it! Move it! scene "scenes/idf/radio_letsgo04.vcd" //Let's go! Let's go! scene "scenes/idf/radio_letsgo05.vcd" //Let's go, people! scene "scenes/idf/radio_letsgo06.vcd" //We're wasting time, let's go } Rule radio.letsgoidf { criteria TLK_radio.letsgo Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.letsgoidf } Response radio.locknloadidf { scene "scenes/idf/radio_letsgo05.vcd" //Let's go, people! scene "scenes/idf/radio_letsgo06.vcd" //We're wasting time, let's go scene "scenes/idf/radio_locknload01.vcd" //Our mission is simple, take them out. scene "scenes/idf/radio_locknload02.vcd" //Grab your gear and let's go scene "scenes/idf/radio_locknload03.vcd" //Lock and load scene "scenes/idf/radio_locknload04.vcd" //Let's move out scene "scenes/idf/radio_locknload05.vcd" //Let's get this done scene "scenes/idf/radio_locknload06.vcd" //Do not be afraid. Let's go. scene "scenes/idf/radio_locknload07.vcd" //This is what we trained for. scene "scenes/idf/radio_locknload08.vcd" //This is our day. scene "scenes/idf/radio_locknload09.vcd" //Let's get this over with scene "scenes/idf/radio_locknload10.vcd" //This is it my friends scene "scenes/idf/radio_locknload11.vcd" //Form up, let's go scene "scenes/idf/radio_locknload12.vcd" //Let's get this done scene "scenes/idf/radio_locknload13.vcd" //Let's go } Rule radio.locknloadidf { criteria TLK_radio.locknload Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.locknloadidf } Response Radio.Molotovidf { scene "scenes/idf/ct_molotov01.vcd" //Incendiary out scene "scenes/idf/ct_molotov02.vcd" //Throwing fire. scene "scenes/idf/ct_molotov03.vcd" //Incendiary scene "scenes/idf/ct_molotov04.vcd" //Throwing fire. } Rule Radio.Molotovidf { criteria TLK_Radio.Molotov Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Molotovidf } Response Radio.NeedBackupidf { scene "scenes/idf/Radio_NeedBackup01.vcd" //Need support scene "scenes/idf/Radio_NeedBackup02.vcd" //Need backup scene "scenes/idf/Radio_NeedBackup03.vcd" //Need backup now! } Rule Radio.NeedBackupidf { criteria TLK_Radio.NeedBackup Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.NeedBackupidf } Response Radio.Negativeidf { scene "scenes/idf/Negative01.vcd" //Negative scene "scenes/idf/Negative02.vcd" //That's a negative scene "scenes/idf/radiobotreponsenegative01.vcd" //No scene "scenes/idf/radiobotreponsenegative03.vcd" //Negative } Rule Radio.Negativeidf { criteria TLK_Radio.Negative Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Negativeidf } Response Radio.Regroupidf { scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotRegroup01.vcd" //Regroup scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotRegroup02.vcd" //Stick together scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotRegroup03.vcd" //Form up } Rule Radio.Regroupidf { criteria TLK_Radio.Regroup Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Regroupidf } Response Radio.ReportingInidf { scene "scenes/idf/ReportingIn01.vcd" //Reporting In scene "scenes/idf/ReportingIn02.vcd" //Checking In scene "scenes/idf/ReportingIn03.vcd" //Reporting In } Rule Radio.ReportingInidf { criteria TLK_Radio.ReportingIn Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.ReportingInidf } Response Radio.ReportInTeamidf { scene "scenes/idf/RequestReport01.vcd" //Report In scene "scenes/idf/RequestReport02.vcd" //Status? scene "scenes/idf/RequestReport04.vcd" //What's your status? } Rule Radio.ReportInTeamidf { criteria TLK_Radio.ReportInTeam Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.ReportInTeamidf } Response Radio.Rogeridf { scene "scenes/idf/Affirmative01.vcd" //Yes scene "scenes/idf/Affirmative03.vcd" //Roger that scene "scenes/idf/Affirmative05.vcd" //Roger } Rule Radio.Rogeridf { criteria TLK_Radio.Roger Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Rogeridf } Response Radio.SectorClearidf { scene "scenes/idf/ClearedArea01.vcd" //All clear scene "scenes/idf/ClearedArea02.vcd" //Clear scene "scenes/idf/ClearedArea04.vcd" //Area secure } Rule Radio.SectorClearidf { criteria TLK_Radio.SectorClear Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.SectorClearidf } Response Radio.Smokeidf { scene "scenes/idf/ct_smoke01.vcd" //Smoke! scene "scenes/idf/ct_smoke02.vcd" //Throwing smoke. scene "scenes/idf/ct_smoke03.vcd" //Laying down smoke. } Rule Radio.Smokeidf { criteria TLK_Radio.Smoke Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Smokeidf } Response Radio.StickTogetheridf { scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotRegroup02.vcd" //Stick together scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotRegroup04.vcd" //Pull yourselves together } Rule Radio.StickTogetheridf { criteria TLK_Radio.StickTogether Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.StickTogetheridf } Response radio.takingfireidf { scene "scenes/idf/Radio_TakingFire01.vcd" //I'm under fire scene "scenes/idf/Radio_TakingFire02.vcd" //Under fire scene "scenes/idf/Radio_TakingFire03.vcd" //Contact! Contact! scene "scenes/idf/Radio_TakingFire04.vcd" //Needs assistance scene "scenes/idf/Radio_TakingFire05.vcd" //I'm in trouble scene "scenes/idf/Radio_TakingFire06.vcd" //I'm in big trouble scene "scenes/idf/Radio_TakingFire07.vcd" //Taking fire scene "scenes/idf/Radio_TakingFire08.vcd" //They're shooting at me scene "scenes/idf/Radio_TakingFire09.vcd" //Taking enemy fire } Rule radio.takingfireidf { criteria TLK_radio.takingfire Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.takingfireidf } Response Radio.TeamFallBackidf { scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotFallBack01.vcd" //Go back! Go back! scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotFallBack02.vcd" //Back! Back! scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotFallBack03.vcd" //Fall back! } Rule Radio.TeamFallBackidf { criteria TLK_Radio.TeamFallBack Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.TeamFallBackidf } Response Radio.Thanksidf { scene "scenes/idf/Thanks01.vcd" //Thanks scene "scenes/idf/Thanks02.vcd" //Thank you scene "scenes/idf/Thanks04.vcd" //Thanks } Rule Radio.Thanksidf { criteria TLK_Radio.Thanks Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Thanksidf } Response Radio.YouTakeThePointidf { scene "scenes/idf/FollowingFriend01.vcd" //Lead scene "scenes/idf/FollowingFriend02.vcd" //Lead the way scene "scenes/idf/FollowingFriend04.vcd" //I'm with you scene "scenes/idf/FollowingFriend05.vcd" //Go, I will follow } Rule Radio.YouTakeThePointidf { criteria TLK_Radio.YouTakeThePoint Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.YouTakeThePointidf } Response ReportingInidf { scene "scenes/idf/ReportingIn01.vcd" //Reporting In scene "scenes/idf/ReportingIn02.vcd" //Checking In scene "scenes/idf/ReportingIn03.vcd" //Reporting In } Rule ReportingInidf { criteria TLK_ReportingIn Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response ReportingInidf } Response RequestReportidf { scene "scenes/idf/RequestReport01.vcd" //Report In scene "scenes/idf/RequestReport02.vcd" //Status? scene "scenes/idf/RequestReport04.vcd" //What's your status? } Rule RequestReportidf { criteria TLK_RequestReport Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response RequestReportidf } Response ScaredEmoteidf { scene "scenes/idf/ScaredEmote01.vcd" //Oh man oh man scene "scenes/idf/ScaredEmote02.vcd" //This is messed up scene "scenes/idf/ScaredEmote03.vcd" //This is going bad scene "scenes/idf/ScaredEmote04.vcd" //We gotta hang in here scene "scenes/idf/ScaredEmote05.vcd" //Do not be afraid! scene "scenes/idf/ScaredEmote06.vcd" //We are not done yet scene "scenes/idf/ScaredEmote07.vcd" //We will not be defeated } Rule ScaredEmoteidf { criteria TLK_ScaredEmote Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response ScaredEmoteidf } Response SniperKilledidf { scene "scenes/idf/SniperKilled01.vcd" //Sniper down scene "scenes/idf/SniperKilled02.vcd" //Got the sniper scene "scenes/idf/SniperKilled03.vcd" //Sniper down } Rule SniperKilledidf { criteria TLK_SniperKilled Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response SniperKilledidf } Response SniperWarningidf { scene "scenes/idf/SniperWarning01.vcd" //Sniper! scene "scenes/idf/SniperWarning02.vcd" //Watch out, sniper! } Rule SniperWarningidf { criteria TLK_SniperWarning Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response SniperWarningidf } Response SpottedBomberidf { scene "scenes/idf/SpottedBomber01.vcd" //He's got the bomb scene "scenes/idf/SpottedBomber02.vcd" //Spotted the bomb carrier scene "scenes/idf/SpottedBomber03.vcd" //I see the bomb carrier scene "scenes/idf/SpottedBomber04.vcd" //Bomb carrier spotted. scene "scenes/idf/SpottedBomber05.vcd" //Bomb carrier in sight } Rule SpottedBomberidf { criteria TLK_SpottedBomber Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response SpottedBomberidf } Response SpottedLooseBombidf { scene "scenes/idf/SpottedLooseBomb01.vcd" //The bomb has been dropped. scene "scenes/idf/SpottedLooseBomb02.vcd" //They dropped the bomb. scene "scenes/idf/SpottedLooseBomb03.vcd" //The bomb is on the ground. scene "scenes/idf/SpottedLooseBomb04.vcd" //The bomb is down. The bomb is down. } Rule SpottedLooseBombidf { criteria TLK_SpottedLooseBomb Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response SpottedLooseBombidf } Response TheyPickedUpTheBombidf { scene "scenes/idf/TheyPickedUpTheBomb01.vcd" //They've got the bomb scene "scenes/idf/TheyPickedUpTheBomb02.vcd" //They picked up the bomb scene "scenes/idf/TheyPickedUpTheBomb03.vcd" //They've recovered the bomb scene "scenes/idf/TheyPickedUpTheBomb04.vcd" //The bomb has been recovered } Rule TheyPickedUpTheBombidf { criteria TLK_TheyPickedUpTheBomb Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response TheyPickedUpTheBombidf } Response ThreeEnemiesLeftidf { scene "scenes/idf/ThreeEnemiesLeft01.vcd" //3 guys left scene "scenes/idf/ThreeEnemiesLeft02.vcd" //That makes three scene "scenes/idf/ThreeEnemiesLeft04.vcd" //3 to go scene "scenes/idf/ThreeEnemiesLeft05.vcd" //That makes 3 left } Rule ThreeEnemiesLeftidf { criteria TLK_ThreeEnemiesLeft Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response ThreeEnemiesLeftidf } Response TwoEnemiesLeftidf { scene "scenes/idf/TwoEnemiesLeft01.vcd" //2 guys left scene "scenes/idf/TwoEnemiesLeft02.vcd" //They're down to two scene "scenes/idf/TwoEnemiesLeft03.vcd" //2 bad guys left scene "scenes/idf/TwoEnemiesLeft04.vcd" //2 guys left scene "scenes/idf/TwoEnemiesLeft05.vcd" //That makes 2 left } Rule TwoEnemiesLeftidf { criteria TLK_TwoEnemiesLeft Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response TwoEnemiesLeftidf } Response WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombidf { scene "scenes/idf/WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb01.vcd" //Covering while you defuse scene "scenes/idf/WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb02.vcd" //Defuse the bomb. I'll cover you scene "scenes/idf/WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb03.vcd" //Go ahead and defuse the bomb scene "scenes/idf/WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb04.vcd" //Get the bomb, I got this scene "scenes/idf/WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb05.vcd" //Get the bomb, get the bomb } Rule WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombidf { criteria TLK_WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombidf } Response WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanicidf { scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeftBomb03.vcd" //We still got a bomb to defuse scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeftBomb04.vcd" //Let's take care of that bomb - now! scene "scenes/idf/NoEnemiesLeftBomb05.vcd" //It's just us and a bomb left scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotTime01.vcd" //We must hurry! scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotTime02.vcd" //Hurry up scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotTime04.vcd" //We don't have much time } Rule WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanicidf { criteria TLK_WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanic Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanicidf } Response WaitingHereidf { scene "scenes/idf/WaitingHere01.vcd" //I'm waiting here scene "scenes/idf/WaitingHere02.vcd" //Waiting here scene "scenes/idf/WaitingHere03.vcd" //Staying here } Rule WaitingHereidf { criteria TLK_WaitingHere Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WaitingHereidf } Response WhereIsTheBombidf { scene "scenes/idf/WhereIsTheBomb01.vcd" //Where's the bomb? scene "scenes/idf/WhereIsTheBomb03.vcd" //Anyone see the bomb? scene "scenes/idf/WhereIsTheBomb04.vcd" //Do we have eyes on the bomb? } Rule WhereIsTheBombidf { criteria TLK_WhereIsTheBomb Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WhereIsTheBombidf } Response WonRoundidf { scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndSolid02.vcd" //This was our victory scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndSolid03.vcd" //We did it scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndSolid04.vcd" odds 2 //Our will alone brought us victory today scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndSolid05.vcd" //We defeated them } Rule WonRoundidf { criteria TLK_WonRound Isidf IsTalkidf NotSaidRoundEndidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1,SaidRoundEndidf:1:10" applycontexttoworld Response WonRoundidf } Response WonRoundCleanidf { scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndClean01.vcd" odds 2 //You were like lions scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndClean03.vcd" //Good job everyone } Rule WonRoundCleanidf { criteria TLK_WonRoundClean Isidf IsAllAlive IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1,SaidRoundEndidf:1:10" applycontexttoworld Response WonRoundCleanidf } Response WonRoundQuicklyidf { scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndClean01.vcd" //You were like lions scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndClean02.vcd" //You fought like men out there scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndClean03.vcd" //Good job everyone scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndClean04.vcd" //Nice work everyone scene "scenes/idf/RadioBotEndSolid01.vcd" //Good work guys } Rule WonRoundQuicklyidf { criteria TLK_WonRoundQuickly Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1,SaidRoundEndidf:1:10" applycontexttoworld Response WonRoundQuicklyidf } Rule AgreeWithPlanidf { criteria TLK_AgreeWithPlan Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Agreeidf } Rule BombHasPlanted2idf { criteria TLK_Radio.NeedBackup Isidf IsSaidBombPlant ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombHasPlantedidf } Rule BombHasPlanted3idf { criteria TLK_BombsiteSecure Isidf IsSaidBombPlant ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombHasPlantedidf } Rule BombsiteSecureidf { criteria TLK_BombsiteSecure Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombsiteClearidf } Rule FollowingCommanderidf { criteria TLK_FollowingCommander Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FollowingFriendidf } Rule FollowingSiridf { criteria TLK_FollowingSir Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FollowingFriendidf } Rule NiceShotCommanderidf { criteria TLK_NiceShotCommander Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response NiceShotidf } Rule NiceShotSiridf { criteria TLK_NiceShotSir Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response NiceShotidf } Rule ThrillEmoteidf { criteria TLK_ThrillEmote Isidf IsTalkidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response OnARollBragidf } Rule EnemySpottedidf { criteria TLK_EnemySpotted Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.EnemySpottedidf } Rule radio.goidf { criteria TLK_radio.go Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.letsgoidf } Rule radio.moveoutidf { criteria TLK_radio.moveout Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.locknloadidf } Rule Radio.ReportInTeamidf { criteria TLK_Radio.ReportInTeam Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response RequestReportidf } Rule BombTickingDownidf { criteria TLK_BombTickingDown Isidf IsTalkidf ApplyContext "Talkidf:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WhereIsTheBombidf }